Rand Paul is a good man as his father was... What happened during those investigations is in the records... I believe this man did give good testimony but the hands off the republican congress were tied at the time... This time it's different... Cheers fren...
I've listened to his interviews before, the one where he gave Rand Paul all the evidence against Fauci before a hearing...NOTHING HAPPENED. The Sgt. Of Arms needs to be utilized and find some law enforcement with some backbone or nothing will happen.
No idea but it's starting to break. Woody's monologue being the most recent example. People are going to start getting angry after they go through shame and guilt. This includes a lot of people that work at media companies, etc. Think about the scale of what's happened. Can't hold this back. No way.
Okay, I’m sincerely interested. I keep seeing you and others post this. Then, my question is my kid comes home from school coughing and sneezing. Then the next day or day after, I am coughing and sneezing. How does that happen? Or, what causes me to get sick?
And, as an aside, I rarely leave my home. I work at home and generally only leave to take my children places. But, they are old enough that I just drop them and don’t get out of the car.
Random thoughts—-I’m not 100% sold as to whether viruses do or don’t exist, but it does seem suspect. My own observations are that when one embarks on a serious deep health detox protocol, the goal is to get the lymph system flowing (runny nose, etc) and expel all the toxins which are locked up in the body. A part of that process is fasting, so the body can suspend allocation of energy towards food digestion, and focus on healing the cells. So detox is very similar to the symptoms of getting sick, expelling fluids. When sick, losing sense of smell/taste prompts us to not eat, and therefore be fasting. I always wondered if “germs” we simply nature’s particles to trigger our body’s natural detox process. Those who’s bodies aren’t in need of detox don’t get sick while others do. There could be other environmental factors which cause members of the same household to get sick at the same time…we just think it’s “germs” because that’s what we are taught. I used to get sick like clockwork every single year in Oct/Nov, without fail. Once I started doing an annual or semi annual detox, I’ve only been sick once in the past 10 yrs. The other suspicious thing which is easy to look up on your own, is that even mainstream science talks about how viruses don’t meet the criteria to be classified as a “living organism”. Viruses (if they exist) might just be a side effect particle created by the body during sickness caused by something else. Unrelated but through the same method of “connecting the wrong dots”…mainstream medicine claims high cholesterol causes heart disease. However, other compelling research shows that cholesterol is actually the body’s method to buffer inflammation. So high cholesterol means the body is suffering inflammation, and the body is trying to save itself by increasing cholesterol. Taking a pill to reduce cholesterol is chasing the wrong thing. Like covering up the check engine light in your car because that light comes on right before your car dies.
If he yawns or laughs, do you sometimes yawn or laugh? Those too are "contagious".
viruses don't exist, they are simply mis-classified dying cells being recycled by bacteria, enzymes, and proteins. there has never been a virus that has been isolated. it's all fake and gay.
cell death is an important process in the body as it promotes the removal of unwanted cells. failure of cells to die, or cells dying when they shouldn’t, can lead to or exacerbate many diseases.
let's stop perpetrated their hoax and pretending that scary germs are contagious, otherwise they'll always maintain their power over us.
take a deeper look and you'll see that the entirety of germ theory is fake, there aren't "viruses" that spread as contagions. do your homework and you'll see.
So i'm guessing you are awake to the covid scam by now. if so, it's not a stretch at all to say our government and agencies/corporation lie to us...and if they lie once, then it can be assumed they lie all the time, about everything (and i mean everything). the idea of germ theory is the single greatest scam perpetrated against mankind in human history. viruses (and contagions) don't exist. they are used as a control method and money maker to further their control over us. period
This is different because there's no ambiguity of what people are seeing with their own eyes, even if they're currently in denial about it. Everyday there's millions more whose lights are coming on, and once they come on they don't go off.
There’s an awesome lecture somewhere on the Internet that he did regarding the pandemic and how the insurance companies stand to win from all this bullshit. I’ll see if I can locate it.
Fauci has already been exterminated like the pestilence he was. The Faucis you see now are doubles or CGI - mostly CGI. Notice the quality of the "videos" he's in when compared to the broadcasters.
So the problem with this argument is the assumption that the Patent office is honest and equal in all dealings. As well depends upon the Patent Office will not grant a Patent for a naturally occurring "Thing". However the Patent Office did grant Apple a patent for a rectangle with round corners and was found to also collude with the government, corporations and foreign entities on the suppression of technology as well as not granting patents. SO that real refutes both of the assumptions that makes his comment true.
Do not get me wrong it absolutely think the government and corporations are manufacturing biological and chemical weapons but this is not the thing that will prove it.
I read this patented virus theory before the Covid scam ever started. Stopping it then would have been "brilliant". Now, he's just a dude that can read the internet.
I remember thinking when I was young, that to be President, you must have to be brilliant, strong, a leader, capable, communicate, ethical, fair, understand nations, finances and politics. Dr. Martin would fit that bill.
Potato demonstrates you can be a complete and utter IDIOT:
In reality, cooties was the name given to a body louse... It was also used by people as a reason to avoid the opposite sex... Later the term became what is today known as STDs...
Haha, I know, I love the word. Along with the "1984" reference, it correctly frames the absurdity of the lie.
I caught cooties off of several girls in grade school just by them touching me. I would have sworn to the truth of it in those days.
I'll do ya one better since we're casually chatting. While lice certainly exist, STDs do not. STDs arise via a sexual conflict of some sort, e.g. - unwanted sex, undesired sex, "dirty" sex, disgusting odors, repulsive words or actions during sex, regretful sex, forced sexual activities to please partner, etc., etc. etc. None of 'em, AIDS/HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, "the clap", etc. have anything to do with passing a germ or catching an infection. Albeit, after the conflict is resolved, bacteria arrive on the scene to repair temporary tissue alteration in the region that was initiated due to the psychological conflict of the situation.
All that being said, had a buddy in college who most definitely "caught crabs", which is of course pubic lice which was the source of much laughter and entertainment for a couple days as my buddy couldn't stop scratcthing his privates in the cafeteria where he was forced to come out in public....hahaha...
Kekekek... I feel sorry for your friend but then again, you reap what you sow... Kekekekek... As for the rest, having unprotected sex can cause a myriad of problems including stds and even pregnancy... So as "they" used to say, don't jump without a parachute... kekekek Cheers...
Do not expect justice in a land where evidence counts for absolutely nothing. The New World Order Globalist have an iron grip on our country. The USA has been captured, deal with it.
I beg to differ... I've been fighting this fight for decades so I conceded nothing... There's a difference between concession and being forced unwillingly... Cheers fren...
First, people must recognize they are the unwilling. I am not talking about you or I who recognize things for what they are and where they are going. Like so many other things that the NWO has instituted for themselves, but now have been turned against them, my hope is that COG is now in the proper hands, and that Trump initiated Devolution. Yes, you are a friend, just giving you the reality on the ground.
Wow. Dynamite. Everything this guy has released has become true and widely accepted. God is guiding him. Good job pede. I will contact you shortly for future work.
The defense is that it's developed under the auspices of DEFENSE against same.
A similar situation to where in the past, a cop wasn't supposed to break the law in enforcing them. All out the window now.
Emergency situations must be created to allow the 'solution'.
Show me the unconstitutional power and I'll show you the FF event that precipitated it.
With all that's coming out about the virus and the shot, I think there's a decent chance to get fauci and gates in prison... Cheers fren...
And hopefully they 'didn't kill their selves' while there.
Some people need to go the HARD way after open trials, as public optic as to how serious the crime is, and our resolve to never allow it.
If anyone deserves it, they do.
I completely agree...
Rand Paul is a good man as his father was... What happened during those investigations is in the records... I believe this man did give good testimony but the hands off the republican congress were tied at the time... This time it's different... Cheers fren...
I've listened to his interviews before, the one where he gave Rand Paul all the evidence against Fauci before a hearing...NOTHING HAPPENED. The Sgt. Of Arms needs to be utilized and find some law enforcement with some backbone or nothing will happen.
Political climate needs to be appropriate. When MSM starts reporting truth about the vaccines things will start happening quickly.
Any idea when they might do that?
No idea but it's starting to break. Woody's monologue being the most recent example. People are going to start getting angry after they go through shame and guilt. This includes a lot of people that work at media companies, etc. Think about the scale of what's happened. Can't hold this back. No way.
We still don't have the skinny on whether the moon landings were faked. The entire world watched, too. It's been over 53 years.
wait until you find out that viruses don't exist. germ theory is the greatest hoax every against mankind.
Okay, I’m sincerely interested. I keep seeing you and others post this. Then, my question is my kid comes home from school coughing and sneezing. Then the next day or day after, I am coughing and sneezing. How does that happen? Or, what causes me to get sick?
And, as an aside, I rarely leave my home. I work at home and generally only leave to take my children places. But, they are old enough that I just drop them and don’t get out of the car.
Random thoughts—-I’m not 100% sold as to whether viruses do or don’t exist, but it does seem suspect. My own observations are that when one embarks on a serious deep health detox protocol, the goal is to get the lymph system flowing (runny nose, etc) and expel all the toxins which are locked up in the body. A part of that process is fasting, so the body can suspend allocation of energy towards food digestion, and focus on healing the cells. So detox is very similar to the symptoms of getting sick, expelling fluids. When sick, losing sense of smell/taste prompts us to not eat, and therefore be fasting. I always wondered if “germs” we simply nature’s particles to trigger our body’s natural detox process. Those who’s bodies aren’t in need of detox don’t get sick while others do. There could be other environmental factors which cause members of the same household to get sick at the same time…we just think it’s “germs” because that’s what we are taught. I used to get sick like clockwork every single year in Oct/Nov, without fail. Once I started doing an annual or semi annual detox, I’ve only been sick once in the past 10 yrs. The other suspicious thing which is easy to look up on your own, is that even mainstream science talks about how viruses don’t meet the criteria to be classified as a “living organism”. Viruses (if they exist) might just be a side effect particle created by the body during sickness caused by something else. Unrelated but through the same method of “connecting the wrong dots”…mainstream medicine claims high cholesterol causes heart disease. However, other compelling research shows that cholesterol is actually the body’s method to buffer inflammation. So high cholesterol means the body is suffering inflammation, and the body is trying to save itself by increasing cholesterol. Taking a pill to reduce cholesterol is chasing the wrong thing. Like covering up the check engine light in your car because that light comes on right before your car dies.
If he yawns or laughs, do you sometimes yawn or laugh? Those too are "contagious".
viruses don't exist, they are simply mis-classified dying cells being recycled by bacteria, enzymes, and proteins. there has never been a virus that has been isolated. it's all fake and gay.
cell death is an important process in the body as it promotes the removal of unwanted cells. failure of cells to die, or cells dying when they shouldn’t, can lead to or exacerbate many diseases.
let's stop perpetrated their hoax and pretending that scary germs are contagious, otherwise they'll always maintain their power over us.
take a deeper look and you'll see that the entirety of germ theory is fake, there aren't "viruses" that spread as contagions. do your homework and you'll see.
if you want more info, here you go.
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
So i'm guessing you are awake to the covid scam by now. if so, it's not a stretch at all to say our government and agencies/corporation lie to us...and if they lie once, then it can be assumed they lie all the time, about everything (and i mean everything). the idea of germ theory is the single greatest scam perpetrated against mankind in human history. viruses (and contagions) don't exist. they are used as a control method and money maker to further their control over us. period
These guys are leading the public charge against the fraud: Dr. Andrew Kaufman - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/ Dr. Tom Cowan - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CivTSuEjw6Qp/ Steve Falconer aka Spacebusters - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MKanl25dSUxl/ (this guy speaks in layman's terms and is comical) Dr Stefan Lanka - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefan-Lanka Dr. Sam Bailey - https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/germ-theory/germ-theory-vs-terrain-theory/ https://www.youtube.com/c/DrSamBailey Others - https://pastelink.net/germtheory https://drjockers.com/germ-theory/ https://archive.org/details/bechamporpasteur00hume_0/page/4/mode/2up https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/spread-of-spanish-flu-was-never-experimentally-confirmed-9f91b37c4dd8 https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7
This is different because there's no ambiguity of what people are seeing with their own eyes, even if they're currently in denial about it. Everyday there's millions more whose lights are coming on, and once they come on they don't go off.
Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Ed Dowd.
👆👆 This is a big eye opener, but like you said MSM mostly has blinders on.
No time soon because Big Pharma owns the media.
Valid observation... Cheers fren...
Was it time for something to happen?
There’s an awesome lecture somewhere on the Internet that he did regarding the pandemic and how the insurance companies stand to win from all this bullshit. I’ll see if I can locate it.
Here it is! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Yzpt6c0VRjch/
Thank you! I spent an hour looking for that a few months ago!
Cool thank you fren... Cheers...
Magic bow-tie power.
Kekekek... Cheers fren...
Dr. Martin is brilliant. I enjoy listening to him talk about this subject.
Definitely an interesting man... I'm gonna have to pay more attention to him... Cheers fren...
Linguistic Genomics.
Interdasting... Cheers fren...
Link to interview with Stew Peters... https://odysee.com/@True.Earth.Archive:d/DrDavidMartin:1
Fauci has already been exterminated like the pestilence he was. The Faucis you see now are doubles or CGI - mostly CGI. Notice the quality of the "videos" he's in when compared to the broadcasters.
Interdasting thought... Cheers fren...
So the problem with this argument is the assumption that the Patent office is honest and equal in all dealings. As well depends upon the Patent Office will not grant a Patent for a naturally occurring "Thing". However the Patent Office did grant Apple a patent for a rectangle with round corners and was found to also collude with the government, corporations and foreign entities on the suppression of technology as well as not granting patents. SO that real refutes both of the assumptions that makes his comment true.
Do not get me wrong it absolutely think the government and corporations are manufacturing biological and chemical weapons but this is not the thing that will prove it.
Maybe not but it may just shake things up enough to make "them" make mistakes that will prove it.out... Beats not trying at all... Cheers fren...
Maybe but it could shake things up enough to make them make mistakes that would prove him out... Cheers fren...
Good Luck.
Better to try and nail these fuckers than to do nothing... Cheers fren...
Hopefully he can prove it... Cheers fren...
But but muh vyrus
Kekekek... The virus that was never isolated and they used computer models for all their BS??? I hear ya fren... Cheers...
I read this patented virus theory before the Covid scam ever started. Stopping it then would have been "brilliant". Now, he's just a dude that can read the internet.
Anything is worth a try... Beats not trying at all... Cheers fren...
No, he’s a brilliant man… not just a dude.
I remember thinking when I was young, that to be President, you must have to be brilliant, strong, a leader, capable, communicate, ethical, fair, understand nations, finances and politics. Dr. Martin would fit that bill.
Potato demonstrates you can be a complete and utter IDIOT:
Big Pharma had the patents for the vaccine long before Covid ever showed up.
Yes they did... Cheers fren...
Jesus, did a bezos clone go rogue or something? lol.
🤣🤣🤣 kekekekek... Cheers fren...
Not trying to be a dick, but yeah...guy looks like a younger, more fit version of Jeff Bezos, just struck me as funny.
I thought what you said was hilarious... No offense taken... Cheers fren...
Talking about caregivers dying off from the shot https://mobile.twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1629557550021525506/mediaviewer
That's always a distinct possibility... Cheers fren...
He didn't kill himself.
Agreed... Cheers fren...
Hope he avoids the arkancide list
So do I... Cheers fren...
🙏 for his safety
Agreed... Cheers fren...
This guy is a stud….despite the bow tie.
Kekekek... Cheers fren...
Unfortunately, the mythical virus isn't "naturally occurring" either as no such thing exists.
Agreed... The so-called virus was never isolated... They used computer mock ups instead of the "real" thing... Cheers fren...
Yep. And the full truth is, no "virus" has ever been isolated. Cooties-1984 is just another lie on a long list of lies...
Kekekek... Very true... Cheers fren...
In reality, cooties was the name given to a body louse... It was also used by people as a reason to avoid the opposite sex... Later the term became what is today known as STDs...
Haha, I know, I love the word. Along with the "1984" reference, it correctly frames the absurdity of the lie.
I caught cooties off of several girls in grade school just by them touching me. I would have sworn to the truth of it in those days.
I'll do ya one better since we're casually chatting. While lice certainly exist, STDs do not. STDs arise via a sexual conflict of some sort, e.g. - unwanted sex, undesired sex, "dirty" sex, disgusting odors, repulsive words or actions during sex, regretful sex, forced sexual activities to please partner, etc., etc. etc. None of 'em, AIDS/HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, "the clap", etc. have anything to do with passing a germ or catching an infection. Albeit, after the conflict is resolved, bacteria arrive on the scene to repair temporary tissue alteration in the region that was initiated due to the psychological conflict of the situation.
Whadaya think? Possible? Probable? Unlikely? Impossible? Ludicrous?
All that being said, had a buddy in college who most definitely "caught crabs", which is of course pubic lice which was the source of much laughter and entertainment for a couple days as my buddy couldn't stop scratcthing his privates in the cafeteria where he was forced to come out in public....hahaha...
Kekekek... I feel sorry for your friend but then again, you reap what you sow... Kekekekek... As for the rest, having unprotected sex can cause a myriad of problems including stds and even pregnancy... So as "they" used to say, don't jump without a parachute... kekekek Cheers...
The human race needs some legal recourse when a tyrannical Caligula gets his minions to inject everyone with poison. Don'tcha think?
No argument from me... Cheers fren...
Do not expect justice in a land where evidence counts for absolutely nothing. The New World Order Globalist have an iron grip on our country. The USA has been captured, deal with it.
I don't and won't concede the freedom given to us by our Creator to power hungry demons... Cheers...
But you have conceded, just like all of us. We did nothing; now they are going after Russia with our military.
I beg to differ... I've been fighting this fight for decades so I conceded nothing... There's a difference between concession and being forced unwillingly... Cheers fren...
First, people must recognize they are the unwilling. I am not talking about you or I who recognize things for what they are and where they are going. Like so many other things that the NWO has instituted for themselves, but now have been turned against them, my hope is that COG is now in the proper hands, and that Trump initiated Devolution. Yes, you are a friend, just giving you the reality on the ground.
I get what you're saying... Have an awesome day fren...
Is that not to suggest that you could sue the manufacturer for personal losses?
I suppose it could suggest that... Cheers fren...
Wow. Dynamite. Everything this guy has released has become true and widely accepted. God is guiding him. Good job pede. I will contact you shortly for future work.
Cheers fren...
He did not.
Agreed... Cheers fren...