Secondary confirmation of the "ghost army" style (VO-67) ghost patch, confirmed to be present & applied behind the fore deck gun of the USS Milius Arleigh Burke-class ship that transited the Taiwan Strait yesterday. It's there, all right. Interesting that the military would provide THIS...

Sticking this for an hour to get enough eyes on it so it gets to /RISING, then will un-sticky. Thanks
Edit: (in case anyone says it's shopped) originally found on Alamy stock:
Also don't miss this link that I busted my ass doing hours and endless hours, oh, man, the amount of research I had to do to dig this one up:
(Tineye only sees two copies of this image, none higher res than this)
Oh man, I'm so bad at this. On the stuff I just posted there's a pic, that shows your pic.
you gotta have the music video to this...
It looks shopped, based on the homogenous color of the 'decal' and the background, but when I examine the exact color values, I don't think it is. I think this is legit or else faked by real experts.
Photo forensics didn't come back too bad...
Cant anyone post and create photos on alamy? Couldnt that account have been made by anyone?
The contributor of that photo is APFootage.
Which I'm assuming with zero basis that it's the news publication.
Thats the problem isnt, we have to assume they are legit. But in all honesty anyone could have made that account.
tx a lot of imGES with the psycorps image
Alamy stock photo is from 2021
I agree, but I’ve compared the two photos today and whoever “shopped” it got super precise with the placement on both pics. This one above looks shopped but I’m going with it isn’t.
Edit to add: doesn’t Flynn’s brother have something to do with head of Army Operarions in the Pacific... hmmmmm?
General Charles A. Flynn commanding general of United States Army Pacific since June 4, 2021-wiki
Agreed, but as u/CrimsonSentinal said it looks like some surprising care was put into both images being reasonably close to each other that resolution, zoom and perspective can explain away any differences one might perceive.
It looks extremely out of place, but due to exposure on a camera and an extremely well lit scene it's possible that it's just a really high quality series of pigments being used
True, and the reason this one is “popping” it could have been recently painted on that gun. I doubt that’s a sticker. Most Navy ships almost everything is hand painted, numbers, logos, etc,..
Possibly even glazed with a semi-gloss finish over it to make the colors pop as well, and reflections possibly digitally removed.
It definitely falls into uncanny valley type territory, I can't dismiss the possibility but there are legitimate reasons why it could stand out this way too.
The video confirms it was there over a year ago.
The photo forensics don't look too bad
I agree, it looks like it was printed on a big printer at 300dpi
Here it is plain as day
This also in plain sight from the article 👉The Pentagon announced the $1.7 billion contract with Boeing on April 7 but made no mention of Taiwan as the purchaser.
Ty Turd
Every time I read that headline it is as “US sails warship STRAIGHT THROUGH”
Put a copy in there and you will clearly see it's 'shopped.
Same here https://29a.ch/photo-forensics/#error-level-analysis
I've been using Photoshop as my fill time job for 13 years now. Immediately knew it was Shopped when the logo has pure white but nothing else in the photo is that white. The only way that could happen is if it was a reflective logo and the camera was aimed straight at it, but then the ghost in the logo would not be perfectly black.
Too bad. Wonder who would create this and why? Just a shill/troll? A silly Fren maybe?
I thought the same. Been using Photoshop intensely since1995. After that long you immediately notice when contrast ratio on an object doesn't match.
Do you think the image was altered in this pic too?
I'm not particularly good at using these tools, all I can really say is that it sticks out like a sore thumb in almost every aspect of the tools available.
But that doesn't necessarily mean anything, and doesn't necessarily mean nothing either.
Magnification 8 on any setting makes things look a little interesting.
It does help, since most people don't know how to use this or what things to even be looking for, to walk through any steps you use to come to your conclusion.
Does the tiny ring mean the second boat is shopped, to?
Thanks a lot for those!!
In a propaganda war all information is BS.
Somebody bring us up to speed for those that don’t know why this is important
Who is the Ghost Patch message intended for? Us, or Xi?
It's the key question here, not us for sure. Much discussion about below vid on 4chan. Allegedly the most important image in the entire vid is at 3:08, freeze on that frame. Does not show much but a lone figure in mask and "Ghost" written above. Interesting times for sure.
Christened Oct. 28th, 1995. If I looked up the correct info.
Milius was lost over Vietnam and was a pilot in the ghost squadron doing recon over the Ho Chi Min Trail. I don’t find it that odd they have his squadrons patch on the ship. Am I missing something else?
Fantasizing about that being comms. For us.
This is an Arleigh-Burke class destroyer like the uss john McCain….. entrance to rabbit hole found
Just saw that in the title geesh I’m slippin
ABC News LOG IN BREAKING Prosecutor files 2 felony charges against suspect in Ralph Yarl shooting US denies Chinese claim it drove away American destroyer The United States is denying Chinese claims that its military had driven away an American guided-missile destroyer from operating around disputed islands in the South China Sea
ByDAVID RISING Associated Press March 23, 2023, 4:34 AM
BANGKOK -- The United States denied Chinese claims Thursday that its military had driven away an American guided-missile destroyer from operating around disputed islands in the South China Sea as tensions rise in the region between the two powers.
The U.S. Navy's 7th Fleet said that a statement from China's Southern Theatre Command that it had forced the USS Milius away from waters around the Paracel Islands — called Xisha by China — was “false.”
“USS Milius is conducting routine operations in the South China Sea and was not expelled,” said Lt. j.g. Luka Bakic in response to a query from The Associated Press.
“The United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows,” Bakic added.
Bakic would not comment on whether the ship had been operating in immediate proximity of the Paracel Islands, which are in the South China Sea a few hundred kilometers (miles) off the coast of Vietnam and the Chinese province of Hainan, or whether there had been any sort of a confrontation.
China occupies the Paracel Islands, but they are also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam.
Col. Tian Junli, a spokesperson for China’s Southern Theatre Command, said earlier that the Chinese navy had followed and monitored the USS Milius after it “illegally entered China's Xisha territorial waters without approval from the Chinese government, undermining peace and stability in the South China Sea.”
He said that the Chinese navy and air force then forced away "the U.S. warship in accordance with the law.”
"The theatre troops will maintain a state of high alert at all times and take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security as well as peace and stability in the South China Sea,” he said.
The incident comes amid growing tensions between China and the United States in the region, as Washington pushes back at Beijing's growingly assertive posture in the South China Sea and elsewhere.
China claims ownership over virtually the entire strategic waterway, through which around $5 trillion in global trade transits each year and which holds highly valuable fish stocks and undersea mineral resources.
The Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan also have competing claims.
The U.S. itself has no claims to the waters, but has deployed Navy and Air Force assets to patrol the waterway for decades and says freedom of navigation and overflight is in the American national interest.
China has frequently responded angrily, accusing the U.S. of meddling in Asian affairs and demanding it leave the region where it has had a naval presence for more than a century.
Following the incident with the USS Milius, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin told reporters in Beijing that “the U.S. should immediately stop such violations and provocations.”
“China will continue to take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and security and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea,” he said.
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Help me out, guys. If this is legit comms, what could be the message?
Ghost in the machine. It’s also on the spine of Flynn’s 5th generation warfare book. It’s an old logo for psy-ops units used in WW2. Probably still in use by a unit somewhere.
The message is that nothing is what it appears to be. And that some sort of 5th generation warfare is occurring. That there is a hidden hand pulling the strings.
It’s a threat, and it’s a message to us.
Thanks. I think I’ll read Flynn’s book.
I was in the Navy. Never in my life did I think I would see an army unit logo painted on a ship. That would be like the Yankees painting a Red Sox logo in their dugout. It’s impossible.
Plus, you can’t just paint shit where you want without approval. Especially on the outside. This is a US warship, representing the US everywhere it goes. Every port this ship docks, foreign citizens can see it. Our enemy can see it. This logo was approved at the highest levels. It’s not an accident. This is intentional. And the photo is intentional.
They took the photo from this angle on purpose. All of this is no accident. This is a direct message. There is some sort of operation underway utilizing at least both army and navy assets, that also involved psy-ops and 5th generation warfare.
They may as well start buying billboards this is such an obvious message.
I was saying the same thing in the first thread about this C5 posted. No way the commander lets that shit get painted on his boat unless its over his head. Its fresh paint, and I bet they got the photo and cleaned that shit off before it had time to dry.
The choice of using a patch design associated with Patton's "Ghost Army" says "deceiving the enemy about the locations of friendly forces".
Also, the ghost patch isn't 4th PsyOps Group, their patch is 3 lightning bolts on a tri-color field, I don't remember the colors. They're not nearly as sophisticated as any of this. They were the eggheads that came up the brilliant idea to print Quran verses on soccer balls and give them to Afghani kids so they could kick their holy scriptures around in the dirt. If the goal was to make sure we had a hot fighting season it worked. They're either twisted smart or they're just demented retards, and you can never tell.
I wondered about that too. And it's not even the trolls who follow Purkiss around.
Its been happening a lot lately, months really. So i'll repeat a comment that got me banned. "The truth doesnt need to be protected by censorship, the truth doesnt hide from criticism and dialog. If you have to censor members here to protect the narrative then youre protecting a lie."
Who decides if its truth or a lie? It could be shills/doomers/glowies posting shit.
I’m personally getting a little weary of anyone questioning something here being accused of glowing or dooming.
Seriously, why is it that a mod can look at a dipshit comment like this and think, yeah, guaranteed this guy posts every other month, max, and presto, you check, and yep, why is that?
Apologies, But I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
I only contribute a comment if i think it’s valuable to a conversation. I have a busy job, a young family and a few hobbies to keep me sane. Not to get clicks or metrics. Is that some sort of problem?
Same in a major way. We should be able to openly discuss these topics. If the "shills" are attacking then beat them with the truth. No need to hide or censor.
Those are the actions of someone protecting a lie.
No one accused you or anyone else. Are you feeling guilty?
My question stands!
No one did in this thread. And no, I’m not feeling guilty. I’m feeling analytical.
I’m not sure what’s been going around here at GAW but the atmosphere is certainly changing. People are very aggressive against one another. Bitter. The polite conversation is disappearing. I can imagine it has something to do with where we are as a nation and as a planet, and many of us wanting something to happen much more blatantly. But it’s not how we should be treating each other.
People are just exhausted, no matter how some of us attempt to compensate / keep our chins up for morale.
When people are exhausted, their patience tends to be stretched thin and polite pretenses start to leave through the nearest window.
Agreed. Maybe you should look in the mirror. You complained about mods deleting posts, not me. I called you out and you play the victim card.
Again, beam in your own eye.
Youre arguing that we arent capable of deciding for ourselves what is truth and what is a lie.
We do.
No we dont, the mods do with 100% unquestionable authority.
Look, I'm just going to put my two cents here.
Over the last couple years I've given mods a ton of flak, and I've directly contested some things said / done. I haven't been banned (well, not for that LOL) but it helps when people at least understand that you're on their side and not a leftist troll or obvious sleeper account.
We may not always see eye to eye, but comrades in memes we are, all just struggling to weather the storm.
I think the mods are pretty good people overall.
You have no posts.
You act like were not capable to decide for ourselves if theyre a troll. Censorship is never a good thing.
Let the discussions play out, stop insinuating that everyone of this board is stupid and needs a babysitter. If what they say is a lie then the truth will root it out. No need for censorship. We're all adults here.
My point is that I've said a lot of things against the mods directly that could have gotten me banned, and they haven't.
Additionally, in general I'd agree, except we have had people trying to take us down for years now.
The Donald on Reddit was banned by specifically inserting "anti police rhetoric" into a community that held the police on the highest regard possible while they were being assassinated by BLM/AntiFA/Reddit types and using that as an excuse.
The phrase "glowie" is used so much because there are literally feds that stir the pot for very obvious reasons.
Communities need rules.
Even in situations of total anarchy, with no governmental power, society and communities institute rules.
If so then they should be easily beaten in discussion by the truth. No need to censor if what they say is incorrect.
Banning them tells me theres a great deal of truth in their posts.
Lol I always assumed it was the poster being a troll