Why did H-wood glorify TITANIC as a tragic love story?
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I believe it was to play on peoples' empathy...the mindset is now "Leave the wreckage alone, let them rest in peace", instead of where we are "bring it up to prove it's the Titanic" ... I had a friend arguing how they can't anyway because it would cost too much money. My counter was but we can send trillions to a country for a war that has 'nothing' to do with our country...logical thinking is dying very quickly...
I think they are like murderers who are compelled to show up at the funeral, or keep trinkets from their victims. They love thinking about what they got away with and want to troll everyone with it a little. Or a lot. I can't explain why I think this, but when I see slobbering tributes to people like Robin Williams or John Ritter, or Michelle McNamara, I am almost certain that they were sacrificed by the cabal. It's just a really, really strong intuition. There are usually facts that then make you go "Hmm" but that could be confirmation bias for sure. For example, John Ritter died on 9/11, and had that weird Coloboma condition in his eye that Jon Benet had. I had not previously known he was the son of Tex Ritter, which isn't quite Hollywood child but close. Michelle McNamara died under very suspicious circumstances. Her and Patton Oswald's daughter's name is Alice. Not a big deal obviously, but why is there always something? He's now married to a child actress (obviously now grown) who has done a lot of Disney stuff. Robin Williams, there's a lot. Clearly the way he died with the scarf hanging a la Kate Spade. But doesn't surprise me that he was in drag for a movie, or that the girl in the same movie now an adult claims she was "sexualized" as a child.
I think what they don't want you to find is the sinking was not by an iceberg but an explosion. It is the Titanic down there--too many articles were brought up and on display but the hole in the hull has never been investigated. Did the iceberg story start by someone on deck that knew the explosion was going to happen? Did he survive to tell his story. Jus sayin!
There was no "hole." The collision was a glancing contact that carved a gash along the hull, spanning too many of the internal anti-flooding compartments. Impossible to obtain with an explosion, nor was any explosion mentioned by any witnesses. The iceberg was SEEN. My God, do your research.
I'm not saying it's 100% that you're wrong. But god are you such a fucking shill. Every time I see your name, you're towing the mainstream story/explanation for nearly every topic. And you do it in such a assured almost condescending manner, as if you know your position is of absolute fact. You're basically the resident agent Smith of this forum.
Yep. The golden rules: If it’s on mainstream media, it’s a lie. If it’s bulldozed, it’s a false flag to hide evidence. School shootings, 9/11… If the government gives it away for free, it’s bad for you If it’s a law, it’s to protect the cabal and it’s agenda, not you
Spot on observation.
He enjoys pissing everyone off by insulting them and talking down to them, he has no other way of communicating. Agent Smith, a good description, thanks for that.
Yeah, it's tough knowing what I'm talking about. Gets under the skin of those who only have opinions or suppositions. I know I'm over the target when I get flak.
Yep, and I bet you believe the Titanic was just a tragic accident as well.
Since it was, with no evidence to the contrary, I am losing no sleep over it.
I know what was reported just like Biden won the 2020 election. Too convenient of an accident and sure they reported icebergs, they were everywhere.
Not convenient at all. Immense loss of life and property. The expectation was that the icebergs would not be so far south (wrong expectation). All it took was one, in the wrong place. There were a host of other, compounding problems.
What do you think Q was talking about if it was just bad luck?
I have a different attitude. When someone is making obscure statements, I ask them for clarification. I don't put any stock in divining what someone means. I saw that too much at work. People working on a problem, based on what they thought their supervisor meant. I would ask them what they were doing and they would just mumble and speculate about what the supervisor would be thinking. I would go and ask the supervisor. Or, in one case, I summed up all the work that had been done and sent it off to the customer for clarification. We hadn't communicated to him for a year. He replied back, "No, that's not what I want. I want this..." It had no relationship to what everyone was speculating. After two weeks of analysis, I sent him the answer---and went off to open-heart surgery. Two months later, when I returned, I found that the customer was happy, the implemented equations worked perfectly, and the problem was solved. A complete waste of several man-years of fruitless effort, for the sake of unwillingness to get clarification from the customer.
Or, as I hinted, it was a test to see if we would put a rabbit in front of us on a pole and run after it. If we did that, it would be a flunk. Nobody ever seems to think that a proper answer could be that the "trail" is bogus. Closed minds.
Who knows what Q was talking about if he doesn't talk plainly? There is no telepathy good enough to sort it out.
Q asked questions.
Did you even try to answer them?
Did you read the speculations of other anons on 4chan and later 8chan?
No, you self-admittedly read books written by the people covering up the truth and took their word as gospel.
Believe what you will. I saw the Titanic story on MSM and it was as you described so I guess you are right! Kek
".the mindset is now "Leave the wreckage alone, let them rest in peace", "
That has always bugged me. Nobody tells archaeologists to leave historic graves alone so the dead can "rest in peace." Just exactly why is the Titanic a special case?
The same reason why you can't use ground penetrating radar over the mass graves of holocaust victims.
The answer is you're a bigot.
The concept of raising the Titanic was written about by Clive Cussler in his book "Raise the Titanic" (1976), made into a movie in 1980. It had been determined afterward that the condition of the wreck precluded any such recovery, as the stern had broken off, etc.
The obvious reason to me that Hollywood wants to distract from any connections to the FED and from the influential people on board and their surprising death considering their status.
That being said, why is it called "H-wood"?
Yes. Seems like an odd abbreviation. Could have just as easily typed Holly.
This might be a good interpretation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLlNMecWY3E
Well, the cabal is old and reuses its themes again and again!
I mean origins on Hollywood, not the H-Wood referred to
Because all these "dots" don't make a picture. Supposition is not reality.
The line "Opposite is true." puzzles me.... does it apply to the question directly above about what is relevant?
Seems to say a man in the movie survived but died in real life. Edit - Could it be suggesting someone was killed and their identity taken over?
No they want you to forget they killed this man. He opposed the cabals wishes and plans
I think it applies to what we've been told about the Titanic. Q said something about most plane crashes were not accidents. Same thing here.
I haven't seen a deep dive on the people who were on the Titanic. Maybe someone did one, I just haven't seen it. Would be interesting to see how it lines up with the current cast of DS characters.
A is probably Astor
Was that B Gates maternal family? I need a scorecard to track all the crime families involved...
John Jacob Astor (born Johann Jakob Astor; July 17, 1763 - March 29, 1848) was a German-born American businessman, merchant, real estate mogul, and investor who made his fortune mainly in fur trade. At the time of his death in 1848, Astor was the wealthiest person in the United States, leaving an estate estimated to be worth at least $20 million, or 0.9% of estimated US GDP at the time. Astoria, Oregon (setting of The Goonies) is named after him.
His great-grandson John Jacob Astor IV (July 13, 1864 – April 15, 1912) was an American business magnate, real estate developer, investor, writer, lieutenant colonel in the Spanish–American War, and a prominent member of the Astor family. He died in the sinking of the Titanic during the early hours of April 15, 1912.[1] Astor was the richest passenger aboard the RMS Titanic and was thought to be among the richest people in the world at that time, with a net worth of roughly $87 million (equivalent to $2.64 billion in 2022) when he died. Supposedly, he opposed the formation of the Federal Reserve.
(D or A) I believe means dead or alive.
Maybe. Why use capitalized abbreviations? ‘dead or alive’ is a general-enough term that it can be spelled out explicitly without causing much fuss. Everyone already admits that some Titanic people died and some lived. Q usually uses abbreviations for proper nouns such as people’s or nations’ names.
I think Q said 7 out of 10 plane crashes were not accidents. Makes me think about all crashes that have happened since the birth of flight.
If it is true, let him provide the evidence. I am getting tired of knowledge by divine pronouncement. (Crashes by design failure or improper maintenance count as accidents.)
Q is a military Intelligence Service. By law, they can't disclose information obtained through their methods. Q skirted the law by asking questions anyone could ask, but carry more weight based on the source of the question. Q expects anons to dig for information based on the questions asked.
We suspect Q is connected to military intelligence, but it is not definitely established. If Q can't disclose information (including conclusions) obtained through their methods, then why is Q disclosing it? If anons are supposed to dig for information, where is the evidence? It is almost like Q pronouncements are Holy Writ. Who cares about verification, when we can take it for granted?
A good example is the mysterious missile launch from Puget Sound. Plenty of opining about what it was, most of which was nonsense (e.g., that it was fired at Air Force One). My own analysis, as far as I was able to take it (before being interrupted), was that its launch azimuth was approximately due north. The implication was that it may have been an attempt to spook the Russians with a not-so-false-flag attack. Supposedly, the SLBM was intercepted with a "package" purpose designed for the task. (Implying that there is a fighter Cap over the sub base at all times, to guard against an erroneous launch.) I think I put it on view, but no one took it up. That's okay. But I walked the walk, so don't give me the talk.
It's referencing John Jacob Astor.
He died irl on the "Titanic".
but in the movie, the character that represents him, "Jack", doesn't die.
Is called brainwashing and predictive programming. That way when you tell them it was about setting up a slave state, the sheep will call you a tinfoil hat conspiracy nut job.
Because on that point, you would be one. Not all "sheep" are sheep.
who is family y?
Hi ; I’ve been searching for info on the titanic and found this old comment of yours . Can you direct me to any good videos or articles ,, ididnt kniw about olympicbut somehow remember hearing something about this , thank you
This one's pretty good. I'll try and answer them Qs, but idk all of them.
??? Soros, Family 'y', and Rothschild ???
A lot happened. It was essentially Nationalists and Fascists vs. Bolshevik Communists. George Soros' family survived by pretending to be Christian and joining the Ns. N Germany drove out the Rothschild banking cartel and banned usury.
Well it seems like a lot of leaders are/were..... so, probably?
Establishing Israel for the Rothschild family? Establishing the "Liberal World Order"? Profit?
George Soros was born in 1930. WW2 was from 1939 to 1945. So he was 9 - 15 during WW2. And he was 13 years old in March 1944 when N Germany occupied Hungary
Hungarian. Jewish. Bought documents that said they were Christians.
Rise of communism. We literally had the Cold War right after and it's only gotten worse since then.
Angela Merkel was the first female chancellor of Germany. During her chancellorship, Merkel was frequently referred to as the de facto leader of the European Union (EU) and the most powerful woman in the world.
East Germany Communists.
John Jacob Astor, and other Billionaires who opposed the creation of a Rothschild central bank (The Federal Reserve) in the USA.
Because The Federal Reserve (Rothschild owned Central Bank) was created in 1913.
It got swapped with another ship, The Olympic. You can actually even see this in the pictures of the sunken wreckage, if you pay close attention to the windows.
Women and children
There is famously a story of a dispute between some captain/crew of the ship. This caused some boats to not be filled completely, even though there was space left, because someone got the idea that it was only women and children who were to be given a place on lifeboats.
The billionaires who opposed the creation of The Federal Reserve were all men.
The billionaires who opposed the creation of The Federal Reserve.
Also some billionaires who did support creation of The Federal Reserve like JP Morgan, who conveniently decided not to go at the last minute.
??? Billionaires who opposed The FED ???
Rothschild Owned Central bank that robs us all through blatant usury.
United States Dollar
Rothschild family and a lot of other Jewish people. I feel like I should point out that the Bolshevik Communist and Marxist Communist movements were extremely Jewish.
Signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.
Wilson appointed the first Jew and the first Roman Catholic to Princeton University, and helped liberate the board from domination by conservative Presbyterians.
In 1916, Wilson nominated Louis Brandeis to the United States Supreme Court, setting off a major debate in the Senate over Brandeis's progressive ideology and his religion; Brandeis was the first Jewish nominee to the Supreme Court.
Jewish mind control tactics. They want to re-write our perception of history for their own benefit.
Jack (obviously based on John Jacob Astor)
John Jacob Astor died in the real life event.
Altering people's perception of events.
Psychological Operation. Brainwashing applied to the entire population.
??? Another Psyop??
People with Jewish names and their allies who all believe in global one world power and hate god.
I AM THE 1%. PERCEPTION IS NOT NECESSARILY REALITY. Lots of people will reject the truth.
Or else shit would really hit the fan, in ways i can only even begin to try to imagine
??? There are a number of supercomputers named after the Dwarves from snow white, could be talking about that?
Generative AI Models predict how the population will react to any theoretical event.
The Bourne Identity (1980), another brainwashing movie? I've never heard of it before.
Lots of things happened in 1912. https://worldhistoryproject.org/1912/ Maybe the Progressive Party was born. Maybe New Mexico and Arizona became states. Are there no coincidences?
So we know people who opposed the federal reserve were on it, no?
What does (D or A) stand for regarding lifeboats?
Dead or Alive.
they killed off the remaining dissenters of a Federal Reserve central bank system in America. almost immediately after the "sinking" of the ship, the Federal Reserve was setup in the USA, with World Wars, depressions, recessions, loss of liberties & a destabilized country that VERY soon followed.
9/11 was orchestrated in a similar fashion.
1912 was designed to establish the Federal Reserve & have all citizens become puppets of fiat.
2001 was designed to establish the Patriot Act & remove all rights of the citizens & the ability to name anyone an enemy of the state, a heretic... just like in the "old world"
Was the recent Oceangate submersible tragedy pure coincidence? Perhaps the catastrophic event allowed the White Hats to bring the Titanic Q post to the surface.
Died on the Titanic; John Jacob Astor IV, Millionaire, Isidore Straus, co-owner of Macy's, Benjamin Guggenheim, mining magnate. All millionaires opposed the formation of the Federal Reserve/Central Bank. https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/people-events/article/3006142/12-famous-people-who-went-down-titanic-and-11-who
What I don't understand is how it could have made a difference. Would the Millionaires form an army and arrest Congress or the President? Or would they simply have to submit? The idea that anyone would go to such magical trouble (wrangling an iceberg with high precision) to kill "resisters" who could never have posed a problem is ipso facto ridiculous. Not to mention devoid of evidence.