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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
What kind of person looks at the presidential race poll numbers and gaslights themselves into believing they have ANY chance??? All that money they are wasting boggles my mind.
Monies not being wasted, they’re pocketing it. Anybody who’s running against Donald Trump now is using the presidential run as a money, laundering organization. All the donations that they received, or end up, going into their pockets, or the pocket of others.
There has to be a better way of waking people without using fear tactics. I see "both sides" using them in the media. For every one person who tries to scare people, there are 5 others who tells them to just "not think about toxic stuff". I try to live by example, but find myself doing it too, because it feels desperate. At this point, I just feel that the information is out there, and people are free to commit to the truth about the system, or free to trust it at their own risks. Maybe it's none of my business of what people want to believe, God gave us freedom of choice, and in the bible, it reminds us that the rain falls on the good and evil.
What you call "fear tactics" is, in fact, just allowing the people to watch and experience what their lovely leaders had in store for them. No other way would people change. Only at the precipice will the people find the will to change.
If you think there is another way to ensure 95% of humanity understands the slave system we are all in for centuries, and how evil the fiat monetary system is and all the evil that derives from it (including depopulation agenda) - I am all ears.
It's the delivery, as I said, for the one person who offers the truth to someone, there are 5 others who will tell that person reasons to not believe it or not, or to "turn off all toxic stuff and just don't discuss it". Fear makes people fight or flee, it's in our bodies. And some of the delivery is just too over the top, for the first time. It is horrible, there are humans who have gotten to power doing horrible things that an animal would not, they are the race of Cain, the elite. I don't think they are the same as normal people, it is diabolical at the source. It is also true that God created a beautiful world for us to live in. Someone spending their day staring at atrocities and then needing to tell others, out of their own need to right it, to rescue people, to try and organize to fight it, is a hero and an ally of Jesus. So we must balance it, talk about how goodness is so precious, awaken people to all the beautiful things God has made for us to live in, and then, slowly build a need to protect that, and to ask the questions of why it is like that. There are an equal amount of horrible things to show them. To take on a demon, you have to be morally clear, vigilant in prayer, and bathed daily in the Glory of God , which is right there for us to see, feel, hear, and nourish ourselves with. I don't think you can do that if so much time is spent in a negative state of mind. It's like eating vomit, to me. For example, raising my son, I waited for him to start asking, around 7 or 8, why bad things happen, he was only 3 when 911 happened. Slowly he was influenced. He was also raised and baptized and God is present in this house, through teaching etc, beauty and nature and all things created he is aware of, he KNOWS it's worth fighting for he KNOWS that people in power all over the world are 90% corrupted. He is in a group of friends who hunt predators on line, globally, internationally, researching. following the money and the corporations. If people don't have goodness to fight for, they will fight just for the joy of it, that's when the Devil steps in. It's a form of Lust and Wrath, sins. By using the same tactics, we all go full circle, not upwards and out of the spiral. Ascend.
This is the history of the world and yet so many refuse to believes it. Only way for them to udnerstand it fully, from the depth of their hearts so that their generations will never forget it - is by watching them take us to the precipice.
You never gave a practical answer to this, and as long as you dont have an answer all the hand wringing is not gonna help.
I hear & understand, but unfortunately, there's often no way to make people change, nor even to lead them towards wanting to change.
You can talk to people til you pass out about crime statistics, local robberies; whatever, but they won't do a damn thing about their own self-defense until they actually get mugged.
It's sad but just a fact of how most people are wired.
Hell, change is hard even for those of us who WANT to change....!
Mostly falls on the evil, lol! I've no doubt that God is in control, trump is running the military and Biden is fake.
But to get someone from normie to awake isn't the hardest part, you have to get rid of the doomer depression that comes with a weak faith in Jesus Christ and also being awake.
It can feel so hopeless until you're fully educated on everything from jfk Jr, to Putin. It's a long road from normie-ville to where we're at fren! But, God is willing and we will get there!
(great idea tho)
Narrow, specific operation I suspect. But yeah...
I'm old, this is an indelicate subject, and I don't trust what the cabal tells me on this.
How do you really prevent/deal with hemorrhoids?
Psyllium husk has been a game changer for me. Bye bye hemorrhoids.
I take a small amount of invermectin every day, along with hot tub soaks and lots of vitamins and herbs. Never had them since I became more regimented!
Sit in a hot tub, just enough to soak your bootie 2x a day, get a bottle of witch hazel, soak some cotton balls with it and hold it there, put some on the toilet paper every time you wipe. Use a stool softener, eat more fruits and veggies and drink water to prevent constipation, try to be active with walking, but no straining to lift.If you have a job that requires sitting for long periods, trucking, office work etc, you need to take time in the day for walking.I do not mean a hot tub like a special hot tub. Just your own bathtub, if you dont have a bath tub a basin will do, just as hot as you can take it, it's known as a "sitz bath:.
I know its been posted elsewhere but its an important topic/event Sound of Freedom movie tickets angel.com/warroom, goal is 2M tickets and they are at 80k as of this post.
If you dont think you can handle the movie due to related trauma, angel studios has a pay it forward option as well.
I just found out about this amazing film yesterday! Bought 18 tickets, a whole row for the family! Told them it's a movie and some Texas Roadhouse afterwards!! Everybody is beyond excited!
Sadly no other tickets were sold for that showing at my local theater.
Kind of wish they'd advertise it more conventionally so we could get some normies in there to be red pilled!! Wake these people up!
I too wish they would advertise more but I think its a fine line for Angel Studios, but maybe next month they will durring movie previews and social media ave’s.
Enjoy your fam time
Interesting findings on muh diversity. (I knew I hated that term and everything that goes with it.)
This is why nationalism is demonized. If ethnic minoritities first identified as Americans and proudly shared a national culture, our country would be even stronger
Whereas the cabal just split everyone into tiny little groups that are easy to manage and put against each other. It is absolutely sinister.
We can't Thanos snap blacks or Asians or other ethnicities, but what we can do is rebuild national pride and make being American cool again. Unify the people so where we go one...
Glad someone is doing this research. I have seen and experienced this all my life. No matter when I lived, if I am with people who have some strong cultural bonds, the whole group tends to be very productive, if not its pretty meh. Social cohesion is one of the most important things for humans.
Yep, you are absolutely right. Humans have been pushed into a rate race for survival by design by the inflationary fiat currency system, that devalues everything and every one that stands still for a second, literally and figuratively.
If you take away this funny money, the rat race will end, Humans will go back to their natural state of minding their own business and living contented lives in their own communities amongst their own people.
I have this personal theory that almost every movement, revolutions, wars etc etc were all fomented with funny money at one end, pushing prodding some hapless "leader" into doing unthinkable things.
Funny twatter reply:
Not the first, but anyway...
I'm so glad people here have enlightened me to so many more health concerns than I knew of before! Since November, I have lost 16 pounds (more than that on some days) and I've lost 3.5" off my gut. People who haven't seen me in several months have told me that my face looks thinner. We visited the in-laws after 3 years and my mom-in-law said I look thinner too. (They are unvaxxed and aren't particularly paranoid, but this is Japan and they have to deal with shitbrain neighbors who gossip. So, we haven't seen them in a long time.)
Last night I enjoyed a nice, fatty steak. We get American and Australian beef here too, but I don't like to buy it---even before they've threatened to vaccinate the cows. Japanese beef is so beautifully fatty. For breakfast I had two sunny side eggs and two breakfast sausages. For lunch, I had fish, vegetables, and only a little bit of rice. I've cut way back on carbs and since January I've been going to the gym about once a week. Fortunately, as of March 13th, the mask directive has been rescinded. While most Japanese are idiots who still wear fearmasks because they are sheep, I no longer have to pretend to wear a mask while working out. (I always had it under my nose anyway.)
So yeah, I was pushing 196 pounds in October, but this morning I'm down to 180. Sometimes I'll get to 179 or so, depending. But this high fat, reduced carb diet is working out for me. Plus I'm doing more anabolic workouts. I'll have my annual employee health check in August, so let's see how my high fat, high cholesterol diet will continue to benefit me until then.
Congrats! This article here opened my eyes. And I cannot recommend highly enough Mr. Ross's book "Unintended Consequences"
The Medical Community, Atkins,and Denial, Or It's All About Money
By John Ross
Copyright 2004 by John Ross. Electronic reproduction of this article freely permitted provided it is reproduced in its entirety with attribution given.
Like Galileo, Dr. Atkins had to wait until he was dead to get the approval of his peers.
I’ve been eating a low carb diet, I’ve lost 13 pounds, and I feel much better. When I do eat bread, I feel so full and gross. Same with other things. But I do still like to bake cookies and cakes and stuff like that. But when I do I give most of them away, and I only have one or two of them. That’s it. That’s my treat for the day or the week. I don’t do for keto, but I do the low carb it’s working.
Right?? The difference is so totally night & day.
Once you go without (or greatly reduce) carb intake, it's amazing the difference. You absolutely can & do feel it when you've reduced carbs + then decide to "treat" yourself..
It ends up being more of a punishment!!
I just started reading one of the books by the woman behind all of this; Sally Fallon Morell; https://nourishingtraditions.com/
She has written at least 2 books incorporating the same title; "Nourishing Traditions."
It really corroborates - with evidence & studies - my article above. It is very heavily cited / documented.
I'd really recommend you look at these books, if you are interested in going deeper.
At its most basic; avoid carbs as much as possible (yes, obviously you need SOME, but the RIGHT kind of carbs)
But you will feel so much better on the foods humans evolved to eat; lots of meats & animal products, dairy, seeds & nuts, etc.
Thanks for the link I will check it out. All I know is that I’ve lost 13 pounds, and I feel good. When I eat the right foods, I feel good after I eat. When I have to eat carbs, or eat out at a fast food restaurant… Heaven for bid, but had to last night, because I had to take somebody to the hospital. I had to eat at McDonald’s. It was the only place open. It’s just garbage food, and you feel like garbage afterwards. I’m gonna check out that link you sent me. Thank you so much. Congrats on your journey.
Well, I am truly so happy to hear that!
You are making such a monumental positive shift in your life, energy, mood; literally everything about your life is improving & will continue to!!
It doesn't sound like you need the reminder, but stick to it, and remember; it's OK to cheat once in a while....
Frankly, the feeling you get after eating carbs (or McD's) will be reminder enough to keep you on the wagon! LOL!
I do have quite the soft spot for an occasional McD's......maybe every few months...... 😁🤷♂️😁
I'm just truly very glad you have discovered the truth about foods & hope you continue to get & feel better.
All my best to you, fren! 🙏👌🙏😎🐸
Thanks for your positive and uplifting encouragement. It is much needed in these days. Keeping my eye on Christ.!
You have a blessed day as well.
We are here to lift each other up! You are welcome, God Bless you my healthy fren. :-)
Yeah, it's a bit hard to go completely carb-free. Last night I had spaghetti for dinner, but I had been carb-free for breakfast and lunch. I'm settling for just a reduced-carb diet.
This is the way.
When You realize that one single pop tart, has 38 carbs, you decide to make those 38 carbs worth your while. I’ll never eat another popped her to get in my life probably. If I’m gonna have 38 carbs, it’s gonna be chocolate mousse or something worthwhile.
Yeah, we thought it was gross how our grandma would save bacon grease, lard, etc for use later in big coffee cans under the sink with a sealable lid. But she was skinny for sure. She'd go out for walks every morning, etc. My other grandma was obese, and not only lived the life of a shut-in, and ate nothing but crap processed foods because she was a bad cook. (She came from an affluent family with butlers who cooked, so she grew up that way. She sucked at making instant mashed potatoes even.)
Back in the '50s, food was fried in lard, wasn't it? Yet there were very few fat people then. Now everyone is fat. This former coworker I still keep in contact with was a fat girl. Big belly. She said she visited Missouri and said that she felt skinny by comparison! Crazy.
Yes indeed..... it's sad, disgusting, depressing....lots of things. :-(
But look at COVID and the "sElections" - you think the gov hasn't been lying to us about what's good & healthy to eat? Course they have......
AKA: their stupid "food pyramid" is ALL screwed up & totally backwards.
This Atkin / Primal / carnivore is THE Way to go.
And it's so satisfying; I will literally eat a plate full of bacon; yogurt + sour cream by the carton (Greek yogurt w/whole milk / cream!) steaks, chicken; all that stuff, and I'm healthier, feel better than ever.
That's really fascinating about your grandma who came from money.... if you dont' mind me asking, what happened to all her family money? Did she just get kicked out of the estate or something?
Tell me , this is somewhere in football world! !
US college football Natl Championship game played Jan 13th 2020 at The Super Dome in New Orleans. LSU Tigers vs Clemson Tigers
Longer yootoob vid with Natl Anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcbwM8rz9tw
Yes tyvm
Has anyone else noticed the view counts for twatter videos are gone? I was watching Tucker rack up views on his videos and *poof*, gone. I can still see the stats at the bottom, replies, retwats, likes, and views of the tweet itself.
However, on the video, the time stamp is there, but next to it, where the video view count was, is gone. I looked around and it appears to be all videos. Is this like YouTube removing the dislike button so you can't see how popular or not a video is?
Is it technologically-challenged me and my dumb tablet, or is this something new with Twitter? Can paid subscribers (blue checks etc.), see the video view count? I liked the feature and am sad that I don't see it anymore. :(
Ya'll please tell me how, to tie a family you know is so corrupt that nobody has bee able to tie to anything. But you know. Deep in your heart gut and soul you know. How do you dig? How do you find?
Some spectacular vista locations in China.
China is ass-ho.