Oh, gosh, I hope the victims or families don't shoot them the streets!!
Because that would be way too quick. Gitmo has been building out for years now, streaming courtroom expansions and living quarters and prisoner cells. No gallows visible yet, or witness-capable firing range, but there are spaces that could become them.
Who? Is that the crypto guy in the Bahamas with the wild orgies? He needed to go! Speaking of got to go, the twerking showdown is starting on tiktok so see ya later.
It'd be in interesting to have a betting pool on the endgame.
I'd be quite disappointed if it involved MSM blandly revealing the info to the remaining sheeple.
"Anonymous sources confirm everything we told you your entire life was a lie. In national news, former head of CDC Dr. Fauci was quickly put to death after his military tribunal. If you've been vaccinated you should seek medical attention immediately. Here's Heather with sports!"
Don’t hold your breath. :/ till I see heads roll. I’m looking to me and mine. But I really don’t see anything happening let alone trials or jail. There are just too many sheepeople that are either ignorant or stupid of the facts that have already been presented to them.
This would be the only way. Or if a Democrat controlled house and senate brought Fauci down, the DOJ lead by democrats arrested him and a DC blue haired tranny judge locked him away for the remainder of his life. Maybe then we would get the turning point we have been expecting.
What we will get is. the republican lead house will bring Fauci down and the MSM will play it up as a witch hunt. The DOJ wont do a damn thing about it. A red state might go after him and once again, the child brains will call it a witch hunt. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing in the country currently is fair or free.
Well, I think we will all have to be a bit patient then. First, because denial is not just a river in Egypt. It is going to take a while for the truth to break through their defenses.
Second, Cates only mentions half of the equation. What about people finding out what they were tricked into doing to THEMSELVES. Getting revenge for a family member is one thing, but just imagine the anger of people whose lifespan has been drastically shortened due to the injections. Remember, the people we are talking about are very "self-centered", to put it mildly.
People will find out they have 3 to 5 years to live, tops... and how long do lawsuits take? What are the odds they would live to see some form of justice from the legal system? What will they do when they figure that out?
Will say it again: once the vaxed realize they have been duped and what the potential will be for their future health and the health of their families, they will unleash hell on these sacks of monkey shit.
The ones that will be the most angry will be the ones that vaccinated their children. It's one thing to put yourself in harm's way but a whole other realm when you do that to your own children.
Of course they will deny it at first because the pain will be too much to bear.
They're silent on the Twitter files yet with the Twitter poll they were jerking off all over the place and talking about it non-stop. They're terrified and cornered.
Black hats played this well. They made Covid a religion. If every MSM outlet were to report the truth tomorrow, many many wouldn’t believe it. Many would seek out another booster just to prove their faith. Muttering “I trust science” like an incantation.
At this point it’s like proving to Mormons that Joseph Smith didn’t actually find magic glasses and lost tablets. It’s possible, but it is going to take a LOT of deprogramming, patience…and this will be the hard part, love and compassion
i think they should wait until after the holidays to drop this info. people are too concerned about gifts & best buy deals, they aren't going to read intel drops about vaccines.
wait until early january, let people "get back to normal" after xmas & new year hangovers, etc.... then drop the most damning intel on Fraudci on like the 2nd Monday in January, around the 9th or so.
we're dealing with sheeple here & they are dead set on shopping right now, unfortunately...
let it rain
AS in pellets!!!!! The more you know!!!
Oh, gosh, I hope the victims or families don't shoot them the streets!!
Because that would be way too quick. Gitmo has been building out for years now, streaming courtroom expansions and living quarters and prisoner cells. No gallows visible yet, or witness-capable firing range, but there are spaces that could become them.
Biden suggests a warning shot in the legs. That will hobble them until the others arrive to tear out their eyes, tongue and vital organs by hand.
Good point! We're rediscovering the old Addams Family shows, this should be screened more widely in preparation!
Lead farmer
I mean does this sound like the increasing roaring of a D5 avalanche OR WHAT?
That’s an undereducated deduction.
Dude we just got confirmation that the CIA killed JFK and nobody gave a shit.
Who? Is that the crypto guy in the Bahamas with the wild orgies? He needed to go! Speaking of got to go, the twerking showdown is starting on tiktok so see ya later.
You don’t because you are undereducated. An undereducated cannot hold more than one thoughts. You just confirmed.
Until it is broadcast on MSMs they won’t believe it
So the believing has to come…. Suddenly?
Yes. The msm narrative will die suddenly
^^ This ^^
It'd be in interesting to have a betting pool on the endgame.
I'd be quite disappointed if it involved MSM blandly revealing the info to the remaining sheeple.
"Anonymous sources confirm everything we told you your entire life was a lie. In national news, former head of CDC Dr. Fauci was quickly put to death after his military tribunal. If you've been vaccinated you should seek medical attention immediately. Here's Heather with sports!"
"Someone who lost a loved one to their lies would shoot them." One could only hope.
OMG I could see it, please write the screenplay
We're not that lucky. These demons always get to enjoy their ill-gotten gains and die of old age.
I certainly can't wait for this to happen.
it would be a turning point for normies
Don’t hold your breath. :/ till I see heads roll. I’m looking to me and mine. But I really don’t see anything happening let alone trials or jail. There are just too many sheepeople that are either ignorant or stupid of the facts that have already been presented to them.
how do you think people that have lost loved ones to that bullshit are going to reaCt to learning it was a lie?
Well yeah, they would have to actually learn it's a lie.
The only way that happens is if Fauci tap dances onto CNN and jovially tells them "I played you dummies! Now go die!"
This would be the only way. Or if a Democrat controlled house and senate brought Fauci down, the DOJ lead by democrats arrested him and a DC blue haired tranny judge locked him away for the remainder of his life. Maybe then we would get the turning point we have been expecting.
What we will get is. the republican lead house will bring Fauci down and the MSM will play it up as a witch hunt. The DOJ wont do a damn thing about it. A red state might go after him and once again, the child brains will call it a witch hunt. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing in the country currently is fair or free.
Well, I think we will all have to be a bit patient then. First, because denial is not just a river in Egypt. It is going to take a while for the truth to break through their defenses.
Second, Cates only mentions half of the equation. What about people finding out what they were tricked into doing to THEMSELVES. Getting revenge for a family member is one thing, but just imagine the anger of people whose lifespan has been drastically shortened due to the injections. Remember, the people we are talking about are very "self-centered", to put it mildly.
People will find out they have 3 to 5 years to live, tops... and how long do lawsuits take? What are the odds they would live to see some form of justice from the legal system? What will they do when they figure that out?
They will be mad, but I can imagine that someone who watched their kid die will be right up front with the pitchfork.
Corporate media will blame it all on Trump and the injected will triple down on TDS.
Just tell them how they should be feeling. “You feel happy to be tricked” “You feel happy with your sacrifice”. Bahahaha
People seem to be passing off the deaths as something else.
untill they learn the truth
My guess is this will hit big in early January. It would have a larger audience then that at Christmas time.
i think if it dropped before Christmas- that the family talk would be during the family get togethers
My family canceled christmas 3 years in a row now. They are all sick this time for real. The last 2 years was fear of getting sick
Hmm, good point. Let's see what the white hats have planned.
I want to believe.
Widowers Allege COVID-19 Treatment Protocols Led to Their Wives’ Deaths Widowers Allege COVID-19 Treatment Protocols Led to Their Wives’ Deaths https://www.theepochtimes.com/widowers-allege-covid-19-treatment-protocols-led-to-their-wives-deaths_4768521.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=navigator&rs=SHRFSJBMN&
What I see is most people are tired and suffering from information overload. When the corruption is everywhere it’s hard to focus on any one thing.
Ultimate demoralization
Will say it again: once the vaxed realize they have been duped and what the potential will be for their future health and the health of their families, they will unleash hell on these sacks of monkey shit.
The ones that will be the most angry will be the ones that vaccinated their children. It's one thing to put yourself in harm's way but a whole other realm when you do that to your own children.
Of course they will deny it at first because the pain will be too much to bear.
I don’t think it’s gonna be as crazy as u think. The people I know that took it don’t seem to care when I show them the data.
A trust me bro moment?
I mean, when Q said something similar this is definitely going to be part of the storm
When people realize the predators have tricked them and killed them and their families, it won't just get shrugged off. This time it's personal.
They're silent on the Twitter files yet with the Twitter poll they were jerking off all over the place and talking about it non-stop. They're terrified and cornered.
Brian, you said when, not if. Any sauce on that you care to share?
Black hats played this well. They made Covid a religion. If every MSM outlet were to report the truth tomorrow, many many wouldn’t believe it. Many would seek out another booster just to prove their faith. Muttering “I trust science” like an incantation. At this point it’s like proving to Mormons that Joseph Smith didn’t actually find magic glasses and lost tablets. It’s possible, but it is going to take a LOT of deprogramming, patience…and this will be the hard part, love and compassion
The first arrest!
i think they should wait until after the holidays to drop this info. people are too concerned about gifts & best buy deals, they aren't going to read intel drops about vaccines.
wait until early january, let people "get back to normal" after xmas & new year hangovers, etc.... then drop the most damning intel on Fraudci on like the 2nd Monday in January, around the 9th or so.
we're dealing with sheeple here & they are dead set on shopping right now, unfortunately...
As a society we should prosecute. Line them up against a wall and end their presence on earth among us.
It is another side effect from taking the mRNA.
i disagree fren
They are so happy though. How do we squeeze every last penny from these undereducated?
They get what they deserve.