Shiva seems like a stand-up guy. I would be down for that. He's already somewhat adversarial with Elon though so I believe there may be too much friction there for them to make it work. We'll see though.
The way he tries to bring up that he "invented email" at every chance he has when he definitely did not makes me suspicious of him. Just in this screenshot alone it's mentioned twice. I think he's a paytriot/attention seeker personally. I'm all for looking at his data when he presents it, however him as a person...I don't know if I would trust him to run twitter.
A big ego can be tolerable, but it has to be truly earned.
It's clear Shiva is a bright guy who's done some good work, but I don't think he has enough actual documented successes to have as big a head as he seems to have. I mean, here he is literally suggesting that one of the largest and most influential companies in the world should be handed over to him despite never running a company anything close to it's size or type.
Dr. Shiva ran for Senate in 2020 and was kicked off all social media a couple weeks or so before the election. He was likely cheated out of a win. He then sued the social media companies, representing himself. During discovery he obtained the same documentation Musk just exposed regarding the feds having a direct line to the tech companies in order to request people be shadow banned, suspended and permanently banned. He just didn't get the recognition for it. He definitely has a big ego, but he's actually quite accomplished.
This man DID NOT invent email. As EVERYONE who was in the early Internet business way back when - knows that ARPANET was created for research and unvierities, and RAY TOMLONSON invented email. Please, not these lies on Christmas.
He's adversarial with everyone. I stopped going to his rallies because he's always attacking Robert Kennedy about minor details. If he get's in a tiff with Musk the fallout might not be worth/
If he doesn't get the job he'll never stop bashing Musk about it. That's for sure.
and if he does get it, he'll get in a tiff with Musk at some point & stirr up all sorts of drama. In Boston he used to draw 100s but now when he has a rally he can't even draw in a dozen & he always blames others.
Funny cause he was attacking Elon as being a deep state puppet who was full of shit like a week ago. Guess he changed his mind when his account was reinstated.
No he doesn't. He just states harsh, and truthful critique's when he see's something he doesn't like. Some people just flip out, and take offense too easily whenever anyone dares to question the omniscience of the god emperor.
It's funny, Trump doesn't have the "credentials" to be president. They always say that... "Trump is just a buisness man, he is not a politician. Why in the hell would we want another politician jackass as a president? Haha.
It is well known that he created email. Man is a genius. When you create something as useful, let us know please.
P.S. Why would Trump want to be President? Maybe Dr Shiva just wants to serve the American people. Twitter has become a Force to be reckoned with in our society.
Like sending messages via computer wasn't gonna get discovered. Not a high minded thing if you ask me. The idiot left the door open for junk mail. The intelligen guy is the one who figures out how to stop that.
Actually, I believe everyone stands individually on their own merit bub. "Everyone" is an evil anti-free speech person just because he is an Indian is blatantly racist. We have policies here about racism, and you are treading close to the line. If I were an Indian, I would not be ashamed of it, and I am a fundamental old school Christian. White.
P.S. racism does exist, just not the woke crap where they see racism in every crack in the floor. Your comments are a prime example. Maybe you would like them all to ride in the back of the bus too?
who was the CEO of twitter before elon? an indian. how did that work out for american free speech? what about google ceo? indian. how has that worked out for american free speech or anyone that is not far left? who was the twitter lawyer who got trumps account shut down? indian. look at the surgeon general during covid pushing masks and shots. indian. globalist bring indians here because not because thyre smarter or cheaper or whatever narrative you may hear - its because they come from a poor hellhole, where corruption is the entire culture and they will do whatever their american corporate sponsors tell them to do. they have no loyalty to americans and are used to enforce policies that are destructive to americans that an american employe might be hesitant to do. you are a naive retard and are part of the reason that we are in the horrible state we are in, because virtue signalling crybabies like you are so deathly afraid of being called racist.
No shit. The good “doctor” here is an insufferable cunt. Inventor of email? Really?
Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (April 23, 1941 – March 5, 2016) was an American computer programmer who implemented the first email program on the ARPANET system, the precursor to the Internet, in 1971; It was the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to ARPANET.
Here’s some sauce - of course like any lefty fag he plays the race card when he’s called out for “merely inventing an email management system that he named EMAIL.”
He seems super technically competent but I’d prefer someone with a massive free speech track record. Honestly, there’s no shortage of technically great people. It’s the morals that are needed most.
Also his name is the same as the god of death, so there’s that lol.
**This man DID NOT invent email. As EVERYONE who was in the early Internet business way back when - knows that ARPANET was created for research and unvierities, and RAY TOMLONSON invented email. Please, not these lies on Christmas.
Also Twiterr is NOT a software company. It is a powerful social media company that has been inflitrated by a corrupt government. Like most companies, it uses tech. You can also think of the MSM as a social media operation.**
Shiva seems like a stand-up guy. I would be down for that. He's already somewhat adversarial with Elon though so I believe there may be too much friction there for them to make it work. We'll see though.
...some of my best working relationships have been with individuals who I found somewhat adversarial in nature....
As long as there is respect between the adversaries a working relationship like this can be very productive.
...absolute ironclad truth...
The way he tries to bring up that he "invented email" at every chance he has when he definitely did not makes me suspicious of him. Just in this screenshot alone it's mentioned twice. I think he's a paytriot/attention seeker personally. I'm all for looking at his data when he presents it, however him as a person...I don't know if I would trust him to run twitter.
He does seem pretty ego-driven.
A big ego can be tolerable, but it has to be truly earned.
It's clear Shiva is a bright guy who's done some good work, but I don't think he has enough actual documented successes to have as big a head as he seems to have. I mean, here he is literally suggesting that one of the largest and most influential companies in the world should be handed over to him despite never running a company anything close to it's size or type.
Dr. Shiva ran for Senate in 2020 and was kicked off all social media a couple weeks or so before the election. He was likely cheated out of a win. He then sued the social media companies, representing himself. During discovery he obtained the same documentation Musk just exposed regarding the feds having a direct line to the tech companies in order to request people be shadow banned, suspended and permanently banned. He just didn't get the recognition for it. He definitely has a big ego, but he's actually quite accomplished.
None of the accomplishments you mention have anything to do with qualifications to run a billion $ company
He's a liar.
This man DID NOT invent email. As EVERYONE who was in the early Internet business way back when - knows that ARPANET was created for research and unvierities, and RAY TOMLONSON invented email. Please, not these lies on Christmas.
They lie about everything.
YES! THAT makes me want to hurl. I totally echo what you said.
He's adversarial with everyone. I stopped going to his rallies because he's always attacking Robert Kennedy about minor details. If he get's in a tiff with Musk the fallout might not be worth/
The dude doesn't really want the job. He doesn't like Elon.
If he doesn't get the job he'll never stop bashing Musk about it. That's for sure.
and if he does get it, he'll get in a tiff with Musk at some point & stirr up all sorts of drama. In Boston he used to draw 100s but now when he has a rally he can't even draw in a dozen & he always blames others.
He is the qualified applicant.
Please Lord Jesus we need a miracle ! Guess you can say , like most if not all on here, I’m a fan of Dr . Shiva !!
Funny cause he was attacking Elon as being a deep state puppet who was full of shit like a week ago. Guess he changed his mind when his account was reinstated.
my God, if he gets turned down... via email...
He does?
No he doesn't. He just states harsh, and truthful critique's when he see's something he doesn't like. Some people just flip out, and take offense too easily whenever anyone dares to question the omniscience of the god emperor.
I was gonna say.. having a guy with his credentials on our side (Trumps side) can only be a good thing, right?
Credentials...too much trust in credentials.
The fact that Fauci didn't go to one invite to the covid rountable discussions Sen. Johnson held told me everything. The hell with Fauci's credentials
It's funny, Trump doesn't have the "credentials" to be president. They always say that... "Trump is just a buisness man, he is not a politician. Why in the hell would we want another politician jackass as a president? Haha.
Well ofcourse.. but it seems like the Left adores credentials.. so having a guy with them.. works. Fauci is God to them.. why?
He is entitled to his opinion.
Probably. He doesn't think Trump is on our side. I think it's because Trump doesn't include him in.
Interesting.. I've never heard him speak bad about Trump.
& Robert Kennedy too.
Shiva is a liar. He did not invent email. Look it up.
7 tech companies but how many were full out crime scenes? Give twitter to a few generals lol
HOLY MOLY YES Dr shiva would revolutionize twatter
If you have created 7 successful high-tech software companies, why would you need a job?
Inventor of email? Really?
It is well known that he created email. Man is a genius. When you create something as useful, let us know please.
P.S. Why would Trump want to be President? Maybe Dr Shiva just wants to serve the American people. Twitter has become a Force to be reckoned with in our society.
Shiva is a liar. Lookk up who invented email. Everybody knows it came out of Arpanet. You know, an AMERICAN company.
Like sending messages via computer wasn't gonna get discovered. Not a high minded thing if you ask me. The idiot left the door open for junk mail. The intelligen guy is the one who figures out how to stop that.
As I understood it, he "created" email within a company. Just never cared for the guy, way too self-promoting.
Spotted the Indian
What is with the racist stuff today on here?
Using the word "racist" as protection is not something a conservative or a white person would do.
Actually, I believe everyone stands individually on their own merit bub. "Everyone" is an evil anti-free speech person just because he is an Indian is blatantly racist. We have policies here about racism, and you are treading close to the line. If I were an Indian, I would not be ashamed of it, and I am a fundamental old school Christian. White.
P.S. racism does exist, just not the woke crap where they see racism in every crack in the floor. Your comments are a prime example. Maybe you would like them all to ride in the back of the bus too?
who was the CEO of twitter before elon? an indian. how did that work out for american free speech? what about google ceo? indian. how has that worked out for american free speech or anyone that is not far left? who was the twitter lawyer who got trumps account shut down? indian. look at the surgeon general during covid pushing masks and shots. indian. globalist bring indians here because not because thyre smarter or cheaper or whatever narrative you may hear - its because they come from a poor hellhole, where corruption is the entire culture and they will do whatever their american corporate sponsors tell them to do. they have no loyalty to americans and are used to enforce policies that are destructive to americans that an american employe might be hesitant to do. you are a naive retard and are part of the reason that we are in the horrible state we are in, because virtue signalling crybabies like you are so deathly afraid of being called racist.
raspberries to you too. It is Christmas. Life is too short and sweet to spend it like this.
this is 1 of the guys that allowed me to bring down my fears about covid when it first came out
This guy is an annoyance desperate for attention.
No shit. The good “doctor” here is an insufferable cunt. Inventor of email? Really?
Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (April 23, 1941 – March 5, 2016) was an American computer programmer who implemented the first email program on the ARPANET system, the precursor to the Internet, in 1971; It was the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to ARPANET.
Here’s some sauce - of course like any lefty fag he plays the race card when he’s called out for “merely inventing an email management system that he named EMAIL.”
It's not one person of course but he did write an email routine back when none existed
Total Respect Dr. Shiva.
You have my Total Respect!
Best inventors don’t necessarily make good managers even though this was a tongue in cheek job request.
Just imagine the wonderful memes that would happen because of a guy named Shiva running the leftist play pen twitter.
Shiva is a liar. Look it up.
You live in Cambridge?
I thought Al Gore invented email.
No that was the internet
And global warming and the blood-dispensing briefcase.
Anyone remember when someone named Doug was running the projector in Shiva’s presentation?
Hunter invented laptops, look it up. Maybe Elon could get Hunter to run the buisness. That would be a twisted twitter.
And... Hunter has experience in energy.. so there.
He seems super technically competent but I’d prefer someone with a massive free speech track record. Honestly, there’s no shortage of technically great people. It’s the morals that are needed most.
Also his name is the same as the god of death, so there’s that lol.
**This man DID NOT invent email. As EVERYONE who was in the early Internet business way back when - knows that ARPANET was created for research and unvierities, and RAY TOMLONSON invented email. Please, not these lies on Christmas.
Also Twiterr is NOT a software company. It is a powerful social media company that has been inflitrated by a corrupt government. Like most companies, it uses tech. You can also think of the MSM as a social media operation.**
I wonder where that phone number goes?
It's a West Roxbury exchange but his company is in Cambridge so IDK. Maybe his home?? I thought he lived on the other side of Boston though (but IDK)
Crazy to put your phone number on Twitter...
SHiva is a liar.
Just a guess…
You could say the same for millions of woke white people these days. Guess that rules out white people too, eh?
In this case you're right, Shiva is a liar. Look up who invented email. It was at Arpanet. An American TOmlinson did.