There is also quite a bit of damning info on Mother Teresa being a child trafficker and abuser. Of coarse use great discernment when digging. Try the search engine Its a Ruskie SE, but I trust it more than the western SE's.
The British writer Christopher Hitchens wrote a book expose' about Mother Teresa. Her really roasted her. He also wrote the definitive expose' on the Clintons called No One Left to Lie to. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA was behind his terminal cancer.
I believe they killed Christopher Hitchens in anticipation of Hillary's 2016 planned installation. Hitchens was influential and people would have listened if he called foul on her vote rigging.
I have seen those accusations about her too. And Billy Graham. I have trouble with that one! Just flat out do not want that to be true. Is nothing sacred? Apparently not.
Billy Graham said a lot of things that made many Christians uncomfortable. personally I love him, but I can see how his open mindedness could be offputting
Mother Theresa wasn't a saint either. She despised the poor and helpless, while raking in millions $$$$ for her charity campaigns... where did the money go?
It's really crazy but not surprising anymore since we're awake. When I was young, those names Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mandela, and so on are constantly in the news for us to revere. Now I see they're all merely poster children, manufactured crooks and far less saintly.
All you have to do is look at the Vatican all the gold there, all the money in the church. She would say last rights over non catholics to say they belonged to the church, everything was for the church she didn't care that the people she was given money to help were in pain or suffering she would say suffering was good for a person.
Hm. I don't want to get in a big fight about this one. Clearly your mind is made up. But I've read Gandhi's books. I've looked at the tantra-style practice he engaged in through the lense of culture and history, and I honestly have to say, I think this position painting him as a predator is probably a bit extreme. Just like the lies the Deep State FBI told about MLK. You can take anything out of context with today's laws and standards and railroad anyone in history that you want pretty much.
Happy to calmly and politely discuss with anyone who disagrees. But yeah. I'm not persuaded against Gandhi just yet.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
“ Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny”
“ A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes”
“ I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”
The MSM made Michael Jackson out to be a pedophile, but the case against him actually falls apart under scrutiny. Check out Rageaholic's YouTube channel for his 3 part series that debunks the allegations against Jackson. It completely changed my mind about him.
This is why I love you anons, and why I have been here most days, ever since the inauguration of the installation in 2020. We research, we question, we use discernment, and as a community. We bring a vast amount of different backgrounds, talents, ideals and knowledge. I could go on and on about how blessed I am too have found this community.
There isn't any honored person in history to hold in superior regard anymore except my brother and yours, our holy Jesus. He was half human. By rights, technically capable of weaknesses. But I would bet my life on him not having been someone who hid behind piety to take immoral advantage of other people especially children.
In letters that recently came up at auction, Gandhi wrote to his eldest son, Harlal, in Gujarati, a language in which he chose to express thoughts he did not want English-speakers to understand,
"Manu is telling me a number of dangerous things about you. She says that you had raped her even before she was eight years and she was so much hurt that medical treatment was also to be taken."
As he advocated non-violence, saying that a person should fall at the feet of the rapist of his sister, not fighting back as the criminal killed him, Gandhi did nothing to avenge the rape of the woman who was his adopted daughter, while he required her to sleep naked with him, and she defended these actions as a spiritual practice.
Prominent leaders of India’s freedom movement, such as Vallabhai Patel, J. B. Kriplani, and Vinobha Bhave, confronted Gandhi over his immoral abuse of vulnerable teenagers, while they split from him.
Edit: The takeaways:
Gandhi knew his son's sex with children was "dangerous".
He had not engaged in such behavior himself.
But he chose to do nothing because "muh peaceful".
So was Mohamed. Met his wife when she was 6, married her at age 9. Those three years in between I guess he had to spoon feed her in order to consider her an adult. ( he had schizophrenia )
I never saw it. I only read his autobiography and some of his speeches. And MLK said he was the inspiration for his non-violent tactics. Who did Gandhi say was the inspiration for his own? Jesus of Nazareth.
There is also quite a bit of damning info on Mother Teresa being a child trafficker and abuser. Of coarse use great discernment when digging. Try the search engine Its a Ruskie SE, but I trust it more than the western SE's.
Let's make a list of people we were told to revere and worship in school who weren't pedos. This will take far less time
The British writer Christopher Hitchens wrote a book expose' about Mother Teresa. Her really roasted her. He also wrote the definitive expose' on the Clintons called No One Left to Lie to. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA was behind his terminal cancer.
I believe they killed Christopher Hitchens in anticipation of Hillary's 2016 planned installation. Hitchens was influential and people would have listened if he called foul on her vote rigging.
That would then make Mother Teresa a joo?
Which in this world is highly plausible... (Fauci's mother or not)
Shocking how plausible that sounds now. Need side by side photos.. from memory I'd say, a strong resemblance
It’s almost like everyone who has been elevated by the global media to be a spiritual leader is really a horrible abuser.
I have seen those accusations about her too. And Billy Graham. I have trouble with that one! Just flat out do not want that to be true. Is nothing sacred? Apparently not.
Yeah.. not Billy Graham.. that could be the DS way of tarnishing his name, like what they're trying w/ Trump
Billy Graham said a lot of things that made many Christians uncomfortable. personally I love him, but I can see how his open mindedness could be offputting
Billy Graham?
Mother Theresa wasn't a saint either. She despised the poor and helpless, while raking in millions $$$$ for her charity campaigns... where did the money go?
As Q said, the truth will shock the world. I believe we are getting close to that moment in our worlds history.
I wouldn't be surprised if a number of historical celebs were perverts
Me either, but we have had years to process the info we learned. The normies are in for a huge surprise. Found this interesting article:
Ever read about Bob Hope?
Highly recommend reading “Thanks for the Memories” by Kathy O’Brien.
The Bob Hope story is absolutely mind blowing. Very powerful, perverted and corrupt as it gets.
Read it in the late 90s and that was my awakening.
It's really crazy but not surprising anymore since we're awake. When I was young, those names Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mandela, and so on are constantly in the news for us to revere. Now I see they're all merely poster children, manufactured crooks and far less saintly.
All you have to do is look at the Vatican all the gold there, all the money in the church. She would say last rights over non catholics to say they belonged to the church, everything was for the church she didn't care that the people she was given money to help were in pain or suffering she would say suffering was good for a person.
Sick of all of these fucking old sick bastards abusing our children. Expose them all.
Hm. I don't want to get in a big fight about this one. Clearly your mind is made up. But I've read Gandhi's books. I've looked at the tantra-style practice he engaged in through the lense of culture and history, and I honestly have to say, I think this position painting him as a predator is probably a bit extreme. Just like the lies the Deep State FBI told about MLK. You can take anything out of context with today's laws and standards and railroad anyone in history that you want pretty much.
Happy to calmly and politely discuss with anyone who disagrees. But yeah. I'm not persuaded against Gandhi just yet.
I can’t just dismiss everything he said either..
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
“ Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny”
“ A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes”
“ I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”
To name a few.
The Cabal really, really hated Gandhi
The MSM made Michael Jackson out to be a pedophile, but the case against him actually falls apart under scrutiny. Check out Rageaholic's YouTube channel for his 3 part series that debunks the allegations against Jackson. It completely changed my mind about him.
I agree. But that wasn't Gandhi. That was this Dalai Llama guy.
That’s not Gandhi
This is why I love you anons, and why I have been here most days, ever since the inauguration of the installation in 2020. We research, we question, we use discernment, and as a community. We bring a vast amount of different backgrounds, talents, ideals and knowledge. I could go on and on about how blessed I am too have found this community.
But, I wont, so carry on. 🇺🇸
72 hour rule? Good choice.
So I'd heard.
They're all sick.
A prude and a pervert? 🤔
KEK beat me to it!!
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: GANDHI - The Pimp Who SOLD India. A Historical Systems Analysis.
Did he vote democrat? Or was he a bush fan?
There isn't any honored person in history to hold in superior regard anymore except my brother and yours, our holy Jesus. He was half human. By rights, technically capable of weaknesses. But I would bet my life on him not having been someone who hid behind piety to take immoral advantage of other people especially children.
More damming context:
Edit: The takeaways:
The Cabal really hated Gandhi, remember that
We need to stop and consider the sources and use our brains - the one thing we know is that Ghandi was loathed and hated by the Cabal.
A pervert and a prude? Must've been quite an accomplishment.
So was Mohamed. Met his wife when she was 6, married her at age 9. Those three years in between I guess he had to spoon feed her in order to consider her an adult. ( he had schizophrenia )
But but the movie Ghandi was sooooooooo good! 😒
I never saw it. I only read his autobiography and some of his speeches. And MLK said he was the inspiration for his non-violent tactics. Who did Gandhi say was the inspiration for his own? Jesus of Nazareth.