Chlorine Dioxide Info: Preparation, Applications, Protocols
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I have been using for about 3 months.
Topically, it removed a mole from my face that had just appeared 4 months ago.
It grew to the size of a dime and the chlorine dioxide applied topically/daily completely eliminated it, not even a scar.
Next I am going to start the prevention therapy e.g. daily ingestion for life.
I am using Jim Humbles books and recommendations.
What were you doing for the solution you put on your mole? I mixed 3 drops of acid with 3 drops of sodium chlorite (25%) with a bit of water. I applied over a spot that looks like skin cancer, about the size of a dime). It has been shrinking and turning a pale grey color (it was bright red/pink before), but the skin around it is getting really irritated, red, and itchy, it might be too strong?
Read the protocols from Jim Humble. That is what I am doing and it works
Sent this to my doctor who said its great stuff, widely used in Australia. Good to know.
South America/Latin America - used by doctors for "Covid". The MSM blasted this trend in 2020. Here are the results of a clinical trial by the US. Covid gonein 7 days! "Primary Outcome Measures : negative testing of covid19 [ Time Frame: 7 DAYS ] amplification of coronavirus genes by RT-PCR (how they tested) Source:
The Science says it works. MSM says you are to follow the science. The FDA issued threats and warnings to those seliing Cl02 for Covid in Aug 2020. Source:
T/u. Good info.
Here's a video on how to do this overnight that's not shown here.
This is so easy to do that a caveman can do it.
I never understood making a big batch like this. I just use the eye dropper bottles and make a three-drop mix when I need some. When you pre mix it the solution only stays good for a few days. Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I don’t think so
Thank you to everyone who posted links here. They're all going on file. I'd heard about this a while back (years), but I never took action. Things are very different now, and this is extremely welcome information! 😍
Same here.
Ditto here.
I’ve used MMS (chlorine dioxide) for years. I was literally dying of dengue fever in Mexico and it cured me in 1 day.
I used it when I had covid, I felt it helped a lot.
How do you use it and where to buy it? It is kind of complicated it seems. Can you just tell me please. Thank you. God bless.
Look on eBay it’s all over there. It’s ‘water purifier’
Thank u
Thank you...this is going in my save file. I am not ready to make it or use it but I want to understand as much as I can about it.
I'm ready to try it, checked with my very wise old doctor and got his seal of approval. I've had great results with DMSO, which has been totally demonised as dangerous industrial solvent. I think there are all kinds of cures Big Pharma wants us to be ignorant of.
I would use caution with DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) It is known to cause cancer. I actually know someone that regularly used for their back pain. They did in fact die from cancer.
Well, so far topical applications of 70% solution has healed nerve damaged by surgery which left an area totally numb as well as severe carpal tunnel (with magnesium oil). And a trace added to eye drops has healed vitreous humour degeneration in one eye.
OK, I have had nerve damage, my leg has been numb a year (had double lumbar discectomy surgery this year). I've been using chlorine dioxide to clean my water for months . Are you saying it can help with nerve issues ?
DMSO (70%) helped mine, I've yet to try chlorine dioxide.
And you just apply it topically to where there’s pain? Something I’d like to try
Read up on how to use it safely: strict protocols need to be observed. I add a little magnesium oil to help with aches and pains. Had a nasty fall a while back and sprained my ankle badly. It got rid of the pain quite quickly, though the swelling took a while..
Also helped with a deep cut on a finger: rhubarb juice stopped the bleeding. I didn't have a steri strip to bring the skin together so just put a dressing on. When it healed there was a thick callous under the scar; used a little neat DMSO and after a few days it disappeared.
BTW: make your own Mg oil - just put the magnesium crystals to melt on a radiator.
Which is why strict protocols need to be observed.
Association /causation.
It's a solvent not adhesive. I've used it off and on but it really makes me smell weird fishy like to where everyone is asking what is that smell. It will fill a room and people ask if it's fish Friday in the cafeteria. Lol.
Yes, I stand corrected. Wrote that when I was tired.
What does it treat?
An alternative Treatment, used and hugely successfully in Bolivia for Covid-19
Andreas Kalcker reveals the REVOLUTION in medicine that humanity needs right now: ClO2
Lots of information
The Universal Antidote of Chorine Dioxide Documentary FULL (Also available at above)
Videos down the bottom on how to make CDS
Kalcker/CDS: How to make CDS
Andreas provides his protocols for free here, but his book Forbidden Health is highly recommended
His forum website
His website is 403'd 🤔 .. maybe need to use vpn
No, it looks like the website has been updated. It looks like you have to go to the home page and select english at the top and the url stays the same now. However, I tried to log into the forum and it didn't accept my password. I hope the site hasn't been hacked, or perhaps they have deleted my account if I haven't accessed it for a while.
Any legit sources to buy from? Parts A and B?
Best source I've found.
Been researching, still evaluating these: (1) (I will order from here, good rep, and I will use) (2) (3)
What I have came from here:
Bought the base ingredients to make unlimited amounts. Great stuff.
I am seeing the solutions (part a and b) on sale for what seems like too much money. Where did you get the Sodium Chlorite?
This is the way.
Wish I could, can't get them in the UK.
It's good to inhale but bad in drinking water? nooooooooo.
Opposite. All our city drinking water is treated with ClO2, limited to a certain PPM. Campers use it to disinfect stream and river water. It's a "must have" in backpacks and bug out packs.
Do not inhale, it irritates mucous membranes and lungs. This is why a lot of good agge old remedies gets banned due to improper use causing issues. THis is why colloidal silver got a bad rep.
What's the wrong way to use colloidal silver?
By not taking it. Actually been getting into colloidal copper too, mostly to beautify skin
Man in 2013 drank tons of colloidal silver daily (I think he made it himself and made mistakes) and then turned blue. MSM said anyone taking any amt of this will have deadly results. During pandemic FDA shut down a number of sellers of colloidal silver for Covid, fined/pressed charges on some.
Blue man: Covid shutdown:
I'm guessing because it says "silver."
I use colloidal silver in water and have been using EVERY DAY the first year covid hit...have NOT HAD ANY INFECTIONS and my wifey just got over covid and we each tested...have 3 test kits-NEGATIVE...Of course...I am a Pure Blood...😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
You are using it correctly, and everyone should have some in their medicine cabinet. Here is the scoop on CS: "Silver is a xenobiotic absorbed from skin and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts and lungs. It is excreted from the body in the urine and faeces.** It was one of the first ‘antibiotics’ in medicine and remains in use in the treatment of burns and wound care. It is also a constituent in heart valve, orthopaedic and dental prostheses.**
WOWZA...thank you for the information!!!!!! I knew about wound care because miners used it...and now, Heart Valve, orthopaedic and Dental...DAMN!!!! Old Timey stuff making a come back!!!
I'm not as confident that it is as safe as some of these other folks think. It can mess with your gut biome. Your gut biome is one of the most important factors in good health. Be careful with CS. It should perhaps be taken for a short duration with special care to replenish the friendly gut bacteria. Raw sauerkraut and other raw fermented foods could be the best things for the gut.
Chlorine dioxide is very different from the crap that's in municipal water.
Don't think it says that - all the advice I saw was not to inhale.
Yeah it smells kinda bad when you mix it up.
Inhale collodial silver???
I wouldn't.
Shit I have few times VIA Nebulizer
Ah, I guess that's one way to use it. Learn something new every day :)
I add a little to my neti pot for sinus rinses, works well.
Do we have the mix done by any company? I do not want to do it myself. It is too complicated. Please someone can send me a link of a website with the preparation done by the company. Thank you.
Several links in the replies above.
Great post! Is there something you can take to protect from fax shedding? Going to a wedding probably only pure blood person!
This stuff should help as well as White Pine needle tea which has the highest level of Suramin that helps prevent harmful effects of Covid “vaccine”- take a flask.
Highly advised going on Telegram group of chlorine dioxide testimonials there's a wonderful community turns out everyone's out there saving lives starting with their own life LOL
Looks like you found the info you were asking about. 👍
How did I miss this post? I think I need new glasses.
thank you :)
Read about this before and will have to look into it.
Undine53, do you have any website to recommend for info on chlorine dioxide? I live in Japan and managed to buy two 1 liter bottles of 50,000ppm chlorine dioxide. I have not yet investigated all that what this can be used for. It's difficult to sift through the anti chlorine dioxide propaganda when doing a search.
I put up 3 posts about it, look them up.