The article suggests that Fox News fired Tucker Carlson due to his increasing influence and red-pilled perspective, which became a liability to the system operators who hold power, including Rupert Murdoch.
The decision was likely due to financial timing, as Fox Corp is set to take a big hit in Q2 earnings following a settlement with Dominion Systems. The article also notes that Fox Nation was struggling prior to Carlson's long show broadcasts, and that his firing has destroyed the digital brand. Carlson's views had expanded beyond media and social battles and into finance, economics, and politics, which was seen as a threat.
Ultimately, the article suggests that Carlson was removed due to his refusal to sell illusions and connect the dots of manipulation behind the false front of DC politics.
Sundance assumes Fox is paying Dominion as reported. I believe this was planned from the get go. There were probably moves and counter moves just like white hats. We know Fox is just the same as CNN, ABC and the rest of the liars.
The judge ruled Fox defamed Dominion. The one thing the judge ruled that would still be at issue in the trial was "did Fox act with malice?".....meaning did they know they were making false statements or not care if their statements were false.
But how can the judge do that when Dominion did not have to prove anything?? If anything, this summary judgement basically says Fox exercised free speech and then they stop short of determining whether that speech was purposefully harmful which should have been the only thing on trial. Fox did nothing wrong in terms of this case and it is just criminal money laundering/transferring at the end of the day. Anyone with eyes can see it.
But how can the judge do that when Dominion did not have to prove anything?
But they did have to prove things. This lawsuit has been going on for two years. Dominion got access to the Fox emails and texts in discovery, they deposed witnesses. They turned over their source code to Fox.
Page 43 the judge says
While the Court must view the record in the light most favorable to Fox, the record does not show a genuine issue of material fact as to falsity. Through its extensive proof, Dominion has met its burden of showing there is no genuine issue of material fact as to falsity. Fox therefore had the burden to show an issue of material fact existed in turn. Fox failed to meet its burden. The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear ...
this summary judgement basically says Fox exercised free speech
Defamation is not free speech and doesn't enjoy the protections of the First Amendment which is why you can sue someone for libel or slander.
In my opinion it was a cash infusion into a troubled company. What better way to get away with it legally. Why would any company settle so easily for such a high amount on such a flimsy accusation.
There were probably moves and counter moves just like white hats.
Although the big question mark is: what is Trump's team and the white hats gonna do about this?
Dominion getting a large pick-me-up cash boost from that settlement means a lot of hard work in dismantling the cheat machine has been undone, and we are not that far out from the 2024 elections. Trump's team and the white hats better have something good in store to counter this setback.
I know Glenn Beck isn’t the most well liked person around here, but this Tucker story arc feels remarkably similar to Glenn Beck’s.
Granted, Beck didn’t have the ratings pull that Tucker did, he was still successful, and was mysteriously fired once his show started focusing on exposing matters of financial, economic, and corporate/government collusion.
If you’re on Fox News, your job is to stoke division through hard hitting issues like “omg Biden’s eating ice cream” and “the war on Merry Christmas”, but once you start exposing the puppet masters, you’re out.
I feel that keeping him on would be in Fox’s best interest at regaining lost income due to his ratings. The reality was probably a legal deal struck that they would lower the amount of the lawsuit if certain people were removed from the Fox platform (Dan Bongino, Maria B., and Tucker, etc.) Like I’ve said before, Tucker is a like-able gatekeeper. He seems to report on seemingly red-pilled things that are revelations to normies but he never says anything that is really all that dangerous to the Cabal. Ray Epps, J6, Nixon being shafted…all red pilling to normies but he never wades to far into the pool.
Carlson will not be asked to sign an NDA, is not bound by a “non-compete” clause following the contract nullification by Fox Corp, and will be free to do anything he wants in any venture.
I was thinking this myself:
Fox Corp is going to take a big hit in second quarter (Q2) earnings as part of the Dominion settlement. If you are going to take a big financial hit, it’s better to go ahead and clear the decks of all financial hits at the same time.
Paying out Carlson simply gets all the big hits in the same quarter
The article suggests that Fox News fired Tucker Carlson due to his increasing influence and red-pilled perspective, which became a liability to the system operators who hold power, including Rupert Murdoch.
The decision was likely due to financial timing, as Fox Corp is set to take a big hit in Q2 earnings following a settlement with Dominion Systems. The article also notes that Fox Nation was struggling prior to Carlson's long show broadcasts, and that his firing has destroyed the digital brand. Carlson's views had expanded beyond media and social battles and into finance, economics, and politics, which was seen as a threat.
Ultimately, the article suggests that Carlson was removed due to his refusal to sell illusions and connect the dots of manipulation behind the false front of DC politics.
GPT? Nice work
Yes. An unbelievable time saver.
Thank you!!
I hope he digs into the 2020 election fraud now, and makes it his first independent story.
Sundance assumes Fox is paying Dominion as reported. I believe this was planned from the get go. There were probably moves and counter moves just like white hats. We know Fox is just the same as CNN, ABC and the rest of the liars.
Agree. It was a settlement, not a court judgement. Pretty tricksy.
I'm not following you.
The judge did issue a summary judgement.
The judge ruled Fox defamed Dominion. The one thing the judge ruled that would still be at issue in the trial was "did Fox act with malice?".....meaning did they know they were making false statements or not care if their statements were false.
Fox had a really bad hand going into trial.
But how can the judge do that when Dominion did not have to prove anything?? If anything, this summary judgement basically says Fox exercised free speech and then they stop short of determining whether that speech was purposefully harmful which should have been the only thing on trial. Fox did nothing wrong in terms of this case and it is just criminal money laundering/transferring at the end of the day. Anyone with eyes can see it.
But they did have to prove things. This lawsuit has been going on for two years. Dominion got access to the Fox emails and texts in discovery, they deposed witnesses. They turned over their source code to Fox. Page 43 the judge says
Defamation is not free speech and doesn't enjoy the protections of the First Amendment which is why you can sue someone for libel or slander.
I would look at pages 38-43 of the summary judgement.
In my opinion it was a cash infusion into a troubled company. What better way to get away with it legally. Why would any company settle so easily for such a high amount on such a flimsy accusation.
Perhaps Dominion has some dirt on Fox. Two criminal entities swirling money around. Just a thought.
Although the big question mark is: what is Trump's team and the white hats gonna do about this?
Dominion getting a large pick-me-up cash boost from that settlement means a lot of hard work in dismantling the cheat machine has been undone, and we are not that far out from the 2024 elections. Trump's team and the white hats better have something good in store to counter this setback.
Expect more of these "happenings". Just the beginning.
Yes. Bottomline, removed.
I know Glenn Beck isn’t the most well liked person around here, but this Tucker story arc feels remarkably similar to Glenn Beck’s.
Granted, Beck didn’t have the ratings pull that Tucker did, he was still successful, and was mysteriously fired once his show started focusing on exposing matters of financial, economic, and corporate/government collusion.
If you’re on Fox News, your job is to stoke division through hard hitting issues like “omg Biden’s eating ice cream” and “the war on Merry Christmas”, but once you start exposing the puppet masters, you’re out.
Sure. Tucker Carlson is so slow it took him years to “Redpill” himself.
All these guys know. They all know.
We are just curious if he will continue to talk the truth even if it does barely scratch the surface.
That damn one eye symbolism keeps popping up
Nothing new in there I didn’t already hear on Benny yesterday.
u/PepeSee how am I supposed to unsee that???
You mean Jon Stewart.
John Stewart, with the H, is a Green Lantern.
Jon Stewart, without the H, is a hack, which has its own H.
You mean Jon Stewart.
I know the episode you're talking about, though. "Stop ruining America. Stop ruining America."
Still a hack.
I feel that keeping him on would be in Fox’s best interest at regaining lost income due to his ratings. The reality was probably a legal deal struck that they would lower the amount of the lawsuit if certain people were removed from the Fox platform (Dan Bongino, Maria B., and Tucker, etc.) Like I’ve said before, Tucker is a like-able gatekeeper. He seems to report on seemingly red-pilled things that are revelations to normies but he never says anything that is really all that dangerous to the Cabal. Ray Epps, J6, Nixon being shafted…all red pilling to normies but he never wades to far into the pool.
I was thinking this myself: