I agree !!! to be honest , I guess I must be a hard ass because I don't find him abrasive at all !! The guy is kind, compassionate, speaks about Jesus, badicslly has a huge heart for people especially those hurting or oppressed ! yeah he speaks the truth, if that's what the hell abrasive means these days ! Dear God start pumping testosterone in the water! I'm a girl and I've Seen so many guys lately that I'd like to bitch slap!
I am (it may have even been noticed here) an "exceedingly direct" person. People just can't handle this
I mean, same. I broke free from the human nature of conformity long ago, and I have been further er.. "evolved" to not giving a shit about what most people think about me or my opinions after these past couple years in particular.
Being direct and blunt can come off crass, which Trump himself knows he can be, and it is desirable for some traits and positions and not others.
In particular I think people aren't used to having a president actually say what he thinks and communicating with the American people, so it excites people like us and upsets normies and enrages leftists.
Being direct to the point where some people might think it's rude is a common trait among native New Yorkers. We don't find it rude, and in fact, we find not being direct to be annoying and deceitful. Trump speaks like a native New Yorker, because he is one.
The media may act like this isn't normal behavior, but if you spent any amount of time in New York, you'd find this behavior to be typical.
Thsnk you got the time u took to write this , agree with everything ,,, especially not afraid to call the losers and idiots , losers and idiots lol that's just being honest , Frank or candid .,we are so blessed to have him and thank God he ripped the curtain down .. pelosi ripping up the Union address ,, I'd love to smash her , what a vulgar pig !
He does speak of God and he does have a HUGE heart and those of us who know him hear and see that. It is that he has to keep his speeches mellowed for the fake media to not be able to play harsh clips all the time. My mother was here with me and she usually tones out my media. She only has fake news media on her TV. The only saving grace is she does read but she may look over a Trump article because she feels he is arrogant and obsessed with 2020. She knows me and my step sister are also. She don't get us well on my TV comes Trump praying about the country...then he said something else. I saw her kind of look. So when she wasn't looking and it went to a commercial I backed it up and turned up the volume. So she heard it again then Dick Morris came on and spoke...this got her attention however one he spoke about far left she started to phase out. Trump supporters are Trump supporters we have to take toddler steps with right leaning democrats, and baby steps with democrats and liberals.
I love these guys. They're a bit pricey but the print quality is great and they don't censor your designs. The other printing place I've used refused to make a design with Pepe (destroyer of worlds - rolls eyes) on it. This place no problem.
The more I think about this, the more I believe that it's not that people find him "abrasive" or necessarily "rude", but they've been told by the lying media for years that he is "abrasive" and divisive" and "rude".
My neighbor is like this and I've asked him what is so abrasive and he has a hard time explaining what he finds rude or abrasive about Trump after I state that he just tells the truth and is a "typical" New Yorker in his bluntness and honesty.
(Though I've never lived in NYC, I lived in Upstate NY for many years and visited NYC many times).
I was at an open mic and a comic referred to a black man as “midnight” and he was baffled why the host pulled him aside and told him don’t talk like that. Literally no one cared, especially the black man who laughed the loudest. I told him pay it no mind, talk how you talk. That’s reality.
Yes, exactly. I've encountered this and don't think that it would be rude and abrasive in a meeting...this is how many people interact with each other.
This is 100% it. Trump is rarely “abrasive” on his own, but he does stand up for himself (and for us) when he’s attacked with bullshit.
Biden, Obama, HRC - all have said far more flagrantly abrasive things in far angrier a tone than I’ve ever heard from Trump, all unprompted.
But you clip up a few edited Trump clips, put them in a montage with no context and throw words like “unhinged” and “temper tantrum” on the lower banner, while conveniently ignoring Biden’s “lying dog faced pony soldier” remarks, and the normies will repeat it without scrutiny or question.
It seems that people living in other areas of the country and who have never traveled to the NYC area, have a different way of communicating and interacting with others.
I've never found POTUS Trump's demeanor offensive or rude, just blunt and to the point, but I also don't listen to the fake and lying media to get my opinion of him, either.
His supporters know that he has a love of this country and he gave up so much to step into this very public role to try and make a difference.
Funny, the ones I find “abrasive” are the try hard, back stabbing weasel cowards like Romney, Pence, and Crenshaw, who simp for the media and throw their own constituents under a bus and lie through their teeth to get ahead.
I especially find abrasive, the media hacks that selfishly hijacked every press conference and turned it into a glorified bar fight while they projected their own hate, bigotry, and violence onto me and my family, maligning me from their ivory towers and making it so that I can’t even wear my President’s name without fear of being assaulted.
And my POTUS, Donald Trump, is the only President in my lifetime who actually stood up for himself, and for me, every time the media and RINOs did this to us.
More than anything, the ones I find abrasive are spineless cowards like this guy who will pretend to be a tough guy and have my back, until the second it stops being “cool” by media standards, or until the second he fears for his own image, at which point he will happily throw me, my family, and all of you over to the wolves to save himself.
He’s only saying this now because, for this brief moment, standing against the FBI is the “cool” thing to do. But rest assured, this guy, and everyone who abandoned Trump because he was “abrasive” or because “muh insurrection” — all it will take is for another Lincoln Project white hoodie setup and they will hand you over to the FBI or IRS for “wrong think” without asking a single question, without demanding a single shred of evidence, faster than you can say “big mike”.
A few years ago I honestly thought all trumps talk about the deep state and draining the swamp and all that was just rhetoric to rile his base. Well, I’m man enough to admit when I was wrong and I was wrong. If anything he was understating the problem
"abrasive"....well, it takes that good ol' comet cleanser to get that nasty sink clean...also, sandpaper uses grit to turn a chunk of wood into a masterpiece...just my thoughts, but i'd much prefer to be thought of as abrasive than deplorable...am with you totally on the mfer being leveled...
The ones who were 100% supporting Trump from day 1 are a rare breed. I'll be the first to admit I was not one of them, but what matters is thinking for yourself and coming around. lol
Make bullying great again (sincerely) not enough of the right kids are being bullied at school and that's including the teachers... the kids need to bully them hard, could swear the big problems started with no bullying, no disciplining at home and participation trophies
Anybody from the northeast that thinks Trump is abrasive... well let's just say they have never listened to themselves talk. Trump talks like them because he is one of them. Born and raised in New York.
I can't believe the hordes of people who constantly talk about President Trump's abrasive personality and then use every foul word possible to describe him as if they are perfect. He's been on the front lines of this war before most of us even knew there was a war! A person/general taking all the slings and arrows can't be all sugar and spice. One day, they will thank him for leading the way to get our country back!! SMH
I'd wish we could say that without the language sadly we can't. I want Trump I know I do and I have a lot of Democrats that know I used to be independent leaning left before Trump. I won't lie voted Trump first time only because I had recently became a anyone but Hillary. I voted Hillary in the past before Benghazi. Now second time around our best friends said they were Trump or die...well I was Trump all the way but not quite that far. After what I saw during the election...I am way far right. I honestly try to go what I feel is fair and just. My old boss always said I watched the wrong media. I watched the local fox did not know why he said those people who watch fox might have a chance. Oops watching WRONG fox needed to the the news network. He was right I was blinded by media. When Trump came out with drain the swamp I was already listening...fake news um yeah maybe...had no idea how yes definitely. I thought I was woke cause I saw the reality in this however I was not woke cause it is far left. He gave me an education by far. I have to tell my mother like 3 sentences of a search before she can find the article I am speaking of because of things tech is doing to keep us apart. I do wish that he would tone it down that was why I was iffy the first time..his actions showed me something I could count on. I may not like someone personally but if they are a hard worker got to deal with it. He was great for our country and God willing he will be again. However if they succeed at this search warrant to search for something against him then they will try to stop him from running. They may not be able to because it would be a criminal case. However they have a way of getting rid of what stands in their way...I pray DT Jr would run.
My democrat friends are seeing the light with that gas prices. If Trump would tone down the 2020 fraud and the fake media a little and say what he did do for Americans because they don't know and I have them listening now.. and say what he did not finish doing and what he will be doing if he decides to run again then we could turn them. They are ready they are listening. Like start out his speech like they are doing this raid to try to keep me from if I ever want to run for president again because I plan to get all the countries that are turning nuclear arms toward us to back off. I plan to make gas prices low again, make food and pharmaceuticals affordable again. I plan to get corrupt government gone. Control the border and the list goes on.
I agree !!! to be honest , I guess I must be a hard ass because I don't find him abrasive at all !! The guy is kind, compassionate, speaks about Jesus, badicslly has a huge heart for people especially those hurting or oppressed ! yeah he speaks the truth, if that's what the hell abrasive means these days ! Dear God start pumping testosterone in the water! I'm a girl and I've Seen so many guys lately that I'd like to bitch slap!
I mean, same. I broke free from the human nature of conformity long ago, and I have been further er.. "evolved" to not giving a shit about what most people think about me or my opinions after these past couple years in particular.
Being direct and blunt can come off crass, which Trump himself knows he can be, and it is desirable for some traits and positions and not others.
In particular I think people aren't used to having a president actually say what he thinks and communicating with the American people, so it excites people like us and upsets normies and enrages leftists.
So it takes you 15 seconds to say when others take 5 minutes. We would get along just fine, fren.
Pfft, hey it took me like 3 minutes to write that, give me a break!
Being direct to the point where some people might think it's rude is a common trait among native New Yorkers. We don't find it rude, and in fact, we find not being direct to be annoying and deceitful. Trump speaks like a native New Yorker, because he is one.
The media may act like this isn't normal behavior, but if you spent any amount of time in New York, you'd find this behavior to be typical.
Thsnk you got the time u took to write this , agree with everything ,,, especially not afraid to call the losers and idiots , losers and idiots lol that's just being honest , Frank or candid .,we are so blessed to have him and thank God he ripped the curtain down .. pelosi ripping up the Union address ,, I'd love to smash her , what a vulgar pig !
He does speak of God and he does have a HUGE heart and those of us who know him hear and see that. It is that he has to keep his speeches mellowed for the fake media to not be able to play harsh clips all the time. My mother was here with me and she usually tones out my media. She only has fake news media on her TV. The only saving grace is she does read but she may look over a Trump article because she feels he is arrogant and obsessed with 2020. She knows me and my step sister are also. She don't get us well on my TV comes Trump praying about the country...then he said something else. I saw her kind of look. So when she wasn't looking and it went to a commercial I backed it up and turned up the volume. So she heard it again then Dick Morris came on and spoke...this got her attention however one he spoke about far left she started to phase out. Trump supporters are Trump supporters we have to take toddler steps with right leaning democrats, and baby steps with democrats and liberals.
Such a nice reply ,,thank you for taking the time to write such great things about our President !
Here here. Well said.
I need that tshirt!
I love these guys. They're a bit pricey but the print quality is great and they don't censor your designs. The other printing place I've used refused to make a design with Pepe (destroyer of worlds - rolls eyes) on it. This place no problem. https://www.customink.com/
The more I think about this, the more I believe that it's not that people find him "abrasive" or necessarily "rude", but they've been told by the lying media for years that he is "abrasive" and divisive" and "rude".
My neighbor is like this and I've asked him what is so abrasive and he has a hard time explaining what he finds rude or abrasive about Trump after I state that he just tells the truth and is a "typical" New Yorker in his bluntness and honesty. (Though I've never lived in NYC, I lived in Upstate NY for many years and visited NYC many times).
I was at an open mic and a comic referred to a black man as “midnight” and he was baffled why the host pulled him aside and told him don’t talk like that. Literally no one cared, especially the black man who laughed the loudest. I told him pay it no mind, talk how you talk. That’s reality.
Yes, exactly. I've encountered this and don't think that it would be rude and abrasive in a meeting...this is how many people interact with each other.
Trump has been a New Yorker all his life.
This is 100% it. Trump is rarely “abrasive” on his own, but he does stand up for himself (and for us) when he’s attacked with bullshit.
Biden, Obama, HRC - all have said far more flagrantly abrasive things in far angrier a tone than I’ve ever heard from Trump, all unprompted.
But you clip up a few edited Trump clips, put them in a montage with no context and throw words like “unhinged” and “temper tantrum” on the lower banner, while conveniently ignoring Biden’s “lying dog faced pony soldier” remarks, and the normies will repeat it without scrutiny or question.
The lying media is really the "enemy of the people"...as POTUS Trump has said many times.
They just follow whoever is paying them and aren't there to inform or relay the news, but to spew the Left's propaganda to whoever watches them.
I could do with 100% less of Biden's temper tantrums. Make that 110% less.
As someone else who went to school in New York, you hit the nail on the head.
It seems that people living in other areas of the country and who have never traveled to the NYC area, have a different way of communicating and interacting with others.
I've never found POTUS Trump's demeanor offensive or rude, just blunt and to the point, but I also don't listen to the fake and lying media to get my opinion of him, either.
His supporters know that he has a love of this country and he gave up so much to step into this very public role to try and make a difference.
Funny, the ones I find “abrasive” are the try hard, back stabbing weasel cowards like Romney, Pence, and Crenshaw, who simp for the media and throw their own constituents under a bus and lie through their teeth to get ahead.
I especially find abrasive, the media hacks that selfishly hijacked every press conference and turned it into a glorified bar fight while they projected their own hate, bigotry, and violence onto me and my family, maligning me from their ivory towers and making it so that I can’t even wear my President’s name without fear of being assaulted.
And my POTUS, Donald Trump, is the only President in my lifetime who actually stood up for himself, and for me, every time the media and RINOs did this to us.
More than anything, the ones I find abrasive are spineless cowards like this guy who will pretend to be a tough guy and have my back, until the second it stops being “cool” by media standards, or until the second he fears for his own image, at which point he will happily throw me, my family, and all of you over to the wolves to save himself.
He’s only saying this now because, for this brief moment, standing against the FBI is the “cool” thing to do. But rest assured, this guy, and everyone who abandoned Trump because he was “abrasive” or because “muh insurrection” — all it will take is for another Lincoln Project white hoodie setup and they will hand you over to the FBI or IRS for “wrong think” without asking a single question, without demanding a single shred of evidence, faster than you can say “big mike”.
It's amazing just how different the world looks to someone who can see through the matrix, and how utterly far from reality are those who cannot.
I've seen abrasive people; I know the difference between them and President Trump.
Don’t they understand when they say they want someone less abrasive, they are saying they want to go back inside The Matrix?
Normies are gonna be tipping like this after yesterday. Like the sky is painted with redpill contrails.
yes, but how do you really feel?
A few years ago I honestly thought all trumps talk about the deep state and draining the swamp and all that was just rhetoric to rile his base. Well, I’m man enough to admit when I was wrong and I was wrong. If anything he was understating the problem
"abrasive"....well, it takes that good ol' comet cleanser to get that nasty sink clean...also, sandpaper uses grit to turn a chunk of wood into a masterpiece...just my thoughts, but i'd much prefer to be thought of as abrasive than deplorable...am with you totally on the mfer being leveled...
Hey let's give him props he's starting to see the bullshit. We need positive reinforcement for these ppl.
Can't wait until Trump goes HAM on these fools.
The ones who were 100% supporting Trump from day 1 are a rare breed. I'll be the first to admit I was not one of them, but what matters is thinking for yourself and coming around. lol
Praise God for giving us discernment.
Less abrasive….what a puss. What’s wrong with being honest.
As an abrasive person... I miss being abrasive without it being an "ist" or "ism"
Abrasive? Trumpy bear is soft and fluffy and I want 8 more cozy years
Make bullying great again (sincerely) not enough of the right kids are being bullied at school and that's including the teachers... the kids need to bully them hard, could swear the big problems started with no bullying, no disciplining at home and participation trophies
Anybody from the northeast that thinks Trump is abrasive... well let's just say they have never listened to themselves talk. Trump talks like them because he is one of them. Born and raised in New York.
Perhaps he cannot go back to sleep. /First time meme. 😉
I agree 1000 percent. I hope that every liberal that finds a problem with that can suck on a pistol. Or as the great Layne Staley put it:
I want to taste dirty, a stinging pistol In my mouth, on my tongue I want you to scrape me from the walls And go crazy like you've made me
I can't believe the hordes of people who constantly talk about President Trump's abrasive personality and then use every foul word possible to describe him as if they are perfect. He's been on the front lines of this war before most of us even knew there was a war! A person/general taking all the slings and arrows can't be all sugar and spice. One day, they will thank him for leading the way to get our country back!! SMH
Tear it all down
I'd wish we could say that without the language sadly we can't. I want Trump I know I do and I have a lot of Democrats that know I used to be independent leaning left before Trump. I won't lie voted Trump first time only because I had recently became a anyone but Hillary. I voted Hillary in the past before Benghazi. Now second time around our best friends said they were Trump or die...well I was Trump all the way but not quite that far. After what I saw during the election...I am way far right. I honestly try to go what I feel is fair and just. My old boss always said I watched the wrong media. I watched the local fox did not know why he said those people who watch fox might have a chance. Oops watching WRONG fox needed to the the news network. He was right I was blinded by media. When Trump came out with drain the swamp I was already listening...fake news um yeah maybe...had no idea how yes definitely. I thought I was woke cause I saw the reality in this however I was not woke cause it is far left. He gave me an education by far. I have to tell my mother like 3 sentences of a search before she can find the article I am speaking of because of things tech is doing to keep us apart. I do wish that he would tone it down that was why I was iffy the first time..his actions showed me something I could count on. I may not like someone personally but if they are a hard worker got to deal with it. He was great for our country and God willing he will be again. However if they succeed at this search warrant to search for something against him then they will try to stop him from running. They may not be able to because it would be a criminal case. However they have a way of getting rid of what stands in their way...I pray DT Jr would run.
My democrat friends are seeing the light with that gas prices. If Trump would tone down the 2020 fraud and the fake media a little and say what he did do for Americans because they don't know and I have them listening now.. and say what he did not finish doing and what he will be doing if he decides to run again then we could turn them. They are ready they are listening. Like start out his speech like they are doing this raid to try to keep me from if I ever want to run for president again because I plan to get all the countries that are turning nuclear arms toward us to back off. I plan to make gas prices low again, make food and pharmaceuticals affordable again. I plan to get corrupt government gone. Control the border and the list goes on.
I appreciate the last sentence. But I have little patience for anyone whose faith has wavered in GEOTUS.
Shows how stupid people are, which makes them look weak every time. Maybe the balls grow with the brain…
Some of us knew when he ran the first time that kick butt abrasive was exactly what was needed. Glad he finally saw the glaringly apparent light.
it's 2022. We still need to get this stolen election back first.
You need to look at what he passed....a lot not good at all...