God will continue to supply all we need...trust in that. We must become the teachers when the time comes...many have lost such knowledge, but many of us have remembered.
My theory that everything we need is in the ecosystem naturally around us hit a speed bump on iodine - until I learned that it's in dairy products! Understanding that we're not built for processing cow milk after maturity, nonetheless we still need butter, yogurt and/or cheese unless we live by the ocean and have access to lots of fish and seaweed.
The way they are attacking cows though, we've stocked up on iodized salt and Lugol's solution just in case 😁
Even rabbit food. I grew up on a goat and rabbit farm. I’ll never forget one if my chores was picking freah rabbit food which consisted of dandelion, clover, plantain, chickweed and a few others I forgot. My stepbrother and I hated being out in icky wet morning weather picking rabbit food, so we’d fluff up our bag to seem like more. My mom always checked our bag before we fed them to make sure we had enough to go with their pellet food. She always knew and would squish our bag down to nothing amd send us back out to puck more. We never gave up trying though.
If I was your parent I would give you a dinner plate with a hallowed out potato and hallow out all the carrots and tell you if lack of food is good for rabbits it should be good for children too 😆
Sadly, dandelions do not grow where I live, so I buy the dried roots in bulk. But if you have plants that have not been poisoned with chemicals, simply pull them up, clean off the roots, chop up and dry in the oven on a low temperature until they are hard.
There used to be a blog by a man who cured his prorate cancer with dandelion root, and he advised to keep the soil on the plants. Considering that the bacteria used to make ivermectin was discovered in a random soil sample, I don’t discount his process, at all.
I make various teas and just throw a small handful into the pot, along with the other plants and mushrooms that I keep on hand. Same with the tinctures that I make.
If you want to go down a beautiful rabbit hole, get the iNaturalist app and start identifying the plants all around you and their uses. A well known herbalist gave great the advice to focus on your local plants, because there is often something nearby that does the same thing as that herb you are buying online. God filled this earth with healing gifts and most people ignore or try to kill some of the best ones.
The entire plant is useful as both medicine and food. The root is a classic liver tonic (blood purifier). The leaf acts as a mild diuretic and is a good source of potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins. The fresh flowers are traditionally used to make dandelion wine.
I make an herbal tea every morning and use a variety of dried herbs. When making dandelion tea, I always add another "sweeter" herb such as lemon balm, passion flower, chamomile, or holy basil (tulsi).
You can steam the leaves, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, and add some feta cheese.
Delicious! The leaves have a bitter zip and a good idea is to blend them with other greens. Steam them and marinate overnight in an Italian dressing and lots of honey. The dressing mellows the greens and removes a lot of the bitterness. You can make tea using the fresh flowering plant or dried leaves.
You can purchase dried dandelion in health food stores that sell dried herbs.
Did you know willow trees make asperin and rooting hormone, emergency whistles among many other uses, cascara bark is a laxative, lemon peel, juniper berry and red clover, hawthorn berry are all diuretics. So many many others. Rose hips make vitamin C…………..
As much as people hate dandelions, there is probably no better, more low-effort way to break up compacted soil than to let dandelions do the work for you.
It's no mow May in Vermont, Dandelions are often a pollinators first meal, that and the wild violets, etc. My garden beds always look untended in May, because i leave them and the johnny jump ups in until they bloom. I used to gather the root before the plant flowered, or even budded, but then someone told me about the bees, so I wait for them to flower,, go to seed, and then harvest. Idea being that when the plant is flowering, all the energy goes to that, and the roots are most potent when the plant is done doing its thing, which is to make more of itself.
Maybe harvest a percentage of dandelions and leave the rest? I saw an Irish lady talk about that, say if she wants flowers she takes no more than 10% of what's in bloom, of she wants roots before blooms, similar thing.
"No mow may" is so bad for the environment. It disrupts the insects, brings in rodents that will likely never leave and I have now heard 3 different horror stories locally about someone running over a nest of either ground wasps or a bunny afterwards
I love dandelion salads. Been eating them since I was young. Must pick the leaves before the it flowers... Blessings 🙏
We had dandelions on my wedding cake. I drink dandelion tea to help fight against colds.
Once it flowers I just boil the leaves and use as a substitute for spinach.
Thou go good for you, 🤮 can’t stand taste and stain hands and clothes however just one of many natural medicines God provides
God will continue to supply all we need...trust in that. We must become the teachers when the time comes...many have lost such knowledge, but many of us have remembered.
Blessings frens...
My theory that everything we need is in the ecosystem naturally around us hit a speed bump on iodine - until I learned that it's in dairy products! Understanding that we're not built for processing cow milk after maturity, nonetheless we still need butter, yogurt and/or cheese unless we live by the ocean and have access to lots of fish and seaweed.
The way they are attacking cows though, we've stocked up on iodized salt and Lugol's solution just in case 😁
My yard is full of dandelions and my only complaint is that there aren't even more. Truly wonderful little plants for a variety of reasons.
Even rabbit food. I grew up on a goat and rabbit farm. I’ll never forget one if my chores was picking freah rabbit food which consisted of dandelion, clover, plantain, chickweed and a few others I forgot. My stepbrother and I hated being out in icky wet morning weather picking rabbit food, so we’d fluff up our bag to seem like more. My mom always checked our bag before we fed them to make sure we had enough to go with their pellet food. She always knew and would squish our bag down to nothing amd send us back out to puck more. We never gave up trying though.
If I was your parent I would give you a dinner plate with a hallowed out potato and hallow out all the carrots and tell you if lack of food is good for rabbits it should be good for children too 😆
Yeah, I would have deserved it
I was in same boat as you but hopefully you also learned the importance to do a job right the first time every time.
Using Dandelion roots for all kinds of medicine. Works great.
Dandelion root makes a great medicinal tea or tincture. I am enjoying it right now!
What's the process? How do you go about it? When to harvest? Then what?
Asking for a fren.
Sadly, dandelions do not grow where I live, so I buy the dried roots in bulk. But if you have plants that have not been poisoned with chemicals, simply pull them up, clean off the roots, chop up and dry in the oven on a low temperature until they are hard.
There used to be a blog by a man who cured his prorate cancer with dandelion root, and he advised to keep the soil on the plants. Considering that the bacteria used to make ivermectin was discovered in a random soil sample, I don’t discount his process, at all.
I make various teas and just throw a small handful into the pot, along with the other plants and mushrooms that I keep on hand. Same with the tinctures that I make.
If you want to go down a beautiful rabbit hole, get the iNaturalist app and start identifying the plants all around you and their uses. A well known herbalist gave great the advice to focus on your local plants, because there is often something nearby that does the same thing as that herb you are buying online. God filled this earth with healing gifts and most people ignore or try to kill some of the best ones.
I found iNature app. It says in development. Is this the one you're thinking of?
My apologies: iNaturalist
Many thanks!!!
INature, or INaturalist? I tried to find INature, but couldn't.
There are many natural medicines all around us in so many plants it’s insane. Get a foraging or herbalist book.
The entire plant is useful as both medicine and food. The root is a classic liver tonic (blood purifier). The leaf acts as a mild diuretic and is a good source of potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins. The fresh flowers are traditionally used to make dandelion wine.
I make an herbal tea every morning and use a variety of dried herbs. When making dandelion tea, I always add another "sweeter" herb such as lemon balm, passion flower, chamomile, or holy basil (tulsi).
You can steam the leaves, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, and add some feta cheese. Delicious! The leaves have a bitter zip and a good idea is to blend them with other greens. Steam them and marinate overnight in an Italian dressing and lots of honey. The dressing mellows the greens and removes a lot of the bitterness. You can make tea using the fresh flowering plant or dried leaves.
You can purchase dried dandelion in health food stores that sell dried herbs.
I am glad you know. I used that to add to coffee, and used them for detox and skin problems
Did you know willow trees make asperin and rooting hormone, emergency whistles among many other uses, cascara bark is a laxative, lemon peel, juniper berry and red clover, hawthorn berry are all diuretics. So many many others. Rose hips make vitamin C…………..
Absolutely! It’s more difficult to find a plant that is not somehow useful than one that is.
I have some willow bark and hawthorn berry pills in my bathroom.
As much as people hate dandelions, there is probably no better, more low-effort way to break up compacted soil than to let dandelions do the work for you.
Nobody hates the devil more than me. 😡
Dandelion leaves make delicious iced tea.
Hòw? They always seem so bitter
It's no mow May in Vermont, Dandelions are often a pollinators first meal, that and the wild violets, etc. My garden beds always look untended in May, because i leave them and the johnny jump ups in until they bloom. I used to gather the root before the plant flowered, or even budded, but then someone told me about the bees, so I wait for them to flower,, go to seed, and then harvest. Idea being that when the plant is flowering, all the energy goes to that, and the roots are most potent when the plant is done doing its thing, which is to make more of itself.
Maybe harvest a percentage of dandelions and leave the rest? I saw an Irish lady talk about that, say if she wants flowers she takes no more than 10% of what's in bloom, of she wants roots before blooms, similar thing.
"No mow may" is so bad for the environment. It disrupts the insects, brings in rodents that will likely never leave and I have now heard 3 different horror stories locally about someone running over a nest of either ground wasps or a bunny afterwards
Fried dandelion heads are very yummy too!
Camp Yesu will be using those weeds, not killing them.
Maybe you'll like this song "Chase the Devil" (Max Romeo)
The message of the dandylion came to me from God the last 5 years so appreciated, don't forget about purslane and thistle.