We live in the same town. He was an instructor to a few friends for mma type stuff. I've been to his house once to chat about the conspiracy stuff back when covid kicked off 2020.
It is an old Indo-European word and name going back thousands of years.
EDIT: Downvote if you want, its just the God honest truth. These are ancient names that go back before recorded history and they reach today from Ireland to India and Pakistan and beyond.
I like the etymology and the ancient links. I landed at it through other reasons, but I feel these symbols and names can mean many things across time. Nothing wrong with commanding back gods glory in any name or symbol. He owns it all and in the end, all will be returned to him
If only the Sheeple could take the time to follow these clearly laid out and connected dots in this video, as easily as most Anons do. This is an Amazing video, and points down the points of who the good guys really are vs the Cabal, and what was done!
The theory that the China Patriots, probably a scientist purposely released the “unfinished, not completely finished or mutated (more lethal) virus the Cabal wanted”, to accelerate their plans forcing them to scramble, and turn the vaccines or boosters into the actual lethal weapon……wow!! This makes a lot of sense! And yes the whole Omicron piece actually helping build immunity, is just on point to all I know at least, and I hope to all y’all Anons know.
Yes Anons, Russia and China are in the same internal Cabal fight we are. The Russians are probably the only country that has just about squashed them (the Cabal) totally, compared to everyone else. We and China are probably on the same tier of being the next two countries to “break free” of the Cabal stranglehold. Then we’ll have to work together to free every other nation.
Right? Sigh. They don't run on facts, they run on feeelwings. They believe something because they want it to be true. I thought today's other sticky did a great job of delving into why tackling that fact is part of the plan.
I've seen plenty of times when anons on this site believed some patently false crap because they wanted it to be true. That's human nature, so we always need to be at war with our own cognitive biases.
I’m totally fine with the USA, Russia, and China being core Allies in the fight against the Cabal. Just as so long as a “free China” will stop meddling in USA affairs.
Also I’m just going to say it, but I want Trump to stay in office just as long as Putin and Xi have, 4-8 years is bullshit and not enough.
I personally agree and think he is owed since he was cheated out of his consecutive term. He should automatically get those 4 years back plus the 4 years he wins in 2024. It’s only fair “the diamonds be returned”, and not just vanish.
The theory that the China Patriots, probably a scientist purposely released the “unfinished, not completely finished or mutated (more lethal) virus the Cabal wanted”, to accelerate their plans forcing them to scramble,
I've had this theory for years but it was based on how the virus just happened to come out as the Hong Kong riots were really gaining steam and how disorganized the Democrats and globalists in other countries were taking until March to suddenly get into lockstep.
I listened to this and the last episode plus some other Josh Reid stuff. It’s fire. I love the way Josh lays out the timeline. He has great command of the facts.
He does, or at least seems to but it's always good to double check things. I'm wondering do you, or does anyone have any sauce on Trump's first project being the restoration of the Waldorf-Astoria? I found it listed at the Hilton's restoration & can't find any proof that Trump was involved. Doesn't mean he wasn't- I'm just wondering if anyone has a clue on that
They are somewhat misleading in regards to plasma donations. Whole blood can be donated only every few months. This is not the primary source of plasma. CSL, Grifols, Biomat, etc... Don't keep it a secret what the plasma is being used for. They also PAY the donors. Plasma can be donated 2 times a week with one day between the donations. They take blood out and separate it then put the red cells back in. It takes about 1 hour for the actual donation.
They use a payment scheme that encourages you to come back. In 4 weeks you can donate 8 times. so something like this 60,100,70,100,75,100,80,100 Each company has a bit different payment scheme, BUT they offer new donors more for the first 8 donations then the amount tapers down significantly. The good news is if you don't go back to that company for 6 months you can get the new donor bonuses.
They pay with bank debit cards which supplies the payment system to them so they can Nickle and dime the donors. Typical donors are poor, college kids, homeless, etc... Often larger metros will have 4 companies and some of these companies have more than 1 donation center in the city. If you really need some extra cash it can be a way to get it. They won't tell you on the phone what their current promos are you have to go to the center to find out.
I have made 800 to as much as 1200 for the 8 donation promo, but then they cut it to 450-500 per 8 donations after that. They pay after each donation.
They do a minor physical each visit with 2 blood tests, and also send a blood sample off on first visit and every 6 months after that. If you try and cheat by going to more than one center to donate more than 2 x a week they will bar you from all donations. There's a national database.
Yeah, there's a whole list of drugs that can disqualify you. Also the blood tests, once I tested low by 1 point for protein and I could not donate. They gave me a list of things to eat with protein, I just laughed at the dude and told him if my protein is too low its not because I'm not eating enough of it. We eat too much protein if anything.
It can be a good way to pick up a few extra bucks, but it is not a reliable way, besides the tests being out of tolerance, the machines can mess up. Once I never got the anticoagulant that goes in at the end. Sometimes they have to switch your arms, etc...
Praise God we haven’t had to do that since I was in school! They also pay you even if the draw messes up. The last time I donated, they had to stop my draw early. The filter had plugged with straight fat! They asked me what I’d eaten the day before(In-And-Out Burger), and then showed my filter to all of the other techs. I’ve since drastically changed my diet. I don’t want to stroke out. I’m 53 so it’s hopefully a little early for me to go to Heaven. I was 41 or 42 at the time. I still got paid the full amount which I believe was $30 or $35 at the time.
Usually I listen to videos at 1.5 or 2 times speed. You get used to the changes of the voices, if the accents aren't too bad & can make it out fine. This guy brings up so many things I never thought of & goes at such a speed I just can't. Have to rewind a lot too!
I do use Brave. I tried the little download arrow icon and all it did was save the page that surrounds the video but not the video itself. If you have a way to save the video, please walk me through what I'm missing. Thanks.
If you have iOS, you wait for the video/page to load. A pink button should appear in the upper right of the screen. Hit that to add it to playlist. If it doesn’t appear you can hit the three dots in the lower right corner and one of the options should be to add the video to playlist. Hopefully that helps.
Yeah by a bunch a whiney cunts. One of their sponsors makes generators and I guess the parts are made in China and assembled here. Its a nothing burger. They were first called out being part of mossad, by the same group.
12:55 - Why "symbolism will be their downfall" is a powerful statement
13:55 "There's a game that happens between the masters and the slaves in how they flaunt their subliminal programming."
15:00 commercial time.... My Pillow is 1st sponsor on temp-regulating pillow, Benson Honey Farms is the 2nd sponsor on raw, unpasteurized honey made in Nebraska.
18:45 End of commercials.
19:00 CSIS - Canadian Intelligence drafted reports that the Trudeau administration was aware that the CCP was directly affecting Canadian elections. Released by National Post and even CCTV is talking about it.
19:55 Why DOE is saying Covid came from China, lab leak, etc. Last week Xi Jinping released his 12 points for peace be Russia and Ukraine. If peace doesn't come, China will support Russia militarily. US mad. US releases memo saying "don't do this or we release intelligence".
Xi makes meeting with Zelensky.
DOE does biological safety, reviewing bioweapons, etc. Livermoore did the investigation and said "they have conclusive evidence that China is behind the lab leak with very low confidence".
Go back to March 2020 there was a 5 eyes Intel group bw NATO nations brief that was leaked that said " this is a lab leak from China".
21:59 Why would China leak a dangerous virus from their own lab and wreak havoc on their country and their world standing?
THEORY TIME - If we look at what happened, in 2014 a group of Chinese generals came about and started talking about the weaponization of biologics of viruses, bacteria, and especially 5G and things...
This is after Chapel Hill, North Carolina incident. We don't know much but Obama shut down gain of function research in USA. Eco Health Alliance was being funded by NIAID was shut down and they went to Wuhan Institute of Virology with grants from the WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and $2 Million grant from the NIAID which was not supposed to fund Gain of Function (GoF) Research.
Eco Health Alliance went to Wuhan and continued their research. After this, generals in China came out and said "hey we're gonna weaponize viruses because this what Americans are doing and now they're doing it in our labs". Remember Obama is still president at this time.
23:30 2014 is an interesting year, USA was doing GoF research and closed it down probably because they were going into phase 2 of this plan. They moved it to multiple laboratories around the world, not just Wuhan.
My guess is what they were doing is developing a genetically targeted bioweapon. If you start looking at where the USA has all these level 4 bio-containment labs, they're all over the world. Well we know 72 of US funded labs were in Ukraine.
24:05 The Russian military already came out and said Ukraine is the place where USA developed Covid-19. We know this from statements of Chyna, Ukraine. That one specific biolab apparently the one where Covid-19 was created.
24:25 Interestingly enough the MRNA vaccine was approved in Sep 22, 2019 executive order by Donald Trump where he allowed the research into different technologies to help save lives. This is where MRNA tech was approved.
3 days before that executive order, Russia had a level 4 Biolab on one of their Eastern borders burn down to the ground. 3 months before Covid-19 breaks out to the world. Remember Russia didn't have Covid-19 that bad, they didn't shut down businesses, etc.
3 days before that executive order, Russia had a level 4 Biolab on one of their Eastern borders burn down to the ground. 3 months before Covid-19 breaks out to the world. Remember Russia didn't have Covid-19 that bad, they didn't shut down businesses, etc. They weren't affected because they knew it was going to happen.
25:12 Now we go into event 201. John Hopkins University, Bill & Melinda Fates Foundation, WHO. In Oct-17 or 19th in 2019. If you look at the script, it talks about a novel Coronavirus that finally jumped from bats to human beings, becomes contagious, produces a pandemic, of which you need to created a new technology MRNA vaccines to stop the pandemic.
25:40 They also talk about how it will be spread initially through wet markets in South America. So there's only 1 factor of change between that document and reality, the location in Southeast Asia.
If China is helping fund this research, why would they release it 100 yards away from the facility that did it? What was China's response when this was released? Remember there were people dying in the streets, govt walking into peoples houses and shooting them if they didn't want to come with them, dragging them out of homes, aerosols in the air... Etc.
26:25 China didn't release this, they tried to stop it as fast as possible because they knew it was a genetically targeted bioweapon that somehow got released in their country.
Immediately after March-2020 we had the 5 eyes report come out. China did everything to stop this ASAP. China has a deep state, US has a deep state. We had Donald Trump in office which were patriots and China has its own patriots to a certain degree. Not saying Xi Jinping is though.
26:55 Going back on previous research on Xi Jinping in early 2019 after meeting w Donald Trump at Forbidden City, he told the western globalists to go f*ck themselves. He started turning his back on them, so he wasn't invited to WEF meetings and China started aligning more with BRICS nations in militaristic positions.
27:20 When people look at this, they go "China bad, Covid bad, etc.
If we're gonna get good at nailing what is happening, one thing that is important is to get very specific on the mechanisms that are at play. There's times during war where you have to recruit your enemy on a different front to help you face a greater enemy.
Certain mutually assured deals were made amongst patriots in America and all over the world to thwart this Great Reset. It couldn't be 100% the other side operating so there must've been other factions to do this and all you need to do to get a Xi Jinping on your side about this is talk to them about the threat coming their way as well if they go along with the globalists. You don't have to like the guy, you just need them to not go along with Klaus Schwab and Illuminati.
28:32 When Xi Jinping came in he made a promise to the Chinese people that he would restore them to the top status and they would have freedom once again.
28:42 Donald Trumps perspective was you have to stop western globalism from creating a totalitarian Communo-fascist oligarchal controlled new world order. How do you do that? You bring up competition. You rise the BRICS nations into prosperity to where the control all the natural resources (75% of the worlds population) to where they can crush the western global world order through resources and economic warfare. Convincing China to align with Russia and Iran was part of that plan.
Why would Xi Jinping do that? Basically Donald Trump showed that at the end of the day when this war is over, you're going to get stabbed in the back and your country will no longer be sovereign or have the power of the Chinese people but instead ran by a globalist non-elected oligarchy. Xi Jinping probably said "no way Jose" (in Chinese) then Donald Trump said "you better do what I'm asking you to do" and this is why China broke away.
You begin to see this with the attacks on China by politicians through the rhetoric they start imposing against America.
29:55 Let's fast forward to what's coming out. US govt says "we'll put out intelligence if you, China, support Russia". All of a sudden we have this lab leak. In Canada we have " China interfered with Canadian elections".
What are the ramifications if the international community accepts this?
The confidential report that came from the DOE wasn't released, the report is gonna come out with basically 100% confidence that this came from China and China released this on their own people.
When that happens, your gonna have countries around the world seeking retribution from China. $Trillions. Countries will place sanctions on China. China will be limited in many different ways at the UN. You'll have investigations through the Bio and Chemical treaties which means China will be in no position to support Russia in a war.
It'll be very similar to what the US and allied nations did to Nazi Germany after WW1 by placing massive sanctions and making them pay back $2.2 Trillion as retributions for the war effort which Germany couldn't do and it bankrupted Germany. The globalists even wanted to go in there and take Germany the land from Germans. That's when Hitler came in and rose the ranks until WW2.
What happens to a sovereign nation state with their backs against the wall, who cant get the needed raw materials to live and progress that society? They go to WAR!
This is what the globalists are trying to do. They're trying to push a World War between the western and eastern global nations. They are playing their pieces well.
31:40 The DOE that came out is likely 100% propoganda made to turn the global community against China to bring sanctions and stop them from funding Russia because they know the next one is the nail in the coffin where they come out with "actual intelligence" like Nordstream, saying that China released this to the world.
32:10 Theory is that the patriots in China released the virus from the lab.
The reason is because I don't think the virus was ready. In don't think the virus was completed at this point in time. What it did was sped up the globalist timeline and brought about a level of inefficiency to their bioweapon they were about to use.
This is why Donald Trump said "The actions I have taken have saved millions upon millions of lives.
32:45 Is it because they're looking at all scenarios that were about to unfold and maybe we just don't understand the gravity of what was supposed to happen, and this was the whole discussion about there was no other way? Take the lesser of 2 evils because if you let them go ahead with their plan. I'm guessing at that point there was no way to stop them completely so at that point you had to throw a wrench to stop the machine to get them to trip on themselves and that action saves millions of lives even though lives were lost.
In war you sometimes have to make those decisions because you don't have a choice.
33:32 For context: In or around August of July of 2018, Q began posting about Corona 1, Corona 4, Corona 8 offline... Doing research you find there's various spy satellites utilized by CIA back in the 60s and 70s known as the Corona Cluster. But if you start thinking of these as actual biolabs. Operators in harms way going out and taking these biolabs... This is what Russia did, the whole point of Russia in Ukraine was to take out the biolabs in Ukraine specifically.
Think about operators in harms way going in and taking out Corona 4, Corona 8, this is just code names given to them because these were places where the bioweapons were created for points of distribution.
34:30 They mitigated the bioweapon distribution. Secondarily they released the virus early because they knew it would happen and that it was inevitable. They release it before it's finished. This was the common flu for most people. It only truly affected the elderly or those with preexisting conditions.
Why was it released early?
Because now people can gain a level of herd immunity to this very weakened version of this virus, to where if they released the really potent one it becomes ineffective because you have the antibodies.
Doing research you find there's various spy satellites utilized by CIA back in the 60s and 70s known as the Corona Cluster
The names could have been reused deliberately so that in the event of info leaks you'd find this interesting match first in your searches. Like how they put bits of truth into movies and TV so that if someone searches for that keyword the first couple pages of search results are all pop-culture related.
HOLY SHIT!!! AT THE 30min mark he talks about the virus' release and Trump taking credit for the vax, follow me, operation warp speed is Trump forcing the deep state to release the virus early rendering it a weak form of the original virus therefore infecting the whole world and Fauci admitted it himself that infection is the best vaccine, Trump's not taking credit for the shot that they're injecting, he's taking credit for getting the virus out early before its mature more potent form that would've actually killed a large portion of the population. Warp speed was white hats forcing the globalist plan into overdrive very prematurely WOW
The Rumble app for Android plays in the background and with the screen locked (unlike YouTube). That's how I listen in the car, while mowing, doing chores, etc.
1:44:25 “Thanks to my buddy Ian. We got number one on this, uh, greatawakening.win blog” talking about part one.
LOL, blog. Flair!
Thats me! Hahahahaha
Fucking epic
Are you Ian?
Yessir, I am.
I am..... Ian.....
How do u know him
We live in the same town. He was an instructor to a few friends for mma type stuff. I've been to his house once to chat about the conspiracy stuff back when covid kicked off 2020.
Aurion... Are Ian... 💡
It was staring us in the face the entire time!
This name comes from Aurian originally but I changed it to Aurion.
Au for gold. Orion because i feel drawn to it.
Ryan, Rian, Rion, Orion, Aryan, Aurion, Aurian
It is an old Indo-European word and name going back thousands of years.
EDIT: Downvote if you want, its just the God honest truth. These are ancient names that go back before recorded history and they reach today from Ireland to India and Pakistan and beyond.
I like the etymology and the ancient links. I landed at it through other reasons, but I feel these symbols and names can mean many things across time. Nothing wrong with commanding back gods glory in any name or symbol. He owns it all and in the end, all will be returned to him
Hey, can we get Ian a badass pepe frog?
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Also, epic kek
Omg your flair is off the chain now! Whoever put the earth chronicles is awesome! What a week, Ian! I can’t wait to meet all you frogs one day.
Mods see all.
Holy shit, hahah! That is badass!
Nice going u/catsfive!
Haha really?! That IS fucking epic! Nice work WWG1WGA fren
If only the Sheeple could take the time to follow these clearly laid out and connected dots in this video, as easily as most Anons do. This is an Amazing video, and points down the points of who the good guys really are vs the Cabal, and what was done!
The theory that the China Patriots, probably a scientist purposely released the “unfinished, not completely finished or mutated (more lethal) virus the Cabal wanted”, to accelerate their plans forcing them to scramble, and turn the vaccines or boosters into the actual lethal weapon……wow!! This makes a lot of sense! And yes the whole Omicron piece actually helping build immunity, is just on point to all I know at least, and I hope to all y’all Anons know.
Yes Anons, Russia and China are in the same internal Cabal fight we are. The Russians are probably the only country that has just about squashed them (the Cabal) totally, compared to everyone else. We and China are probably on the same tier of being the next two countries to “break free” of the Cabal stranglehold. Then we’ll have to work together to free every other nation.
Right? Sigh. They don't run on facts, they run on feeelwings. They believe something because they want it to be true. I thought today's other sticky did a great job of delving into why tackling that fact is part of the plan.
I've seen plenty of times when anons on this site believed some patently false crap because they wanted it to be true. That's human nature, so we always need to be at war with our own cognitive biases.
I’m totally fine with the USA, Russia, and China being core Allies in the fight against the Cabal. Just as so long as a “free China” will stop meddling in USA affairs.
Also I’m just going to say it, but I want Trump to stay in office just as long as Putin and Xi have, 4-8 years is bullshit and not enough.
I personally agree and think he is owed since he was cheated out of his consecutive term. He should automatically get those 4 years back plus the 4 years he wins in 2024. It’s only fair “the diamonds be returned”, and not just vanish.
I've had this theory for years but it was based on how the virus just happened to come out as the Hong Kong riots were really gaining steam and how disorganized the Democrats and globalists in other countries were taking until March to suddenly get into lockstep.
I listened to this and the last episode plus some other Josh Reid stuff. It’s fire. I love the way Josh lays out the timeline. He has great command of the facts.
He does, or at least seems to but it's always good to double check things. I'm wondering do you, or does anyone have any sauce on Trump's first project being the restoration of the Waldorf-Astoria? I found it listed at the Hilton's restoration & can't find any proof that Trump was involved. Doesn't mean he wasn't- I'm just wondering if anyone has a clue on that
The first result I got back said that the former Trump hotel in DC was NOW the Waldorf Astoria as it has been sold and renamed. Interesting.
They are somewhat misleading in regards to plasma donations. Whole blood can be donated only every few months. This is not the primary source of plasma. CSL, Grifols, Biomat, etc... Don't keep it a secret what the plasma is being used for. They also PAY the donors. Plasma can be donated 2 times a week with one day between the donations. They take blood out and separate it then put the red cells back in. It takes about 1 hour for the actual donation.
They use a payment scheme that encourages you to come back. In 4 weeks you can donate 8 times. so something like this 60,100,70,100,75,100,80,100 Each company has a bit different payment scheme, BUT they offer new donors more for the first 8 donations then the amount tapers down significantly. The good news is if you don't go back to that company for 6 months you can get the new donor bonuses.
They pay with bank debit cards which supplies the payment system to them so they can Nickle and dime the donors. Typical donors are poor, college kids, homeless, etc... Often larger metros will have 4 companies and some of these companies have more than 1 donation center in the city. If you really need some extra cash it can be a way to get it. They won't tell you on the phone what their current promos are you have to go to the center to find out.
I have made 800 to as much as 1200 for the 8 donation promo, but then they cut it to 450-500 per 8 donations after that. They pay after each donation.
They do a minor physical each visit with 2 blood tests, and also send a blood sample off on first visit and every 6 months after that. If you try and cheat by going to more than one center to donate more than 2 x a week they will bar you from all donations. There's a national database.
One other note to donate plasma- you cannot use albuterol for two weeks prior to donation. They said something about making the plasma separate?
Yeah, there's a whole list of drugs that can disqualify you. Also the blood tests, once I tested low by 1 point for protein and I could not donate. They gave me a list of things to eat with protein, I just laughed at the dude and told him if my protein is too low its not because I'm not eating enough of it. We eat too much protein if anything.
It can be a good way to pick up a few extra bucks, but it is not a reliable way, besides the tests being out of tolerance, the machines can mess up. Once I never got the anticoagulant that goes in at the end. Sometimes they have to switch your arms, etc...
Praise God we haven’t had to do that since I was in school! They also pay you even if the draw messes up. The last time I donated, they had to stop my draw early. The filter had plugged with straight fat! They asked me what I’d eaten the day before(In-And-Out Burger), and then showed my filter to all of the other techs. I’ve since drastically changed my diet. I don’t want to stroke out. I’m 53 so it’s hopefully a little early for me to go to Heaven. I was 41 or 42 at the time. I still got paid the full amount which I believe was $30 or $35 at the time.
Another great show. Another one I’m going to have to watch twice just to take it all in. 👌👌🔥🔥
Josh is a fuckin beast, wow.
1:14 "The Googenheims" hahahaha I loled
This is very good
Usually I listen to videos at 1.5 or 2 times speed. You get used to the changes of the voices, if the accents aren't too bad & can make it out fine. This guy brings up so many things I never thought of & goes at such a speed I just can't. Have to rewind a lot too!
Changes of the voices?
You mean, high-pitched?
If so, you can also keep the correct pitch, by the way. =)
O wow a new podcast to listen too. Wasn't part 1 posted somewhere? I can't seem to find it.
Ep: 12 https://rumble.com/v2ahzrq-the-earth-chronicles-ep-12-wed-300-pm-et-.html
I just watched this. No time in the last week. Did someone come up with the grifter who General Flynn now quotes all the time? Just curious.
Does anyone know a way to download this to make an offline copy?
Use jdownloader. Lots of Youtube vids showing you how.
Or VLC player but a little fiddly.
If you use Brave browser on your phone you can save for offline viewing/listening right in the browser.
I do use Brave. I tried the little download arrow icon and all it did was save the page that surrounds the video but not the video itself. If you have a way to save the video, please walk me through what I'm missing. Thanks.
They were planning to add it to Android but it appears they haven’t yet.
If you have iOS, you wait for the video/page to load. A pink button should appear in the upper right of the screen. Hit that to add it to playlist. If it doesn’t appear you can hit the three dots in the lower right corner and one of the options should be to add the video to playlist. Hopefully that helps.
Thanks, fren. I am on Android, so I'll have to settle for the summary posted by another anon.
......weren't they called out for being funded by the CCP
Yeah by a bunch a whiney cunts. One of their sponsors makes generators and I guess the parts are made in China and assembled here. Its a nothing burger. They were first called out being part of mossad, by the same group.
In french we say:
"Oevuer Le Tarche!" *
*Note: Just made that up.
8:35 Symbolism will be their downfall. Occult symbolism mentors:
10:45 David Ovason book - "The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital: The Masons and the Building of Washington, D.C."
11:02 Great Documentary - Secrets in Plain Sight by Scott Onstott
(3hr 43min) Vol 1 Complete https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHhgLnIvuAs
12:55 - Why "symbolism will be their downfall" is a powerful statement
13:55 "There's a game that happens between the masters and the slaves in how they flaunt their subliminal programming."
15:00 commercial time.... My Pillow is 1st sponsor on temp-regulating pillow, Benson Honey Farms is the 2nd sponsor on raw, unpasteurized honey made in Nebraska.
18:45 End of commercials.
19:00 CSIS - Canadian Intelligence drafted reports that the Trudeau administration was aware that the CCP was directly affecting Canadian elections. Released by National Post and even CCTV is talking about it.
19:55 Why DOE is saying Covid came from China, lab leak, etc. Last week Xi Jinping released his 12 points for peace be Russia and Ukraine. If peace doesn't come, China will support Russia militarily. US mad. US releases memo saying "don't do this or we release intelligence".
Xi makes meeting with Zelensky.
DOE does biological safety, reviewing bioweapons, etc. Livermoore did the investigation and said "they have conclusive evidence that China is behind the lab leak with very low confidence".
Go back to March 2020 there was a 5 eyes Intel group bw NATO nations brief that was leaked that said " this is a lab leak from China".
21:59 Why would China leak a dangerous virus from their own lab and wreak havoc on their country and their world standing?
THEORY TIME - If we look at what happened, in 2014 a group of Chinese generals came about and started talking about the weaponization of biologics of viruses, bacteria, and especially 5G and things...
This is after Chapel Hill, North Carolina incident. We don't know much but Obama shut down gain of function research in USA. Eco Health Alliance was being funded by NIAID was shut down and they went to Wuhan Institute of Virology with grants from the WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and $2 Million grant from the NIAID which was not supposed to fund Gain of Function (GoF) Research.
Eco Health Alliance went to Wuhan and continued their research. After this, generals in China came out and said "hey we're gonna weaponize viruses because this what Americans are doing and now they're doing it in our labs". Remember Obama is still president at this time.
23:30 2014 is an interesting year, USA was doing GoF research and closed it down probably because they were going into phase 2 of this plan. They moved it to multiple laboratories around the world, not just Wuhan.
My guess is what they were doing is developing a genetically targeted bioweapon. If you start looking at where the USA has all these level 4 bio-containment labs, they're all over the world. Well we know 72 of US funded labs were in Ukraine.
24:05 The Russian military already came out and said Ukraine is the place where USA developed Covid-19. We know this from statements of Chyna, Ukraine. That one specific biolab apparently the one where Covid-19 was created.
24:25 Interestingly enough the MRNA vaccine was approved in Sep 22, 2019 executive order by Donald Trump where he allowed the research into different technologies to help save lives. This is where MRNA tech was approved.
3 days before that executive order, Russia had a level 4 Biolab on one of their Eastern borders burn down to the ground. 3 months before Covid-19 breaks out to the world. Remember Russia didn't have Covid-19 that bad, they didn't shut down businesses, etc.
3 days before that executive order, Russia had a level 4 Biolab on one of their Eastern borders burn down to the ground. 3 months before Covid-19 breaks out to the world. Remember Russia didn't have Covid-19 that bad, they didn't shut down businesses, etc. They weren't affected because they knew it was going to happen.
25:12 Now we go into event 201. John Hopkins University, Bill & Melinda Fates Foundation, WHO. In Oct-17 or 19th in 2019. If you look at the script, it talks about a novel Coronavirus that finally jumped from bats to human beings, becomes contagious, produces a pandemic, of which you need to created a new technology MRNA vaccines to stop the pandemic.
25:40 They also talk about how it will be spread initially through wet markets in South America. So there's only 1 factor of change between that document and reality, the location in Southeast Asia.
If China is helping fund this research, why would they release it 100 yards away from the facility that did it? What was China's response when this was released? Remember there were people dying in the streets, govt walking into peoples houses and shooting them if they didn't want to come with them, dragging them out of homes, aerosols in the air... Etc.
26:25 China didn't release this, they tried to stop it as fast as possible because they knew it was a genetically targeted bioweapon that somehow got released in their country.
Immediately after March-2020 we had the 5 eyes report come out. China did everything to stop this ASAP. China has a deep state, US has a deep state. We had Donald Trump in office which were patriots and China has its own patriots to a certain degree. Not saying Xi Jinping is though.
26:55 Going back on previous research on Xi Jinping in early 2019 after meeting w Donald Trump at Forbidden City, he told the western globalists to go f*ck themselves. He started turning his back on them, so he wasn't invited to WEF meetings and China started aligning more with BRICS nations in militaristic positions.
27:20 When people look at this, they go "China bad, Covid bad, etc.
If we're gonna get good at nailing what is happening, one thing that is important is to get very specific on the mechanisms that are at play. There's times during war where you have to recruit your enemy on a different front to help you face a greater enemy.
Certain mutually assured deals were made amongst patriots in America and all over the world to thwart this Great Reset. It couldn't be 100% the other side operating so there must've been other factions to do this and all you need to do to get a Xi Jinping on your side about this is talk to them about the threat coming their way as well if they go along with the globalists. You don't have to like the guy, you just need them to not go along with Klaus Schwab and Illuminati.
28:32 When Xi Jinping came in he made a promise to the Chinese people that he would restore them to the top status and they would have freedom once again.
28:42 Donald Trumps perspective was you have to stop western globalism from creating a totalitarian Communo-fascist oligarchal controlled new world order. How do you do that? You bring up competition. You rise the BRICS nations into prosperity to where the control all the natural resources (75% of the worlds population) to where they can crush the western global world order through resources and economic warfare. Convincing China to align with Russia and Iran was part of that plan.
Why would Xi Jinping do that? Basically Donald Trump showed that at the end of the day when this war is over, you're going to get stabbed in the back and your country will no longer be sovereign or have the power of the Chinese people but instead ran by a globalist non-elected oligarchy. Xi Jinping probably said "no way Jose" (in Chinese) then Donald Trump said "you better do what I'm asking you to do" and this is why China broke away.
You begin to see this with the attacks on China by politicians through the rhetoric they start imposing against America.
29:55 Let's fast forward to what's coming out. US govt says "we'll put out intelligence if you, China, support Russia". All of a sudden we have this lab leak. In Canada we have " China interfered with Canadian elections".
What are the ramifications if the international community accepts this?
The confidential report that came from the DOE wasn't released, the report is gonna come out with basically 100% confidence that this came from China and China released this on their own people.
When that happens, your gonna have countries around the world seeking retribution from China. $Trillions. Countries will place sanctions on China. China will be limited in many different ways at the UN. You'll have investigations through the Bio and Chemical treaties which means China will be in no position to support Russia in a war.
It'll be very similar to what the US and allied nations did to Nazi Germany after WW1 by placing massive sanctions and making them pay back $2.2 Trillion as retributions for the war effort which Germany couldn't do and it bankrupted Germany. The globalists even wanted to go in there and take Germany the land from Germans. That's when Hitler came in and rose the ranks until WW2.
What happens to a sovereign nation state with their backs against the wall, who cant get the needed raw materials to live and progress that society? They go to WAR!
This is what the globalists are trying to do. They're trying to push a World War between the western and eastern global nations. They are playing their pieces well.
31:40 The DOE that came out is likely 100% propoganda made to turn the global community against China to bring sanctions and stop them from funding Russia because they know the next one is the nail in the coffin where they come out with "actual intelligence" like Nordstream, saying that China released this to the world.
~ 2:10:00 - Dauntless dialogue
Red Cross - The Power Of The Templars Mtsar Article link: http://www.femaleilluminati.com/article-2.html
Red Cross/crescent/crystal
Red Cross = Rothschild
Rockefeller Red Cross connection
Chapter Four of COTM:
32:10 Theory is that the patriots in China released the virus from the lab.
The reason is because I don't think the virus was ready. In don't think the virus was completed at this point in time. What it did was sped up the globalist timeline and brought about a level of inefficiency to their bioweapon they were about to use.
This is why Donald Trump said "The actions I have taken have saved millions upon millions of lives.
32:45 Is it because they're looking at all scenarios that were about to unfold and maybe we just don't understand the gravity of what was supposed to happen, and this was the whole discussion about there was no other way? Take the lesser of 2 evils because if you let them go ahead with their plan. I'm guessing at that point there was no way to stop them completely so at that point you had to throw a wrench to stop the machine to get them to trip on themselves and that action saves millions of lives even though lives were lost.
In war you sometimes have to make those decisions because you don't have a choice.
33:32 For context: In or around August of July of 2018, Q began posting about Corona 1, Corona 4, Corona 8 offline... Doing research you find there's various spy satellites utilized by CIA back in the 60s and 70s known as the Corona Cluster. But if you start thinking of these as actual biolabs. Operators in harms way going out and taking these biolabs... This is what Russia did, the whole point of Russia in Ukraine was to take out the biolabs in Ukraine specifically.
Think about operators in harms way going in and taking out Corona 4, Corona 8, this is just code names given to them because these were places where the bioweapons were created for points of distribution.
34:30 They mitigated the bioweapon distribution. Secondarily they released the virus early because they knew it would happen and that it was inevitable. They release it before it's finished. This was the common flu for most people. It only truly affected the elderly or those with preexisting conditions.
Why was it released early?
Because now people can gain a level of herd immunity to this very weakened version of this virus, to where if they released the really potent one it becomes ineffective because you have the antibodies.
Then they came out with the vaccine.
The names could have been reused deliberately so that in the event of info leaks you'd find this interesting match first in your searches. Like how they put bits of truth into movies and TV so that if someone searches for that keyword the first couple pages of search results are all pop-culture related.
True! That's a useful tactic that I'm sure they've used for decades.
HOLY SHIT!!! AT THE 30min mark he talks about the virus' release and Trump taking credit for the vax, follow me, operation warp speed is Trump forcing the deep state to release the virus early rendering it a weak form of the original virus therefore infecting the whole world and Fauci admitted it himself that infection is the best vaccine, Trump's not taking credit for the shot that they're injecting, he's taking credit for getting the virus out early before its mature more potent form that would've actually killed a large portion of the population. Warp speed was white hats forcing the globalist plan into overdrive very prematurely WOW
Do these guys have an actual podcast or do I need to play a video?
Not sure, but I personally couldn't find a podcast after trying a few avenues.
The Rumble app for Android plays in the background and with the screen locked (unlike YouTube). That's how I listen in the car, while mowing, doing chores, etc.
Until I see handcuffs applied to TOP officials, not the piss ants that do the bidding….TOP. 🥱