Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Anyone else think they'll take out joe via arkincide?
That would clog the news cycle, and get the spotlight off his criminal pals, and buy them all time and a shield of their "overwhelming grief" so no more talking about him and his crimes....?
Trump said 25th will come back to haunt him.
Yeah, I just think they'd use that as the excuse for his "suicide" ... the pressures of being removed, yadda yadda, the problems with Hunter, they could work Beau into his 'suicide' note for more sympathy....
Idk, the chaos that that would cause is just what they need.
If you had an extra vehicle, and you live in Arizona, would you do one of the following because of the invasion.
1). Keep the car in your driveway, so people think that you’re home all the time.
2). Put the car in the backyard so nobody can see that there’s an extra car available.
Hmmm.. that’s a hard one. Guess I’d keep the extra one out front.
Circumstances and energies of the moment require me to be less active here for a while.
Lurker mode activated.
God bless you, fren. Take care of yourself.
How do you see the invasion affecting non-border states? Will they greatly disperse and how?
Both my own and my son's cell phones have received hang up calls from Beijing in the last few days. Anyone else?
Yeah I’ve gotten them too.
The snowball is rolling, the stocks market crashing, judges are seemingly issuing verdicts. Everything being exposed and taken down RIGHT NOW. Watch around and enjoy the show.
My husband bought me a coffee bean roaster for my birthday and I am using it for the first time. It's a neat process and I hope it doesn't take long to get it figured out as coffee beans aren't cheap. If you know of a good and cheapish site, let me know.
Home page--- https://www.coffeebeancorral.com/
Pick exactly what taste you want-- https://www.coffeebeancorral.com/coffee-bean-matrix.aspx
Weekly Specials (best prices for learning to roast)--- https://www.coffeebeancorral.com/categories/specials.aspx
Ugh, pods. No control
Oh, thank you!!!
Fancy! I'm stuck with kcups for coffee lol.
My hot beverage treat is Dragon Pearl Jasmine tea.
Thanks. Yes, I have the reusable thingys! My keurig is older before the added cup detection tech built in. Chefmate has a single serve brewer that I got cheap from Ollie's for our cabin.
It's a fun process!
Why did people suggest that Charles was not actually being coronated. What's the story there?
Perhaps because they found a lot of "unusual" things during the coronation?
Interesting, thank you
Why Wednesday for the info on the Biden crime family. Why Wednesday. Why not immediately.
To me it fell into the category of "inviting silencing" by announcing that they had the goods but wouldn't release right away. It seems safer to either keep your mouth shut until release or just release it.
Did Q ever post about Ash Wednesday?
Because the House committee needs time to finish its report. It cant simply ask ChatGPT to type it all out, kek.
On Truth Social, @theplqn had a interesting post
They said the timing of things line up so that Q posts from 2018 are for happenings in 2023...and so on... Not sure if it's true, but there's some interesting deltas for tomorrow.
I keep trying to quit hopium and your poast doesn't help!
Hope is what we crave :)
Not sure where else this goes, so...
I once read that once you get over 10,000 post karma, you can have a little logo of your choice by your name here.
Well, I crossed that threshold a few days ago.
I know it's not important at all, but I feel it's wasting the mods' time if I ask in modmail. Plus, I could be misremembering the needed number, making this whole thing moot anyway, so please forgive me if that's the case.
Just a meaningless little badge that I shouldn't be dedicating this many words to, since it could make me look like an entitled prick. But I have to have that itch of curiosity scratched.
Again, if I got some detail wrong, that's fine, I'll live. Peace is the prize and all that.
Sorry its 40k threshold :(
That's fine! Glad to get some confirmation. Think nothing more of it.
I like your consideration and good manners, pede!
Many of my friends are either doomers are apathetic. I am trying to remain positive and avoid both camps, but it's hard. I never want to become a doomfag, nor do I want to ever stop caring. It's why I appreciate this forum. Sure, I get tired of people prattling on about some tranny faggot who supposedly appeared on a beer can that only exists in a picture and nobody's actually seen it in-person. It seems that is what people would rather focus on rather than on what is important. Sad to see many memes about this crap posted on here too, but oh well.
I don't post a lot on here and mostly lurk. I've shared the heartache I've had for friends who have abandoned their walk with God. Over the weekend I think I learned from a bit of investigating that a Christian girl I once briefly dated in college has likely become a lesbian. She is the one who taught me the importance of daily prayer. She even admitted to me that she was dysfunctional, after I found out she had a boyfriend she tried to keep a secret from me. She loved me, but I was her backup plan. Apparently she had been divorced once or twice and is now "married" to some woman. It's so sad to see these once precious, Christian girls, including my dear cousins (one of which is now a lesbian) allow their broken sexuality to completely wreck their souls.
This "Great Awakening" cannot come sooner. My soul mourns for these friends of mine, lost to perversion, alcoholism, and such. I rededicated myself to Christ back in November and it seems that every day since then, I've just cried over my wayward friends and family. It felt easier to not care, but I've made a stand to become a stronger Christian and to dedicate myself to prayer.
People forget that Jesus was a man of tears.
You are in good company.
Stay strong no matter how bad it gets. When these people start waking up to reality they will need God more than ever. We will be the ones giving directions to them. I get more excited every day, and I feel the shift that is taking place. People are scared.
Keep praying for their awakening and return to Christ, fren! If one of the founders of the satanic church in New Zealand can have a vision, repent, convert, and start preaching the Gospel, anyone can come back.
I pray for God to stir them in their sleep, reminding them of the worship songs they once sang in church, of their zeal they had for God back then. Going on nearly 3 decades now... it's unbelievable. I pray for God to break them and humble them, to speak to their hearts, for intervention in their lives.
We join you in these prayers. We still have family members who have lost their ways and are living in defiant sin, with aching hearts we pray they will come back.
I cry for these friends of mine on a daily basis, especially for the girl I could have married but did not. I am told that this means that I am not leaving it in God's hands. I do not know what that entails. Christ said "Blessed are those who mourn." If I just pray once and forget about them, is that leaving it in God's hands, or being lazy? Because that is how I used to be, until last November when I decided to get closer to God.
I have some folks in my life who are like that, leave it in God's hands, and it just feels wrong. I believe the parable of the talents is much more important than they're realizing. Leaving anything in God's hands cannot mean relinquishing all responsibility, especially for those who have the intellect, means, ability etc to do more than passively hunker down.
Now, when it comes to others, we do what we can, and most of that is prayer. Catholics are used to long-haul prayers, novenas, rosaries, etc., so just so you know my idea of leaving it in His hands is still a lot of prayer. Like daily. And as always, recognizing His will be done.
You might not be into saints, but they can be great friends and inspirations, and they are allowed to come help us out. Unless you see one, you're gonna just have to choose whether to trust me on that. I can say I've been incredibly fortunate enough to witness this kind of help and wow. Hope this helps lift you a little
I don’t believe God rewards laziness. I believe he expects us to come to the throne daily with our requests. We are to draw close to him at these times. Seek his face, meditate, read the Word and fast. I believe he has the ultimate choice but when people say just leave it to God, I think that throws all responsibility on him, and it makes us lazy. Just my opinion.
I think so too. I pray for my old friends, and I cry. I try to be careful about tears as my daughter doesn't understand this yet and it could depress her. Also, my wife doesn't like it when I cry. I also don't want her to feel uncomfortable because the one I weep for the most was the girl I had dated a bit before I met my wife, and this girl liked me. Her family wanted me to marry her. But she was wasting away with anorexia, etc. Once I had my long-distance girlfriend, she tried to get closer to me, even while she had attended school in Berkeley. It was that summer when her dad dropped big hints that he'd like me to marry his daughter. But I had to decline. I was the last decent, Christian boy she dated and after I had a fiancee, her life went spiraling into darkness and she's since rejected Christ. I've been in contact with her dad for a half year now and he's told me not to beat myself up over this, and to stop blaming myself for his daughter's bad decisions. Although I did not marry her, I still love her and it breaks my heart. I occasionally send her postcards and sometimes text messages, reminding her of God's love, but she never responds. She's married to a militant atheist and he's killed what faith she had in God a long time ago.
Amen. It's astounding how far the perversion has integrated itself into society. I've met, in person, 2 transgender guys in the last year, and a female acquaintance is planning a lesbian marriage this summer. May God come quickly.
Stay in prayer, be grateful and know you are not alone. ❤️
Enjoy Tuesday Afternoon before Tuesday's Gone!
There was a scam going on in New Orleans, well off kids begging on street corners, filmed going to their expensive cars after begging for a few hours.
It doesn't matter what they're given, they'll want more. Also they probably steal from each other.
American Christians, especially white women, are suckers for this crap.
Suckers for what part, 'welcoming refugees' or replacement of soy boys in their shallow meaningless lives?
They are not all Mexican at all, I read that the reports are many from the "stan" countries, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, some from African countries, and a whole lotta Venezuelans, they are just coming from Mexico, because apparently if you are from anywhere, you can get into Mexico and keep on moving North.
Bonjour bonjour!🤓
I came yesterday to the realisation that 7 days from now, it will be 70 years since the genius guitarist Django Reinhardt passed.
Here’s my favourite tune of his: https://youtu.be/_IO8qSWRsLc
This means that all of his recorded works and compositions will then fall in the Public Domain.
I guess there might be plenty of new acid jazz recordings…🥳🎸
PS: u/bubble_bursts 👉🏻 I was concerned you’d be unwell, I am relieved you finally posted.🙏🏻
Ahh! That was so cool, thanks for the recommendation Fren, it’s always great to find new music to enjoy!
« New »?🤭
Wellll, new to me 😜