When are “we the PEOPLE” going to stop taking orders from these individuals who think they have the right to enact laws against “we the PEOPLE” that they themselves do not have to follow? We hired them. They work for us. Time to take a stand and pull out that old saying from the 80’s. “Just say NO!” Say no to our employees! Say no to taxes! Say no to their unconstitutional laws! Say no to their overreach! Say no. Just say no! If enough of us would stop paying taxes all at once, there would be a crisis that they would have to scramble to cover up. What are they going to do? Arrest 80million people all at once? How would the optics of that look? Like a civil war? Government vs. the people? Folks, if we could all take a collective stand, we could end the treason in a matter of a week. If 80 million patriots would just protest for a few days they would have no choice but to listen. We could halt the entire economy within 24 hours. Crash the dollar and bankrup the fed? We could do that in 24 hours. We could take back our sovereignty in 24 hours by collectively shutting down all commerce within the continental US in less than a day. One day and the stock market would crash. The millionaire and billionaire bunch would freak out. Who holds the true power? Without us their money is worthless. We learn to farm. Learn to sew. Learn to do things the old fashioned way for a short period of time and watch the demons start begging us. The question is, when do we the people put or foot down and demand accountability and freedom? Enough waiting for the PLAN! We are the PLAN! WE THE PEOPLE! 🎃
Comments (92)
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The goal is not so much to bring down the system (Trump could have done this single handedly in 2017), but to first make sure most of humanity understands why the system needs to be brought down, for otherwise, the figures in the shadows will just bide their time, and create a new system just as evil, no matter how long it takes.
No fren, they will wake up and start asking what is going on. When the majority is doing something then natural instinct is to go along with the collective hive mind. Trump has told us and Q has told us many times that we have the power. We just have not used it. Sitting back and waiting on Trump to do it all by himself has led to more death than we can imagine. It’s time for we the people to do our part. Cowardice is not the way. We must fight for freedom. We must declare our independence! We must. It has to come from we the people. We have been told but nobody has listened!
We will fill them in when they start asking. How many more lives have to be destroyed, families ripped apart, children psychologically destroyed before we take a stand? As for the evil, we will hold them accountable once we hold all three branches of government. But we have to get there first and I’m not putting my faith In Another election. That would be ignorant. 1776 fren!
Then you have no idea how bad things really are.
The goal is not to stop bad things from happening, but to make sure it never ever happens ever again.
Q said this for a specific reason, and we are now finally getting there.
They wouldn't ask -- they would call you a traitor and line up to fight in a civil war.
The PLAN will ensure a majority of people are ready to accept what is coming.
The PEOPLE control the national guard! You keep seeing things wrong! We are the army bruh! Get yer wigs about u soldier!
Naguard goes along with the people! They will 100% protect the constitution! Get it in your head! Know your people! We are all at war!
If the NG leak FF leads to major shakeup then we know NG was not Cabal
So! They have to come to us. You are a pessimist pal! Fedboi?
Maybe you're not aware -- avoiding civil war is one of the primary goals of the Q operation.
There will be no civil war! They are bluffing. They need us more than we need them. Wake up! Be aware!
Auto downvote? I mean…. As soon as I replied…..boom💥 downvote! Uggggggh. She’s over the target captain!
Boys! She’s comin in 🥵!!! For ole Glory🇺🇸
Your move: Take control of all thee branches of government and hold "them" accountable
Their move: Unleash Great Depression by collapsing their financial system on their terms
You move: GO
So, depression. Do we depend on God or government? We can defend ourselves. We can farm. We can do the same thing the pilgrims did and depend on God and our faith in God. You seem to depend too much on the world and the things of the world fren. No offense but where is your faith?
You do understand that when half the world believes in rubbish garbage progressivism, faith wont help much.
Controlled demolition of the financial slavery + exposing all the major frauds - election, wars, intel, medicine etc at the very edge of the precipice is the only way to unite the world and deliver us not just freedom but the awakening required to ensure it never happens again.
Fren, I know you understand all this and I can see that you are suffering from a serious bout of black pill. I say this sincerely - do take a break and refresh yourself.
Wow. So we just sit back and wait. Keep posting your memes. And wait for 2024 cause it’s the most perfect election ever? Or do something collectively that will absolutely make an impact the like we havnt made since 1776? My granddaddy Wundt no sissy! We didn’t sit back while the enemy took are asses through the mud. We fought back. No prepare yourself to sacrifice. You took an oath didn’t ya? Well?
^ this is an AI bot shill account! I figured it out. Folks be aware. GAW is infiltrated!
Please organize this!
I completely agree, but how do we organize this 80 million person protest? This idea has been floated but nobody knows how to accomplish it.
And besides we have seen enough, if the sickness going on in America hasn’t waken you up yet then you might just be a reprobate. Enough is enough.
The things people have woken up so far will not save us from going down this path in another generation, let alone 2000 years.
Agree 100%. A good start is for us to get involved on local levels - attending civic associations, town hall meetings, township meetings, city council meetings, etc.
People are too uninformed or lazy to participate. Heck, I went to a school board meeting and couldn't even talk. I tried to raise my hand to ask one very simple question and I was almost asked to leave. But, if we do not persist we will never be heard. I like the GreatPumpkins attitude. I hope 81M patriots are told of his July 4 date and choose to call in sick. I'll do it.
It's very difficult to do anything at a school board alone. You need a reasonable size group of people or they can simply ignore you. Next time, go back with a dozen people, and if they won't let you speak, have a friend who is a sleeper take the mic and then yield their time to you. And then if they shut that down, have the next person do the same thing. Eventually the only thing they can do is cancel the meeting.
How about 80 million patriots refuse to send their kids to these garbage institutions for one week? They would loose all of their federal funding and have no choice but to listen to we the people. They cannot arrest 80 million patriots! It would be a declaration of war domestically. On sovereign citizens. The armed 400+ million weapon populace. Do you really think they would? They are bluffing and we are cowering. It is unamerican!
I agree with you TheGreatPumpkin except about the 81 million standing our ground. We wouldn’t have 81 mil participating. We would have the Q and Trump followers only. The rest are not going to stand with us! Look at the stupid “Muh Resurrection” story! They won’t fight with us on that. Look at the stolen election! They won’t stand up to fight that either! As much as I hate waiting, I agree with BubbleBursts. We aren’t there yet and do not have the numbers. We are still a split country and even worse, those among my friends who were Trump supporters are deserting him now. There’s more to go. We need to hold the line and not give up. We’ve actually have come too far. This will get done! Don’t give up yet!
One million is a start.
This can all be done peacefully and from the comforts of our own homes. We don’t have to take to the streets. Just one day where every American patriot calls in sick. Strike if we must. Shut the entire system down including medical and emergency service. We can care for one another. No riots. Swiftly. They won’t come to your home. Not enough of them! We are the majority. We must quit fearing. The fear of loss is a greater motivator than the hope of gain. So remember, it’s not your job you should fear loosing, it is the freedom of generations to come and the hope that our grandchildren get to enjoy the same freedoms that we have. Not to mention all of their private property.
you are correct. it can be done peaceful and we can choke them with their own laws. If enough people take 3 days off unpaid the taxes not collected will be massive. If we do it in waves it will work better. change your with holding W9 to claim 6 dependents. It is getting enough to do it that is the key to being effective. if its a few wont mater much but if its millions we got something....you called july 4. i am good with that. WWG1WGA
I love the “in waves” idea. That would be very tactical!
I’m in! Set a day, eff the government it has to end.
Thank you. I TheGr8🎃 will declare July 4th as Independence Day and the start of our revolt! From that day forward, “We the people” take back our INDEPENDENCE!
The bigger it gets the bigger it gets. How will you get the word out? Only a few hundred people know about it right now.
How do “WE” get the word out? We are the news! Man your battleships!
Inspiring story. I agree with all you said, especially about the road being narrow. I'd add "lonely" to that.
I love you! You are honest. Jesus said to John in Revelation, “come out of her my people!” It is time. And God will get the glory and his son will be exalted. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Creator and Lord of all! Yeshua the messiah who took all punishment so that we would come to a point where we give up of our own ways and trust him to give us bread and living water! Time we stop saying it and we thug up and live it!
Bringing down things is easier than building up things. We need to push hard for the parallel economy, because they will shut us down. Banks will close and seize our funds, communications cut off, perhaps power as well.
Learn to farm? Learn to sew? Add learn to spin thread and butcher beef.. we will need mills and smiths, etc. Sorry not enough people are ready for this. Everyone needs to focus on the coming food scarcity first, I think. And work on pulling resources to build businesses back, manufacturing, machining, molding, milling, weaving etc
Amen, make friends with farmers, machinists, I think there will be a lot of need for assistants (force multiplier).
More machines can be built, more machinists trained, if there is a crisis, some bad times, then the strong will answer the call!
We can invent things again. And have all the prosperity and none of communism.
Nobody in history has ever been ready. They were forced into it. Always.
I was getting my hair cut and the woman was telling me there is no good reason that prices should be going up because she didn't feel they should.
Too many mouth breathers still don't get it. Scare event necessary. No one is taking anything back from the government when they don't even know which way is up.
You honestly think that kind of NPC will wake up if we go on strike? The tv will tell her the strikers are denying paying their fair share and she will hate them just as she's told.
The tv won’t work anymore. There won’t be anyone to run the power plants. We the people are the ones that make everything work.
So, let’s create the scare event. Let’s beat the enemy to the punch. If we stop feeding the beast it will wake up everyone!
Trust me folks, when normies and leftists cannot live their normal comfy lives because we have went on strike, they will wake up. Optics. They see the majority doing something and it affects them directly then they will come over to our side. The ones that don’t have no hope. They are demons. Reprobate. You cannot tell them you must show them. We havnt shown them anything because they will not listen. All we have been doing is telling and telling ain’t selling. We sell it by showing them. Then once they are curious (because it effects them directly, then we can explain. There is not much you can do for a reprobate mind. They have been turned over by the creator. They worship the creation. We need to make an impact and do it peacefully and with love. That means we have to sacrifice and give ourselves so that our future generations have something to look back on and say, “this is the way!” The AMERICAN WAY. 1776
Yup, they'll wake right up and join us. Just like the Egyptians when the Israelites stopped working. Yessiree, Bob, they'll realize we were right and shouldn't work for them any longer and they'll let us go.
Plus, we have YHWH on our side. If God is for us, who can stand against us?
Please do not think I am naive. I see your sarcasm and I raise you a God! He destroyed the Egyptians and then he sent his people to the promised land. The same way he did the pilgrims who cam and made peace with the natives of this land. It was bankers, rulers, and men of evil who corrupted this land from the beginning. The pilgrims are to thank for why and how the gospel became the foundation for the very constitution that we all swear to protect. Study the pilgrims pilgrim 🤠 🏜 🎃
Meh, sort of. I don't lionize them, they tortured and murdered other protestants, never mind Catholics. The only colony that truly had religious freedom was Maryland (the Catholic colony).
The Constitution was the great experiment inspire by God, even though its authors were masons. If they'd been anything but Christian, this country would never have made it. But it took a revolt against tyranny, led by military men, supported by learned men and fought by Those Who Wanted to be Left Alone. We're close, I think, but open separate strikes in the street right now wouldn't be the right step. 5gw, we need more of the airwaves first.
No streets. Just stay home. If enough people refused to work for one week the entire system would be halted. Normies would have no choice but to pay attention because they need their stuff and cannot get it because we shut down the country. It’s simple.
Fedbois 🙄
Pledge your life and fortunes. Did we not learn anything from the pilgrims and the founding fathers?
Agreed. All that would be needed for such an organized peaceful protest to take shape and materialize is a word from 17 and/or 45. We don’t need rulers but like it or not, we DO need leaders to capture attention and galvanize our collective will in large numbers. IMO. Otherwise I can’t see how it would successfully come together.
How many people on here willl do it ? Let’s say hundreds ? I’m with you , I’ll do it , 100 percent , but we need millions to do it. Something as you said needs to happen , we can’t hit the streets as you said , but that’s the attention that’s needed ! A lot of people are retired , I think you mentioned in past thst u are , many don’t have a check coming from employer to withhold taxes , we have some time before the 4th , we must pray and do something , this has to end . We are prisioners !
I'm definitely in, but I've been doing it for about ten years, so I don't have to make any changes to my life. I quit the system because I didn't want to participate. I'm not completely independent yet, but I'm pretty far along that path. My dream is to return to society one day once things have become fair, sane and exciting.
We use discernment to know who is friend and who is foe. This requires a relationship with the creator! We care for one another and bare each other’s burdens. It’s time for people to put their Christianity where their mouth is! I am for one, devout! If God is on my side, I cannot loose. Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down. We are in the days of Elijah and we must call on our creator to give us strength and mana. We will be fine. It’s not about us. This is about forging a future for generations to come. We can defeat the enemy, but we cannot do it by sitting idle and waiting on someone else to do it. We must unite. The American way, United we stand, divided we fall. We may be divided, but it is the enemy we are divided from. Once we realize this then there is no stopping what God can do through us. The future is bright, but we must be willing to sacrifice just as all of the great leaders before us have. Too many are so concerned with holding on to the things of this world when in reality it is those exact things that have brought us to this point. Time to seperate ourselves from the world and stand up for righteousness. Will we be perfect, no! But if God is on our side our triumph will be glorious and God will get all the praise and glory. Not us meek humble Americans! Get in the word and get in prayer. Be willing to be hungry and remember those who wandered 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. God fed them. He brought them to glory then when they were comfortable they rejected him. Scorn and smitten they crucified him! Don’t be like they were. Be like Christ!
Yeah so we need to mainstream the idea and make sure it gets to the appropriate leaders. Kash, you monitor this board? 45? Jr? Pillow guy? 80 million citizen soldiers ready to report for duty!
Exactly. We are being shown the way. Now we must allow the truth and the life to live through us!
YES YES YES !!! We need exactly this !!! Tax Revolution !!
A full out collective revolt of just saying “no more!” No more government or big banks or cooperations. We cut them off. Not them cut us off. Either you believe God will get us through it or you don’t. Time to separate the wheat from the chaff!
As Tony the Tiger says " Thats Greaaaatttt!!!!! Problem is there is no way to organize or get the word out. Media is against us and as soon as you start something on social media, well you know the answer to that too.
You must believe in the alpha and omega. With him all things are possible. Satan is a liar and fear is his tool! I preach because I believe! I was called for this specific purpose! Do not let Satan win! Be courageous and have faith that God will make a way!
I second the motion to stop paying taxes entirely.
This is why we should go back to Committees of Safety (as our founders did) in our towns and counties. This is why our Committeemen are NOT supposed to be party individuals. A Committeeman who knows what his duties and responsibilities are is the tip of the spear because he properly vets potential candidates and rejects the ignorant, the Marxists, the socialists.....those with no integrity.......by refusing to walk their papers. If they don't at least know the Constitution and other founding documents, of what value are they as public servants?
Our duties as the citizens of our counties are to carefully watch all elected public servants. Do we do this? Do we even know this? All of this was consistently removed from the "education" in our public fool system. Is it any wonder that we think that our only responsibility is to vote? Vote for this lizard or vote for that lizard.....and then trust that they will honor their commitment to serve?
Our common law was replaced with the commercial injustice industry that pretends to be lawful. Once we take our common law back, we, the citizens will then control our common law grand and petit juries--THIS is how we go after our corrupt local public servants, judges, prosecutors, etc. The Committeeman can or will recall or indict any individual that is a government servant from our county. This all will be facilitated by our Constitutional sheriff. Many are not constitutional, though, and must be removed or educated and WATCHED.
We have the power!
Most don't know it though, therefore they have no idea what to do or how to do it.
They will learn as they go. It’s called life! It’s a dance!
Hmmm, is that how prepared we want our public servants to be? We should have been doing this all along.
WE NEED A SCARE EVENT. Because from where I sit it it is just me. I think I have done all that I can at this point. Any more might get me arrested or institutionalised. IF I were in France or or or. BUT here we feels more like me. Never will I give up. Just being honest.
So let’s create that scare event. Let’s scare the shit out of them. 80million strong! Wake up. You have more than you know!
I agree with much of this, but the DS doesn't need to arrest 80 million people. They just need to pick off a few, one by one, to intimidate the rest. This worked will in the Soviet Union. I think whatever scare event is coming, will need to be scarier than the IRS/FBI/DOJ.
The more they martyr us the bigger it grows. They need us more than we need them. We keep squeezing and do not let up. We show them our resolve!
people wont stand up.. At work there all mad about management, talking shit and angry.. Time come we are sitting down with management only two of us speak up, rest hangs us out to dry.. its bullshit!
I'd like for us to start giving performance reviews on these people we elect to WORK FOR US. Have monthly meetings with them to tell them where they are doing poorly and where they are doing well, tell them what they need to do to continue working for us .
Give them demotions, fire them, or if they are doing good give them raises. Put them on performance improvement plans, etc. kek
And there is absolutely no punishment for violating the Oath of Office, which is insane. The Oath of Office is required, and is written in the US Constitution; however once sworn in - the officeholder can, and has, violated every part of this oath by word and deed.
And NOTHING is done.
I've read all the posts and I can actually see where every person is coming from. If you want to know my heart over the past couple of years please read my posts. I go from hope and faith to hopelessness.
I love your dedication and devotion to ending the $hit that is going on in the entire world.
And for some of the people on this platform it makes a great deal of sense. For me, I just sent $1500.00 to the IRS and MN taxes and would have loved to have revolted.
I think I can answer your question as to why people are not doing what you suggest...Let me give you a simple picture in words.
Your alarm goes off and you get up to go to work or whatever you do during the day. I will guess you do this on a daily basis.
You eat your breakfast, get ready to go to work or do your housework; whatever your daily routine is you do it.
At the end of the week/bi-weekly/monthly you receive a paycheck and then pay your bills either by mail or online.
You or your partner go shopping for your daily essentials.
This, or something like this, happens to probably 50-60 million people in the USA on a daily basis.
So, Great Pumpkin, until this scenario no longer happens, the 50-60-70-80 million people will do absolutely nothing. The "We The People" ABSOLUTELY NEED TO NO LONGER BE ABLE TO LIVE THEIR LIVES AS THEY CURRENTLY DO BEFORE THEY ARE WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THEIR SURVIVAL!
The Deep State/Cabal goes out of their way to pacify us just enough so we do not do what you suggest we do.
It is a disgusting approach to their survival, but, at this point in time...it is working. We are being herded to comply and obey because too many of us are "comfortable" with life. Welcome to 1984.
I have often said that if the electric grid and cell towers and the internet go down and people have to actually WORK to survive the only people that will survive are those of us who know how to live without electricity, cell phones and the internet.
Last week I had to melt snow in my oven with candles to be able to flush a toilet. How many people under the age of 50 would even think of doing that? I boiled water over briquets to make coffee for hubby. I have a radio that works on batteries and solar in an emergency. How many young people even think that far ahead?
Which is why I have said more than once, the only "fix" is complete destruction and GOD starts all over again.🙏
Im all for the plan. Stop paying taxes. Yay. How? You can destroy the local community, easily. Don't write that check for school or property taxes. But federal taxes are conveniently ripped from our check before it reaches our hand. I've not found a way to tell my employer, hey stop taking taxes out of my check. And 99% of the time, it's overpaid and they owe me. Then what? Also, gas taxes. Conveniently added to the price of gasoline, diesel, whatever. You stop paying that tax, you park your ride. They've conveniently eliminated a possible way for the average person to stop "paying" taxes by removing the payment. Only ones who could stop paying taxes, are business owners since most pay quarterly. Or semi-annually.
change your w9 withholding to 6-8 dependents they will take little
Just don’t go to work for a week. Nothing runs without us making it run. No printing press, no internet, no transportation, no nothing. Get my drift?
That will never happen, since people are raised on the maxim "Only two things in life are certain."
The 4 minute mile will never happen...
Human flight will never happen....
Starting a new country and rebel against the Crown will never happen...
Common, CQVFEFE! You're above this kind of thinking!
The question should be how did they get into those offices without taking an oath in the first place?
Ye of little faith! A sick perverted generation! Open your eyes! They need us more than we need them!
Question is, how did they ever get into office without oath
Corruption of many and the rest have eyes closed