Don't necessarily hate on a local doesn't always equate to "evil Freemason." Especially in the early 20th century, local businesspeople and farmers joined to be part of a benevolent fraternal organization, and they did many good things for locals. It was also a measure of status, too, to be sure, but they did it for good reasons.
You don't start finding the evil agendas until you get higher up into the organization...agendas that are kept hidden from the lower members.
the oaths you swear in even the lower three degrees of initiation are the kind of things that should stop a saved person in their tracks. (if none of the occult ritualistic stuff gets through)
“How can we hate on Masons when George Washington and his friends were high ranking ones?”
Still believe the official “America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and liberty” narrative (or rather psy-op)? Just how red-pilled are you? And just how red-pilled do you wanna be?
if you knew the true agenda of masonry, you'd know exactly why an intelligent person would despise GW & "his high ranking friends". the true intent of masonry is to do away with the Lord God, all existing faiths & all existing governments... save theirs.
Look up at the ceiling of the Rotunda building & tell me if you still think its okay that GW has placed himself IN THE HEAVENS, amongst the other gods of the pantheon.
But... he helped found the USA. Exactly. Read into the "Great Experiment"
Masons are workers, freemasons and any other secret society are bad. If you are a mason by trade don't let anybody let you think it has anything to with "Masons" or "FreeMasons" or any of the other names they go by.
Isn't the whole point of the hidden hand to basically have the visible hand be the public facing large group of reasonably good people doing good deeds for the community and providing positive public opinion for the masonic organization. Then the evil that is executed by the hidden hand (comprised of high level masons who have embraced the evil (luciferianism - Albert Pike and let's not pretend that the the specific terminology has some mystical meaning different from Satan as the term was well know to refer to Satan for centuries by the time Albert got to writing about it ) that is the true religion taught cryptically at lower levels so that it is misunderstood by the typical mason) have sufficient cover to execute in secret the evil plans that are proposed to support their master's efforts to ultimately corrupt and destroy humanity.
In my opinion, if one pays attention to the digs on the masonic temple stuff, this truth becomes apparent supported by both the personal writings of now dead high level Masons expressing these ideas and the evidence from video of masonic temple activities and ceremonies that have leaked out from time to time. The large body of members at lower levels are intended to hide the actual purposes of the Masonic religion. The Masonic religion is intended to slowly supplant the entrants beliefs with the masonic teachings which ultimately are intended to become primary over the entrants original belief system. The actual purposes, which are directed at the top, are evil and ultimately Satanic.
The rank and file members are therefore being treated as marks or patsies by the leadership. They are the sheeple of the organization and rather than being enlightened are being led to destruction by following the false teachings woven in with some truth and taught by their high level evil leadership.
To put it bluntly, Jesus is my light. I need no other and certainly not a dim light of humanism and luciferianism cloaked in twisted scripture that pretends to outshine Jesus Christ.
always hate on a "local" mason... anybody stupid enough to join a lodge that they are told nothing about until AFTER they join is stupid. after one oath, they are my enemy.
it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a mason, first degree initiate or honorary 33rd degree & be a Christian. simultaneously they are impossible
I can't speak for the U.S., things do look a bit different over there, but in the UK it's a bunch of old blokes getting away from their wives once a month and putting on lots of weight.
Ok, so considering how few of those there are, why don't people focus on that aspect and avoid villianising people who actually try to make the world a better place?
Also, if lower level freemasons are the useful idiots, how does anyone actually know what the higher up masons are doing?
Secret societies are not ok either way. So no, you are either a pawn or a higher level that is keeping the real stuff secret... all bad don't try to justify it
yes I think that would explain a lot. especially after reading about George Washington & his involvement in freemasonry. he prayed, was a good citizen & loved his country. hard to imagine him as a creeper/pedovore.
According to Apologetics Pastor Eric Barger, who I heard in November of last year, in a program titled “The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of America”,
In 1768, Washington had ceased regular attendance in the lodge.
In 1798, shortly before his death, his opinions were the same as they were 30 years before, when he was 36 years old.
He was never “Grand Master” or “Master” of any particular lodge. (Though the internet rumors and conspiracy theorists claim he was the “Grand Master” of the Alexandria Lodge No. 22 of Virginia).
In 1791, according to the record of King David’s Lodge, Newport, Rhode Island, it was NOT acceptable to Washington to be referred to as a Mason - Even in private.
All of the variously letters ALLEGEDLY written by Washington to lodges have been proven spurious. (from: “Washington, Lincoln and their Co-Patriots” booklet, National Christian Association, Chicago, IL).
More from the above referenced book:
Washington was initiated into Masonry when a young man, but in his mature years it was distasteful to him to be addressed as a Mason.
Here’s the link to the sermon for anyone interested:
Not all free masons are bad. The lower levels have NO IDEA what might be going on higher up. They do help a lot of people. Saint Jude's hospital for example. They are sworn in on a bible and their motto is "making good men better". They take an oath to never hurt anyone and to help people. Idk if the higher ups are bad or not. It seems people get the illuminati and free masonry mixrd up...disgruttled former masons or non masons proclaiming to be in the know make stuff up. I am close with some free masons and they would NEVER hurt anyone and if they knew of someone hurting a child or doing the crap people claim they do they would flip out completely and put a stop to it.
People on this board continuously get Freemasonry wrong. The vast majority of "reporting" on this group of people is done by the mainstream media, and that's their trusted source for how 'evil' these people are?
I don't know what happens at other lodges, but the one I'm aware of loves Jesus and does a lot of fucking good in the community. You can twist and contort that into "oh well they're the dumbass peons then allowing cover for the higher ups who do bad shit, but you don't have any fucking idea what is actually taking place, do you? I hate this kind of broad knee-jerk shit.
Some Masons don't know, others know of the controversy but refuse to believe it. This is because at low levels people are kept ignorant, the Big Lie works.
A Friend is a Mason and I've spoken with him about it, he is aware of the claims but refuses it all, claims they are a moral group.
But he is low level. He has those damn mason things everywhere, on his bike and truck, it is serious devotion. He claims that part of it is for recognition and fellowship, they see each other, it is a clan thing for sure.
It is a clan thing! I have busted people out for wearing stuff like it before, like their companies symbols or whatever they think they are representing, they fight against me about it and claim what you said. But in reality they either know and won't ever admit it or they don't know and they are low level servants serving a purpose. I thought at one point that they were good and did a bunch of research to find out they have been involved in secret society murders and coverups and are all over the police and firefighting and military world... be aware.
It’s true. Many Masons are ignorant that they are complicit in a complex Luciferian vetting system which promotes the worst enemies of God for schemes of world domination and oppression.
However, ignorant as they are, I still would never trust any of them.
Ask your friend if he swore an oath on penalty of horrific death to never tell you the truth about Freemasonry. Then tell me that he’s a moral guy who’s just in it for the beer and strippers.
if you knew the true agenda of masonry, you'd know exactly why an intelligent person would despise GW & "his high ranking friends". the true intent of masonry is to do away with the Lord God, all existing faiths & all existing governments... save theirs.
Look up at the ceiling of the Rotunda building & tell me if you still think its okay that GW has placed himself IN THE HEAVENS, amongst the other gods of the pantheon.
But... he helped found the USA. Exactly. Read into the "Great Experiment"
Ben Franklin was head of the Lodge in Philadelphia & Nine Muses in France. He was a alcoholic who impregnated whores. Mr. "We've given you a Republic" Mason.
Thomas Jefferson was also a deist who tore up the Holy Bible & wrote his OWN VERSION.
Freemasons, of ANY DEGREE & of ANY JURISDICTION... are NOT ALLIES OF THE PEOPLE. They all have an agenda that is bad for all free men. They are no different than the Illuminati that we all are against.
We share a common enemy, but should never be considered allies, because they DESPISE US. They despise Christianity & all other faiths that are not their own.
Freemasons believe it is mans destiny, the perfected man, to become God. They do not bow to the Lord God or Lucifer. "In God We Trust" takes on a whole new meaning if you know who these people truly are.
Don't necessarily hate on a local doesn't always equate to "evil Freemason." Especially in the early 20th century, local businesspeople and farmers joined to be part of a benevolent fraternal organization, and they did many good things for locals. It was also a measure of status, too, to be sure, but they did it for good reasons.
You don't start finding the evil agendas until you get higher up into the organization...agendas that are kept hidden from the lower members.
Agendas may be kept hidden from the lower members, but the blood oaths of secrecy aren’t.
They literally swear an oath to deceive you but we’re supposed to assume they’re okay because the ends justify the means?
Low level Masons are the armor protecting Epstein Island clientele. Period.
the oaths you swear in even the lower three degrees of initiation are the kind of things that should stop a saved person in their tracks. (if none of the occult ritualistic stuff gets through)
They literally spit on Jesus
“How can we hate on Masons when George Washington and his friends were high ranking ones?”
Still believe the official “America was founded on Judeo-Christian values and liberty” narrative (or rather psy-op)? Just how red-pilled are you? And just how red-pilled do you wanna be?
if you knew the true agenda of masonry, you'd know exactly why an intelligent person would despise GW & "his high ranking friends". the true intent of masonry is to do away with the Lord God, all existing faiths & all existing governments... save theirs.
Look up at the ceiling of the Rotunda building & tell me if you still think its okay that GW has placed himself IN THE HEAVENS, amongst the other gods of the pantheon.
But... he helped found the USA. Exactly. Read into the "Great Experiment"
Masons are workers, freemasons and any other secret society are bad. If you are a mason by trade don't let anybody let you think it has anything to with "Masons" or "FreeMasons" or any of the other names they go by.
Isn't the whole point of the hidden hand to basically have the visible hand be the public facing large group of reasonably good people doing good deeds for the community and providing positive public opinion for the masonic organization. Then the evil that is executed by the hidden hand (comprised of high level masons who have embraced the evil (luciferianism - Albert Pike and let's not pretend that the the specific terminology has some mystical meaning different from Satan as the term was well know to refer to Satan for centuries by the time Albert got to writing about it ) that is the true religion taught cryptically at lower levels so that it is misunderstood by the typical mason) have sufficient cover to execute in secret the evil plans that are proposed to support their master's efforts to ultimately corrupt and destroy humanity.
In my opinion, if one pays attention to the digs on the masonic temple stuff, this truth becomes apparent supported by both the personal writings of now dead high level Masons expressing these ideas and the evidence from video of masonic temple activities and ceremonies that have leaked out from time to time. The large body of members at lower levels are intended to hide the actual purposes of the Masonic religion. The Masonic religion is intended to slowly supplant the entrants beliefs with the masonic teachings which ultimately are intended to become primary over the entrants original belief system. The actual purposes, which are directed at the top, are evil and ultimately Satanic.
The rank and file members are therefore being treated as marks or patsies by the leadership. They are the sheeple of the organization and rather than being enlightened are being led to destruction by following the false teachings woven in with some truth and taught by their high level evil leadership.
To put it bluntly, Jesus is my light. I need no other and certainly not a dim light of humanism and luciferianism cloaked in twisted scripture that pretends to outshine Jesus Christ.
always hate on a "local" mason... anybody stupid enough to join a lodge that they are told nothing about until AFTER they join is stupid. after one oath, they are my enemy.
it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a mason, first degree initiate or honorary 33rd degree & be a Christian. simultaneously they are impossible
Forgive them for they know not what they do. In some cases anyway.
A lot going on there.
Because you shouldn't believe everything you read perhaps?
Secret societies is why we are in this mess fren.
Do you even know what happens is Masonic Lodges?
I can't speak for the U.S., things do look a bit different over there, but in the UK it's a bunch of old blokes getting away from their wives once a month and putting on lots of weight.
That level is the useful idiot level. They do good things and that gives cover to the masons higher up.
Ok, so considering how few of those there are, why don't people focus on that aspect and avoid villianising people who actually try to make the world a better place?
Also, if lower level freemasons are the useful idiots, how does anyone actually know what the higher up masons are doing?
Secret societies are not ok either way. So no, you are either a pawn or a higher level that is keeping the real stuff secret... all bad don't try to justify it
yes I think that would explain a lot. especially after reading about George Washington & his involvement in freemasonry. he prayed, was a good citizen & loved his country. hard to imagine him as a creeper/pedovore.
According to Apologetics Pastor Eric Barger, who I heard in November of last year, in a program titled “The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of America”,
In 1768, Washington had ceased regular attendance in the lodge.
In 1798, shortly before his death, his opinions were the same as they were 30 years before, when he was 36 years old.
He was never “Grand Master” or “Master” of any particular lodge. (Though the internet rumors and conspiracy theorists claim he was the “Grand Master” of the Alexandria Lodge No. 22 of Virginia).
In 1791, according to the record of King David’s Lodge, Newport, Rhode Island, it was NOT acceptable to Washington to be referred to as a Mason - Even in private.
All of the variously letters ALLEGEDLY written by Washington to lodges have been proven spurious. (from: “Washington, Lincoln and their Co-Patriots” booklet, National Christian Association, Chicago, IL).
More from the above referenced book: Washington was initiated into Masonry when a young man, but in his mature years it was distasteful to him to be addressed as a Mason.
Here’s the link to the sermon for anyone interested:
This guy should put another decal on his car of a rooster.
Not all free masons are bad. The lower levels have NO IDEA what might be going on higher up. They do help a lot of people. Saint Jude's hospital for example. They are sworn in on a bible and their motto is "making good men better". They take an oath to never hurt anyone and to help people. Idk if the higher ups are bad or not. It seems people get the illuminati and free masonry mixrd up...disgruttled former masons or non masons proclaiming to be in the know make stuff up. I am close with some free masons and they would NEVER hurt anyone and if they knew of someone hurting a child or doing the crap people claim they do they would flip out completely and put a stop to it.
It may surprise you, but not all Freemasons are evil.
People on this board continuously get Freemasonry wrong. The vast majority of "reporting" on this group of people is done by the mainstream media, and that's their trusted source for how 'evil' these people are?
I don't know what happens at other lodges, but the one I'm aware of loves Jesus and does a lot of fucking good in the community. You can twist and contort that into "oh well they're the dumbass peons then allowing cover for the higher ups who do bad shit, but you don't have any fucking idea what is actually taking place, do you? I hate this kind of broad knee-jerk shit.
Sorry for the rotated photo…first time posting a picture
Some Masons don't know, others know of the controversy but refuse to believe it. This is because at low levels people are kept ignorant, the Big Lie works.
A Friend is a Mason and I've spoken with him about it, he is aware of the claims but refuses it all, claims they are a moral group.
But he is low level. He has those damn mason things everywhere, on his bike and truck, it is serious devotion. He claims that part of it is for recognition and fellowship, they see each other, it is a clan thing for sure.
It is a clan thing! I have busted people out for wearing stuff like it before, like their companies symbols or whatever they think they are representing, they fight against me about it and claim what you said. But in reality they either know and won't ever admit it or they don't know and they are low level servants serving a purpose. I thought at one point that they were good and did a bunch of research to find out they have been involved in secret society murders and coverups and are all over the police and firefighting and military world... be aware.
It’s true. Many Masons are ignorant that they are complicit in a complex Luciferian vetting system which promotes the worst enemies of God for schemes of world domination and oppression.
However, ignorant as they are, I still would never trust any of them.
Ask your friend if he swore an oath on penalty of horrific death to never tell you the truth about Freemasonry. Then tell me that he’s a moral guy who’s just in it for the beer and strippers.
He is a moral guy, being led astray.
The only oaths I'm aware of are to not reveal the secret signs by which masons identify each other, not related to anything else.
You're a redditor ainchu.....
Not all Freemasons are bad.
and the beemer is cheesy too
if you knew the true agenda of masonry, you'd know exactly why an intelligent person would despise GW & "his high ranking friends". the true intent of masonry is to do away with the Lord God, all existing faiths & all existing governments... save theirs.
Look up at the ceiling of the Rotunda building & tell me if you still think its okay that GW has placed himself IN THE HEAVENS, amongst the other gods of the pantheon.
But... he helped found the USA. Exactly. Read into the "Great Experiment"
Ben Franklin was head of the Lodge in Philadelphia & Nine Muses in France. He was a alcoholic who impregnated whores. Mr. "We've given you a Republic" Mason.
Thomas Jefferson was also a deist who tore up the Holy Bible & wrote his OWN VERSION.
Freemasons, of ANY DEGREE & of ANY JURISDICTION... are NOT ALLIES OF THE PEOPLE. They all have an agenda that is bad for all free men. They are no different than the Illuminati that we all are against.
We share a common enemy, but should never be considered allies, because they DESPISE US. They despise Christianity & all other faiths that are not their own.
Freemasons believe it is mans destiny, the perfected man, to become God. They do not bow to the Lord God or Lucifer. "In God We Trust" takes on a whole new meaning if you know who these people truly are.
Not exactly doing it discreetly if that's the case lol.
Interesting image name you got there
This person believes they can have it both ways. At the very least they are ignorant.
Not all Masons are evil.