Perhaps Justice Thomas knows something about the future and he felt comfortable letting it loose, and not have to worry about any dangerous consequences.
Well said. The thing is, I don't think the intent of Justice Thomas was to trigger the statists. He truly represents "sine timore aut favore" which Barrett said in her audition "without fear or favor."
As a juror I was instructed to render a verdict regardless of the consequences, which is in the same vein.
And why is it that of all the justices who voted to overturn Roe, why do they focus on only Thomas and especially his skin color? Who are the true racists? Yeah.
Hmm, a series of polarizing votes - right before a major election. An extremely polarizing ruling that could have happened any time in the last 50 years, but no. Now. Just in time to maybe - I dunno - get one particular side fired up enough to bring out the vote? Maybe? I dunno. Wake up people - left and right - this is calculated political theater and all these actors party together backstage. They play us like a fiddle every day, making us think there are really two teams. We're like kids watching WWF thinking it's real.
Perhaps Justice Thomas knows something about the future and he felt comfortable letting it loose, and not have to worry about any dangerous consequences.
Here's hoping.
Prayers up you're right.
He's leaps and bounds smarter than any democrat, and he proved it.
I don't think it works that way. It's a seat and it will open when Robert's dies or retires and his replacement will be chief justice.
Nice one James Woods! based!
Ultra based in fact.
Every time the wokes try to insult us, we turn it into a cool thing, like "Deplorable" or "Ultra." I even sorta like "Qtard."
I must be doing something wrong. None of them are stalking me. :) And I don't care what they call me at this point. Ultra Deplorable Qtards unite!
I know he's not, but wouldn't it be absolutely hilarious if Justice Thomas was Q?
Msm reported his wife had talked about people being shipped to gitmo
I wouldn't be surprised if at the very least he has been briefed on a need to know.
That would be absolutely fantastic misinformation to say Justice Thomas was Q.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Well said. The thing is, I don't think the intent of Justice Thomas was to trigger the statists. He truly represents "sine timore aut favore" which Barrett said in her audition "without fear or favor."
As a juror I was instructed to render a verdict regardless of the consequences, which is in the same vein.
2 American heroes right there.
he should have been 'the first black president' instead of Hussein.
nah, I'll take a lifetime constitutionalist as a Justice over a dog and pony show.
good point
I always click when James Woods says something. I am never disappointed.
Replace all of those DEMOCRAT statues of civil war leaders, and replace them with statues of Clarence Thomas.
Replace the Juneteenth holiday with a holiday celebrating Clarence Thomas.
The Honorable Justice Thomas is my hero!
Can we make it an M1??
The Sherman wasn't a very good tank... 😄😄😄
Well his wife has been reported to be a Q follower so maybe he is one, too
We should have a tribute to Justice Thomas concert/carnival.
It's always the quiet ones that have the most impact.
They just angry cuz they want to date him.
This man isn't human. He is the pure personification of vengeance.
I wish I had his IQ and could resist the base emotions.
Rage and anger at the Evil in this world fill me when I learn new limits to their actions.
Go Uncle Clarence !
And why is it that of all the justices who voted to overturn Roe, why do they focus on only Thomas and especially his skin color? Who are the true racists? Yeah.
Like a M1 Abrams!
Hmm, a series of polarizing votes - right before a major election. An extremely polarizing ruling that could have happened any time in the last 50 years, but no. Now. Just in time to maybe - I dunno - get one particular side fired up enough to bring out the vote? Maybe? I dunno. Wake up people - left and right - this is calculated political theater and all these actors party together backstage. They play us like a fiddle every day, making us think there are really two teams. We're like kids watching WWF thinking it's real.
I don't have many heroes in this world, but Justices Thomas and Alito are definitely on that short list.
Well, he had some time to think about what he wanted to say. 😄