I guess that they missed the scene in the movie where Musk buys twitter and reveals all!
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It seems like the more somebody is poisoned with his own self-importance, the more empty his verbiage...
Seriously. Wtf is that word salad. What is that creature actually saying?
"Listen to me and tell me I am important, because I have my doubts."
Well put.
They are (were) trying to force rule based actions in situations where they don't fit... It is a very similar approach to the way Enron misused accounting rules to make the company appear profitable when they were hemorrhaging cash... (there is a comment on volume four where someone says "it is just coworkers trying to help each other out". Left unsaid is that they are trying to help each other to find a way to ban conservative voices that they find "personally appalling"...
Corporate HR speak. Anyone who has worked in a large company for a long time has seen thousands of emails like this. Say a lot without saying what you really want to say.
Dance around the things that you are trying not to out in writing...
Reading it, I could literally feel the anxiety present in them when they wrote it.
Not that it's charging my stance on these criminal traitors, but I'm certainly empathetic to the fact they're reacting to intense MK Ultra-like pressures.
This is how people inundated with negative, hyper stimulating propaganda brains "work". It's sad - they're short circuited.
It would be sweet comic justice if the only job Yoel could ever land in the future is toilet scrubber in a Deep South filling station bathroom. Then again, he may aspire for that, because of you know... the thing.
Don't want him down here in the South lol
Ha! I was trying to think of places where no one would tolerate his antics and he'd get an ass-whoopin. Southern Missouri would do.
I thought Twitter had word limits. They need to bring it back if they got rid of it. These fucks love listening to themselves speak
I believe this is an internal email at Twitter, not an actual tweet.
Think it's Slack chat. But yes.
They used slack for many internal discussions....in much tge way that the finance world used to use yahoo messenger.
Makes sense. Thanks
They actually doubled their word count a while ago. This may have been a message.
It reminds me of how our esteemed Betsy Wetsy WH press secretary rattles on and on and on and on and never says anything, never actually answers the question, throws in a quick accusation of rudeness against the reporter daring to ask a question, tosses in a few more minutes of meaningless drivel. I keep waiting for the reporters to jump up and scream, as one, "Shut up you stupid (censored)!!" But they don't.
It would take me two minutes to type that post out. Probably less. This is like the 5th post reading down that is missing the point about the importance.
The speed at which you type and the volume that you type is irrelevant to how masculine or effeminate you are and that is a really stupid sentiment, made by retarded people who let their bias blind them and will find any way possible to attack someone, even the most pointless and stupid reasons.
Proof is hot news, yes. Cut the sarcasm, stop being an ass, grow up.
I noticed too. It's not great.
You mean the underscore? I think that they may have used those like "corney" to avoid text searches...
Kamala's next speech writer!!!
What if… we suspend Trumps twitter account, and he just goes and creates his own social media platform thats outside of our control?
Hey everyone, we need Twitter Amnesty!
Hmm, looks like a chat on banning Trump. Weasels.
“”Proof”” that these ppl are already under WH control.
I don’t see a snowball’s chance in hell that Yoelie would have made a point to put “playing the movie out” front and center in everyone’s minds if he had actually wrote this. And, to that point, I highly doubt WHs would tell him to write this because why not take control of his acct if you already have him under your thumb.?.
This is absolutely doable under the guise of military rules pertaining to war..
To everyone that immediately notices how overly long and wordy this guy writes, keep in mind the same principle applies to communication with the opposite sex. Brevity is the soul of wit.
Yoel Roth I agree with due to the facts when the sun comes up and when a car makes a noise yes I agree to me and you Yoel Roth so that said is flowers yellow while out can you stop and get me some hey how when it fly’s wait did you no I, cool too WTF, all leftist do, is to speak and nothing makes since. Sorry to explain this’s way and for you to waste your time.
"Yoel Roth"
Every fucking time.
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