I concur for many reasons. He met with Trump 2 days before assuming office, supposedly to talk about vaccines - I'm sure they did, of course. I would bet trump filled him in on the black hat plan & Bobbie's mission is to red pill the Democrats / Liberals, or as many as he can by keeping distant from Trump. He says he's a Kennedy Democrat - can't challenge him on that, lol! His family has been historic on "racism" they can't call him that & he has led an environmental law firm for years - can't call him anti climate. There is nothing left in their bag for the libtard to throw at him except calling him a "conspiracy Theorist". I believe the plan is to try to win against Biden. He will either get assassinated or they will defraud him. In either case he will wake up nornies.
If he lives, I would bet that Trump will invite him to be VP for a dual party ticket. It will be unbeatable even with all the fraud
All they seem to do is call RFKJ an "anti-vaxxer" and I honestly don't think that will get them very far with the majority of people. Yes, people are still at least partially asleep, but no, most people are not thinking fondly about the clot shot!
I think this is an attempt to co-opt our movement.
Think about it for a second.
Children's Health Defense is RFK Jr's baby. He's a Kennedy. The Kennedy's are one of the supposed 13 Ruling Families of the Cabal, Illuminati, or whatever name you proscribe to [them]. Aka, those that "rule" over us. [they] followed Q's posts just as much, if not more so, than us. Q even sent directed messages to [them]. NCSWIC is a common theme among those posts and is a mantra of the Anons. [they] know this, as well. Judging by the initial reaction here, it would seem that [their] goal is to co-opt this movement to sway opinions back to align us more with whatever vision RFK ([they]) have.
Now, I don't have all the pertinent and relevant research on him, but if I remember correctly, RFK Jr has said some fairly nasty things about Q, about Trump, has denied that elections have been rigged in [their] favor, has said he'd like to eliminate our influence, and silence us permanently. He's said he'd like to silence and jail all dissenters of "muh climate change." By any means necessary, iirc. Jes also a Democrat, which means he's gonna toe that party line all the way thru the Primaries at the very least. If he gets the [D] nomination, hell toe it all the way to the General Election and beyond. Today's Democrat Party is yesteryear's Communo-Socio-Fascist. He's also a self avowed globalist. Does this really sound like someone that has everyone's wellbeing in mind?
We also know that [they] will NEVER let a Kennedy rise to prominence again as long as any of them truly stand apart from [their] overall goals of world domination.
Yes, he speaks out, but he's still alive. JFK, Jr didn't speak out as much as his cousin, and he paid the price. Why is RFK, Jr still alive if he's not still somehow aligned with [their] goals? Do you honestly think [they]'d let him live if he truly wanted to change the current system?
Yes, he's on public record outing the Clowns, Fed Bois, Mafia, etc for assassinations of his family. Yes, he's outed (somewhat) Fauci, et al. But all of that info was set to come out soon anyway. The statute of limitations of the classified info re both Kennedy assassinations has run out and all of that info is earmarked for dissemination anyway. They know public opinion of Fauci is at an all time low and many in Congress are ready to hang him out to dry. [they] know as well as us that the current iteration of Clowns and Fed Bois along with the rest of the 3 letter agencies has just about ran their effectiveness out, so it stands to reason that [they] would go ahead and "disclose" certain bits of info in a controlled manner. Think, "controlled demolition." And [they]'d be very smart to do it thru a "trusted" conduit like RFK, Jr, and would be even smarter if [they] used a somewhat "trusted" journalist like Carlson. (By the way, Carlson is a Clown, so double points for [them] if [they] could manage to sway our opinions using a Clown.) "Controlled demo," indeed. Just look at what's happened to Fox News stock and ratings since Carlson's departure. RFK, Jr is tied to that. I'm sure those "interviews" on Carlson's show "played a role" in "forcing" "Murdoch's" "decision." Seems to me it was planned long ago. Again, as a means to co-opt.
We know there's multiple factions. We know [they] war with each other for prominence and dominance, but all pretty much toe the line in regards to the overall objective: world dominance. We also know the plays [they] love to use most are distraction and division. Well, logic would dictate that at least one family would attempt a co-opting of this movement to bring it under heel. Anyone thinking otherwise hasn't really thought things thru to their logical conclusion. And since the Kennedy family is still powerful, still holds the ear of many, many people (Sheeple, Normies, and Anons alike), and also has the added benefit of gaining sympathy from those groups (think prominent member's assassinations). It brings into question everything this particular Kennedy does and says when looked at under certain lenses. And I'm not certain JFK, Jr wasn't fully on our side, either.
I think everyone here needs to take a step back and evaluate and re-evaluate everything this man has said, everything he's done, and everything he's promising before just blindly trumpeting something like this "committee seminar" as a great and grand thing.
I have a different take. I think RFK Jr played a sleeper part for decades. He as a Democrat could learn a lot about these corporations/government/green orgs by being a lawyer who moved amongst them for decades. I listened to one of his interviews and the knowledge he has about the EPA and government organizations is impressive. That is a lot of intel that the military might not have. Yes they could have used NSA to gather it, but you have to move in those circles or spend decades learning all of the players to truly understand the intel. Or you used RFK Jr as your expert.
I believe JFK was born into a cabal family but something happened in his heart and decided to rebel against the cabal. That's why he had to be killed. RFK Sr. and JFK Jr. as well. Ted Kennedy got a serious warning and stayed with the cabal.
Think carefully. If someone says "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming" is it because its a good plan (good plans can hit unexpected problems), or is it because its already done and all we are seeing is slow unveiling of the reality?
TJ Shope is one of the biggest RINOs in the State Senate. He voted against ending many COVID policies and gave zero support to challenging the stolen elections.
The guy is a snake. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’s a plant that will do all he can to kill whatever great ideas this panel comes up with. After all, we’ve seen for ourselves over and over again how these people operate in this state.
I could be wrong. But something smells fishy here.
Novel Coronavirus South Western Intergovernmental Committee
5/25/2023 - 5/26/2023
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Arizona State Capitol
Arizona State Capitol Complex 1700 W Washington Street , Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Let Our Voices be Heard!
State and Federal legislators from Arizona have assembled an intergovernmental committee to examine Arizona’s response to COVID. Your attendance is critically important to indicate your commitment to truth, and the volume of support for these hearings. Let’s overflow the hearing room and be heard.
Kory, Siri, McCullough, Urso, Fareed, and more!
We will experience first hand accounts from the injured, including their families and caretakers; as well as medical, legal, and industrial hygiene experts.
This hearing is the first of its kind in Arizona, combining both our Congressional and Legislative representatives to protect the rights of Arizonans.
Our thanks to the legislators making this historic moment possible:
Hon. Steve Montenegro
Hon. T.J. Shope
Hon. Janae Shamp
Hon. Paul Gosar
Hon. Andy Biggs
Hon. Eli Crane
I received it this morning in an email from Children's Health Defense Arizona Chapter. Email text said:
"Reminder to Show Up May 25-26
We'll talk more about the NSWIC hearings next week, but make sure these dates are on your calendar. This historic event is one you won't want to miss. As Vera Sharav says, "Never Again Is Now."
May 25th-26th Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee (Phoenix, AZ)
Please show up and be part of a true assessment of the damage done by misguided COVID policies in Arizona. Let's beat censorship by hearing directly from those on the front lines - including medical professionals, patients and their loved ones. This is your chance to hear luminaries like Aaron Siri, Drs. Urso, Kory, McCullough, and Fareed. We expect the meeting room will be bursting at the seams, overflow into adjacent rooms, and then spill out into the mall. Let your legislators see your faces, and feel your commitment to medical freedom."
Major kek.
I expect good things from this committee.
Children's Heath Defense is RFK JR'S org.
This is the AZ chapter.
Yup. I take this a evidence that RFKJ is part of the Plan.
I concur for many reasons. He met with Trump 2 days before assuming office, supposedly to talk about vaccines - I'm sure they did, of course. I would bet trump filled him in on the black hat plan & Bobbie's mission is to red pill the Democrats / Liberals, or as many as he can by keeping distant from Trump. He says he's a Kennedy Democrat - can't challenge him on that, lol! His family has been historic on "racism" they can't call him that & he has led an environmental law firm for years - can't call him anti climate. There is nothing left in their bag for the libtard to throw at him except calling him a "conspiracy Theorist". I believe the plan is to try to win against Biden. He will either get assassinated or they will defraud him. In either case he will wake up nornies.
If he lives, I would bet that Trump will invite him to be VP for a dual party ticket. It will be unbeatable even with all the fraud
All they seem to do is call RFKJ an "anti-vaxxer" and I honestly don't think that will get them very far with the majority of people. Yes, people are still at least partially asleep, but no, most people are not thinking fondly about the clot shot!
He’s like an Alex Jones without the baggage and screaming
The applicability of this gif is astronomical.
All part of the plan... of which nothing can stop
I think this is an attempt to co-opt our movement.
Think about it for a second.
Children's Health Defense is RFK Jr's baby. He's a Kennedy. The Kennedy's are one of the supposed 13 Ruling Families of the Cabal, Illuminati, or whatever name you proscribe to [them]. Aka, those that "rule" over us. [they] followed Q's posts just as much, if not more so, than us. Q even sent directed messages to [them]. NCSWIC is a common theme among those posts and is a mantra of the Anons. [they] know this, as well. Judging by the initial reaction here, it would seem that [their] goal is to co-opt this movement to sway opinions back to align us more with whatever vision RFK ([they]) have.
Now, I don't have all the pertinent and relevant research on him, but if I remember correctly, RFK Jr has said some fairly nasty things about Q, about Trump, has denied that elections have been rigged in [their] favor, has said he'd like to eliminate our influence, and silence us permanently. He's said he'd like to silence and jail all dissenters of "muh climate change." By any means necessary, iirc. Jes also a Democrat, which means he's gonna toe that party line all the way thru the Primaries at the very least. If he gets the [D] nomination, hell toe it all the way to the General Election and beyond. Today's Democrat Party is yesteryear's Communo-Socio-Fascist. He's also a self avowed globalist. Does this really sound like someone that has everyone's wellbeing in mind?
We also know that [they] will NEVER let a Kennedy rise to prominence again as long as any of them truly stand apart from [their] overall goals of world domination.
Yes, he speaks out, but he's still alive. JFK, Jr didn't speak out as much as his cousin, and he paid the price. Why is RFK, Jr still alive if he's not still somehow aligned with [their] goals? Do you honestly think [they]'d let him live if he truly wanted to change the current system?
Yes, he's on public record outing the Clowns, Fed Bois, Mafia, etc for assassinations of his family. Yes, he's outed (somewhat) Fauci, et al. But all of that info was set to come out soon anyway. The statute of limitations of the classified info re both Kennedy assassinations has run out and all of that info is earmarked for dissemination anyway. They know public opinion of Fauci is at an all time low and many in Congress are ready to hang him out to dry. [they] know as well as us that the current iteration of Clowns and Fed Bois along with the rest of the 3 letter agencies has just about ran their effectiveness out, so it stands to reason that [they] would go ahead and "disclose" certain bits of info in a controlled manner. Think, "controlled demolition." And [they]'d be very smart to do it thru a "trusted" conduit like RFK, Jr, and would be even smarter if [they] used a somewhat "trusted" journalist like Carlson. (By the way, Carlson is a Clown, so double points for [them] if [they] could manage to sway our opinions using a Clown.) "Controlled demo," indeed. Just look at what's happened to Fox News stock and ratings since Carlson's departure. RFK, Jr is tied to that. I'm sure those "interviews" on Carlson's show "played a role" in "forcing" "Murdoch's" "decision." Seems to me it was planned long ago. Again, as a means to co-opt.
We know there's multiple factions. We know [they] war with each other for prominence and dominance, but all pretty much toe the line in regards to the overall objective: world dominance. We also know the plays [they] love to use most are distraction and division. Well, logic would dictate that at least one family would attempt a co-opting of this movement to bring it under heel. Anyone thinking otherwise hasn't really thought things thru to their logical conclusion. And since the Kennedy family is still powerful, still holds the ear of many, many people (Sheeple, Normies, and Anons alike), and also has the added benefit of gaining sympathy from those groups (think prominent member's assassinations). It brings into question everything this particular Kennedy does and says when looked at under certain lenses. And I'm not certain JFK, Jr wasn't fully on our side, either.
I think everyone here needs to take a step back and evaluate and re-evaluate everything this man has said, everything he's done, and everything he's promising before just blindly trumpeting something like this "committee seminar" as a great and grand thing.
Something smells rotten here, folks.
I have a different take. I think RFK Jr played a sleeper part for decades. He as a Democrat could learn a lot about these corporations/government/green orgs by being a lawyer who moved amongst them for decades. I listened to one of his interviews and the knowledge he has about the EPA and government organizations is impressive. That is a lot of intel that the military might not have. Yes they could have used NSA to gather it, but you have to move in those circles or spend decades learning all of the players to truly understand the intel. Or you used RFK Jr as your expert.
Could be a false flag. Or could be telling us the plan is very much still executing according to plan.
No way for us to know except at the end of it I guess.
I believe JFK was born into a cabal family but something happened in his heart and decided to rebel against the cabal. That's why he had to be killed. RFK Sr. and JFK Jr. as well. Ted Kennedy got a serious warning and stayed with the cabal.
Also disrupts the algorithm. Now if someone searches for NCSWIC, this will be top of the results instead of Q.
So, is RFK, Jr. a white hat? It would sure appear to be so.
Think carefully. If someone says "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming" is it because its a good plan (good plans can hit unexpected problems), or is it because its already done and all we are seeing is slow unveiling of the reality?
There are no coincidences, ha ha!
Can someone update this old slowpoke on NCSWIC. I've seen it for years here.
Duh. Thanks fren.
Or CISA Central to the “National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators” (NCSWIC)
Tru dat
That was nice. I asked this a year ago and was taken to the woodshed and stripped of my patriot status on here.
Shame on whoever made you feel like that. We are here to dig, educate, discuss and pass on Intel to all.
When one falls lift them up. WWG1WGA.
What is coming?
holy shit.
So expect the MEDIA to begin summarily and mercilessly attacking RFK any day now.
After Q posted NCSWIC I renamed one of our applications to that at work. Unfortunately nobody has picked up on it yet
Come on, they can't be serious lol
This is not even coincidence or accidentally anymore… as they put it on “title” as if afraid we could missed it https://twitter.com/TheAmericaProj/status/1656758966544658463
Great, their flyer has even more details! Perfect for sharing!
Why is the last letter missing a period? Comms?
I like it
What? Bahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
TJ Shope is one of the biggest RINOs in the State Senate. He voted against ending many COVID policies and gave zero support to challenging the stolen elections.
The guy is a snake. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn he’s a plant that will do all he can to kill whatever great ideas this panel comes up with. After all, we’ve seen for ourselves over and over again how these people operate in this state.
I could be wrong. But something smells fishy here.
Ok, that's pretty good.
Novel Coronavirus South Western Intergovernmental Committee
5/25/2023 - 5/26/2023
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Arizona State Capitol Arizona State Capitol Complex 1700 W Washington Street , Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Let Our Voices be Heard!
State and Federal legislators from Arizona have assembled an intergovernmental committee to examine Arizona’s response to COVID. Your attendance is critically important to indicate your commitment to truth, and the volume of support for these hearings. Let’s overflow the hearing room and be heard.
Kory, Siri, McCullough, Urso, Fareed, and more!
We will experience first hand accounts from the injured, including their families and caretakers; as well as medical, legal, and industrial hygiene experts.
This hearing is the first of its kind in Arizona, combining both our Congressional and Legislative representatives to protect the rights of Arizonans.
Our thanks to the legislators making this historic moment possible:
Hon. Steve Montenegro Hon. T.J. Shope Hon. Janae Shamp Hon. Paul Gosar Hon. Andy Biggs Hon. Eli Crane
Download the brochure. https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/NCSWIC.png
I received it this morning in an email from Children's Health Defense Arizona Chapter. Email text said:
"Reminder to Show Up May 25-26
We'll talk more about the NSWIC hearings next week, but make sure these dates are on your calendar. This historic event is one you won't want to miss. As Vera Sharav says, "Never Again Is Now."
May 25th-26th Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee (Phoenix, AZ) Please show up and be part of a true assessment of the damage done by misguided COVID policies in Arizona. Let's beat censorship by hearing directly from those on the front lines - including medical professionals, patients and their loved ones. This is your chance to hear luminaries like Aaron Siri, Drs. Urso, Kory, McCullough, and Fareed. We expect the meeting room will be bursting at the seams, overflow into adjacent rooms, and then spill out into the mall. Let your legislators see your faces, and feel your commitment to medical freedom."
1700 W. Washington. NCSWIC. Can't wait to hear their conclusions.
Good one!
Gives me hope, made me smile.
got link to this graphic?
That graphic was in an email from Children's Health Defense Arizona Chapter. They also provided this link: https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/events/novel-coronavirus-south-western-intergovernmental-committee/
Found it! They called it a "brochure": https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/NCSWIC.png
No Cuck Should Wonder this Is Coincidence.
Event link: https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/events/novel-coronavirus-south-western-intergovernmental-committee/
Graphic link: https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/NCSWIC.png