"It's not a baby, women should be able to abort any time for any reason!" ALSO: "Waaah, I had a miscarriage and my baby died!"
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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I wonder how many young women who are currently screaming about Roe v. Wade will scream equally loudly if they discover their jabs have left them permanently unable to carry a child to term.
Good point. I wonder, too.
I have friends who have two daughters currently trying to get pregnant. No idea vax status. But one is in her 3rd round of IVF. The parents are paying for it and are so far are in it for $200K. (Don't get me started on fertility big business.)
I wanted kids but it was not in the cards. I did not hold strong beliefs on abortion either way prior to that (I was more inclined to see it as a political wedge used to keep us distracted from noticing the lack of progress and problem solving in other areas of our culture), but my position did shift somewhat; when it doesn't happen for you, you realize it is not something that should be taken for granted. The fucking cat would have kittens and I would get depressed. It was one of the most painful journeys in my life and I did a lot of grieving. But it takes time to even realize that what you are going through IS grief. There are going to be a lot of people that are going to have to come face to face with some very hard truths. I don't envy them.
My bestie's (we're 54 and have been besties since we were 12) daughter was pregnant AND an OR nurse for Methodist when the vaccines were first being pushed. Remember Methodist was the hospital forcing the jab? Anyway, she'd had covid so she was somehow not required to get the jab but was required to test for covid and antibodies. She had the antibodies the whole pregnancy. Thank the good Lord she was able to find a job after maternity leave at a small elective surgery place near her home. Her son will be a year old in August and she's pregnant now with her second.
I never had children and I'm so grateful. It wasn't meant for me. I would anguish over every choice modern day parents have to make. If I had been raised Amish, I'd probably have had a dozen kids and been happy! The society the cabal has built is demonic and anti- family. I'm looking forward to it's demise.
Ask them if they support mandatory abortions because that's what they got.
That's not an inconsistent position. A woman pays a huge biological price to gestate and give birth to a child, not to mention the financial, social, career, and other costs. A woman who is not prepared to pay these costs and unintentionally becomes pregnant might choose abortion. Maybe she's young or poor or addicted to drugs and knows she's not ready to be a good mother, maybe she has no support from her family or the child's father, maybe she knows the child would tie her forever to someone abusive, etc. The same woman at a different point in her life, with the right husband, might choose to have children and would be devastated to learn she was unable to.
Given that women rightfully get distraught over miscarriages, I would think the same internal issues would rear up in her over an abortion. She may bury it, but I bet its there.
I'm not insensitive to that point at all. What we have doesn't really operate the way every one thinks.
These people cut out the baby, preferably when it's a big as possible, they then sit there with a bucket and carve it up like a squirrel over a gutting bucket. Then they sell those parts. And on top of that, I'm forced to participate financially in some chick's stupidity. You have a great job, don't get pregnant, have an abusive husband, divorce his ass, don't think you would be a good mother, don't have unprotected sex. Financial burden or obstacle? Why, because if you jeopardize that oh so important financial future with a pregnancy you proven that sex was more important than your financial future. Don't blame the baby, love it and raise it and give it the best life you can.
And now that I've Said all that I still feel bad for the circumstances of people. But aborting a baby doesn't solve the problem. It really makes it much worse. It glorifies evil in the name of good i.e. medicine.
There is really just no right way to do the wrong thing!
They should be happy because now they have a perma-abortion!
For probably over centuries.. pregnant women have watched carefully what they eat. Cut back on coffee, stopped with the alcohol, hopefully gave up smoking if they hadn't already, all to present the safest and healthiest environment for baby to grow at the crucial early development stages.
If you were pregnant, why take any vaccine against a disease that even very early on was known to be essentially harmless for children, at a near zero risk for healthy adults, and even was something that elderly people recovered from fine on a routine basis? Add to this the rushed and experimental nature of the 'vaxx', the crazy despotic politicans, the secret contracts, the very first vaxx taker collapsing and dying on live television..
Honestly a horrible failing on her and her husbands behalf. There are consequences to being so unaware that you go skipping blindfolded into a busy freeway.. she got hit. In hindsight the pfizer data that was tried to be kept hidden was known to be lethal to pregnancies, but there were enough indicators it was terrible well in advance of that.
When I was young in the 1960s and 70s, pregnant women ate whatever they wanted, drank alcohol and coffee and smoked like chimneys. There was no watching carefully what they ate. They were, however, encouraged to indulge their cravings - most famously, pickles and ice cream - because those things must contain nutrients the growing baby needed.
Sounds like she has definitely considered the vaccine caused it. Evidenced by the tears.
Yes, but she hasn't truly accepted it. When she admits it out loud, then she'll be making real progress.
Subconsciously knows it but hasn't admitted it and is a long way from accepting it.
This thread is funny in a very dark way, because it's really the only way to process something this horrible. This woman lost her wonderful child at the fake and meaningless altar of Faucism.
I would instinctively vomit every time I heard NPR for the rest of my life if I were her. It's a given her mind was polluted with that sort of fake news and it cost her a child.
Well, women dont cry unless they are mad, so...
As a former fetus I support the new Government Abortion Mandate. They’re just trying to keep us all safe.
Only the living support abortion.
Love this quote from Dinesh!
why was she upset, it was just a clump of cells?!?
Right? It’s always a clump of cells or a fetus until it’s wanted and then it magically turns into a baby. Crazy how that happens! 🤷🏼♀️
Some babies are more equal than others. 😢
Schrodinger's Fetus:
When a woman wants a child, her desire collapses the quantum wave function of the fetus and it becomes a 'baby'. Until that decision is made, it is both born and unborn, alive and aborted.
Fuckin Buuuuuuurn!
They want it both ways as usual.
Assault causing a mother to miscarriage is murder.
Furthermore, murdering a pregnant woman gets you TWO charges of murder -- in CALIFORNIA!
It did for Scott Peterson. Put him on death row at the time.
I remember having a conversation with a friend if mine at the time that trial was happening about abortion and that it was situations like this that were going to cause a problem for the pro-choice school.
Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it kicks you in the teeth.
Must be tough to be a liberal / communist. If they weren't so destructive of everyone and everything around them I would pity them.
The mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance they need to go through just to keep their comfortable, imaginary world from crashing around them must drain their mental and spiritual energy.
Probably why they have to label non-controlled media sources as "right wing", "radical", "conspiracy theorists", etc. They shut themselves from the truth just to keep their small, false world intact.
Otherwise they would need to accept they were wrong.
There's a song that the describes the situation and it's called Insane in the Membrane.
Thank you, I will now having this song running through my brain all day. 😂
When talking about an abortion… “it’s a clump of cells”… but when they talk about a miscarriage, THEN all of a sudden…. “I lost my baby”
Please make up your mind
The last two years have apparently made me into even more of a cynical jackass than I already was, because I legit laughed out loud after reading this.
It sounds as if she already realizes the experimental jabs may have caused the miscarriage and her refusal to "consider" this potential cause is her emotional defense mechanism against having to actually come to terms with this.
Her support for abortion also comes from the same psychological manipulation which led her to accept the experimental jabs. The deliberately deceptive fake news and marxist-infested education system, even the creepy "entertainment business", have all been weaponized to promote this idea that pregnant no longer means "with child". Deep down she knows that her miscarriage wasn't just a sloughing-off of "a clump of cells". She knows she lost a baby. Let's hope she can learn to reconcile this with her current misguided attitude regarding abortion.
If she can ever grow up and start taking responsibility for her words and actions (which means she'd no longer be a modern-day "liberal", of course) - which would entail that she actually do real research on important matters INCLUDING listening to those who have opposing opinions and considering/researching them - she may save herself a world of pain going forward. It's going to be a massively hard pill to swallow (horrifying, in fact) for those who have trusted the beasts on fake news and the heinously corrupted medical establishment, to name just a couple.
I pray that the experimental jabs she took haven't completely inhibited her ability to have a healthy baby and that she and her husband can go forward in life with lessons learned.
Wow. I wonder if this woman will ever come back to reality, or if she'll keep blaming everything on "da pAtRiArChY"?
Watch it be Putin-archy
Whew lad. That's pretty spicy.
i feel bad for her though. Her whole world just got shattered. Deep down she probably at least questions if she could have carried it to term if she didn't get the shot.
YES THIS. I have been seeing posts from influencers who had super early miscarriages (like 5 weeks which is not uncommon) and spent months to a year crying about it, making all these posts and videos about how traumatic it was, blah blah blah, now angrily posting about right to abortion. like.. hello? you spent a solid year sobbing about your "clump of cells" yet simultaneously think people should be able to INTENTIONALLY destroy that same "clump of cells".. what in the fuck? I swear to God if anyone I know who is loudly pro abortion right now has a miscarriage then wants sympathy for it I'm going to be a merciless cunt to them. WELP GOOD THING IT WAS ONLY A STUPID SOULLESS CLUMP OF CELLS, GIRLFREN'!
I’ve honest to god heard these twats explain how “it’s different when it’s a wanted baby”. Like somehow just the pure magic of their intentions changes biological science or something. I don’t know why I’m surprised with all the tranny/biology/ pronouns as science crap they spout.
Abortion has always made me sad... but I did not realize how bad it was until we had our first miscarriage.
That said, some of these anti-abortion laws do overstep and need to be rewritten.
Now THAT is a mic drop,,,,,
Although I'm disappointed with the schadenfreude the latter half of this post title exudes, I'll let it pass (im a big boy) I'm truly saddened for this man's wife, she's been gaslit so hard by the corporate media and the corrupt career grifters on capitol Hill.
I don't suppose lipid nanoparticles had anything to do with it?
Why was she so sad about a bundle of cells being lost? I dont understand...
I don’t think he’ll be your buddy much longer.
Truth hurts. But also frees the soul
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