While different sins require different punishments, the nature of sin, regardless of which one, is the same from God’s perspective. A single sin of disobedience forever separated man from God to eternal damnation. Christ’s redemptive action on the cross paid the debt owed for every sin once and for all. Accepting it forgives our sin, pays the debt we owe, and removes the sentence that awaits us after death.
Man didn’t do a thing to earn his salvation. It’s a free gift from God that has already been awarded to everyone, regardless of what sins are committed. If you don’t claim the reward by the deadline, it’s your own fault.
Yes, the saving power of Christ is that powerful. He already bore the penalty for all sin, no matter how grievous.
I doubt Fauci, Gates, et al. would take the offer though. Their pride it seems knows no bounds, and pride is the one thing that can and will keep you from Christ permanently.
From the context of Christ talking about the unpardonable sin, it seems that that sin is attributing a work done by the Holy Spirit to a devil, as that’s what the Pharisees were doing when Christ gave the warning. I generally use the pride definition when talking to people who aren’t saved or aren’t familiar with the Bible, don’t want to give them the false impression that they can’t get saved even if they want to.
RE: Fauci, Gates, InsertWorstPersonHere can be saved?
100% - if they repent and accept the covering of Jesus' sacrifice.
Matthew 5
Jesus' words in verses 43-46:
“You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.
Paul in the Bible, was like the leader of ISIS back in those times - he Hunted Christians and Killed them.
God changed Paul - Paul ended up becoming one of the most influential figures in the Bible for spreading the Gospel.
BTW - this doesn't erase the need for Justice on Earth.
It just acknowledges the limitless reach of God's offer that is extended to each and every person that ever lived regardless of what they had done.
You must believe to be saved. This is not the same as being saved through good works. Belief is not a work. It's not a thing you do in the world for the good of other people or for the good of the world.
You can't be good to be saved because we are not perfect and God's standard is perfection. i.e. you can't save yourself by being a good person because none of us are.
No secret here, just a gross misunderstanding of reality.
You think the universe is deterministic, it's not. We have free-will and choose what to believe. If you want to reject God when presented with every opportunity to accept Him, well, you get what you deserve. What we all deserve. Your main problem is your deep misunderstanding of sin, of the nature of God, and of justice.
You could right now choose to earnestly seek out God or simply choose to believe. You probably won't because you think you are smarter than your creator, but that is as always your choice.
See? You all fail at simple logic. If I MUST do something to be saved. It's all up to me to save me. I state this very obvious logical concept and get down-voted for it.
It's not even worth the conversation at this point. We can't even agree on fundamentals.
Love your enemies and don't trespass against those that trespass against you.
Sounds like God could learn from reading his own book.
The problem is you ignore what people are saying to instead argue against the made up Christian in your mind.
I initially said you can't save yourself, yes, but the meaning here which is commonly understood (except by you) is that you can't save yourself through good works. This is what Christians are talking about when debating between salvation through faith and "doing something" to save yourself.
I absolutely do not agree that choosing to believe is a work. How is sitting in your house, and one day deciding to believe, a thing that you do in the world that is good? It's not. Going to your local soup kitchen and feeding poor people is a good work. But you will never save yourself no matter how much you do that. The only way to be saved is to accept the gift of salvation from God. In the most literal sense, yes, that is you saving yourself. It is done by accepting the salvation provided by Jesus Christ. No one disagreed with this. You simply don't know what is being discussed and are therefore ignorant of the topic. All the while pontificating on the illogicality of the people you ignorantly bash your head against.
And relating to your other comment about not being an atheist, you certainly come across as one. You act pompous and vain like you are better than the people you speak with because you think you know something they don't. You aren't here to learn or to convince, but simply to "win" the discussion and put those "dumb illogical Christians" in their place. This is the result of a lack of faith in the Lord. Anyone who has faith in Him sees Him and the Truth He presents in the Bible, which you flippantly dismiss because you think you know better than God.
Let me guess, 'muh personal relationship' and you "don't need no church"? Nor do you think you need an objective measure to base your belief in God on, and instead you somehow think you will come to the truth all on your own using your fallible eyes, fallible ears, fallible brain, and the rest of your fallible capabilities as a human?
If at a base level, you cannot understand the concept of free will, then the road ahead will be paved in difficulty for you. You will use reductionist "logic" to slow-walk the entire concept back to a single point, that the act of making the choice about anything at all must be evidence that since you had to chose, you were not free to do so. You taking that stance is instead, evidence that you are actually arguing for your own enslavement within the idea of free will that you would refer to it yourself as a "trap". You are fine to argue this, but it does not make you right, and a true righteous God would be justified in his ignorance of you. He does love and care for you regardless.
If you’re still breathing and capable of conscious thought, you can be saved (Romans 10:8-11, 1 John 1:6-10). Christ understands whatever struggles you’re going through; He was tempted in every single way you have been (Hebrews 4:15).
Nobody is beyond redemption through Christ Jesus, nobody. There is no amount of money that can buy it. No good deeds can earn it. It is a free gift given by God's grace.
She made $240 million on only fans? That’s unbelievable. That’s more than top NFL talent make in their whole career while destroying their body and brain
Good for her. I hope she can get all the online stuff, which I’m sure is still out there scrubbed. I wonder if she can threaten lawsuits to those who continue to advertise her past? The name Angela is a much more beautiful name too.
Most of the people paying for OF are so sexually warped that they need “new” females to get aroused to.
When you’ve been saturated in pornography since 9/10 years old, you start to need more and more to get the same “high”.
The warping of young minds in the past 20-30 years has had its negative effects on society.
The greatest proof that anyone should need that Jesus rose from the tomb is that fact that 2000 years later He is still dramatically changing lives! Praise be to God!
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.
Sure she found Jesus!
But only after she spread her disease to how many others?
And she got filthy rich doing it!
If it is that easy, then hell will be empty. I personally don't believe you get a pass for all the things have done in your life. It makes a nice fairytale though.
If they mean it and truly regret their decisions, where exists the problem? If they don't God knows they are full of shit and won't entertain their deception.
You think you are better or more deserving than them because you place different sins on a value hierarchy. God does not and would punish us all the same for any sin.
Good luck working your way to heaven. You won't succeed.
This forgiveness bullshit is just an out for those that want to live in sin, but still delude themselves into thinking they can get into heaven at the end.
And I don't put my self on some high pedestal. I'll face the same judgment for my shortcoming as every other swinging dick out there.
Jesus took the punishment on Himself for you, that’s why He died on a cross. The punishment that would have and should have gone to you went to Christ instead, and in turn you get His righteousness applied to your account. That’s the offer of the gospel, that’s how you get into heaven. The offer has been made and paid for, all you have to do is admit that you need it and accept it.
Food for thought. The apostle appointed to Gentiles once went door to door rounding up believers and getting them condemned as criminals. Paul.
The thief on the cross was told he would be in heaven that day with Jesus after he expressed his faith.
David had someone murdered by the enemy so he could have his wife ... Yet he was ultimately forgiven and known as a man after God's own heart.
"For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) He is a perfectly JUST God, which means any sin must be atoned for. His standards are perfection, so no human could possibly live up to his standard and all would be doomed to hell. That is why his own son, God in human flesh, came to pay the price. But, as God respects our free will he doesn't force the gift on anyone. If someone doesn't wish to be with him for eternity, then he honors their desire and they go to a place of eternal separation from him.
I asked a clarifying question since I wasn't sure of your meaning and I still get hit with this trash lol
I can't argue because I don't even have any idea what you are saying.
What is "all" a key word in? Supporting or dispelling the notion of God's mercy not being available to everyone? If you are saying the latter, I fully agree. If not, I disagree.
This is the same mental tactic BLM and Antifa thugs use to justify their hate. History has already written that racism happened and there is nothing we can pay to correct it. But demand payment anyway.
Your way of thinking suggests she has a Heaven Card the moment she has turned her direction towards Jesus. You don't see where she will be paying for these sins down the road already? She was sexual deviant, with a record, and a child. I can already tell you when that child hits 12, she will be targeted for bullying from the dug up history of her mother's sins. And as that mother she is going to navigate that whole thing herself, the resentment, the self hatred, the familial betrayal. She isn't anywhere near a clearing to just be heavenly going forward, there will be tests to her proclaimed faith from now on.
I know full well I am not the best person to speak about it, having started my own travel to discover Jesus and witness his movement in my own life fairly recently. But we all have seen actions having consequences in this board and how future events prove past statements. We, of all people, should take in consideration the future our actions carve.
Just as a reminder, suffering the consequences of sin is not the same thing as paying for sin. If she has repented and placed her faith in Jesus (and it looks like she has), then Christ has payed for all of her sin without exception.
What test would be sufficient for you, and where from scripture would you get this test from? Since when has there been a “probationary period” for new believers?
Paul imprisoned and murdered Christians before he got saved, and while his local church feared him even after his conversion for obvious reasons, once another brother in Christ told them of Paul’s experience with Christ, the church embraced him with open arms. Can we not do the same, and not judge who’s “really” saved and who’s not?
He who looks upon a woman with lust is an adulterer too. Are any of us any better than her? God is no respecter of persons.
I never said anything whether or not it's "sufficient." I am saying her claim to find Jesus will be tested from her past actions. Not that it is a divine test, just that her future will show herself and others how serious she will be.
Will she break? Will she blame God for being quiet when her child is being bullied? Or will she find strength from her new actions and direction? Will she find the spiritual strength to teach fortitude to her child on Jesus? Only time will tell, and ultimately it's between her and Jesus by that point.
While different sins require different punishments, the nature of sin, regardless of which one, is the same from God’s perspective. A single sin of disobedience forever separated man from God to eternal damnation. Christ’s redemptive action on the cross paid the debt owed for every sin once and for all. Accepting it forgives our sin, pays the debt we owe, and removes the sentence that awaits us after death.
Man didn’t do a thing to earn his salvation. It’s a free gift from God that has already been awarded to everyone, regardless of what sins are committed. If you don’t claim the reward by the deadline, it’s your own fault.
so Fauci and Gates after killing tens of millions can be saved.
Yes, the saving power of Christ is that powerful. He already bore the penalty for all sin, no matter how grievous.
I doubt Fauci, Gates, et al. would take the offer though. Their pride it seems knows no bounds, and pride is the one thing that can and will keep you from Christ permanently.
Technically the one sin not capable of being forgiven is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit- if you’re defining that to mean pride then yes.
From the context of Christ talking about the unpardonable sin, it seems that that sin is attributing a work done by the Holy Spirit to a devil, as that’s what the Pharisees were doing when Christ gave the warning. I generally use the pride definition when talking to people who aren’t saved or aren’t familiar with the Bible, don’t want to give them the false impression that they can’t get saved even if they want to.
The Apostle Paul was a Christian killer.
A Christian killer that repented in a massive way.
Yep. Christ’s death is sufficient for all.
They have the capacity to be in theory. In practice I'm fairly confident they're devout worshippers of Satan, so you can rest easy in that regard.
RE: Fauci, Gates, InsertWorstPersonHere can be saved?
100% - if they repent and accept the covering of Jesus' sacrifice.
Matthew 5
Jesus' words in verses 43-46:
“You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.
Paul in the Bible, was like the leader of ISIS back in those times - he Hunted Christians and Killed them.
God changed Paul - Paul ended up becoming one of the most influential figures in the Bible for spreading the Gospel.
BTW - this doesn't erase the need for Justice on Earth.
It just acknowledges the limitless reach of God's offer that is extended to each and every person that ever lived regardless of what they had done.
It's not free. It comes with a contingency and that is that one MUST believe a certain way.
It's really a person saving themselves. Sin is a made-up condition to sell a made-up solution. It's just good business.
The Bible does not preach a works based salvation. Never has and never will.
A person can not save themselves, or Jesus Christ wouldn't have needed to do what He did to forgive us of our sin.
If I must do something to be saved.
How is that anything other than me saving me?
You must believe to be saved. This is not the same as being saved through good works. Belief is not a work. It's not a thing you do in the world for the good of other people or for the good of the world.
You can't be good to be saved because we are not perfect and God's standard is perfection. i.e. you can't save yourself by being a good person because none of us are.
I'll tell you a little secret.
Our beliefs are not the product of desire or will alone. They're the product of circumstance and experience.
Belief is the lotto and rewarding/punishing anyone based on it, is unjust.
You and your god don't even understand the simple fundamentals on how humans function. It's a bit embarrassing for you all.
Anyway, I'm moving on.
No secret here, just a gross misunderstanding of reality.
You think the universe is deterministic, it's not. We have free-will and choose what to believe. If you want to reject God when presented with every opportunity to accept Him, well, you get what you deserve. What we all deserve. Your main problem is your deep misunderstanding of sin, of the nature of God, and of justice.
You could right now choose to earnestly seek out God or simply choose to believe. You probably won't because you think you are smarter than your creator, but that is as always your choice.
See? You all fail at simple logic. If I MUST do something to be saved. It's all up to me to save me. I state this very obvious logical concept and get down-voted for it.
It's not even worth the conversation at this point. We can't even agree on fundamentals.
Love your enemies and don't trespass against those that trespass against you.
Sounds like God could learn from reading his own book.
The problem is you ignore what people are saying to instead argue against the made up Christian in your mind.
I initially said you can't save yourself, yes, but the meaning here which is commonly understood (except by you) is that you can't save yourself through good works. This is what Christians are talking about when debating between salvation through faith and "doing something" to save yourself.
I absolutely do not agree that choosing to believe is a work. How is sitting in your house, and one day deciding to believe, a thing that you do in the world that is good? It's not. Going to your local soup kitchen and feeding poor people is a good work. But you will never save yourself no matter how much you do that. The only way to be saved is to accept the gift of salvation from God. In the most literal sense, yes, that is you saving yourself. It is done by accepting the salvation provided by Jesus Christ. No one disagreed with this. You simply don't know what is being discussed and are therefore ignorant of the topic. All the while pontificating on the illogicality of the people you ignorantly bash your head against.
And relating to your other comment about not being an atheist, you certainly come across as one. You act pompous and vain like you are better than the people you speak with because you think you know something they don't. You aren't here to learn or to convince, but simply to "win" the discussion and put those "dumb illogical Christians" in their place. This is the result of a lack of faith in the Lord. Anyone who has faith in Him sees Him and the Truth He presents in the Bible, which you flippantly dismiss because you think you know better than God.
Let me guess, 'muh personal relationship' and you "don't need no church"? Nor do you think you need an objective measure to base your belief in God on, and instead you somehow think you will come to the truth all on your own using your fallible eyes, fallible ears, fallible brain, and the rest of your fallible capabilities as a human?
If at a base level, you cannot understand the concept of free will, then the road ahead will be paved in difficulty for you. You will use reductionist "logic" to slow-walk the entire concept back to a single point, that the act of making the choice about anything at all must be evidence that since you had to chose, you were not free to do so. You taking that stance is instead, evidence that you are actually arguing for your own enslavement within the idea of free will that you would refer to it yourself as a "trap". You are fine to argue this, but it does not make you right, and a true righteous God would be justified in his ignorance of you. He does love and care for you regardless.
That's like thanking the gun manufacturer when you pulled the trigger yourself. You saved yourself.
Nice try.
No, not an atheist.
Sorry, my analogy is accurate.
I must make a choice, I must save myself. It's simple.
"It comes with a contingency and that is that one MUST believe a certain way."
Correct. One must believe the Truth.
"Beliefs" can be right or wrong.
Jesus said "I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.
Believe in Him.
If you’re still breathing and capable of conscious thought, you can be saved (Romans 10:8-11, 1 John 1:6-10). Christ understands whatever struggles you’re going through; He was tempted in every single way you have been (Hebrews 4:15).
So does she keep the money ? Lol
Exactly. Repenting from the GWagon
She should open up a fund to help other young women get off only fans and remove their tatoos also.
We’re kind of saying the same thing.
Nobody is beyond redemption through Christ Jesus, nobody. There is no amount of money that can buy it. No good deeds can earn it. It is a free gift given by God's grace.
She made $240 million on only fans? That’s unbelievable. That’s more than top NFL talent make in their whole career while destroying their body and brain
I'm glad for her, but it's easy to turn your life around when you have $240 million.
After she made over $240 million? Yea okay.
This is what will continue to happen when OF girls have already made bank and don't want the lifestyle anymore.
"Oh I had a change of heart conveniently after I reaped the benefits, and started to approach the age where no one wants to see me anymore."
Yea I bet you did.
Good for her. I hope she can get all the online stuff, which I’m sure is still out there scrubbed. I wonder if she can threaten lawsuits to those who continue to advertise her past? The name Angela is a much more beautiful name too.
Is she going to give away all her earnings from OF?
It says she made 240 million from OnlyFans. This can't be real.
This is great! May many follow her example and turn to the Lord.
Wasnt there just a video of Her mom on here explaining her demonic ass tattoo.
The only thing more surprising than this is that she had an onlyfans following in the first place. ...is she what the kids are into nowadays?
Most of the people paying for OF are so sexually warped that they need “new” females to get aroused to. When you’ve been saturated in pornography since 9/10 years old, you start to need more and more to get the same “high”.
The warping of young minds in the past 20-30 years has had its negative effects on society.
I am glad for her salvation but is she keeping the $240M she made from being a porn star?
The greatest proof that anyone should need that Jesus rose from the tomb is that fact that 2000 years later He is still dramatically changing lives! Praise be to God!
Epiphany phase.
I trust this change as much as Kanye West changed.
Just curious if she’ll be giving up her $240 million made by selling her body online?
She giving up all that money too?
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to pass through the gates of heaven.
Sure she found Jesus!
But only after she spread her disease to how many others?
And she got filthy rich doing it!
If it is that easy, then hell will be empty. I personally don't believe you get a pass for all the things have done in your life. It makes a nice fairytale though.
Gods mercy is available to everyone.
So I can rape, torture, and kill children and all I need to do is say I'm sorry and ask for forgiveness. What ever happened to those millstones?
Guess you will need to ask God then when you meet him.
If they mean it and truly regret their decisions, where exists the problem? If they don't God knows they are full of shit and won't entertain their deception.
You think you are better or more deserving than them because you place different sins on a value hierarchy. God does not and would punish us all the same for any sin.
Good luck working your way to heaven. You won't succeed.
God will punish us all for our sins regardless.
This forgiveness bullshit is just an out for those that want to live in sin, but still delude themselves into thinking they can get into heaven at the end.
And I don't put my self on some high pedestal. I'll face the same judgment for my shortcoming as every other swinging dick out there.
God disagrees.
Jesus took the punishment on Himself for you, that’s why He died on a cross. The punishment that would have and should have gone to you went to Christ instead, and in turn you get His righteousness applied to your account. That’s the offer of the gospel, that’s how you get into heaven. The offer has been made and paid for, all you have to do is admit that you need it and accept it.
which God?
Cant be the God of the bible, because the bible explicitly says the opposite.
You must be thinking of satan.
Food for thought. The apostle appointed to Gentiles once went door to door rounding up believers and getting them condemned as criminals. Paul.
The thief on the cross was told he would be in heaven that day with Jesus after he expressed his faith.
David had someone murdered by the enemy so he could have his wife ... Yet he was ultimately forgiven and known as a man after God's own heart.
"For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) He is a perfectly JUST God, which means any sin must be atoned for. His standards are perfection, so no human could possibly live up to his standard and all would be doomed to hell. That is why his own son, God in human flesh, came to pay the price. But, as God respects our free will he doesn't force the gift on anyone. If someone doesn't wish to be with him for eternity, then he honors their desire and they go to a place of eternal separation from him.
Edited to include verse and chapter of quotation.
Chapter and verse.
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Are you supporting or dispelling the notion of God's mercy not being available to everyone? This seems to indicate everyone is on equal footing.
The key word is “ALL” You seem to be arguing, for argument’s sake
I asked a clarifying question since I wasn't sure of your meaning and I still get hit with this trash lol
I can't argue because I don't even have any idea what you are saying.
What is "all" a key word in? Supporting or dispelling the notion of God's mercy not being available to everyone? If you are saying the latter, I fully agree. If not, I disagree.
The thief on the cross. On his last day of life he turned to Jesus. He was promised that on that day he would be with Jesus in heaven.
You’d be surprised how many people reject such a simple offer.
And wouldn’t an empty hell be a good thing anyway?
Edit: autocorrect strikes again.
This is the same mental tactic BLM and Antifa thugs use to justify their hate. History has already written that racism happened and there is nothing we can pay to correct it. But demand payment anyway.
Your way of thinking suggests she has a Heaven Card the moment she has turned her direction towards Jesus. You don't see where she will be paying for these sins down the road already? She was sexual deviant, with a record, and a child. I can already tell you when that child hits 12, she will be targeted for bullying from the dug up history of her mother's sins. And as that mother she is going to navigate that whole thing herself, the resentment, the self hatred, the familial betrayal. She isn't anywhere near a clearing to just be heavenly going forward, there will be tests to her proclaimed faith from now on.
I know full well I am not the best person to speak about it, having started my own travel to discover Jesus and witness his movement in my own life fairly recently. But we all have seen actions having consequences in this board and how future events prove past statements. We, of all people, should take in consideration the future our actions carve.
Just as a reminder, suffering the consequences of sin is not the same thing as paying for sin. If she has repented and placed her faith in Jesus (and it looks like she has), then Christ has payed for all of her sin without exception.
Her claim will be tested all the same though due to her previous actions.
What test would be sufficient for you, and where from scripture would you get this test from? Since when has there been a “probationary period” for new believers?
Paul imprisoned and murdered Christians before he got saved, and while his local church feared him even after his conversion for obvious reasons, once another brother in Christ told them of Paul’s experience with Christ, the church embraced him with open arms. Can we not do the same, and not judge who’s “really” saved and who’s not?
He who looks upon a woman with lust is an adulterer too. Are any of us any better than her? God is no respecter of persons.
I never said anything whether or not it's "sufficient." I am saying her claim to find Jesus will be tested from her past actions. Not that it is a divine test, just that her future will show herself and others how serious she will be.
Will she break? Will she blame God for being quiet when her child is being bullied? Or will she find strength from her new actions and direction? Will she find the spiritual strength to teach fortitude to her child on Jesus? Only time will tell, and ultimately it's between her and Jesus by that point.