I came across some videos of Twitter, Facebook and Google developers on YouTube. It’s crazy when they show their daily routine. It’s basically deciding what to have for lunch/dinner while occasionally going in to the office to do a little work. While there, there’s countless coffee breaks, play times, etc. Its crazy! And people are proud of this!
The fact that someone would even consider putting a personal bar tab (not to mention the personal tab for many) on a company credit card says it all. Meanwhile, I accidentally took a few miles of a toll road while driving from the airport on a required work trip, and didn’t even dare put that on the work credit card, lol.
Isn’t President Trump and his family business being charged for allowing an employee to receive corporate money for personal items. If corporate credit cards are used for employee’s personal expenses, it must be reported as personal income and not a business deduction.
Unbelievable the amount of waste these companies make.
I had been issued credit cards for previous positions before, not something everyone has but I required it to purchase parts as part of serving clients for business continuity. Not buying drinks for colleagues. No wonder these faggots are so butt hurt, they had all these wasteful perks.
Y'all. I can't. Remember back in 2017-2019 we were so happy that we weren't "tired of winning"?
No frens, THIS is the time GEOTUS told us that we'd be so tired of winning. My sides are split. This is the Best. Movie. Ever.
So she’s pissed that she couldn’t use company money for personal shit? LOL!!!
The cheek of Elon...How dare he...😆😁
lol <insert "how dare you" Greta Thunberg meme here>
So many feel this way it makes me sick. A family member is in a new corporation and the things he said is mindblowing selfishness
I came across some videos of Twitter, Facebook and Google developers on YouTube. It’s crazy when they show their daily routine. It’s basically deciding what to have for lunch/dinner while occasionally going in to the office to do a little work. While there, there’s countless coffee breaks, play times, etc. Its crazy! And people are proud of this!
None of those videos show developers. They’re all bullshit jobs like “trust and safety ambassador”
The only “work” they ever do is have meetings. Also they’re all women
After she was let go, that makes it stealing.
Well, we don't know if she was pisssed. Only that she was trying to use the corporate card for personal shit.
Hey, I cannot help it. Q trained me too well. I deal with factoids, not leaps of logic. keke
What kind of two bit operation doesn't spring for farewell drinks for the fired employees that were committed to destroying your company?
It's the least Elon could have done after cutting off their access to the wine on tap at work.
Hiterally Litler!
In what world can corporate credit cards be used for such unnecessary purchases??
Oh yea... 🤡🌎
This is hilarious! She wanted to treat them all on Elon's dime one last time.
Sounds like Pelosi with the astonishing bar tabs for foreign junkets with friends and family.
I'm sure they went out with a bang, too. "Drinks are Elon... get whatever you want!" 😆
I'm startin' to like this Elon fella.
👍...I've always liked Elon...
Ok homie...😎
I've got all of his albums 👍
better start investing in boxed wine lol
The fact that someone would even consider putting a personal bar tab (not to mention the personal tab for many) on a company credit card says it all. Meanwhile, I accidentally took a few miles of a toll road while driving from the airport on a required work trip, and didn’t even dare put that on the work credit card, lol.
Isn’t President Trump and his family business being charged for allowing an employee to receive corporate money for personal items. If corporate credit cards are used for employee’s personal expenses, it must be reported as personal income and not a business deduction.
Unless you're part of the party that controsl the IRS. Then it's ok.
So for Twitter, it was ok up until Elon bought it, now it's not.
Let me buy you a goodbye cocktail.
Elon... fell free, you got cash ya fucking freeloading drunk
Wow! These entitled little pussies!
Unbelievable the amount of waste these companies make.
I had been issued credit cards for previous positions before, not something everyone has but I required it to purchase parts as part of serving clients for business continuity. Not buying drinks for colleagues. No wonder these faggots are so butt hurt, they had all these wasteful perks.
Lol. Theives.
so he hasn't cut deep enough yet
At least she's still better off than Ligma Johnson
have they opened a gofundme for ligma and johnson yet?
I say the left are the only people, who think they’re PRIVILEGED!! But as always they project!!
"Farewell Drinks" = Stealing some expensive drinks before leaving.
Oops, gotta ask for tap water when the waiter offers you sparkling water or still water!
"she tried to buy"->"Elon tried to buy her" ftfy NYTimes
but did she pay on her own after the cc was rejected? because it says "tried to pay"
What an entitled bitch! What crazy world does she live in???
She wasn’t buying them. Elon was. She would be the next pink slip.
Y'all. I can't. Remember back in 2017-2019 we were so happy that we weren't "tired of winning"? No frens, THIS is the time GEOTUS told us that we'd be so tired of winning. My sides are split. This is the Best. Movie. Ever.
I'll drink to that. 🍺🍺🍺
Tell her free drinks at the polar Ice Caps!! Courtesy of AL oh right it happened in 2013!! NOT
I’m beginning to think I’m the only person on the internet that charges my phone.
But did you get your phone charged, Fren?