Because his knob slobbing skills must be out of this world. He shops at target for his tuck friendly swim suits, and he is a voter fraud bud light drinking, ford gay truck driving bitch lol.
Up here in Canada I have read that sometimes The Regulators will show up with one of their little Measuring Wheels and really right there redefine your property
Correct. It strikes down the EPA's claim that if water on your property flows into a another body of water at any point in time then it's considered waters of the usa and falls under EPA regulation.
This is one of the biggest wins. I don't think people realize how important this is. The Clean Water Act expansion that Obama tried to order in was cancelled by Trump and they tried to slide this one in its place by Bidens Admin. A 9-0 SCOTUS ruling is also shocking, but it certainly sends a message. Navigable waters is the key for the actual Law. Trying to own all the water and regulate even ponds, drainage ditches and any other water in/on private land would give the EPA goons the ability to show up on anyone's land to "inspect" the water and all the land around it, without a warrant and without probable cause.
100% Projection !! 👉👉“This MAGA Supreme Court is continuing to erode our country’s environmental laws. Make no mistake—this ruling will mean more polluted water, and more destruction of wetlands. We’ll keep fighting to protect our waters.” He said on Twitter.
The origin of the EPA started out as a necessary agency to regulate the unrestrained dumping of industrial waste into the waters, buried under the ground and pumped into the air. Like all other agencies, they were corrupted and used as a weapon. We like to shit on the FBI, but there is a real need for a Federal investigative unit to investigate interstate crime. The State LEO's were unable to coordinate efforts with neighboring State LEO's to effectively take down organized crime and criminals that were crossing State lines. We tend to over react to the agencies that have been corrupted and wish to destroy them, but their initial purpose and their original founding isn't the problem. The problem is the corruption and the abuse of these agencies.
The EPA has been working to stop fracking in the US for a long time now. Advances in fracking is what enabled the US to get to a point of not needing to import foreign oil thus getting out from under the control of OPEC. They didn't want that to happen. The oil situation has an enormous affect on the US economy.
They also used the spotted owl to shut down the timber industry. I suspect that was we could get to the current situation, of importing the crooked warped shit corporations like home depot and lowe's now call lumber. The abuses imposed by the EPA are not out weighed by their early successes of clean up.
They have been used throughout their history as a big stick against industry, and thus against the economy.
This is the end result of corruption. It twists and fouls even the most glorious and well intentioned creations until you are so disgusted that you "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Take a larger view of the intent behind the USA and what it has meant to all of humanity. The change in the human condition was a beacon of hope and progress. Now look at what it has become. Do we disolve the USA and throw out the founding principles? No, we purge the corruption and rebuild the original intent and put in even more rigorous protections to ensure that the ideals are protected for future generations. The only hope for mankind is progress. By learning lessons throughout history, we embrace what works and eliminate that which fails. We continuously learn and adapt to improve the ideals and make them a reality.
EPA is not a legitimate agency. We don't need the feds or their illegitimate lackeys stealing people's water. We also don't need unelected bureaucrats regulating ANYTHING OR ANYONE.
Seems like he just got "cut off at the pass" on something...
I wonder if they are going to start "derailing" tankers and cargo ships...
Dave Martin's speech at the EU Parliament really makes you see how far that they are willing to go to gain power and money!
Stickied because this is actually a HUGE deal for bringing legislative actions back to the legislatures
So an anti communist ruling.
It’s unreal how these agencies are slowly morphing into polit bureaus I charge of every aspect of our lives.
Regulations aren’t laws and regulators aren’t elected.
Why the fuck is this absolute knob-slobbing dick-tucking bitch still in a job?
Because he's never elected
Because his knob slobbing skills must be out of this world. He shops at target for his tuck friendly swim suits, and he is a voter fraud bud light drinking, ford gay truck driving bitch lol.
Major KEK reporting for duty, Fren :D
tucking isn't going to help with that man he's with.
Am I correct it essentially strikes down this?:
‘Well it rained in your backyard now you have less acreage’
Only concerning bodies of water..
The problem is their definition of “bodies of water.”
The small pond or little seasonal stream on your property falls under their definition.
Up here in Canada I have read that sometimes The Regulators will show up with one of their little Measuring Wheels and really right there redefine your property
I hope Canada can turn things around.
Me too, frog 🐸💜
Correct. It strikes down the EPA's claim that if water on your property flows into a another body of water at any point in time then it's considered waters of the usa and falls under EPA regulation.
This also can be taken as a warning shot at the ATF.
And EVERY other federal agency as well.
The ATF needs more than a warning shot. They need to be disbanded, permanently.
Sick of his fucking fake glasses he peers over to say I’m superior to you - fuck this asshole
The glasses are pretty stupid. Along with the rest of him.
This is one of the biggest wins. I don't think people realize how important this is. The Clean Water Act expansion that Obama tried to order in was cancelled by Trump and they tried to slide this one in its place by Bidens Admin. A 9-0 SCOTUS ruling is also shocking, but it certainly sends a message. Navigable waters is the key for the actual Law. Trying to own all the water and regulate even ponds, drainage ditches and any other water in/on private land would give the EPA goons the ability to show up on anyone's land to "inspect" the water and all the land around it, without a warrant and without probable cause.
SCOTUS Gotta be Sleepers. Dunno how the Pedo protector voted for this.
Watch the water?
Technically you could file this notable under Maritime related
Now they need to put them in check with the ever burdensome emissions rules
The un-elected agency (and california) keeps sending shockwaves thru the trucking industry
100% Projection !! 👉👉“This MAGA Supreme Court is continuing to erode our country’s environmental laws. Make no mistake—this ruling will mean more polluted water, and more destruction of wetlands. We’ll keep fighting to protect our waters.” He said on Twitter.
All 3 letter agencies.
Is it too much to hope that those glasses he keeps balanced on the tip of his schnozz will fall off and muzzle his mouth?
Watch the waters!! This is huge. This directly applies to all overstep!!
This is a huge win.
As an Alaskan where literally 60% of the State is Federal lands.... THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!!
The EPA has been one of the cabal's tools to destroy the ecomony of the US since its inception.
"Watch the water"
Don't take for granted that every time you turn the faucet it is going to come out, and damned sure don't let your enemy control the spigot.
The origin of the EPA started out as a necessary agency to regulate the unrestrained dumping of industrial waste into the waters, buried under the ground and pumped into the air. Like all other agencies, they were corrupted and used as a weapon. We like to shit on the FBI, but there is a real need for a Federal investigative unit to investigate interstate crime. The State LEO's were unable to coordinate efforts with neighboring State LEO's to effectively take down organized crime and criminals that were crossing State lines. We tend to over react to the agencies that have been corrupted and wish to destroy them, but their initial purpose and their original founding isn't the problem. The problem is the corruption and the abuse of these agencies.
The EPA has been working to stop fracking in the US for a long time now. Advances in fracking is what enabled the US to get to a point of not needing to import foreign oil thus getting out from under the control of OPEC. They didn't want that to happen. The oil situation has an enormous affect on the US economy.
They also used the spotted owl to shut down the timber industry. I suspect that was we could get to the current situation, of importing the crooked warped shit corporations like home depot and lowe's now call lumber. The abuses imposed by the EPA are not out weighed by their early successes of clean up.
They have been used throughout their history as a big stick against industry, and thus against the economy.
This is the end result of corruption. It twists and fouls even the most glorious and well intentioned creations until you are so disgusted that you "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Take a larger view of the intent behind the USA and what it has meant to all of humanity. The change in the human condition was a beacon of hope and progress. Now look at what it has become. Do we disolve the USA and throw out the founding principles? No, we purge the corruption and rebuild the original intent and put in even more rigorous protections to ensure that the ideals are protected for future generations. The only hope for mankind is progress. By learning lessons throughout history, we embrace what works and eliminate that which fails. We continuously learn and adapt to improve the ideals and make them a reality.
MAGA court is a compliment
Shouldn't everything be about making whatever country you live in great?
Fuck globalism.
This is definitely a "watch the water" ruling!
the 9-0 rulings are another piece of evidence that it's just a movie
EPA is not a legitimate agency. We don't need the feds or their illegitimate lackeys stealing people's water. We also don't need unelected bureaucrats regulating ANYTHING OR ANYONE.
Seems like he just got "cut off at the pass" on something... I wonder if they are going to start "derailing" tankers and cargo ships... Dave Martin's speech at the EU Parliament really makes you see how far that they are willing to go to gain power and money!
The whole world is MAGA!
I can label him too. "that's a lot subject matter there"