Or kids with allergies other than peanut (rare). Or kids on the spectrum. Or kids on psychotropic drugs. Or kids having orgies. Or kids shooting up schools (the non FF ones).
Yeah when did that become a thing? I remember a few of us would get hayfever in the summer mainly because we where surrounded by fields of grass and hay , now the kids can't touch a peanut??
We have them except for getting the mRNA that produces spike proteins out of our genetic code. That will take a lot of research and skill. Meanwhile the vaxxed must take ivermection or HCQ all their lives I suppose.
https://usawatchdog.com/mass-medical-bankruptcy-collapse-coming-dr-elizabeth-eads/ (The remedies are towards the end of the interview)
When I grew up in the 50's/60's only one mother worked outside the home as a teacher at our school. AND there was not one day care. My mom ran a storefront grocery store and later cleaners but we lived in the back so she was always available. There was a totally different feel to growing up. Also I do not ever remember my mom entertaining us four kids except to read to us sometimes at night. We just went to school and played...outdoors as much as possible. We were in the city and I have many happy memories even though life was not perfect. We weren't rich, but had everything we needed. I can't even imagine being a kid or a parent in these current days or times. I just feel like so much of the modern status quo is so foreign. We were allowed to be innocent children with none of the gay/trans crap.
The scary thing is that some of this held even until recently, no screens, playing outside, at least a majority of the families with both parents, or at least while the kids were little. Now never without screens, no playing outside, highly supervised, and the majority of children are now born to single mothers, what they used to call bastards. The reason it's scary that it held until relatively recently is that for as bad as things are now, we still have a lot of people who grew up with some of this, but in say 10 years we're going to have many more people who had radically deranged childhoods entering young adulthood, and that time will be very bleak indeed. Think things are bad with the young adults now? At least they grew up in 90s and early 00s when things were kind of normal sill, once this crop is in their 20s, god help us.
I grew up with the alternative kids in school during early 2000's to mid-2000's; the goths, punks, grunge kids, anime nerds, the freaks and geeks. These kids are more likely to be LGB, don't think any of my school friends were straight, usually bisexual. But transgender was NOT in our vocabulary. I didn't even know much about it until maybe 6-7 years ago. It's definitely been pushed hard for the past decade.
Greek theater started a tradition of using men in drag as women. It was a law in some places that women not partake in theater. Japanese kabuki is another example.
A point for thought.
Vaudeville had skits as 'satire' with cross-dressing men.
See Milton Berle or Bugs Bunny as Milton Berle as a woman.......give it a second...
Nearly every comedic character ever in Holly history was required to put on the dress....because it was a juxtaposition.....crossed sticks.......you know...satanic division by confusing opposites. A dichotomy called the Hegelian Dialectic to name the method.
The only time you saw a 'real' one was when Hollyweird would trot out Quentin Crisp on a talk show to normalize it to the homemakers.
So there they went, both normalizing and satirizing it at the same time because the "devil goes to and fro".
History in Indian culture records this as a cycle called (sexual) Tantrism.
My cousin (who's 11 years older than me, female) had a gay/tranny friend. Even as a wee lad I thought "that shit sounds retarded." I wasn't wrong. This was somewhere in the mid 90s.
Because the Dems and ACLU closed state mental institutions, just to allow their ilk to walk free (and vote) in society. And we’re supposed to accept them?? Never.
This is a good thing. We don't have to accept the delusions of trans people, and we should absolutely dismantle institutions that push for it, but letting the state lock you up because they don't like how you think is totalitarianism. If someone wants to fag around with a dress and fake boobs, fine. No prison needed. I want to be free to bully them, though, without worrying about it being a "hate crime."
But there are really crazy people loose in the world. There was a woman in my home town who needed to be in an institution. The last time I saw her, she was wandering around in the middle of a busy street downtown.
I agree. Some people are really messed up. But I'd rather let them continue to wander around in the middle of a busy street than decide - for their "own good" - to lock them up. If they haven't assaulted someone else, destroyed someone's property, etc., then I just don't care. It's a very proven slippery slope from institutionalization (which seems worse than death) to other horrors such as lobotomies, and now to confused children being pushed into body mutilation and hormones. Personally, I want to see the psychologists hung just after the politicians.
I just commented in another thread, but it is shocking how strident feminists and lesbians opened their arms to trans men.
Trans men are the blackface of women. They're an abomination and a massive in-your-face insult to women everywhere. The fact they're trying to force acceptance of them into previously gender-restricted spaces tells you what the left actually thinks about women.
There are plenty of theories as to how and why there are so many children confused about their gender. It may have to do with Testosterone levels declining in males in the western world. We are what we eat. This is not an accident....
I think this whole transgender children thing is a gateway to eventually putting all kids under puberty blockers except for the breeders designated by the globalists.
It will be pushed as a "let's give them to all kids in case they want to change their gender" thing.
In the mid 90s, I knew one. She felt like she was a dude, acted like a dude and tried to just fit in as a dude. Nobody really cared because she wasn't an asshole about it.
Sure you want us to call you Alex, we'll call you Alex but don't be a cunt.
"The Darwin Awards honor those who tip chlorine into our gene pool, by accidentally removing their own DNA from it during the spectacular climax of a 'great idea' gone veddy, veddy wrong."
Thanks! I read it a few years ago, I think they changed it or I was on a different Darwins website. But it's funny AF🤣
"The train engineer reported that he covered his left ear so he could better hear the conversation on his device!"
Or kids with allergies other than peanut (rare). Or kids on the spectrum. Or kids on psychotropic drugs. Or kids having orgies. Or kids shooting up schools (the non FF ones).
Yeah when did that become a thing? I remember a few of us would get hayfever in the summer mainly because we where surrounded by fields of grass and hay , now the kids can't touch a peanut?? Bizarre
They use peanut oil as an adjutant in making the vaccines, hence the allergies.
Trace it back. My hypothesis would be something about the incredible number of vaccines kids now receive.
Hopefully the cures are released after this storm is over and the old guard is replaced.
We have them except for getting the mRNA that produces spike proteins out of our genetic code. That will take a lot of research and skill. Meanwhile the vaxxed must take ivermection or HCQ all their lives I suppose. https://usawatchdog.com/mass-medical-bankruptcy-collapse-coming-dr-elizabeth-eads/ (The remedies are towards the end of the interview)
There were zero allergies, as far as I know, back when I was in school in the 60s. But I was "on the spectrum" with Aspergers (see my user name).
When I grew up in the 50's/60's only one mother worked outside the home as a teacher at our school. AND there was not one day care. My mom ran a storefront grocery store and later cleaners but we lived in the back so she was always available. There was a totally different feel to growing up. Also I do not ever remember my mom entertaining us four kids except to read to us sometimes at night. We just went to school and played...outdoors as much as possible. We were in the city and I have many happy memories even though life was not perfect. We weren't rich, but had everything we needed. I can't even imagine being a kid or a parent in these current days or times. I just feel like so much of the modern status quo is so foreign. We were allowed to be innocent children with none of the gay/trans crap.
The scary thing is that some of this held even until recently, no screens, playing outside, at least a majority of the families with both parents, or at least while the kids were little. Now never without screens, no playing outside, highly supervised, and the majority of children are now born to single mothers, what they used to call bastards. The reason it's scary that it held until relatively recently is that for as bad as things are now, we still have a lot of people who grew up with some of this, but in say 10 years we're going to have many more people who had radically deranged childhoods entering young adulthood, and that time will be very bleak indeed. Think things are bad with the young adults now? At least they grew up in 90s and early 00s when things were kind of normal sill, once this crop is in their 20s, god help us.
Yeah, where were all the suicides b/c they were not accepted etc. etc.?
Trans person: accept me for who i am!
Me: but you cant even accept yourself!
I grew up with the alternative kids in school during early 2000's to mid-2000's; the goths, punks, grunge kids, anime nerds, the freaks and geeks. These kids are more likely to be LGB, don't think any of my school friends were straight, usually bisexual. But transgender was NOT in our vocabulary. I didn't even know much about it until maybe 6-7 years ago. It's definitely been pushed hard for the past decade.
Weird, I hung around alot of punks, goths, etc in the late 90's and none of them were lgbt.
I'm honestly kinda surprised by that.
Greek theater started a tradition of using men in drag as women. It was a law in some places that women not partake in theater. Japanese kabuki is another example. A point for thought. Vaudeville had skits as 'satire' with cross-dressing men. See Milton Berle or Bugs Bunny as Milton Berle as a woman.......give it a second...
Nearly every comedic character ever in Holly history was required to put on the dress....because it was a juxtaposition.....crossed sticks.......you know...satanic division by confusing opposites. A dichotomy called the Hegelian Dialectic to name the method.
The only time you saw a 'real' one was when Hollyweird would trot out Quentin Crisp on a talk show to normalize it to the homemakers.
So there they went, both normalizing and satirizing it at the same time because the "devil goes to and fro".
History in Indian culture records this as a cycle called (sexual) Tantrism.
Warner Bros admitted Bugs was doing Berle as a woman. Even had the same 'mole' on his cheek.
yes it's hillaryous.....as it should be.....men in women's clothes are ridiculous.
"But Bugs has his own deep rabbit hole, believe that." ___ Son of Yosemite Sam
My cousin (who's 11 years older than me, female) had a gay/tranny friend. Even as a wee lad I thought "that shit sounds retarded." I wasn't wrong. This was somewhere in the mid 90s.
Because the Dems and ACLU closed state mental institutions, just to allow their ilk to walk free (and vote) in society. And we’re supposed to accept them?? Never.
This is a good thing. We don't have to accept the delusions of trans people, and we should absolutely dismantle institutions that push for it, but letting the state lock you up because they don't like how you think is totalitarianism. If someone wants to fag around with a dress and fake boobs, fine. No prison needed. I want to be free to bully them, though, without worrying about it being a "hate crime."
But there are really crazy people loose in the world. There was a woman in my home town who needed to be in an institution. The last time I saw her, she was wandering around in the middle of a busy street downtown.
I agree. Some people are really messed up. But I'd rather let them continue to wander around in the middle of a busy street than decide - for their "own good" - to lock them up. If they haven't assaulted someone else, destroyed someone's property, etc., then I just don't care. It's a very proven slippery slope from institutionalization (which seems worse than death) to other horrors such as lobotomies, and now to confused children being pushed into body mutilation and hormones. Personally, I want to see the psychologists hung just after the politicians.
Yes. There was one guy in my school that liked to dress up like a girl. He was ridiculed for it. Still is.
See thats what doesnt compute.
Supposedly cis gender is a social construct,
But trans gender isnt?
They claim that cis gendered people have a wide spectrum of how they present themselves,
So… why does a trans “woman” feel the need to present themselves in the most feminine way possible?
I just commented in another thread, but it is shocking how strident feminists and lesbians opened their arms to trans men.
Trans men are the blackface of women. They're an abomination and a massive in-your-face insult to women everywhere. The fact they're trying to force acceptance of them into previously gender-restricted spaces tells you what the left actually thinks about women.
There are plenty of theories as to how and why there are so many children confused about their gender. It may have to do with Testosterone levels declining in males in the western world. We are what we eat. This is not an accident....
I think this whole transgender children thing is a gateway to eventually putting all kids under puberty blockers except for the breeders designated by the globalists.
It will be pushed as a "let's give them to all kids in case they want to change their gender" thing.
We had a gay kid. He was unquestionably gay.
In the mid 90s, I knew one. She felt like she was a dude, acted like a dude and tried to just fit in as a dude. Nobody really cared because she wasn't an asshole about it.
Sure you want us to call you Alex, we'll call you Alex but don't be a cunt.
Did you know that Al Bundy scored 4 touchdowns while at Polk High?
Al Bundy is bad Comms. Psycho dad.
Dude, that show was hilarious.
Truth would send 99% to the hospital
There was this guy in my neighborhood that cut off his dick with a chainsaw because he was drunk... not sure if it counts 🤣
That definitely deserves a Darwin Award 🤣
I think you need to do something extraordinary for a Darwin... doing dumb crap while drunk is too common 🤪
"The Darwin Awards honor those who tip chlorine into our gene pool, by accidentally removing their own DNA from it during the spectacular climax of a 'great idea' gone veddy, veddy wrong."
Have fun 😉
Thanks! I read it a few years ago, I think they changed it or I was on a different Darwins website. But it's funny AF🤣 "The train engineer reported that he covered his left ear so he could better hear the conversation on his device!"
There was one girl in my high school who changed gender to male when they went to college back in early 2000s. It wasn't the cool thing to do though
Maybe on Halloween
My dad had one.
I grew up in Massachusetts so....yes. But just 1 out of like 800 kids, not classrooms full of them