Don't need to ban it. Just separate it and make sure the F***er's deliver it when asked for. On second thought, forget it, I wouldn't trust a hospital or doctor to do that.
Truthfully, I agree...I do not think ANYONE in the medical community would be capable of doing this honestly. I would not trust my blood going to someone specific unless I could see the blood going from my arm into their body. There sure needs to be a solution...but what is it.
Yes...but everything can be infiltrated and we see in the regular world. How long until that would happen with unvaxxed blood banks? I don't mean to doom, but this is the reality of life in the US...
It sure seems like the unvaxxed have an advantage of better blood...but with all the reports coming out about the condition of the unvaxxed blood, you have to really wonder if it is as pure as we think it is. There are a lot of people doing blood analysis and doing reports and it is really all very interesting.
It’s gonna take years to sort out. It probably depends on how much close proximity the unvaxxed have w the vaxxed. All I know is I don’t know anyone unvaxxed who regrets it.
Yes...not taking the vax was one of the most important decisions a person could have made lately...I added a video to the last comment...if you haven't seen it, it is worth is hard to separate all the truth lies about the vax, but I feel like there are people who are getting to the bottom of the reality of the situation. I hope the people researching remain safe and uncompromised...
My unvaccinated sister had hip surgery. Low and behold, she needed blood and she did not heed my warning and refuse. Supposedly she lost a “cup” of blood. A 240 ml blood loss is not a reason to transfuse, unless they are wrong on the blood loss numbers. Something is fishy. It would not make a difference now, the damage is done.
Came here to say both of these ideas. I am open to vaccinated people donating blood for use by vaccinated people. But I do not trust these institutiions to keep the blood properly marked and only use it as directed.
P.S. I came back for the call-out to your last line in your post. I think this is really important to stress to people. There is a degree of naivete in America, where "Democrats" do not notice for the most part that their Party has been converted into a hat that the Communists are wearing. And perhaps even more importantly, we should not assume that no Commies have infiltrated on the "Republican" or even "Small C Conservative" cohort. Commies care about sowing chaos. They don't care which side wins any argument. All they care about is that both sides destroy each other in the fight.
Most blood that is transfused is packed red blood cells without the plasma. I don't know, however, if the red blood cells could be infected or adulterated. Red blood cells don't contain the same replication equipment as other cells in the body, they merely carry hemoglobin.
The problem for the vaxxed is the red blood cells are clumping together (clotting)...truthfully I am not sure if severely affected vaxxed people can even give blood to be filtered...
This should be a national ban. That might wake some people up! My vaxxed mil donates regularly. I've told her it's poison, that she may be harming my family, etc. But she seems to care more about herself and feeling good about doing "good" deeds
Me either. They'll keep it around and keep giving it to people. Until they get shed and win. No different than when they used the blood supply to spread hiv. I know a family who mom got HIV from transfusion at birth of baby, baby got it from mom, husband got it from wife and all have died from it, leaving one or two older kids without any family
My husband recently had a bone marrow transplant. We asked and asked to get unvaccinated blood. We tried to encourage family members to do a direct donation. Each attempt was poo pooed. Many of the family didn't even know their blood type. We can hope and pray that the unvaxed will be protected from mud blood but we have a long way to go before people are awake enough to set the system up to do so.
Not a bad plan, if the health of the population was actually the goal. But the goal is depopulation - CDC would stick that shit in the water supply if they could.
This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. It has to do with intelligent consideration or going along with the sheep. Lions don't want the blood from sheep.
3yrs down the track, millions dead and injured,.the horse has pretty much bolted,I mean how many 100,s or hundreds of thousands have already had blood transfusions with the tainted blood,.and how do you clean up this deliberately caused mess,.near impossible,.!..
good. I am worried about getting Vax blood. I refuse to donate my blood ever again knowing it's just gonna go to the elites while Vax blood is given to the rest of us
Um... we are busy sending weapons to the Nazi regime in Ukraine but we can't help Turkey and Syria? I'm thinking they would look fwd to more unnecessary and unconcienceable deaths. I mean they are still pushing the VAXXX. it doesn't take a genius to figure out "They are trying to kill us"
That is common sense. Why taint the blood of unvaccinated? Instead let them donate and we will consider all Red Cross screened blood tainted. We will start our own blood bank. It may be more expensive, but well worth it.
This will never happen. USA blood donations make up the majority of blood supply for almost all plasma products. We're one of the few countries that pays people to donate - there's already a massive shortage... this would make it ridiculously short.
The presence of the vaxxed blood in their donated supply is going to do that handily. If they had ANY integrity, they'd have stopped this long ago. Alas, they do not.
3yrs down the track, millions dead and injured,.the horse has pretty much bolted,I mean how many 100,s or hundreds of thousands have already had blood transfusions with the tainted blood,.and how do you clean up this deliberately caused mess,.near impossible,.!..
Don't need to ban it. Just separate it and make sure the F***er's deliver it when asked for. On second thought, forget it, I wouldn't trust a hospital or doctor to do that.
Truthfully, I agree...I do not think ANYONE in the medical community would be capable of doing this honestly. I would not trust my blood going to someone specific unless I could see the blood going from my arm into their body. There sure needs to be a solution...but what is it.
Unvaxxed blood banks. At some point, there will be vaxxed people who don’t want any vaxxed bloood.
Yes...but everything can be infiltrated and we see in the regular world. How long until that would happen with unvaxxed blood banks? I don't mean to doom, but this is the reality of life in the US... It sure seems like the unvaxxed have an advantage of better blood...but with all the reports coming out about the condition of the unvaxxed blood, you have to really wonder if it is as pure as we think it is. There are a lot of people doing blood analysis and doing reports and it is really all very interesting. Dr. Ana Mihalcea
It’s gonna take years to sort out. It probably depends on how much close proximity the unvaxxed have w the vaxxed. All I know is I don’t know anyone unvaxxed who regrets it.
Yes...not taking the vax was one of the most important decisions a person could have made lately...I added a video to the last comment...if you haven't seen it, it is worth is hard to separate all the truth lies about the vax, but I feel like there are people who are getting to the bottom of the reality of the situation. I hope the people researching remain safe and uncompromised...
My unvaccinated sister had hip surgery. Low and behold, she needed blood and she did not heed my warning and refuse. Supposedly she lost a “cup” of blood. A 240 ml blood loss is not a reason to transfuse, unless they are wrong on the blood loss numbers. Something is fishy. It would not make a difference now, the damage is done.
Comments turned off. I always question videos with no commenting.
Came here to say both of these ideas. I am open to vaccinated people donating blood for use by vaccinated people. But I do not trust these institutiions to keep the blood properly marked and only use it as directed.
I think you have the right idea.
Maybe theres a way to filter it.
I'm not into the "getting back at the vax" mentality the mainstream media are pushing. It's more division.
I warned you all before. Communists have infiltrated both sides. This MSM article is a good example of it.
P.S. I came back for the call-out to your last line in your post. I think this is really important to stress to people. There is a degree of naivete in America, where "Democrats" do not notice for the most part that their Party has been converted into a hat that the Communists are wearing. And perhaps even more importantly, we should not assume that no Commies have infiltrated on the "Republican" or even "Small C Conservative" cohort. Commies care about sowing chaos. They don't care which side wins any argument. All they care about is that both sides destroy each other in the fight.
And commies have no morals or ethics, they will do whatever it takes to enable their goals.
Most blood that is transfused is packed red blood cells without the plasma. I don't know, however, if the red blood cells could be infected or adulterated. Red blood cells don't contain the same replication equipment as other cells in the body, they merely carry hemoglobin.
The problem for the vaxxed is the red blood cells are clumping together (clotting)...truthfully I am not sure if severely affected vaxxed people can even give blood to be filtered...
This should be a national ban. That might wake some people up! My vaxxed mil donates regularly. I've told her it's poison, that she may be harming my family, etc. But she seems to care more about herself and feeling good about doing "good" deeds
Tell her I said to go pick up trash at the park. She won’t be endangering anyone and she still gets to feel special.
Me either. They'll keep it around and keep giving it to people. Until they get shed and win. No different than when they used the blood supply to spread hiv. I know a family who mom got HIV from transfusion at birth of baby, baby got it from mom, husband got it from wife and all have died from it, leaving one or two older kids without any family
It was absolutely tragic.
Yup. DONATING is safe but we're not talking about that, are we?
My husband recently had a bone marrow transplant. We asked and asked to get unvaccinated blood. We tried to encourage family members to do a direct donation. Each attempt was poo pooed. Many of the family didn't even know their blood type. We can hope and pray that the unvaxed will be protected from mud blood but we have a long way to go before people are awake enough to set the system up to do so.
First, we need a reliable test to confirm the blood status.
Not a bad plan, if the health of the population was actually the goal. But the goal is depopulation - CDC would stick that shit in the water supply if they could.
It's too late. The well has been poisoned.
This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. It has to do with intelligent consideration or going along with the sheep. Lions don't want the blood from sheep.
3yrs down the track, millions dead and injured,.the horse has pretty much bolted,I mean how many 100,s or hundreds of thousands have already had blood transfusions with the tainted blood,.and how do you clean up this deliberately caused mess,.near impossible,.!..
I dont want to donate. I want to be PAID for my pure, enlightened untainted blood
good. I am worried about getting Vax blood. I refuse to donate my blood ever again knowing it's just gonna go to the elites while Vax blood is given to the rest of us
Um... we are busy sending weapons to the Nazi regime in Ukraine but we can't help Turkey and Syria? I'm thinking they would look fwd to more unnecessary and unconcienceable deaths. I mean they are still pushing the VAXXX. it doesn't take a genius to figure out "They are trying to kill us"
That is common sense. Why taint the blood of unvaccinated? Instead let them donate and we will consider all Red Cross screened blood tainted. We will start our own blood bank. It may be more expensive, but well worth it.
This will never happen. USA blood donations make up the majority of blood supply for almost all plasma products. We're one of the few countries that pays people to donate - there's already a massive shortage... this would make it ridiculously short.
There's a group starting to coordinate an unvaxxed blood bank.
Yep, sorry we don't need to spread tainted blood from bio-weapon experiments.
I love how on the same page there are two different articles with contrasting points:
80 percent of the world's blood supply contaminated by spike protein
And this one which says Republicans want to ban vaccinated from donating blood.
The presence of the vaxxed blood in their donated supply is going to do that handily. If they had ANY integrity, they'd have stopped this long ago. Alas, they do not.
Ban the tainted juice…
I don't want my freeblood entering the veins of a vaxhole. They can have all the tainted blood they need.
How about a top to bottom audit of the "blood donation" system. In the spirit of "question everything", how much are they taking in?
Where is it going?
How much are they charging?
How far does it travel?
The source says it all, trying once again, to point a loud finger in attempts to shift blame for PUBLIC UNREST!
Still anxiously awaiting the day, when us Purebloods , are in such great demand, that are blood is literally liquid gold
3yrs down the track, millions dead and injured,.the horse has pretty much bolted,I mean how many 100,s or hundreds of thousands have already had blood transfusions with the tainted blood,.and how do you clean up this deliberately caused mess,.near impossible,.!..