We have had obvious election steals in 2018, 2020, and 2022.
We got beat up and have a black eye.
Take that pain and turn it into productive anger - become stronger. When our founders started to fight the Brits we were faced with many early losses.
They never gave up. They knew the end prize was either Liberty or Death.
We are the last chance for America, and Liberty or Death rings as true today as it did back then.
Now, those of you feeling defeated - take a long look inward. Are you really going to get depressed and give up because of mail in ballots?
I tell you what frens - I would much rather face mail in ballots than stand in a line and watch cannon balls be shot at me.
We have it easy. This is nothing. The blood of patriots runs through our veins.
Once you muster up your energy, go help another fren in need and help be the spark that lights their inner fire.
To borrow from George Washington - the fate of unborn millions depends on us.
We are going to be victorious. We must be.
God bless.
Happy Sunday. H/T to u/Johnrgalt for this excellent post over at PW.
Who is John Galt?
Sorry...I couldn't resist. 😸
The fate of unborn millions depends on us. How true. A very solemn yet auspicious calling.
We already know what's in store for us if we allow the DS to finish taking over. Pain, suffering and death will be our fates. Most of us have no idea what's it's like to encounter rulers who delight in torture and death.
I woke up angry this morning, not normal for me. With the appointment of the Special Prosecutor they are hoping to indict and arrest Trump. They are willing to take this to very dangerous territory. This is how desperate they are to keep him from winning. Asking myself besides fervent prayer what can WE do?
Also, thinking how ridiculous the AZ travesty of an election has become. THIS is how desperate they are!! Surely Hobbs has put herself in legal jeopardy over how badly run, not to mention illegally run this election has become. Imagine being so desperate to win that you would go to jail if you lose for your actions. I can't imagine that mindset. But, we need to see this, the cornered animals, and proceed to victory accordingly.
So, survey this battlefield but then step back to a land where logic and rationality does matter. They could line AZ registered voters up in groups of 100 in a football stadium and count them faster than they are counting these votes!! They do know how many people attend a sporting event, yet elections get away with this crap that a kindergartener would say "hey, not fair!" Ah, reality. So refreshing and heartening. In the US this whole week is a quasi holiday preparing for Thanksgiving on Thursday. So the pace will be different. It is supposed to be sunny but cold all week here...... breathe..... PRAY ........ find your Resolve for whatever comes.
Cornered animals are dangerous.
Wish I could uproot this to infinity and beyond!
Extremely so! We know how vicious many of these rabid beasts are in their normal lives, multiply that when they are cornered.
"Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
That might have been Japan but no we did not.
Ever see the movie Animal House?
Oh. Duh.
If you are wondering about the quote. https://youtu.be/ep-xgd_eETE?t=25
This message is needed. Thank you!
yes we will never give up and NEVER surrender..........
Yes, or rowing across an icy, dark river with tattered clothes knowing your facing a likely death against foreign enemies. Our battles, while annoying as all get-out, are nowhere near the caliber of Crossing the Delaware.
I went to bed last night thinking about how consistently COLD our ancestors were, all the time. We have no idea how easy we have it. Think about the luxury of the mattresses we sleep on as opposed to the sleeping on cold ground.
Amen. We so are spoiled. While it's a teen windchill this morning out there and I'm about to go stand in it to watch a kindergarten soccer game, I will be thanking the Lord when I get home to my heated house. I tried to pull weeds last week on frozen ground and couldn't barely make the hand motion to do it because my joints were stiff. I immediately thought of trying to wield a sword or pull the trigger of a musket with wet, frostbitten hands. They accomplished the insurmountable in 1776 and we all sit comfy in our homes because of it.
...and bare feet!
I'm thinking that in many cases, the elections weren't blatantly stolen, but that Democrats used ballot harvesting from actually registered voters, to increase the Democrat votes above any numbers they would get if elections were held as they should be. The ballot harvesting, which I believe is illegal, results in technically legal votes (since an actually registered voter casts a vote picked up at their door by some Democrat operative), so being able to convict people on this practice is unlikely, and even more unlikely, overturning an election because of it. Unless we get back to minimizing the number of people who vote outside of election day, I don't think Republicans will ever be able to win in the Democrat controlled states, unless there IS a national effort to crack down on the corrupt Democrats (and corrupt Republicans).
And photo I.D.s for voting. Gee, that would limit voting to people who are legally registered (almost all), and are not too lazy to actually go vote. The only additional thing that would be good would be to pass a basic U.S. citizenship test, with questions like, "How many branches of the Federal government are there?", and maybe "How many U.S. states are there?", and "How many U.S. Senators are there?" I bet half the country wouldn't get at least one of those three questions, and many wouldn't get two, and sadly, a significant percent wouldn't get any of those correct.
well, there are military men and women who have to use the mail in ballots, also, a person in a hospital having a baby, a worker out on a rig or a trucker on the road, they cannot be removed entirely, that would not be allowing a working citizen an option, nurses work 12 hour shifts, as do resident interns, no, I cannot agree with that. Making it a Holiday would still not help cops, nurses, factory workers who do not have 8 hours available to them during the daytime. I agree that a person who requests such a ballot have a good reason, but it is just not possible to get to the polling place for a working person who does not have regular hours or who are working long shifts.
They MAY have only employed that tactic years ago but ballot harvesting is mainly about picking people off the registration list that haven't voted in past elections or have died but not removed from the list. They also made up fake individuals that were all registered to addresses like burned out buildings or empty fields.
The "oh no, we just pick up ballots from people who couldn't get to the polling station" is the BS public PR line. The real goal has been to build a fake voting base that could continue to grow to offset an increasingly rightward (sane) shift in a plausible way.
We learned this technique from Brenda snipes in broward county FL. It was.always the same MO. The polls would close.and they go into production mode. They had to wait until everyone voted to produce a list of who didn't vote. A whistleblower informed the.world of a closed room full of people filling out ballots from this list. That's why they could never give progress reports or totals until they were done. Desantis fixed that operation in Florida. Every time they tell us its going to be a while, this is why. They are still voting
Brenda Snipes?
Thanks. Autocorrect gets aggressive
Them bastards took our lunch money, but we WILL get it back!
And that is how it’s done! More Catsfive, MORE!
This is a far better post than the mocking ones.
Wish I could. Not feeling able to hold on much longer. Too much death from lies. Prayers appreciated.
To your point, it looks like the Republicans of California have clevered up, and they're using the dem's ballot harvesting [legal] scheme against them, and winning.
I'm not a follower of this fellow, but in under ten minutes, he lays out how...
I was down for 2 or 3 days after the election! Outside of Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania (think we have finally realized, where legal, we have to harvest ballots. Much more important than voters), we crushed it! Florida, Ohio and Iowa, are no longer swing states. We garnered 3 million more votes nationwide than the Dems! We retired Nancy Pelosi and won the house. Twitter under the new ownership is waking people up daily! Hate on Musk, if you will, but Twitter blew up with the truth after Ukraine sent the missile into Ukraine, trying to start WW III! Still a Pureblood and my value to the world grows by the day! DS thwarted again! I am officially pumped! God wins in the end and Happy Thanksgiving!
Fuck all that noise. I stand with my President and we are taking this bitch back. One investigation, one election, one audit, one Grand jury indictment, one sentencing hearing, one suicide, and one extradition and a time. Justice is coming and there is nothing that will stop it.
What do you plan to tell your grandchildren? I will be able to look in the mirror...will you?
Wise words I needed to hear, thank you.
A digital enemy is harder to conquer than a flesh and blood enemy.
I was disappointed after Trumps speech / announcement, largely because a number of conservatives in this area are ready to give up after feeling like Trump running in a rigged election was hopeless. This is not the time to lose people. And, Trump basically suggested maybe in 3-4 years we can right the ship, which is kind of pointless if it's sitting on the bottom of the pond.
But, after having a day or two to think it over, it seems like that was designed to further expose DS players, and give the DS hope and boldness.
If the military is going to step in, people need to see that the system is utterly corrupt, and a Constitutional Reset is required.
I like how Trust The Plan has become lol no help 4 u expect to self rescue
I remember a year ago, when absolutely NOTHING was happening. We have an abundance of wins that have happened. I mean, think of what has become of Twitter, Facebook, Nancy Pelosi, the school boards....I'm sure we can add to the list of things. Just remember a year ago, we saw nothing.
Remember: the Globalist Cabal's goal is 500,000,000 people on the planet. That's 13 out of 14 dead. We need to beat these fuckers!
Keep strong, Catsfive. You are doing the right thing.