It's a rental apartment, he doesn't live there. He makes so much money off of this channel that he can afford to pay the rent of an empty place . Then when he goes there to put new film in the camera, he wears a gas mask to complete the task. Due to new technology he only needs to replace the film every 17 hours.
That's standard Russian trolling. Pretty funny!
I bet Lavrov laughed and Putin smiled!
That is top tier Russian trolling. My sides hurt!
The irony is that the russian was probably pulling in a profit
Hahahahahahahahaha!! Chad.
That is top tier trolling! 🤣🤣🤣
Being thin skinned will not help them get through the winter
More kek.
Goddammit, I chortle-snorted when I read that. Have yer damned upvote.
They actually heat apartments that way in Siberia.
I've always wondered why they are called Europoors
poor of wit, for they still stand in their own shit
Shoooot. Just ask them how smart they are. They’ll be glad to tell you.
And we say: fuck EU.
That meme earlier is great.
Except in Scotland, where it is fuck 'ewe'...
Well, in American blue states it's "fuck me"
in the butt
with a strap on
with bernie sanders and karl marx R34 playing at top volume
For anyone else whose a never heard of the term till now…
europoor Noun: general insult used by americans to insult europeans
Ex: 'I am an european you amerifat' 'No your an europoor'
I'm curious on the etymology. Did that grow out of eurotrash? White eurotrash? Lol
nothing beats the clean burn of russian propane, i tell you hwat
Sigh... Upvote.
Lol, pure comedy gold
Hahahaha, that's actually hilarious. is getting desperate
Yet, per The Quartering, some chick just got dicked for the second time on a twitch livestream. They're dying.
Twitch is in full PanicBasket mode now
Low effort, max effect, all based
LoL, shut him off like everything else
Savage burn.
Ten yard penalty for taunting. Kek!
lmao eat shit German faggots
Maybe germany can harvest all that cow methane.
Power-mad people....Things like this actually hurt their feelings.
that face tho'
Fucking lolkeks.
Hashtag pasta pics for my Insta!
Thats a good one.
jokes on him though, my boiler has been broken for 2 months anyway...
Oh my. That is deep breath, over 9,000. 😱
It's a rental apartment, he doesn't live there. He makes so much money off of this channel that he can afford to pay the rent of an empty place . Then when he goes there to put new film in the camera, he wears a gas mask to complete the task. Due to new technology he only needs to replace the film every 17 hours.