This reminds me that a few weeks ago, my mother’s liberal cousin was freaking out on Facebook, asking her friends what to do since she couldn’t renew her normal 30 day “blocks” and she was having to see content she didn’t want to see. I’m sure one of them was me 😂
I filed it away as something to keep an eye on. Now Twitter does this? 🍿🍿
Aw, your echo chamber got some holes in it now and its not just your opinion bouncing off the walls? Really horrific, I can't imagine what THAT's like. Having your political opponents get into your spaces and make you feel unwelcome.
Sounds like another lefty big lie to try to stop Twitter. Lawsuits incoming, but I bet there is evidence they are lying. Maybe a countersuit for damage to the Twitter brand is in order.
Reddit just banned me for saying there's only 2 genders. Trying to find a way to get back on without getting insta banned. This is my 2nd attempt. I cleared my cookies and so far so good.
Welcome to the real world!
There’s something else George (Mr Sulu) Takei should feel “sullied” by besides a tweet.
I hear you
kek, that was my first thought too!
He was welcomed to this country and he came just to bring garbage. He needs to go back or go to tribunals.
AKA Peter Chu.
Oh my!
Welcome to Free Speech libidiots!
Hahaha, OMG, !!! A different opinion. WTF!!! HAHAHAHAHA.
Hello, tech support? My echo chamber appears to be broken, please fix it.
The guy that sticks his dick up mens (and likely underage boys) asses feels "sullied."
He seems like a bottom for some reason.
I just posted this response on the fags Twatter lol
George Takei was already sullied by spreading his cheeks for pretty boys in Hollywood.
Ya, always figured Sulu was a faggot. And Kirk.
I have no idea about William Shatner, but Sulu has bragged all over Hollywood that he's gay.
Shatners biggest crime was releasing a Christmas album, worst ever!!!
Well, there's that cop show he was on.
Didn't Shatner also make an Esperanto movie?
Takei has always hated Shatner. Shatner has been fairly based.
Shatter, Shatner of SHAFTER?
Oh, he’s a shafter all right.
This reminds me that a few weeks ago, my mother’s liberal cousin was freaking out on Facebook, asking her friends what to do since she couldn’t renew her normal 30 day “blocks” and she was having to see content she didn’t want to see. I’m sure one of them was me 😂
I filed it away as something to keep an eye on. Now Twitter does this? 🍿🍿
They should fly to the middle of the country, get off the plane and interact with real human beings for once. It would do them some good.
I wonder how sullied Sulu feels by embracing the party that put him in a detention camp.
Aw, your echo chamber got some holes in it now and its not just your opinion bouncing off the walls? Really horrific, I can't imagine what THAT's like. Having your political opponents get into your spaces and make you feel unwelcome.
Fuck you
Truth and dissenting opinions really are their worst nightmare huh? Good grief.
A modicum of just deserts. Yum!
I've had Hilldog and the Kenyan fag in my feed for decade at least...
Sounds like another lefty big lie to try to stop Twitter. Lawsuits incoming, but I bet there is evidence they are lying. Maybe a countersuit for damage to the Twitter brand is in order.
twitter just banned me for saying c19 is fake.
Reddit just banned me for saying there's only 2 genders. Trying to find a way to get back on without getting insta banned. This is my 2nd attempt. I cleared my cookies and so far so good.
I always picture the left on twit as Leroy Jenkins from South Park Make Love not Warcraft episode. That fat ass basement dweller.
The liberal echo chamber has suffered a cave-in!
LOL Sulu feels Sullied. Gtfo
Hegelian Dialectic. (((They))) want to stoke the division right now. Oh, but Elon… (barf gurgling up into my mouth)
We 've spent years building up our stockpiles of TRUTH. Time to disseminate.
If you interact with right wing content, Twitter shows you right wing content. The horror!, 😂
George, go run to your cry room.