Stacey Abrams Claims Obesity Is Just Numbers Manufactured By Her Bathroom Scale
ATLANTA, GA. — While speaking at a public symposium on behalf of The Association of Donut Lovers, Georgia Governor Stacey Abrams claimed obesity was just numbers manufactured by her bathroom scale.
She's just upset when she steps on any scale it reads ERROR
Edit: realized it was the Bee, come next month this article will no longer be satire.
Talking scales tell her to comeback when she's alone.
I think talking scales would be sensible to tell her to "take a hike." literally.
Her talking scale screams in pain when she steps on it.
And screams in fear when it sees her approaching!
"One at a time, please"
Not satire. Prophecy.
You're right. I think the Bee's mission has shifted from simply satire to actually putting out stories that are actually so crazy they might come true in the future.
They're going for Bee-ing the 'Comedy Prophets.'
Colonialism invented body weight to suppress minorities!
Well, there ya go.....put that blame exactly where is should be!
Well not only that but after that incident a friend bought her one of those electronic scales that talks. The first time she used it, it said ..."Just one person at a time please".
Oh mine. You really make me laugh with this one.
How true.
because the scale is WHITE
You want it to work don't you? Wait....that's aspirin.
Ejamacation is raciss!
Hahaha 🤪
She and her sister single handedly defrauded GA for pedojoe
Scale that Abrams uses:
... the Governor ...
... the incumbent Governor ...
The Bee has needles.
president elect
more needles.
Stacey Abrams old chair:
Stacey Abrams new chair:
Sorry Stacey, the scales are one of my besties. They tell me the TRUTH. Clearly that is a concept you have a problem with.
The Bee hit her twice in the same article with the Georgia Governor slight.
And ugly only exists in your mirror.
I hope she's vaccinated
i mean she certainly sounds it!
Whitey's fault, didn'tcha know?
She's right. Her numbers are about 400lbs
Gravity? Dat’s white man’s law.
"Obesity. It's just a made up word."
her scale needs to have a number and the small one above it to the right that's the higher power!
Says the "empty head" of nothingness!!!!
You'd think it would be a red flag when you step on the scale and the LCD pops.
When they are actually manufactured by the buffet
In her case really big numbers
Scales unite.
Now wait, in her case it might be true. If she ever got pregnant, with all that fat, would ultrasound pick up a heartbeat or her stomach growling.
If anyone did try to impregnate it they would have to roll her in flour to find out where the wet bits are.
Ew lol