Trump TS - WE WON, Nancy got fired and is on her way to foreign lands, Republicans are taking over the House and, importantly, its Committees, and may very well win the Senate Majority, depending on whether or not Arizona or Nevada Elections are RIGGED (which I believe they are!)?

This post on Trump's TS:
Here's his next posts about the elections -
Nevada = Harry Reid crime syndicate in Clark County connected to organized crime and human trafficking via Los Angeles
Arizona = John McCain crime syndicate in Maricopa County connected to human trafficking and drug running with the Mexican cartels across the AZ-Mexico border
This is the beginning of the end for these criminal networks. They getting gutted as soon as MAGA takes over with some actors potentially getting executed either by the US military or the cartels to cover the tracks. They not going down without a fight.
Don't forhet the Napolitano Crime Syndicate that is also Connected to BrokeBackBarry, and the Clintons, in AZ, that also owns Ducey, and Hobbs, and are trying to build an INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT between Phoenix and Meza, where the Mexican Customs holds one half of the port, and the U.S. Customs holds the other, with an open Corridor between them....
Makes for easier Drug and Human Trafficking.....
All of it connected like This::
Former AZ Gov. Janet Napolitano's "Arizona Mafia" and Doug Ducey ...
Forgot about her. Maybe she took over McCain crime syndicate after NoName got sent to Hell? I was assuming Ducey was part of McCain crime syndicate. Clearly competing mafia groups in AZ each trying to curry favor with Mexican cartels that appear to be extension of CIA criminal ops.
It doesn't really matter who controls the US side of it, over all, it is controlled from Mexico, and only from Mexico....
I think Noname was actually an underling to Napolitano, just nobody knew....
But it could also be Both at the top of Noname at the top.....
in any case, we are all targets of the multiple Mafias and Cartels that seems to me, are starting to woo each other, or are cliqueing up into a Super Crtel, and they also seem to have hooked in with the NWO.....
And I think the Mexican cartel is part of a larger S/Central America super cartel controlled from Argentina since 1947 with consent of CIA. This appears to be the general structure. I will not speculate at this time who the Argentinian “bosses” really are.
Right, and all we need to concentrate upon right now is our own House, not the rest of the planet...
Once we have cleaned up our own house and removed the Rot within, we should lock it down for about 10 Years, and then begin the full on Retaliation, IF other nations have not cleaned their Houses.....
You forgot this!!
Trump responded to a Q post!
I didn't see it but something got deleted, did you screencap it?
Oh shit! 45 said what I was thinking!/posting! Moar Popcorn!☘️
Red Wave is still happening. They just slowing it down and pushing false media narrative to make it appear otherwise. They are doing this by refusing to call the 37 tossup House races that MAGA won and trying to manufacture enough ballots to flip a few back to Dems. It is a delay of reporting, not any actual victory of any of the Dems.
It looks to me like White Hats are using this disinformation campaign and delay to flip certain races via stopping the fraud and ballot harvesting depending on what the Dems do. Some results going to change the more Dems cheat in other areas, imo.
Exactly this... plus, we get to watch all the hidden RINO globohomos exposing themselves...
Wait, that did not come out right (visions of people flipping open their trench coats). Ewwwww.
Why aren't the ARIZONA RANGERS surrounding the Maricopa Ballot Counting pace, just to make sure nobody goes in while Maricopa Cheaters take a three day vacay??
It should look like the end of the wild bunch there right now
this guy gets it
Buying some tomorrow!
The deep state isn't stupid, they know how to lie, cheat, and steal!!! And they know how to prey on the minds are hearts of the impressionable. Trump is correct 💯! HOLD THE LINE!
I think they are stupid...they are just evil and corrupt and think they can cheat their way out of this.
We've been told many times how "stupid" these people actually are.
PA is prime example of corruption.
Cuba/GTMO = foreign lands
I sure hope so, but today she is in Egypt at the UN climate summit (UN COP27).
^^ Wanted to look and see if anyone else caught it! Christmas in November!!
The only good thing about Nancy is I used her to motivate my parents and in laws by saying to them, "See.. Nancy's so old and still working and walking around doing evil things everyday. So get your butts off and stop thinking you're old and dying. You're only 70, for brandon's sake!"
I didn't tell my parents that part.. don't wanna give them any ideas..hehe
Hey, NV and AZ have had a little election fortification of their own going on. Republican mail in ballots delivered to the polls on election day are just now being added into mail in ballots to be counted. I don't think the cheats were expecting so many of these ballots. Those delivered at the polls are much harder to throw away. I believe this has thrown them a curve ball and it may be too much for them to overcome. These ballots are going to break mostly Republican because they are coming from conservative counties. I wonder if that is why Kari Lake has seemed so confident. Did she know this?
Very good point. And maybe the Patriots outsmarted the cheaters with this move.
219 wins, 16 loses
Fired Nancy Pelosi
Flipped House & a good chance at the Senate
IMO: 90% of the 16 loses were rigged-stolen elections!
Mastriano, Dr Oz, Tudor Dixon should not have conceded!
I just don't understand why they conceded, either?
GITMO GITMO GITMO and Nancy meets her END O
Hey, will someone please explain what he means by Nancy got fired?? I clearly missed something. Thanks.
I think what he means is if republicans take the house, then Pelosi loses "speaker of the house" seat.
Thank you. I didn't put that together, I thought I'd missed something else, even bigger.
"Nancy got arrested" would be fun, wouldn't it?
From your lips to God's ears!
Reminds me of the Q post saying something about Pence/Pelosi on the move
Being the dumbest dude in the room what does ‘foreign lands’ mean? Lots of talk about DC and Guantanamo.
Well we are all hoping she will be going to Gitmo, but today she is in Egypt at the UN climate summit (UN COP27).
🤣 Thank you.
Me thinks it Italy...she is from there. The crime syndicate bosses are there.
She’s slated for Ambassador to Italy. It’s a sweetheart sendoff.
well, "foreign lands" in gematria means "It is Time" so ...
Alaska and GA, too!
What is he saying here?
Nancy going to foreign lands?
This is likely a much bigger deal than most realize. He wouldn’t just say that for no reason. It doesn’t make sense. He knows something.
So is it Gitmo? Or is it an ambassador job somewhere? She was asking about Italy. I assume because she thinks it will protect her from prosecution. Like an idiot.
Let’s see if she disappears. That will be interesting. Where does she go once she losers her job. Does she completely fall of the radar immediately, or do we see and hear her on the media and on social media.
Where was this posted?
We had the House and Senate when Trump was President. Do we have more control now than then? How does this work?
When we had the House, it was under Paul Ryan, who was the resistor between the Trump dynamo and the House Republican Christmas lights. Result: dim bulbs. After that, it was Democrats under Nancy Pelosi...
So what you are saying is, it does make a difference this time because the right Rs will be in place. Not the rinos making up the majority any longer Am I understanding now?
Edit: we can get more done with the right people now?
That's what I think. Even though the RINOs are putting on a good show now, with the "red wave didn't happen" shit, they know they are losing power. They were definitely in power during the Trump years.
I think those RINOS are probably the ones who fear investigations. Plenty of skeletons in their closets.
Along this line: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10669919/GOP-leader-Kevin-McCarthy-says-Madison-Cawthorn-lost-trust-cocaine-orgy-claim.html
Wow, yeah, I forgot about this. Should be interesting.
Will Paul be coming along or is she just going to leave him here?
I am okay with anyone in Congress found to be colluding with foreign governments, colluding with lobbyists and accepting kickbacks for bought votes, engaging in insider trading, voting contrary to what their constituents elected them to do, being removed from Congress. We the People need to let Congress know, loud and clear, we are not tolerating these acts anymore and they are subject to removal from their seat. So be it if 98% are removed, we can hold a special election. We can have four weeks of televised town halls for runners to present their case and elections are held 1 month later. Certainly those elected quickly can’t do any worse than some currently seated in Congress, and it would provide far less time for those corrupt lobbyists and businesses to become donors and influencers in their elections. The current system isn’t working to remove those who vote against what their constituents want, s let’s vote for an easier manner of removal from office. Until they understand they are accountable and will be held so swiftly, nothing in Congress will change.
Then what boss?
".....and may very well win the Senate Majority...."
That doesn't sound good.
No. It's rigged and we're gonna win anyway.