Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
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Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
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Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I just found out my Aunt died Dec 30, 2022 from cancer . I'm not close to that one side of my family. As you all can probably see lol I'm pretty... well, Me! ( mental) . I'm very saddened she was a good, God fearing Christian woman, only 56 yrs old. My friend said she died from cancer. Idk any other details. My heart is saddened tonight to just be hearing if this.
She, really did a good service to the world. And I loved her. Rest sweetly. Aunt Revena.
You might want to see the new episode of Rabbit Hole on Paramount.
A retail shop owner suddenly collapses. What happens next will shock you!
Didn’t shock me at all
I’m pet sitting at a beautiful home today, and it’s just out in the middle of nowhere’s Ville. The two dogs are so calm and patient, they have this wind chime on the patio, and the frequency just resonates with me in such a positive manner. When I get booked to pet sit here, I always look forward to it. Happy Palm Sunday - and may God bless the rest of your evening.
A long time ago, the Lord rode into a city, seated on a donkey, and he was cheered into the city, palms layed across the road, like a carpet for royalty. And so the remembrance of the Lord's Passion begins. We know where it led to. The same people cheering for HIM, in less than a week, cheered on his crucifixion. Historians said that they expected him to ride into Jerusalem and over throw the Romans, and when that did not happen, they turned on him. They crowned him with thorns. Christ knew where he was going, he knew that the revolution he sought was one of the heart and consciousness, he knew that worldly things such as political rule were of little consequence in the big picture, in the Universal picture. The Temple fell, Rome fell, in it's place though, a powerful movement of the soul for millions and millions of humble people happened, leading to eternal dwelling with God in Glory. If you have Jesus, and believe in his resurrection, and follow him, you have all the power you need. Everything else is just pocket change. This is Holy Week, and we follow him to the Cross. God Bless.
This is beautiful, thank you. 🙏🏻
Love this! I was stressing about what I need to buy in case we go dark in the very near future. Not stressing anymore, my daughter, s-il, myself and hubby are getting what we need. I've been telling myself for several days, he will provide.
Thank you for writing this. 🙏
Imagine how many Spawns of Epstien are currently traversing this Earth?
How many were trafficked, tortured, harvested, sacrificed?
How many were ‘Saved’ and set aside for future use?
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Sound familiar?
Wonder where they derived that idea from.
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
Sunlight Kills
Weather can be unpredictable
Folks, I've been away, due to a hospitilization for something called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, (newly diagnosed). To make a long story short, 3 weeks or so ago I woke up with some bad GERD, it was bad. 4 am. I grabbed a bottle of Mylanta that was in the cabinet and took a swallow. Within 10 minutes I broke out in hives on my arms and stomach and thinghs. It got worse over the day, my doc zoomed with me, told me to use some Benadryl, it did nothing, but it knocked me out, I woke up vomiting as if I needed to get my liver out, and my face just blew up like full high beam lupus face, she told me to go to ER, my pulse was 130 and counting and blood pressure dropped to 86/34, anaphylactic shock, they started an IV bolus with steroids and some sort of IV antihistamine. I spasmed as the histamine left my body, and then the rash quited down, kept me in for tests. I am fine now, better than I have felt in years. The chronic lyme had me overdeveloping mast cells, which are immune cells formed in bone marrow. They are meant to attack the usual things, but when they go wrong, they attack everything that has histamine in it. Mylanta contains something called simithicone, a "harmless" thing that helps relieve gas, its silicone based, coats the gas bubble, and releases it. Problem is, mast cells congregated around my hip replacement, and the place the femur replacement goes is a silicone cup, so, the mast cells saw the silicone in the Mylanta as an enemy, and they all released their toxins, and I could have died. I am on a simple enough program to follow, Pepcid AC, Allegra, and a drug called Singular, used for asthma, but puts mast cells to sleep, an immuno suppresser. No fermented or aged foods, no sausages, kombucha, bacon or vinegar based condiments. No gluten, no tomatos (groan). I am eating a bland but fresh and healthy diet, taking tons of supplements that my doctor reccomended, Quercitin, CoQ10, B12, Liposomal Vitamin C, extra D, and magnesium. As I said, all inflammation has left my body, I feel good, missing the foods I love, but am alive. Lyme Disease can kill, I am so grateful that my doc knows about this auto immune killer. Lyme was created in a Laboratory, please avoid ticks, the antibiotic protocol does not always (ever) work for it. Thank you for reading, glad to be back iin the fray. Have a blessed Palm Sunday.
Praise God you are ok and back with us all. So sorry you had to endure all of that.
thank you!
You’re most welcome ❤️
Quercitin VITAL in your protocol. Wonderful for quieting mast cell activation and inflammation. I'm not seeing Zinc in it, seems a glaring absence for you Fren.
It's something I already take, the other things I was not mindful of their importance as much, like the extra liquid B12 methyl folate, and Quercitin when I was sick, not every day. I am taking 1,000 mgs a day, and the CoQ10 at 1oomgs she said I could basically take every 3 hours. Being leary of many pharmacueticals, I was not taking the other things. Amazing thing was, as soon as I took the singular, my O2 levels shot up to 99%, and my brain fog lifted. No side effects except feeling a whole lot better than I have for years.
(Prefacing by saying that I'm not American, and that I'm not be a believer of the Q-plan by a 100%.)
I do believe there's some sort of plan cooking behind the scenes in America—and hopefully a good one. Like it or not, America influences the world on such a level that make other countries hate to hear it because of our own 'pride' and 'egoism.'
That being said, this plan can take a very long time to go through with. Changes on such a scale is near impossible to go through with in a very short span. It might very well be a game of gigabrain chess with more than one player—the end of it might not appear until years have passed.
Time has ever been a concept that humanity have questioned, whether it be for good or ill.
Us humans can only live for so long...
Which brings me to the sour question; Trump is 76 years old, and it is a quite vulnerable age for us humans.
People see Trump as one of the figureheads of this plan, if not the figurehead. If Trump was to pass away from natural causes (of age,) is there someone, or still people around to continue forward with the plan? Is there someone around other than Trump that people can rally around?
Someone had asked Q, and Q had mentioned that the plan exists even after Trump. That said, if all celebrities are characters and many like Biden have been replaced by doubles, there is no reason why they can't do the same for Trump in this unlikely scenario, just until the Plan plays out fully.
Just like to say it’s good to see the un avatards (I know) burning the midnight oil in new. That is all.
Totally unPC but very funny
I changed to the raised bed system and never looked back. Its brilliant. Make my own compost from garden waste and kitchen scraps. Volcanic rock ash, blood bone and fish meal, dried seaweed and well rotted farm manure are good additives.
Growing potatoes in bags this year as I don't need many for myself and digging them out is such a chore - there are always a few that get left behind and re-sprout. Interesting experiment. Hope we get good weather.
BE CAREFUL with horseradish - very invasive. Took me hours to dig out all the roots recently, its now confined to a big pot.
you may have thought you got it all up! Don't be surprised if you see some coming up later this season, those Horseradish roots go all the way to the core of the earth as far as I know. I ended up just letting them take over the small bed.
I am prepared for a re-appearance. Will spray with white vinegar and Epsom Salts at the first sign, that should take care of it.
I splashed out on proper breathable bags, they even have a flap so you can check progress. :) A cardbopard box may not last long after watering...
Glad I saw your horseradish post! Wish someone had warned me.
You too!
Mary...I gardened for years and I used mulch hay to cover the garden very successfully...it was the Ruth Stout method and it really cuts down on weeding...
I also companion gardened...for example if you plant horseradish at the 4 corners of your potato patch it will protect the potatoes from harmful bugs. I surround the garden with marigolds to protect. Also a few petunias can be planted in a row of green beans to protect. It really is a wonderful way to garden. Well worth it to utilize these advantages...I had books but I am sure all you need to know is online...
That’s it, I will also restrain myself from too much internet today in order to avoid eventual April Fools inadvertent reposts. It’s raining but then, as I shall garden today, I wouldn’t but disappointed about some much needed water in my plants.
Let’s start a discussion here: what food do you wish you could cook a keto version of?
jelly donuts with powdered sugar.
Xanthane gum might help with the the jelly bit, erythritol with the sugary one.
I love swerve - but I’ve never baked with it… Have you? I was thinking about making some sugar cookies cause we have two bags of confectioners swerve.
I had to check: it’s mostly Erythritol so it is the same as what I use on this video: QnDJ's Keto Kooking Korner: Butter Cookies
Any ideas on a crunchy salty little nibble that's not nuts or bacon :).
Homemade bagel chips or croutons from French or Italian bread. I haven't made bagel chips, it's the same concept as croutons. You can season them anyway you like. I cut bread in small pieces, mix olive oil and garlic. There's so many seasoning mixes now the possibilities are endless. I broiled them, stirred around half way. You can bake also, broiling is faster but you gotta watch it, will burn. Can also do the concept with potatoes. Air fryer or bake in oven.
Yes I love my air fryer. I try to stay away from bread, but I do eat my homemade sourdough.
Croutons for a snack is a a great idea :)
YES! Like potato chip substitute.
Parmesan crisps. Just grate parm, put it on small blobs on parchment on a tray, add any herbs or seasonings such as pepper, bake at 425 for about 4-5 mins (or longer, just watch carefully.)
Grill cheese until it’s flat like a crisp then let it rest a second. You may add onion rings within the cheese.
I do love cheese cooked that way :). But I never tried it with onions.... mmmmmm
Maybe grill some pepper bays or sesame seeds with the rest. Enjoy and let me know how you got the best of it.
Fried provolone cheese is salty like bacon and crispy when fried...
I would like to ask if those who are in the NG or Reserves, if you will be deployed in-country or out of country or both this year? Don’t have to give details (when or where). I have a son in the NG and right now it concerns me with everything going on these days, he will be deployed a few times this year. What ticks me off even more is that they threw him aside because he refused the jab and now they are deploying him after only being back (because the called him back up) for about a month.
If things go crazy here in the US soon (don’t know what, but with everything going on these days), does anyone think they will likely keep NG/Reserves here in country to be deployed where ever needed?
My son is Army NG and will be deployed to Africa for a year.
Pray this thread is all bots
Or 4-6% is more like 40-60%