Why does GAW rule? Because fuckwit doomtards are *yoinked* to the sidelines where they belong. Pick any thread and fill your lungs with the pure, clean air of not having these losers stink everything up with their low-info, low-effort garbage. We love the smell of GAW in the mornings! ❤️, your mods!

Typical PW thread, me, reading, hoping for a nugget of analysis from someone, and as usual, it turns out to be a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME (and, I swear, I could have posted a screenshot from that one thread that was triple the size of this one). Then it makes me thankful (and maybe a bit emotional) that we have this wonderful and very, very special community.
There's a reason that Rolling Stone picked GAW as the target of their latest hit piece instead of Patriots.WIN, and this, right here, above, is the main reason why. GAW RULES NOT BECAUSE OF THE MODS, BUT BECAUSE THE MODS MADE ROOM FOR YOU GUYS. We work for you. And, collectively, you are our bosses. Our job is to keep the plebs, losers, fuckwits, and assholes out of YOUR way so that we can move our movement forward together.
Our sincere thanks to each and every one of you high-effort, high-info, high-minded and always positive-as-you-can-be rat bastards out there who just won't quit, who never give up, and who, every day, moves us forward. Your smarts, your analysis, your research, your digging, your best efforts will never be far from getting a sticky around here (un1like PW). YOU are the reason that the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE decided to train their guns on GAW, instead of somewhere else. It's an honoUr to serve next to each and every one of you.
Thanks for everything.
Free speech at it's finest.
The concept of 'free speech' first implies that the speaker legitimately has something impactful to say.
Where did you get that from? Free speech allows for one to speak freely regardless of the words. Anyone has the right to any opinion and the right to voice that opinion regardless of correctness or validity. Moreso regardless of feelings. Inhibiting this right in any way is to limit one's concept of free will and allows one to form opinions based solely through the beliefs of those limiting that speech.
This isn't my house, so I don't call the shots. The right to limit free speech here is in the hands of those selected, and I assume instructed, to limit it. I understand that, I just didn't realize that it was limited to the degree that it was unacceptable to point out that it is limited. Slippery slope. Lesson learned.
Sidebar is where I am getting it from. We have standards. Not talking about free speech, nor am I getting this definition from anywhere excerpt the menu of higher standards that are applied from a "Vox Populi, Vox Deu" mandate. Call me an asshole, OK, fine, but that's the ultimate law around here. We strive ruled by you guys, at least, those determined to move our movement forward. The rest? Get moved to the sidelines where they belong.
I called you nothing. Nor do I think you anything. As I said lesson learned. I'm here because of like minded people fighting for the same thing. To me free speech is at the top of my list on important rights. The very top. I tastefully stated that. We are all subject to echo chambers anywhere we have any voice at all. Do I agree with the rules? Not even close. Do I understand that these are your rules and not mine? Absolutely. I am a guest. I understand that too. Do I find the rules suspicious and miss VOAT? I do. Not your problem. I understand that too.
It's not out of line to dream bigger. I bet if you took a legitimate poll, free speech would be more important to most here than feelings are. True discussion and discovery is going to have alternate opinions. Without then we just become NPCs of a different sort, echoing the opinions of those we agree with and turning a deaf ear to those who disagree. Likely missing opportunities to learn. That's all. Carry on.
Good reply.
Look outside. There is enough light energy in your immediate vicinity to create a laser and cut a hole through your wall. What makes lasers possible? FOCUS.
Here on GAW, we are a powerful laser because the mod team keeps us focused on the Q agenda. That is not going to change.
Back at you. Good reply.
Don't know how you do it cats!
It is sad. The original TheDonald was a force to be reckoned with, full of power and might. Now? A sad sorry former shell of its former self and a laughing stock. That is why doomers must be expelled with NO exceptions.
It's because they basically stopped meming and stickying quality shitposts.
48-hour rule, people.
If Trump says or does something strange, wait 48 hours.
Generally, things will become clear by then.
Remember, Trump knows more than you.
Isn't 48 hours, January 6 👀. I kid, I kid, no datefagging here, learned my lesson from hoping on predictions kek
Frankly, I couldn't remember if the rule was 48 or 72 hours. I flipped a coin.
I always thought it was 72 myself - but who's counting? :)
I think it's the 72hr rule. 3 days and then see what happens.
An astonishing number of people here seem to forget that last part.
I'm a gear head. I mod things, build custom van/truck/hauler interiors, I'm a self-taught, top-flite welder, and we even build custom race/show trailers behind them, all from scratch, as part of a small team of maybe on average a dozen different guys. We are at the top of our game. I spend time in endless forums, trading for pieces, trading blueprints, gasses, exotic materials like titanium or super-pure aluminum and steel, forums after endless forums, and NOTHING, NOWHERE offers the same level of just tight, pure focus like what GreatAwakening does. Everywhere else you have to wade through an endless onslaught of non-stop pretenders, tards, and downright assholes. Every time I press my "GW" bookmark on my tab I expect it to 404, as if this experience was too good to be true. When the page unfolds in my browser, my anxiety dissipates, I exhale, and I can feel my heartrate lower to a sort of zen-like calm, knowing that for however many minutes of catching up on what's happening, I'm going to be reading only the purest, most unadulterated air that exists on the entire internet.
To say that GAW is a special experience for me is an understatement. Everywhere else on the internet smells like diapers and day-old beer. I wish the entire rest of the internet was as angrily and obsessively modded the way this place is. The world would be a better place. I know I can't be the only one that feels this way, because I can tell from the comments that everyone else is so totally "bought in" to what we're sort of doing around here. This is amazing.
Every single day, I feel grateful that this place exists. Thank you mods, for what you do.
Fuck that was inspiring.
I'm a dickhead... And i feel the exact same way. God bless you fren!
Well said.
GAW is very special in many ways...
We are the news now boys. Try and keep this in mind when posting and commenting. We have much eyes surrounding every post on here.... remember, if you're not on a list by now, you're doing it wrong!
Agreed. I have accounts on TS and Twatter, and I notice the same thing... TS is better than twatter, and in many cases GAW is better than TS for info that is Q related. So, bottom line, I still end up on GAW most of the time.
Twatter is the main battlefield though. My account gets "search suggestion banned" and "reply deboosted" for posting any of the stuff about Q or C19... so EM still has a lot of work to do over there.
Thank you, mods, for all your work behind the scenes and in the threads!
you know, people ask us about our mods, they say "how are they so good?" and i tell them "we have the best mods, folks"
I automatically read this in Trumps voice lmao
Our mods are yuge. They are a really big deal, and I think people are going to be surprised. I really do.
exactly as intended lol
The GAW mods are mods' mods - super mods if you will. Other mods are good, they can be great, but only GAW mods are super great.
A big thanks to the mods and a huge thanks to the people who are doing the research. The digging is what brought me here in the first place. It's been quite a trip to see the shift away from Legay Media to online news.
I tend to look at the "two moar weeks!!" comments as the equivalent of that kid who's learned a new joke or phrase and then just drives it into the ground. Or that one person at your workplace who couldn't stop quoting some catchphrase that they heard. "Fucking yawn", indeed. Online, I can never decide if it's a deliberate move to demoralize or just that phenomenon in action. Little of both, probably.
I read that thread earlier. It's ridiculous how they behave, especially with a great journalist like Paul Sperry. They don't realize that these reveals are for the normals and the people that have not yet been awakened.
Hey now…”2 more weeks” is quite viable over here. Occasionally some need reminders.
I don't see anything wrong with what Mungo said. It's like when the Arizona audit results were made public, showing rampant fraud, but the media blatantly lied and justice wasn't served and most people remained ignorant. That's obviously just one example of many but it's one of the most egregious.
Of course idk the context but just going off of what I see.
It moves us forward literally zero
This is true of so many comments (not excluding myself at times) lol.
My bad though, I feel like we've already had this talk before. I appreciate you're always willing to reply though.
It simply boils down to energy.
Negative energy (dooming) is counter-productive in all situations.
This a movement of light and hope.
As long as our definitions of dooming are the same then I probably agree with you.
I gotta tell you, my post prior to election day about them stealing the AZ vote was deleted.
Exactly what I said would happen happened.
I wasn’t gloating or relishing in that post… it was just a factual prediction.
There is a difference between rational conclusion and black-pilled dooming.
But it’s all still probably my fault because I didn’t pray hard enough.