Just wanted to share a couple short stories since the first one I'll mention happened this week. You never know what might suddenly unlock the brainwashed mind of a friend.....A girl I know is young jabbed Liberal, pretty low key, not an asshole about anything, good kid for the most part, but you just know they aren't "awake". I've never seen her fired up about anything, but she couldn't wait to tell me that I need to watch the "Secrets of Playboy" documentary series. She's telling me how sick and fucked up Hollywood is because of all the shit she learned from watching it ( Aha! No kidding, my friend) . Suddenly she's completely open to my stories as I'm telling her to find some Ted Gunderson lectures and other sordid realities I know about. Somehow that A&E show unlocked her mind and its wide open and receptive to my "conspiracies" now. No longer did I get the glazed stare from her when I started telling her about what's "really" going on in the world. Told her to check out Jessie Czebotar, and I am pretty sure she ran home to her computer to do research. Another friend had an unusual awakening. She was a Trump hater, and suddenly when she got sick from her breast implants (implant syndrome) she went down the Pharma rabbit hole, and that made her realize that everything was a manipulation and lie, and how true remedies and wellness are suppressed by the drug industry and Uncle Sam. Now she's pro-Trump, pro-Patriot, and always digging and researching truth. Don't give up on your friends and loved ones; some of them are still breaking free from the Matrix. Pray for them and just keep sharing.
You never know what is going to Red pill someone....
I had a older fellow I know come up to me at a big event with a lot of people gathered. He said, "don't leave before I get to talk to you".
Shortly after that he came up to me with his wife in tow. No one else was close by, and he told me I wish I had listened to you about the jabs and ivermectin. He went on to describe how he and his wife had both taken the vaccine and a booster. The wife then had a stroke, and he said he thought he was going to die after the booster. The wife survived but you could tell she was no longer all there. She was just following him around like a puppy.
He later came down with covid, and his out of state specialist saw the diagnosis in his chart (same medical group). She called him and told him she was sending a prescription to his local pharmacy, and for him to get his butt down there and pick it up. The prescription was for ivermectin.
Wow. Thanks for sharing.
Haha, that reads like a medical ghost story. That's the formula. "So, he gets down to the barn, and who's standing there? His mother's horse. It had come from the farm after she died to tell him..."
Ivermectin FTW!
Still waiting on it to happen to my daughters. Of course it may have already and they just don’t want to admit Mom (me) was right…😁
Yeah, that's good.
Great post. So encouraging. Yesterday sucked. Today will be better. Thank you.
I started my red pill journey as a Bernie Bro... lol
That is a great awakening story, no pun intended, especially for a young girl. Not to offend our female frens here but it seems that high school and college-aged females are the hardest to get through to. I blame Tik Tok the most. But get them thinking and off that mind-control shitshow, and they become the most avid truth seekers I know.
It happened with one of my step-daughters recently. She always questioned things, is not vaxxed, and tried to discuss with her friends why they keep getting boosted to no effect. Then one of her friends got sick after a booster (and has been for months now) and she got scared for her. Holy shit, did she go all in on her digging! Then she found out her beloved American Girl Doll company went all in on the trans shit and she went all in on that, too. She now sits with my fiancè and I every night to go over what she uncovered during the day and ask questions. She has a lot of fear and concern for her friends being asleep.
I agree - I mentioned about my husband who started watching the El Chapo series- he’s always been a conservative Republican but now since watching that series he sees how corrupt our government is & how they use the M16 guys… etc.. I told him be careful- you’re starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist 😉
M16 guys?
Maybe they ment MS13? I dunno just a guess lol
Yes that’s exactly what I meant -lol thanks for translating
Good job. I agree. It's satisfying (not really correct word) to watch someone 'wake up' and take control of their life and what matters, which is TRUTH behind whatever decisions they make.
for my youngest son and his fiance, it was the Died Suddenly movie. They've both known healthy friends and family members die suddenly post vaxx.
The Jessie Czebotar Files
Thanks catsfive.
Haven't we moved past "conspiracies" to CONSPIRA-SCIENCE ?
I identify as a conspiracy therapist...
I'm a conspiracy analyst.
A conspiracy is two or more individuals who conspire to commit crime(s).
I was told by a former Secretary of Agriculture that he does not believe in conspiracy theroy, he believes in conspiracy fact & I am certain he was speaking from his first hand witness.
He also gave a speech on the Proper Role of Government that is an easy to understand basis for all of us.
Honorable Ezra T Benson was that guy.
I’m so grateful to hear this news. It just reminds me there’s hope for my daughter. She’s living out of the country, and chose Prague of all places. It has one of the most famous churches, and it is primarily Catholic/Christian. She is a complete leftist, but she enjoys the beauty of the city, and how safe it is. Imagine that. Lol.
These type People only wake up when something affects them personally, otherwise its just noise. They don't have the ability to forsee, discern, or extrapolate information
My favorite T-shirt says (something like):
There are two types of people in this world.
1. Those that can extrapolate information from incomplete data.
You’d be amazed at how many people don’t get it.
I LOVE that!
Stealing it.
It’s on amazon…. 😄
In the case of OP’s two anecdotes, for the second one you’re right- she only started digging after she was personally harmed by the surgical industry. But the first girl was inspired by viewing an expose’ to start digging. That shows she was willing to gather information without needing to be personally affected.
Thanks. That's encouraging. I had a recent encounter with an old acquaintance and it was painful. So incredibly brainwashed and wouldn't listen to anything, least of all actual evidence. Really left me saddened.
Black Americans are changing the tone on race issues. You will not see this on TV or the MSM for a while.
My cousin just called me yesterday to talk about policing issues.
He was kind of the black militant liberal blame whitey type of guy. His brother is now married to a white woman.
I was super shocked at how receptive he was to red pilling.
The guy did agree that blacks need to stop with the anti-white stuff. He also agreed that civil rights can only take us so far.
I told him the answer is to focus on self-improvement and business.
He said the company he works for now. A black guy owns it. But hires tons of whites and other groups to work as a team.
He said they are growing.
I have the feeling that most blacks are tiring out on the anti-white thing. I think this is why the MSM is doubling down on it. They must know that blacks are starting to abandon the white racist narrative.
Great, great stories! Made my day!
[Their] tentacles are blatantly into everything now, and not just one or two areas. You never know from which realm the normies will be affected: sports, Hollywood, pharma, public schools, academia, history, groceries, bills, crime, social media... It's an inevitable awakening for the masses. They can't keep their blinders on anymore...doesn't work.
Great post, Nadlersskidmark. Also great screen name. We have to handle the innocent normies a certain way. They have to figure out things themselves. Just talk to them about day-to-day stuff, and then see if they bring up anything that relates to Deep State fuckery. Mostly listen to them, and let them see it in their own way. Often it is just one issue that gets them.
You're right, anon.
I fly out in the wild a lot, with a plane at full-weight with all the various red-pills. I don't have every one, and i didn't make them, but i cherish every one, because you fascinating anons made them.
Some of them are like napalm that light up the area when dropped. Others are are like a .223 for a more precise attack.
Most of the time I'm shooting blind and i don't know what I'm hitting, normie, commie, fren's. I do this is because you don't know what will wake up the normie. The frens's love it, commies hate it. But for the normie, sometime it's not even the bomb that affects them, but obscure things, like a ricochet that hit a pebble that rolled down a hill to hit a rock that started rolling to hit them on the backside of the head.
Im just putting my nose to the grindstone and not stopping, load bombs, fly out, empty bays, fly back, and repeat till my last breath or this war is over. But one thing i know, is that the more of these red-pill bombs i know, and get, the more impacting these bombing runs are.
Keep up the good work red-pill bomb makers, and thanks to you from the newly awoken normies!
Interesting it is A&E that is carrying The Playboy Files. They also had Leah Remini's show on the Scientology expose.
Very positive fren!
Great post fren. I haven't seen your posts/replies for a while, glad you are still here. Love the username.
Thanks, fren. I am here every day, but don't always feel I have something of value to contribute, or the stuff I find has already been posted. I was so excited to share with my frens here about my conversation with my younger friend. It was just so amusing to me that it took a hit piece on Hugh Hefner to catch her attention. I'm like of all the things, that's what bothers you?! Whatever it takes, I guess....
Yaaay! I got stickied! Thanks, Mods! :D
Maybe this is the way. Tell your family and friends to watch the "Secrets of Playboy" documentary series. Now I have to watch it. If they wake up about something other than the jab, fake wars, climate grift etc., they will be curious enough to wonder about some other things. Thanks.
Right?! Now I need to watch it to try and understand what about it made her "wake up". I guess everybody has different triggers (sorry to use that annoying normy word) that activates the critical thinking part of the brain.
I want to upvote the OP twice if I could...
Thank you! I appreciate the feedback! curtsy
I watched the first 2 episodes of playboy series and it was interesting because they showed the series for tv Heff did with jazz and socialites.
It immediately made me think of an episode of American Dad where Stan gets pulled into an old tv and is being trapped by a man/demon while on a series exactly like the one Heff did. Looked like heff too. It seems they were hinting at Heff being a demon hunting down people and trapping them while trying to appear like a tv host
This is how wars are won TRUTHS
If all else fails tell them their life is shit, their happiness is undeserved, and most of all that what they know, even if true, wasn't come by in the right way.
We hear this a lot. That someone in our life didn't listen to us, but did listen to a different but shitty source. The fact that this bothers us and sometimes so much that we fight the target of our redpill efforts and end up destroying yet another relationship because fuck if I went through all this identity shift just to not be hailed as the hero I am.. fuck!
Of course I'm kidding. But seriously, stay out of people's minds. It's creepy and it's why a lot of us don't have people outside of the group.
Excellent story, gives me hope, thanks!