Watching the Georgia Guide Stones get taken down, Priceless, and that they got National Attention, even better as a satisfying I told You so....
Having warned Friends, Family, anyone who would listen, for the last 15 years about the Evil NWO and their Plans to kill the World, and now it's happening....
Yeah, the sad part steals all the fun out of I told you so....
A gorrillion little cock shaped spike proteins is exactly what he is choking on for the rest of his life. Maybe he starts eating onions and pineapple five times a day to wash the spike cocks away.
He can't even be magnanimous in defeat. He labels every brave, sensible person that didn't get the Jab as "anti-vaxxers". I assure you he doesn't mean that as a compliment.
It's how Leftists attempt to destroy their opponents. Paint anyone who disagrees with them with a broad brush using words that evoke emotion from the fools they enchant.
It is dehumanizing. Somehow people were just following orders because their anti-bioweapon club voted no by a thin majority. No way a human analyzes the situation and makes a calculated and informed decision for themselves.
Having our loved ones tricked or forced into taking poison is not much of a victory.
People who stood on a public platform and condemned the anti-vaxxers for being stupid, a threat to humanity, etc are hardly innocent of guilt in crimes against humanity. They aided and abetted the criminals.
All they had to do was support freedom of choice - that thing they are so in support of when it means the killing of innocent lives.
Why do you wish ill will to him for admitting that antivaxxers chose the correct path. After all the jabb was actually an intelligence test. Those that got vaxxed failed the test. As we can clearly see this test doesn’t have a do over. In the next half decade those who chose to go along to get along instead of saying no will have their genetic line erradicated.
We aren't even a thing. I didn't check in with the club to see if we were all holding out on this one. I'm not antivax but they had to change the definition of vax and wouldn't disclose what was in it so it was never even considered. I don't even let my family put random food in my mouth as a guessing game. No. Hell no. It was always a personal decision. Not a group.
This is the correct position to take. I can't be "antivaxx" as the mRNA drug therapies currently in use are not a vaccine. They prevent one from coming down with exactly nothing.
If the terminology needed to be changed by the leftists in order for people to accept what was happening to them, that change in terminolgy does NOT change what is actually happening.
One cannot make a cat into a dog just by stating that cats are now dogs.
Nobody said it was a club or a group decision rather than individual.
We (meaning individuals who didn't take the pseudovax, obviously) individually made an individual decision not to take an experimental DNA-altering drug, which was developed by genocidal maniacs, into our individual bodies.
Notably, you were not the only individual who made that individual decision. Others did as well, which unavoidably places you in a "group" of like-minded individuals.
By labeling that segment of the population, "antivax", it dehumanized the individuals into a hive minded cult. Some may avoid all poison, some don't like needles, some are willing to risk 99.994% recovery rate, some didn't believe in coldvid, some don't trust government, some believe bill gates Ted talk when he claimed they could use vaccines to reduce population, some just didn't want to take time off work, some don't do vaccines, some believe it was biological weapons, and some vocalized their resistance to anything developed under trump. Lumping all into anti or hesitant status is a dehumanizing technique that allows actions against a group that would never be acceptable against an individual
Where I live is libtard city. I'm literally the only person in my family that didn't take the vax. But I'll tell you, I wanted to be wrong. I didn't want anyone to die.
I dont wish him ill will but he is an arrogant asshole, that's why people don't like him. He came off as trying to look good instead of honestly feeling bad about the situation. He's a narcissist basically.
It's not a game you stupid faggot. Many people have died as a result of the experimental injecitons, including our family and loved ones. This isn't about anyone's ego being hurt, people have died. People have lost friends, lost family. Lost their jobs, killed themselves, for using their common sense and refusing to conform. Nobody wins. Scott Adams, you are a dumb fuck and a faggot.
Yeah, I dont really even care what he really has to say, probably something sarcastic as usual. Can't be bothered to listen to his rantings. Thats why I posted this with "shitpost" flair -thats all clott adams posts are ever going to be.
We have gone from "Chicken Little screaming, The sky is falling" in a few eyes to "Oh no, they were telling the truth" kind watchmen in some of their eyes. Most will NOT see the truth but deny it until they "die suddenly"!
A real truthseeker takes no pleasure in being "correct" - all of this is horrible to watch play out.
Just because something is horrible does not mean it is not popcorn worthy!
Being correct is satisfying when you are attacked for your decisions
Watching the Georgia Guide Stones get taken down, Priceless, and that they got National Attention, even better as a satisfying I told You so....
Having warned Friends, Family, anyone who would listen, for the last 15 years about the Evil NWO and their Plans to kill the World, and now it's happening....
Yeah, the sad part steals all the fun out of I told you so....
I'm not sure there's a numeriacal definition of the amount of cocks I hope he chokes on.
A gaggle. Let's express the number in Scientific notation so he can "trust the science."
A gorrillion little cock shaped spike proteins is exactly what he is choking on for the rest of his life. Maybe he starts eating onions and pineapple five times a day to wash the spike cocks away.
I am reading all over the place that capaiscin repairs heart damage. Couldnt hurt to try some cayenne
I would be fine locking him in a room with 42 ravenous horses.
Hey! Don't do that to horses!
Infinity is not big enough a number.
Big mike isnt enough?
Just one is needed.
He choke long time.
“Winners aren’t losers” -Donald J. Trump
Best quote ever
He can't even be magnanimous in defeat. He labels every brave, sensible person that didn't get the Jab as "anti-vaxxers". I assure you he doesn't mean that as a compliment.
It's how Leftists attempt to destroy their opponents. Paint anyone who disagrees with them with a broad brush using words that evoke emotion from the fools they enchant.
Maybe he's just worried about losing some of his audience, on both sides...
And we have people daily reiterating this terminology here on this site. It's pretty sad to watch. Anti Vax. And vaccine.
It is dehumanizing. Somehow people were just following orders because their anti-bioweapon club voted no by a thin majority. No way a human analyzes the situation and makes a calculated and informed decision for themselves.
I've notice the quality of twit commentors being better quality, now much of the bots and shills have been decimated.
Having our loved ones tricked or forced into taking poison is not much of a victory.
People who stood on a public platform and condemned the anti-vaxxers for being stupid, a threat to humanity, etc are hardly innocent of guilt in crimes against humanity. They aided and abetted the criminals.
All they had to do was support freedom of choice - that thing they are so in support of when it means the killing of innocent lives.
Ironically forced people to put poison in their bodies while at the same time screaming "My body, my choice" until their faces turned blue.
Buurrrrrrrrn 😎
Why do you wish ill will to him for admitting that antivaxxers chose the correct path. After all the jabb was actually an intelligence test. Those that got vaxxed failed the test. As we can clearly see this test doesn’t have a do over. In the next half decade those who chose to go along to get along instead of saying no will have their genetic line erradicated.
Antivaxer is a loaded trick word designed to place us in the negative (anti) position.
We are pro health, pro natural immunity.
And wary of socialistic authoritarian central govt overreach into the private lives (and deaths) of the people.
Beautifully written ! Brillant!
We aren't even a thing. I didn't check in with the club to see if we were all holding out on this one. I'm not antivax but they had to change the definition of vax and wouldn't disclose what was in it so it was never even considered. I don't even let my family put random food in my mouth as a guessing game. No. Hell no. It was always a personal decision. Not a group.
This is the correct position to take. I can't be "antivaxx" as the mRNA drug therapies currently in use are not a vaccine. They prevent one from coming down with exactly nothing.
If the terminology needed to be changed by the leftists in order for people to accept what was happening to them, that change in terminolgy does NOT change what is actually happening.
One cannot make a cat into a dog just by stating that cats are now dogs.
Nobody said it was a club or a group decision rather than individual.
We (meaning individuals who didn't take the pseudovax, obviously) individually made an individual decision not to take an experimental DNA-altering drug, which was developed by genocidal maniacs, into our individual bodies.
Notably, you were not the only individual who made that individual decision. Others did as well, which unavoidably places you in a "group" of like-minded individuals.
By labeling that segment of the population, "antivax", it dehumanized the individuals into a hive minded cult. Some may avoid all poison, some don't like needles, some are willing to risk 99.994% recovery rate, some didn't believe in coldvid, some don't trust government, some believe bill gates Ted talk when he claimed they could use vaccines to reduce population, some just didn't want to take time off work, some don't do vaccines, some believe it was biological weapons, and some vocalized their resistance to anything developed under trump. Lumping all into anti or hesitant status is a dehumanizing technique that allows actions against a group that would never be acceptable against an individual
Exactly, and well stated
Where I live is libtard city. I'm literally the only person in my family that didn't take the vax. But I'll tell you, I wanted to be wrong. I didn't want anyone to die.
They were wrong, and many of them still wish death on you.
I dont wish him ill will but he is an arrogant asshole, that's why people don't like him. He came off as trying to look good instead of honestly feeling bad about the situation. He's a narcissist basically.
Still calling him clott Adams forever
It's not a game you stupid faggot. Many people have died as a result of the experimental injecitons, including our family and loved ones. This isn't about anyone's ego being hurt, people have died. People have lost friends, lost family. Lost their jobs, killed themselves, for using their common sense and refusing to conform. Nobody wins. Scott Adams, you are a dumb fuck and a faggot.
Glad he is coming around, hope he wakes up some folks, but his lack of spine is off putting.... I'll never listen to him again.
Welp, if you can't beat 'em: join 'em.
He would literally need a change of heart. An actual transplant at this point.
Man I really lost respect for this guy.
Too little too late.
Yeah, I dont really even care what he really has to say, probably something sarcastic as usual. Can't be bothered to listen to his rantings. Thats why I posted this with "shitpost" flair -thats all clott adams posts are ever going to be.
We are ahead of the news cycle by two years (at least)
At least….. I hope we nailed the stock picks too
We have gone from "Chicken Little screaming, The sky is falling" in a few eyes to "Oh no, they were telling the truth" kind watchmen in some of their eyes. Most will NOT see the truth but deny it until they "die suddenly"!
Here is the relevant clip
He actually for once came out clean on this one, without throwing any shades at it.
I call it maturity at (social media) gun point, kek