127 89 Year Old Sen. Dianne Feinstein Returns to Capitol Hill In Wheelchair (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by lovecymru 1 year ago by lovecymru +127 / -0 50 comments download share 50 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
He face looks like a stroke, Bell's Palsy or another hemi-facial paralysis has hit her.
She looks awful. Resign for gosh sake. You are way over the hill Diane.
also her left thumb,
flexing at the base unnaturally, independently from the rest of the fingers.
Could be Dupuytren's contracture in her hand.
Could be, although it most often affects the ring or middle finger. As for the closed eye, that's a stroke. My 85-year-old friend has that as a result of his second booster.
Weekend At Diane's
Some Ruth Bader Ginsburg energy she's showing.
As usual, these comments are brilliant!
I'm only here for the keks
I'll let you keep your 17. Consider this an upvote.
Looks like the jibby-jab stroke!
Stroke much?
Shingles my ass… she stroked out…
Did she have a stroke? She’s not looking so good.
On the plus side, her mind's as sharp as it's always been.
Like a bowling ball.
When the adrenochrome wears off but your lizard overlords still want you to come to work.
Makes Fetterman look good.
More here. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/dianne-feinstein-back-dc-still-missed-another-vote-rcna83794
rollin to the glue factory
Got some bells palsy going on there? Perhaps a stroke?
Wow! You can almost see the buzzards circling overhead...
Someone got the jab.😬😮 Who's the guy pushing her, looks like GHW Bush?
Are they serious!?
She’s my demonic representative. Not a fan. Not a fan.
Well the adrenachrome hasn't kicked in yet
That wink tho
She's hot!🤪
Hahahaha you know what this reminds me of? Costume ideas for my next murder mystery party. Hahahaha, so perfect.
I can smell this picture.
It smells like stale piss, rotting fish, dry vomit and wet shit.
I didn’t know she was part Popeye!
What a sad site. If feel so sad, for the wheelchair.
The sad site of the wheelchair location?
The sad job the innocent wheelchair got stuck with.
They rolled her out to make Potato Head look like a spring chicken.
Maybe the real DiFi has been sent down to Gitmo and this is an actor taking her place. Pretty good costume and makeup.
Term limits, frens. Term limits.
The New Republic needs to have term limits.
Is anyone in our government NOT JEWISH?
Look like she didn't get is dead.
My representative demon.
So close to death and judgement. What a disgrace