I suspect that this entire episode involving Trump's documents has the intended purpose of striking down the Clinton Socks verdict. They'll sacrifice that verdict to get at Trump, which will then set the precedent for going after Hillary's server, the Obama library, Bush's documents, Clinton's documents, Biden's documents. They stole them to conceal their own crimes.
So this is the real declass. Because no one, not even Trump, can declassify documents that former presidents have stolen. This will bring them all back so they can be revealed to the world.
On Wednesday morning The Gateway Pundit spoke with two attorneys who gave us the same explanation. Jack Smith did not tell the Grand Jury about the Presidential Records Act or the Clinton Socks Case because he didn’t have to.
Both of these cases exonerate President Trump. Jack Smith did it again. How does this guy keep a job? It appears Jack Smith may be the only liar here.
(e)Whoever having unauthorized possession of, access to, or control over any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted, or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it; or
His lawyers would have to show how those cases are exonerating.
The charges are after he left office though which means he was no longer authorized, right? Like, according to what the Presidential Records Act says it’s only the incumbent president that is authorized. I read it after Trump mentioned it but I’m confused how it’s relevant?
Once given access to any Document, the President retains the authority for the rest of his Life....
It all goes directly back to him being President, and nobody can take that authority away from him, Nobody, not even Congress, and they would need to make an Amendment to do that, because they would have to adjust the Entire Constitution to take that authority from ALL Presidents, not just Trump....
my understanding is
There is no higher authority than the president per our constitution.
The executive branch....ie DJT at the time had the right to any document and store any document he so chose to store. He can transmit anything he wants because once in his possession it is no longer classified per Supreme court ruling in Clinton sock drawer case. However No one else can give that same info out to anyone as it may remain classified for national security reasons in the hands of another. If I have that wrong please explain.
I once read somewhere a few years ago that the president can declassify something merely by speaking about it. Also, you're right, the presidency is a constitutionally unique position compared to anybody else. I've seen the argument that this all pertains to after he was president. I'm not sure about the legalities of that.
That’s not true. The president is of equal power to congress and the judicial branch. That’s why we have 3 equal branches of government.
And the sock drawer case actually set the precedent that NARA could decide if documents or tapes could be considered personal or presidential post-presidency.
Lots of documents in the president's possession are classified and stay classified. That happens every day. That's not the issue.
The Clinton sock drawer thing didn't involve classified info. The issue there was personal vs presidential records.
The key part is this part.
The executive branch....ie DJT at the time.
That's the issue.
All the charges are from 2022. After Trump left office. The DOJ in the indictment says that after January 20 2021, since Trump was no longer president he "was no longer was authorized to possess or retain those classified documents."
They are wrong. He was POTUS when the docs were created and/or declassified (by him). I don't care if it is 3022 - he declassified them as POTUS so the docs he had he was authorized to have.
He may retain the security clearance to read and know the contents of them, but he doesn't have unlimited authorization to own them and take them with him. They are government docs - DoD and military plans, etc. - Trump or any other president can't just cart around printouts of them as they wish. That would be a security disaster.
One is the issue between personal and Presidential records.
If declassified a document, it can't have been a personal record which property of the US and supposed to be in the archives
Two the DOJ is saying all of the 31 documents are still classified right now. Trump is looking for a lawyer who has a security clearance so they can review the documents.
Dude. I'm not going to watch 50 minute video. Are you kidding. You can Tell me the important points.
Also t.he records in the Bill Clinton sock drawer case were personal records as declared by the national archives. There's no way for classified records to called personal records.
If I posted the judge's ruling before on the"Clinton stock drawer case'. The case was dismissed. The judge ruled judicial watch had no right to them and was not harmed by not having their freedom of information act request fulfilled because they were personal records and not in the possession of the national archives. And what people are claiming about that case is not supported in the document.
Trump’s Boxes and Clinton’s Sock Drawer. A president chooses what records to return or keep and the National Archives can’t do anything about it. I know because I’m the lawyer who lost the “Clinton sock drawer” case.
DJT is a smart man, I wonder if he created some new document classifications while he was Prez which delegated certain powers to certain groups while the country was in COG mode and Jack Smith wasn't aware of these changes ?
Some White Rabbits are about to enter the chat, maybe?
The case Farrell is referring to is titled Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration – also known as the “Clinton sock drawer” case. Former President Bill Clinton created White House audio tapes with historian Taylor Branch and stored them in his sock drawer. Judicial Watch sued to obtain access to the tapes and lost.
“He took them from the White House with him into private life,” said Farrell. “There’s classified material on those tapes and arguably it’s the sort of running stream of consciousness record of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Pretty important stuff.”
Places the responsibility for the custody and management of incumbent Presidential records with the President.
Requires that the President and his staff take all practical steps to file personal records separately from Presidential records.
Establishes in law that any incumbent Presidential records (whether textual or electronic) held on courtesy storage by the Archivist remain in the exclusive legal custody of the President and that any request or order for access to such records must be made to the President, not NARA.
Doesn’t incumbent mean current? So like it’s only up to the president while they’re president and once they aren’t president it’s NARAs responsibility?
Since the charges are after he left office wouldn’t he not be the incumbent and those records would then belong to NARA?
I briefly read something about how Obama changed some law benefiting Clinton in the sock drawer case which in return exonerates Trump. The government owns the documents but the president can have said documents for his entire life but does not own them. Meaning that Trump was in his right to have those documents in his possession until his death then they return to the US government.
I suspect that this entire episode involving Trump's documents has the intended purpose of striking down the Clinton Socks verdict. They'll sacrifice that verdict to get at Trump, which will then set the precedent for going after Hillary's server, the Obama library, Bush's documents, Clinton's documents, Biden's documents. They stole them to conceal their own crimes.
So this is the real declass. Because no one, not even Trump, can declassify documents that former presidents have stolen. This will bring them all back so they can be revealed to the world.
This is the chess game being played. right here.
Jack Smith looks 100% like a communist would.
I bet he worships Marx.
Maybe he's AI...
I think Fidel Castro cucked Smith's "dad" just like he did to Justin Turdeau's "father".
On Wednesday morning The Gateway Pundit spoke with two attorneys who gave us the same explanation. Jack Smith did not tell the Grand Jury about the Presidential Records Act or the Clinton Socks Case because he didn’t have to.
Both of these cases exonerate President Trump. Jack Smith did it again. How does this guy keep a job? It appears Jack Smith may be the only liar here.
Here's the key part
The crime cited in the indictment is "willful retainment of national defense information." It goes a bit beyond the Presidential Records Act.
They are specifically claiming a violation of the part bolded below in section e of this law, 18 U.S. Code § 793, which reads.
His lawyers would have to show how those cases are exonerating.
but, DJT was/is authorized
so the quoted text is Moot, as is the entire charge sheet, this will be quickly established.
The charges are after he left office though which means he was no longer authorized, right? Like, according to what the Presidential Records Act says it’s only the incumbent president that is authorized. I read it after Trump mentioned it but I’m confused how it’s relevant?
If he had the Authority at any time Before 2022, then he retained that authority throughout all of 2022 and still has it today....
"" having unauthorized possession of""....
How so?
Logic and Common Sense....
Once given access to any Document, the President retains the authority for the rest of his Life....
It all goes directly back to him being President, and nobody can take that authority away from him, Nobody, not even Congress, and they would need to make an Amendment to do that, because they would have to adjust the Entire Constitution to take that authority from ALL Presidents, not just Trump....
my understanding is There is no higher authority than the president per our constitution. The executive branch....ie DJT at the time had the right to any document and store any document he so chose to store. He can transmit anything he wants because once in his possession it is no longer classified per Supreme court ruling in Clinton sock drawer case. However No one else can give that same info out to anyone as it may remain classified for national security reasons in the hands of another. If I have that wrong please explain.
I once read somewhere a few years ago that the president can declassify something merely by speaking about it. Also, you're right, the presidency is a constitutionally unique position compared to anybody else. I've seen the argument that this all pertains to after he was president. I'm not sure about the legalities of that.
That’s not true. The president is of equal power to congress and the judicial branch. That’s why we have 3 equal branches of government.
And the sock drawer case actually set the precedent that NARA could decide if documents or tapes could be considered personal or presidential post-presidency.
Lots of documents in the president's possession are classified and stay classified. That happens every day. That's not the issue.
The Clinton sock drawer thing didn't involve classified info. The issue there was personal vs presidential records.
The key part is this part.
That's the issue.
All the charges are from 2022. After Trump left office. The DOJ in the indictment says that after January 20 2021, since Trump was no longer president he "was no longer was authorized to possess or retain those classified documents."
Here let a REAL LAWYER explain how wrong you are
They are wrong. He was POTUS when the docs were created and/or declassified (by him). I don't care if it is 3022 - he declassified them as POTUS so the docs he had he was authorized to have.
Doesn’t matter since 2009 even VP can declassified because of Obama ??? https://files.catbox.moe/f87214.jpeg
He may retain the security clearance to read and know the contents of them, but he doesn't have unlimited authorization to own them and take them with him. They are government docs - DoD and military plans, etc. - Trump or any other president can't just cart around printouts of them as they wish. That would be a security disaster.
I see two problems here
One is the issue between personal and Presidential records.
If declassified a document, it can't have been a personal record which property of the US and supposed to be in the archives
Two the DOJ is saying all of the 31 documents are still classified right now. Trump is looking for a lawyer who has a security clearance so they can review the documents.
Please go educate yourself. Clinton's were all CLASSIFIED and he REFUSED to turn them over.
Dude. I'm not going to watch 50 minute video. Are you kidding. You can Tell me the important points.
Also t.he records in the Bill Clinton sock drawer case were personal records as declared by the national archives. There's no way for classified records to called personal records.
If I posted the judge's ruling before on the"Clinton stock drawer case'. The case was dismissed. The judge ruled judicial watch had no right to them and was not harmed by not having their freedom of information act request fulfilled because they were personal records and not in the possession of the national archives. And what people are claiming about that case is not supported in the document.
First I am no dude.
Second if you watched it you would SEE YOU ARE WRONG.
Third I believe a lawyer nor a troll who posts inaccurate garage.
But hey trolls will be trolls.
Here read this or is that too long?
Trump’s Boxes and Clinton’s Sock Drawer. A president chooses what records to return or keep and the National Archives can’t do anything about it. I know because I’m the lawyer who lost the “Clinton sock drawer” case.
DJT is a smart man, I wonder if he created some new document classifications while he was Prez which delegated certain powers to certain groups while the country was in COG mode and Jack Smith wasn't aware of these changes ?
Some White Rabbits are about to enter the chat, maybe?
There were some ""Adjustments"" made....
For reference, the Clinton Socks case refers to:
The Presidential Records Acts (I think these are the relevant parts?):
Doesn’t incumbent mean current? So like it’s only up to the president while they’re president and once they aren’t president it’s NARAs responsibility?
Since the charges are after he left office wouldn’t he not be the incumbent and those records would then belong to NARA?
Jack Smith is 1 of the only lawyers in US history to have a prosecution reversed by the US Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 decision.......
This guy should be nervous about his inadequacies. His wife is pals with Big Mike.
Sock it to ‘em?
I briefly read something about how Obama changed some law benefiting Clinton in the sock drawer case which in return exonerates Trump. The government owns the documents but the president can have said documents for his entire life but does not own them. Meaning that Trump was in his right to have those documents in his possession until his death then they return to the US government.