Its the Peads man. They know of them but not what they contain. They are desperate to crack into them and figure out Trumps timeline. This doubt enrages them. Forces them to expend ammo. Forces them into mistakes.
Hold fast Patriots. We are ready but a large percentage of the Nation isnt yet (But I have the feeling in the next two years all but the 4% to 6% will be begging for Trump to return. Keep prepping when you can. Stock up on silver if you can). Trump, the Q team and the rest of the WHs are doing everything they can to avoid civil war and the resultant destruction of the Republic while still realizing Justice.
Just my take, I believe the missile into Poland was a threat against Trump before his "big announcement" that if he came out and and exposed fraud or something big, they would have started world war 3. So he comes out and only announced he's running in 2024 and the very next morning, complete narrative shift. No need to start a world war now. Just my take
Nope, it was an attempt to continue war with Russia. Ukraines cash flow stopped due to FTX and Ukraine all of a sudden calls for peace talks. So they send a false flag to a NATO country in an attempt to call onto NATO Article 5
They would love to be able to start ww3. They arent keeping it in their back pocket to control Trump.
The speech was always about 2024. The hype was to draw out evil doers, force the pedo death cult to expend ammunition, make mistakes.
Bannon tried to warn us earlier in the day. A little later MTG tried to warn us again.
I say to everyone:
Please from now on temper your expectations. To the moon expectations did more damage to our cause yesterday than any moves the enemy made. Try to always keep in mind that we fight a well entrenched and resourceful enemy that controls most of our public communications and has unlimited capital. This war isnt going to be over in a flourish. It is going to be long and tenuous.
There's a picture on Gab of some guy adjusting the sign on the podium before the speech and it clearly says 2024 on it. I don't think that a sign like that could be made up so quickly if they had to "change gears".
I'm only thinking that way because I had the thought this morning that Trump might have been planning to announce some new "cryptocoin" of his own and last week's FTX scandal threw that idea out right out the window. Same way you're thinking - announcing his run was the fall-back position. But after seeing that they actually had things at Mar-a-Lago that said "2024", it threw my idea out the window.
I called this the other day before all this news started coming out. With the cash flow cut off to Ukraine, Zelenskyy is calling for peace talks. Which means no more war in Ukraine. Warmongers want war so they attempt to push/continue war onto NATO via Poland… BUT, Russia had no motive to send a missile into a NATO country. Why?? Though, just like the pipeline, Warmongers had motive…. To continue war with Russia, but now brining it to Poland. I cannot believe the Polish administration doesn’t see this shit for what it is, but rather just calling it a freak accident. Ukrainian missiles should be going from west to east and not east to west. Even potential stray ones. Good thing the photos came out of the impact site and missile fragments. Otherwise this story would be a completely different story. Maybe NATO article 5 should be enacted onto non-NATO Ukraine 😂😂
Um, one small thing, the Russian equipment is far from junk and most definitely their anti-aircraft systems when run by trained, competent crews, are among the most capable in the world. The s300 is a little bit long in the tooth, but the S400 and even upcoming 600 systems are extremely scary. Also, the Russians are basically leading the way in creating the network to censor Fusion anti-craft systems needed to detect and take down stealth aircraft as well.
The S-300, which the wreckage resembles, was deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979 and was designed to defend against air raids and cruise missiles. Cruise missiles are not very hard to intercept, they move pretty slowly.
I don’t know enough about missile guidance systems to comment, but apparently it’s possible they put the latitude for Kiev and the longitude for Lviv, and, bam, Poland instead of Ukraine
Just totally ignore that the S300 hasnt been produced since 2011 and has been replaced in the Russian military by the TOR-M1 9A331-1. Former Soviet Republics retain the bulk of the S300s still in service with some in use by other former Soviet client states.
The TOR-M1 9A331-1, NATO code designation SA-15 Gauntlet) is a mobile, integrated surface-to-air defense missile system designed and manufactured by the Russian Defence Industry. The TOR-M1 is intended for effective defense of troops, civilian and industrial facilities from current and future air attack weapons, primarily high-precision weapons, as well as from aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, guided aerial bombs and remotely piloted vehicles. The basic component of the system is a combat vehicle mounted on a cross-country tracked chassis of the intermediate weight category. The TOR-M1 combat vehicle can detect aerial targets on the move and launch air defense missiles at two highest-threat targets from a short halt. The TOR-M1 can be shipped by any type of transport, including aircraft. The TOR-M1 is capable of operating in an intensive aerial jamming environment. The TOR-M1 combat vehicle can operate autonomously, firing from stationary positions or on the move. Set-up time is rated at 3 minutes and typical reaction time, from target detection to missile launch is 5-8 seconds. Reaction time could range from 3.4 seconds for stationary positions to 10 seconds while on the move. Each fire unit can engage and launch missiles against two separate targets.
if Trump had brought up the election fraud all the networks would have gone to commercial and never to return. if Trump said that the fraud would be exposed right now... we'd be in an all out war with RUSSIA today... Trump made them flinch and they flinched hard with this missile bullshit.
Your total lack of military knowledge is galling. "Soviet era junk" As if they didn't have surface to air missile as well as ABMs. You may be right on the gist of the situation but you destroy your credibility with your inaccuracies.
I was more thinking about the age of the equipment, and that it is not credible for Russia to be using extremely elderly 80's missiles, if they actually wanted to attack Poland (which they wouldn't want to do), but yes, I fired this off (pardon pun) without knowing it was S300 so apologies for that.
They could have tried to escalate over this "Russian missile attack." What could make them want to escalate? Something Trump didn't say, would be my guess. They love distractions.
Yes if you still look at the New York Times and see black ink on grey paper, than your way of thinking is right.
But if you read between the lines and follow along with the messages then you would know that literally every single thing the political media puts out relates back to Trump. Since 2016 it has been that way and it has never stopped, even when he left office. He is an immovable object to them. They don't write ANYTHING and publish it without thinking about what effects or relationship it has with Trump. He is the ONLY thing to them if you look deeper you'll see.
The idea here was that Trump could've used the event to reveal the DECLAS and expose their crimes. The threat of that happening made Biden disappear for most of the day from his very important climate circle jerk which DOES matter because this is how they suck the blood of donors and so on. Then the media and official statements did a 180 and said false alarm not Russian missiles from Russia after they ginned it up and had been talking about which HOLY SHIT NATO CLAUSE TO INVOKE earlier that day.
So the likelihood that the two biggest events of the day were connected may be greater than it first seems
Sorry, I forgot that this forum forgoes all common sense and attributes everything to Trump / deep state / cabal, irrespective of any proofis, logic or rationale. What is the difference between Reddit and GAW? Reddit circlejerk is for socialist commies.
Its the Peads man. They know of them but not what they contain. They are desperate to crack into them and figure out Trumps timeline. This doubt enrages them. Forces them to expend ammo. Forces them into mistakes.
Hold fast Patriots. We are ready but a large percentage of the Nation isnt yet (But I have the feeling in the next two years all but the 4% to 6% will be begging for Trump to return. Keep prepping when you can. Stock up on silver if you can). Trump, the Q team and the rest of the WHs are doing everything they can to avoid civil war and the resultant destruction of the Republic while still realizing Justice.
As for me, I didn't know what a false flag was before this awakening I have been enduring for the last seven or so years.
Just my take, I believe the missile into Poland was a threat against Trump before his "big announcement" that if he came out and and exposed fraud or something big, they would have started world war 3. So he comes out and only announced he's running in 2024 and the very next morning, complete narrative shift. No need to start a world war now. Just my take
Nope, it was an attempt to continue war with Russia. Ukraines cash flow stopped due to FTX and Ukraine all of a sudden calls for peace talks. So they send a false flag to a NATO country in an attempt to call onto NATO Article 5
^ 100% This.
They would love to be able to start ww3. They arent keeping it in their back pocket to control Trump.
The speech was always about 2024. The hype was to draw out evil doers, force the pedo death cult to expend ammunition, make mistakes.
Bannon tried to warn us earlier in the day. A little later MTG tried to warn us again.
I say to everyone:
Please from now on temper your expectations. To the moon expectations did more damage to our cause yesterday than any moves the enemy made. Try to always keep in mind that we fight a well entrenched and resourceful enemy that controls most of our public communications and has unlimited capital. This war isnt going to be over in a flourish. It is going to be long and tenuous.
But we will win.
True dat! Pray and go forward! 🙏
There's a picture on Gab of some guy adjusting the sign on the podium before the speech and it clearly says 2024 on it. I don't think that a sign like that could be made up so quickly if they had to "change gears".
I'm only thinking that way because I had the thought this morning that Trump might have been planning to announce some new "cryptocoin" of his own and last week's FTX scandal threw that idea out right out the window. Same way you're thinking - announcing his run was the fall-back position. But after seeing that they actually had things at Mar-a-Lago that said "2024", it threw my idea out the window.
On that level, if you don't have contingencies for your contingencies, you're not even in the game
Moves and counter moves
I called this the other day before all this news started coming out. With the cash flow cut off to Ukraine, Zelenskyy is calling for peace talks. Which means no more war in Ukraine. Warmongers want war so they attempt to push/continue war onto NATO via Poland… BUT, Russia had no motive to send a missile into a NATO country. Why?? Though, just like the pipeline, Warmongers had motive…. To continue war with Russia, but now brining it to Poland. I cannot believe the Polish administration doesn’t see this shit for what it is, but rather just calling it a freak accident. Ukrainian missiles should be going from west to east and not east to west. Even potential stray ones. Good thing the photos came out of the impact site and missile fragments. Otherwise this story would be a completely different story. Maybe NATO article 5 should be enacted onto non-NATO Ukraine 😂😂
Um, one small thing, the Russian equipment is far from junk and most definitely their anti-aircraft systems when run by trained, competent crews, are among the most capable in the world. The s300 is a little bit long in the tooth, but the S400 and even upcoming 600 systems are extremely scary. Also, the Russians are basically leading the way in creating the network to censor Fusion anti-craft systems needed to detect and take down stealth aircraft as well.
"Sir, they think our story is BS."
"Put out a new one and say there's new info."
The S-300, which the wreckage resembles, was deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979 and was designed to defend against air raids and cruise missiles. Cruise missiles are not very hard to intercept, they move pretty slowly.
OK, I humbly accept your correction. Soviet junk is capable of interception.
Yeah the s300 is still being used by russia in ukraine. they have 2 newer gen AD missiles but the s300 works so...
the running theory on 4chan is that they messed up the coordinates, lol
I don’t know enough about missile guidance systems to comment, but apparently it’s possible they put the latitude for Kiev and the longitude for Lviv, and, bam, Poland instead of Ukraine
Just totally ignore that the S300 hasnt been produced since 2011 and has been replaced in the Russian military by the TOR-M1 9A331-1. Former Soviet Republics retain the bulk of the S300s still in service with some in use by other former Soviet client states.
Idk anything about this.
But cool. Thanks.
The S-300 is a radar guided surface to air missile. You don't load coordinates and send it off like a mach 3 Uber Eats driver.
That’s what I thought.
But people are saying this wasn’t even an S-300 now? Idk. Just thought it was interesting
Maybe those 2 farmers were pedos. Instant judgement
Spouse says we will forget the corruption in a couple of weeks so that it can continue unabated...or else major catastrophe.
Forget or else.
Will we forget? I sit here thinking nope, I won't forget.
But then I remembered Peter said he wouldn't deny he knew Jesus, but then that rooster crowed.
Maybe there is purpose in God's timing being slow (for some).
When they started showing pics of debris from what looked to be an S300, you knew it was bullshit.
if Trump had brought up the election fraud all the networks would have gone to commercial and never to return. if Trump said that the fraud would be exposed right now... we'd be in an all out war with RUSSIA today... Trump made them flinch and they flinched hard with this missile bullshit.
Yep. We knew.
Your total lack of military knowledge is galling. "Soviet era junk" As if they didn't have surface to air missile as well as ABMs. You may be right on the gist of the situation but you destroy your credibility with your inaccuracies.
I was more thinking about the age of the equipment, and that it is not credible for Russia to be using extremely elderly 80's missiles, if they actually wanted to attack Poland (which they wouldn't want to do), but yes, I fired this off (pardon pun) without knowing it was S300 so apologies for that.
What does "flood the zone" mean in this context? That's a new one on me.
I meant it as criticize the media with a flood of comments/memes for drumming up for war without first confirming where the missile came from.
You mean like cancel culture spreading lies before the truth can get its pants on? Alright, I can see that. Thank you.
Highly unlikely that these two things are related. There is no rationale behind their associativity.
They could have tried to escalate over this "Russian missile attack." What could make them want to escalate? Something Trump didn't say, would be my guess. They love distractions.
Yes if you still look at the New York Times and see black ink on grey paper, than your way of thinking is right.
But if you read between the lines and follow along with the messages then you would know that literally every single thing the political media puts out relates back to Trump. Since 2016 it has been that way and it has never stopped, even when he left office. He is an immovable object to them. They don't write ANYTHING and publish it without thinking about what effects or relationship it has with Trump. He is the ONLY thing to them if you look deeper you'll see.
The idea here was that Trump could've used the event to reveal the DECLAS and expose their crimes. The threat of that happening made Biden disappear for most of the day from his very important climate circle jerk which DOES matter because this is how they suck the blood of donors and so on. Then the media and official statements did a 180 and said false alarm not Russian missiles from Russia after they ginned it up and had been talking about which HOLY SHIT NATO CLAUSE TO INVOKE earlier that day.
So the likelihood that the two biggest events of the day were connected may be greater than it first seems
Very good analysis.
You new bro?
Sorry, I forgot that this forum forgoes all common sense and attributes everything to Trump / deep state / cabal, irrespective of any proofis, logic or rationale. What is the difference between Reddit and GAW? Reddit circlejerk is for socialist commies.
Thanks. I was scrolling through the comments to see wtf this has to do with Trumps speech. I sometimes forget I’m on GAW