Still. Put you faith in your own ability to handle firearms. It was the militias and the French that ultimately helped the Continental Army win the war. WE are the only way.
well if you truly want to organize, telling others to fight on an anon board is not how to do it. Many of us would gladly join a peaceful militia, most of us have a redline, but we aren't there yet.
The militias didn't have to go against M1A2 Abrams tanks and F-35 fighter bombers. If the military is not on our side, it will be a short gorilla war. With infrared tech the only place to hide would be underground.
true, but the reality is, it would not be an organized war effort, it would be continual drip of attacks by lone or small groups. There are too many citizens, they could not win without massive innocent civilian casualties.
However, to me this is a last resort. People won't do this in mass unless they literally go after our guns and try to put us in rail cars. And I agree in not going their unless we are backed into a corner and have no choice.
I keep saying the military is not on our side and keep getting downvoted. The US military/police is mostly commie trash.
But West Point candidates are appointed by US senators! How could you possibly think that those military leaders are anything besides knights in shining armor?
Trump green-lit operation warp-speed because he knew they were already testing gene-therapy mRNA on people without their knowledge. His EUA never created the "vaccine", It just put the public spotlight on them and forced their hand early.
I've been saying it for a long time. They were putting the mRNA bioweapon in the flu-shots before the pandemic hit. It may have even caused carriers of disease, and through shedding caused the initial illnesses that started the "pandemic" scare. Although just an advanced flu type illness, it had enough use to scare the population into more mRNA injections.
I knew that and wondered with the part he played, why he was being lauded for coming out against the vax after playing an instrumental role in the creation.
I have a bachelor of science degree. mRNA and its function have been understood for a very long time. The idea of being able to customize its output for good was a known concept. It would stand to reason that the military would have the means to use it to their advantage and find the means to control it is not surprising or nefarious in itself. It’s a natural progression of the science. I’m this case, the military is not necessarily suspect even if they targeted coronavirus as a test subject. In my opinion.
The military is not the way. Our sheriffs are the way, if the people empower their sheriffs, they have the authority to arrest even the resident of the United States and if a group gets in the sheriffs way they have the authority to gather a posse and deputize everyone of them to create a army and arrest those deemed suspect of a crime. That is the road map laid out by our founding father's to protect our Republic. You want a peaceful solution that still uses force, there it is. If your sheriff is corrupt now you know the position you or someone you know should run for.
Bunch of tranny faggot armies will save us? Aren't they turning more woke garbage every day? I really hope the arrest starts soon but Q never guaranteed that the military is on the way. He said it's the only way...
oops - well I did not expect that to be the meaning
I keep saying the military is not on our side and keep getting downvoted. The US military/police is mostly commie trash.
They are also trained to follow orders so it depends on who gives the orders.
Still. Put you faith in your own ability to handle firearms. It was the militias and the French that ultimately helped the Continental Army win the war. WE are the only way.
The colonial militias and the Continental Army had organization and leadership. We don't. And anyone who tries to create it is smeared as a "glowie."
well if you truly want to organize, telling others to fight on an anon board is not how to do it. Many of us would gladly join a peaceful militia, most of us have a redline, but we aren't there yet.
Probably local militia(s) are the way to start. Oops that was meant to go to the @Paul_Revere post, sorry
True that, Paul Revere. True that.
The militias didn't have to go against M1A2 Abrams tanks and F-35 fighter bombers. If the military is not on our side, it will be a short gorilla war. With infrared tech the only place to hide would be underground.
John Connor has entered the chat
Henry Bowman says hi.
true, but the reality is, it would not be an organized war effort, it would be continual drip of attacks by lone or small groups. There are too many citizens, they could not win without massive innocent civilian casualties.
However, to me this is a last resort. People won't do this in mass unless they literally go after our guns and try to put us in rail cars. And I agree in not going their unless we are backed into a corner and have no choice.
Especially in places like Canada
But West Point candidates are appointed by US senators! How could you possibly think that those military leaders are anything besides knights in shining armor?
Notice: "10th Mountain Division."
Me neither!
God is the only way.
Least we forget, Covid 19: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Ralph S. Baric, PhD.
Trump green-lit operation warp-speed because he knew they were already testing gene-therapy mRNA on people without their knowledge. His EUA never created the "vaccine", It just put the public spotlight on them and forced their hand early.
I've been saying it for a long time. They were putting the mRNA bioweapon in the flu-shots before the pandemic hit. It may have even caused carriers of disease, and through shedding caused the initial illnesses that started the "pandemic" scare. Although just an advanced flu type illness, it had enough use to scare the population into more mRNA injections.
The military should have renditioned, tried and executed the people doing this. Our good guys are crap. Welcome to the great awakening.
to stop the virus????
So the profiteering of Pfizer is way worse than we thought if he IP is U.S. gov't...
This makes sense.
I knew that and wondered with the part he played, why he was being lauded for coming out against the vax after playing an instrumental role in the creation.
Well this just further confirms to me that the vaccine is a bioweapon
I have a bachelor of science degree. mRNA and its function have been understood for a very long time. The idea of being able to customize its output for good was a known concept. It would stand to reason that the military would have the means to use it to their advantage and find the means to control it is not surprising or nefarious in itself. It’s a natural progression of the science. I’m this case, the military is not necessarily suspect even if they targeted coronavirus as a test subject. In my opinion.
This is known but ignored.
this is the guy who unleashed free porn across the globe.
Come again?
and again
The military is not the way. Our sheriffs are the way, if the people empower their sheriffs, they have the authority to arrest even the resident of the United States and if a group gets in the sheriffs way they have the authority to gather a posse and deputize everyone of them to create a army and arrest those deemed suspect of a crime. That is the road map laid out by our founding father's to protect our Republic. You want a peaceful solution that still uses force, there it is. If your sheriff is corrupt now you know the position you or someone you know should run for.
Did the good dr just say that Trump was deceiving the public with Operation Warpspeed?
That's the plot we are working with here.
Bunch of tranny faggot armies will save us? Aren't they turning more woke garbage every day? I really hope the arrest starts soon but Q never guaranteed that the military is on the way. He said it's the only way...
probably because viruses act exactly like parasites on a cellular level.