He also could be a fed, sharing it. And then those who share it will get in trouble. It's a stupid world we love in. Don't trust anonymous people on the Internet.
his point isn't that you aren't to be trusted, its the potential entrapment of being lured into resharing this meme. not sure what i think, just clearing up the misunderstanding.
Idk is this really a meme? This is clearly an attempt to get misinformation out there not an attempt at humor. Other than the information being false there is there is no punch line. This could literally be a Hillary campaign flyer. It has a fake "paid for" legal notification at the bottom. I hadnt seen the image in question before but this is probably not legal.
Thank you. I always sided with the meme poster until i saw the picture. If he had just put something funny in the fine print he probably would have been fine. But instead he put real, false legal info. I can't say this is ok
You do realize drop box voting and ballot harvesting were legalized in some places, right? With "pandemic voting methods" going up all over the country, and this disguised as an ad from the Clinton campaign, it is absolutely not ridiculous. This was not a joke, there is nothing funny on it. This was an attempt to deceive. At best this could be called a prank, but a prank to trick people into missing an election isnt legal.
The only reason anyone would be suspicious of this information is if they saw who posted it and knew he was not the type of person to promote pro-hillary info. The info itself has nothing on it to give away that it's untrue or satire.In fact it does the opposite and claims to be a real advertisement paid for by the Hillary campaign.
I was totally on the memer's side when i heard this story but upon seeing the image in question, this is not a meme.
It does come off as more of a joke the further back you go. I still doubt you can disseminate it on official campaign mailers w their logos and everything.
Yes. It is a meme. It is a joke. It is satire. It is extremely easy to go to your state government website, check the elections section, and see what the valid ways are to vote.
Don't let this or any other fed operation trick you into giving up an inch of free speech (more than has already been taken).
Just because you can prove information you received was false by checking elsewhere doesnt make the vehicle that delivered it to you "satire". This is a photoshopped campaign ad with real "paid for by" legal info in it. Any reasonable person could assume it is real.
Satire has to be making some kind of a point. There is no other point being made except tricking people into missing an election. Would this exact flyer be illegal if it was printed out and left in Walmart for Democrats to find?
Here's a point, not that there needs to be one for any form of speech: "Man, ain't it ridiculous how easy voting is, and how error- and corruption-prone? Why, we're one step short of 'Text this number and your vote will count!'"
Idk. It's not really a meme. It's a forged campaign communication complete with "paid for" notification at the bottom. There's a difference between humorously tweeting "hey liberals, dont forget to vote wrong" and actually forging campaign flyers.
If there had been any attempt at humor... a pop culture reference, a funny hillary picture, something... you could say it's an attempt at humor and therefore protected speech. But the fact that it looks like a serious forgery and there is a legal statement at the bottom takes it out of meme territory
Forgery in that sense requires the intent to defraud. He didn't purchase ads, didn't try to get wider coverage than his own subscribers on the platform, didn't make any changes to his account to hide the obvious anti Hillary position, and not a single "victim" was brought forward to testify.
Which is odd.. because.. you could get their phone numbers, right?
With the rampant and egregious ballot harvesting, stuffing, machine fraud, and all that they've done during our "fair" elections, this meme pales in comparison. Of course, that's how things have been seen until now....crucify the innocent (or almost) and celebrate the corrupt; Arizona being a perfect example.
Well I'm not saying he should do hard time but I don't think you can use the term "meme" for this image either. Based on what I'm looking at, if I was a jury member I would assume whoever made this did so to trick democrats.
If it had "democrats are so dumb they would believe this" or something like that on there, ok. Now it's a joke.
Just sending it out there with no further context is a clear attempt to fool your democrat friends. You could try to pass it off as a prank, but "pranking" someone into missing an election is pretty much the definition of "election interference".
Was it a real number? Did they send confirmations. Because you would have to if your were portray a real system.... An electronic ballot stub if you will...in 2020 they didn't give me my ballot stub.
Kind of, yes. Not only is this not labelled satire, it does the opposite--it labels itself a serious political ad by using the real Hillary Clinton campaign logo and "paid for by" legal info at the bottom.
You could make a joke about democrats being dumb enough to fall for this without photoshopping actual campaign material to do this.
I doubt this would be illegal after the election since the prosecution was based on election fraud. Whats weird is that it must be some kind of actual number you can send to that someone was monitoring. Maybe my contention that the NSA saves every single electronic interaction is true. Kek
I wonder what phone records show. How many people actually texted that to the number?
According to court documents, over 4,900.
And I wonder how many of those just wanted to see what the joke was all about.
I admit I'm curious what happened when someone did this. Anyone know?
Crap, I think I just voted again.
And leave a FU Killary message
this amount speaks volumes.
In the sooner rather than later. With her shit ignominously running down her Spanxed legs as she jerks spasmodically in the wind.
And chucked into a van like a side of beef??
Oh those were the days!
..wait..aren't YOU committing a crime right now by posting this?!?!?!
I figured enough time had passed that it was okay now.
And besides, Hillary's said she's not running...directly, anyway.
He also could be a fed, sharing it. And then those who share it will get in trouble. It's a stupid world we love in. Don't trust anonymous people on the Internet.
My one-year anniversary of this account is less than a week away.
I'm fairly sure that I've developed a decent post/comment history across the wins by now, enough to be trusted.
Not that words like this can convince a doubter. Respect is earned. And I'll have to keep earning it every day.
his point isn't that you aren't to be trusted, its the potential entrapment of being lured into resharing this meme. not sure what i think, just clearing up the misunderstanding.
My point was I was joking around. kek
fucking kek
My point is that we can't trust anyone. You may be trustworthy. You may not.
But we can't trust anyone on here.
How is this a crime? Compared to every day lies by MSM and most social media, this is mild.
Wonder how many times the meme was 'shared'?
Idk is this really a meme? This is clearly an attempt to get misinformation out there not an attempt at humor. Other than the information being false there is there is no punch line. This could literally be a Hillary campaign flyer. It has a fake "paid for" legal notification at the bottom. I hadnt seen the image in question before but this is probably not legal.
it definitely pushes the boundary between meme and impersonation / false advertising / election interference
Thank you. I always sided with the meme poster until i saw the picture. If he had just put something funny in the fine print he probably would have been fine. But instead he put real, false legal info. I can't say this is ok
People need to be told that text-to-vote is a joke? If that’s true, it’s our education system that’s criminal.
You do realize drop box voting and ballot harvesting were legalized in some places, right? With "pandemic voting methods" going up all over the country, and this disguised as an ad from the Clinton campaign, it is absolutely not ridiculous. This was not a joke, there is nothing funny on it. This was an attempt to deceive. At best this could be called a prank, but a prank to trick people into missing an election isnt legal.
The only reason anyone would be suspicious of this information is if they saw who posted it and knew he was not the type of person to promote pro-hillary info. The info itself has nothing on it to give away that it's untrue or satire.In fact it does the opposite and claims to be a real advertisement paid for by the Hillary campaign.
I was totally on the memer's side when i heard this story but upon seeing the image in question, this is not a meme.
This was 2016. HUGE difference between vote-by-mail and texting “Hillary to 59925” like it’s American Idol. I stand by my statement.
It does come off as more of a joke the further back you go. I still doubt you can disseminate it on official campaign mailers w their logos and everything.
Yes. It is a meme. It is a joke. It is satire. It is extremely easy to go to your state government website, check the elections section, and see what the valid ways are to vote.
Don't let this or any other fed operation trick you into giving up an inch of free speech (more than has already been taken).
This is not satire and it's not a joke.
Wrong on both counts. I hope your day starts going better.
Just because you can prove information you received was false by checking elsewhere doesnt make the vehicle that delivered it to you "satire". This is a photoshopped campaign ad with real "paid for by" legal info in it. Any reasonable person could assume it is real.
I dont think you know what "satire" means.
If satire were required to be labeled, it would be crippled. That's literally a Supreme Court decision from decades ago.
Satire has to be making some kind of a point. There is no other point being made except tricking people into missing an election. Would this exact flyer be illegal if it was printed out and left in Walmart for Democrats to find?
No, it should not be illegal then, either.
Here's a point, not that there needs to be one for any form of speech: "Man, ain't it ridiculous how easy voting is, and how error- and corruption-prone? Why, we're one step short of 'Text this number and your vote will count!'"
Imagine if 500 thousand shared the same meme with different dates. Then what?
It’s meme magic 👍
Idk. It's not really a meme. It's a forged campaign communication complete with "paid for" notification at the bottom. There's a difference between humorously tweeting "hey liberals, dont forget to vote wrong" and actually forging campaign flyers.
If there had been any attempt at humor... a pop culture reference, a funny hillary picture, something... you could say it's an attempt at humor and therefore protected speech. But the fact that it looks like a serious forgery and there is a legal statement at the bottom takes it out of meme territory
Forgery in that sense requires the intent to defraud. He didn't purchase ads, didn't try to get wider coverage than his own subscribers on the platform, didn't make any changes to his account to hide the obvious anti Hillary position, and not a single "victim" was brought forward to testify.
Which is odd.. because.. you could get their phone numbers, right?
Total sham this was allowed.
With the rampant and egregious ballot harvesting, stuffing, machine fraud, and all that they've done during our "fair" elections, this meme pales in comparison. Of course, that's how things have been seen until now....crucify the innocent (or almost) and celebrate the corrupt; Arizona being a perfect example.
Well I'm not saying he should do hard time but I don't think you can use the term "meme" for this image either. Based on what I'm looking at, if I was a jury member I would assume whoever made this did so to trick democrats. If it had "democrats are so dumb they would believe this" or something like that on there, ok. Now it's a joke. Just sending it out there with no further context is a clear attempt to fool your democrat friends. You could try to pass it off as a prank, but "pranking" someone into missing an election is pretty much the definition of "election interference".
Agree, this is no meme,
From what I understand, it was the text number that got him in trouble.
Was it a real number? Did they send confirmations. Because you would have to if your were portray a real system.... An electronic ballot stub if you will...in 2020 they didn't give me my ballot stub.
This one actually is over the edge. He should have put something at the end of the small text like “got you!”
ironically, it almost became prophetic
Ah, now I understand.
If he'd just added: Vote by text not allowed anywhere at any time. This is a joke. Act accordingly.
Kind of like South Park with its parody of Mr. and Mrs. Woke:
Kind of, yes. Not only is this not labelled satire, it does the opposite--it labels itself a serious political ad by using the real Hillary Clinton campaign logo and "paid for by" legal info at the bottom.
You could make a joke about democrats being dumb enough to fall for this without photoshopping actual campaign material to do this.
This is not a meme and not satire.
I doubt this would be illegal after the election since the prosecution was based on election fraud. Whats weird is that it must be some kind of actual number you can send to that someone was monitoring. Maybe my contention that the NSA saves every single electronic interaction is true. Kek
"must be a legal citizen of the United States" in the small print, so there you go. They don't believe that.