My 75 year old sister’s kidneys are failing. She was triple jabbed. She has had diabetes for a number of years. It is now taking its toll on her kidneys. She was always overweight from childhood.
She called me yesterday to let me know and asked if I would consider being a donor.
I said yes but I need more information on what that means. I know my husband would object and wouldn’t want me to donate.
She is going to a medical center to see if she is even eligible to get a donor kidney.
I am one of six sibs but half are diabetic (including my sister). The remaining sibs all have said they would be donors. But one had cancer tumor in past (now cancer free) and the other has had multiple surgeries ( 5 spinal fusions, knee and shoulder replacements and a variety of other surgeries).
I am most likely the healthiest and youngest of them all but was recently told I am pre diabetic. I’m working on getting my weight down and have been eating less carbs.
I would like to help her out to stay off dialysis but am a bit concerned about going into a hospital (any hospital) these days to remove a kidney. I am unjabbed. Has anyone else done this?
Dear Father be with this family and guide them in their troubled time.
In your son's name Jesus Christ.
Amen. 🙏🙏🙏❤️
May your sister's health improve so that she can manage without a transplant.
What a brave person you are to agree to be a kidney donor!
My husband was Stage 4-5 kidney disease and diabetic, most likely caused by all the diabetic meds he was on. We watched his diet closely: no added salt, no breads or pasta, no starchy vegetables (potatoes, beans), watched his sodium and potassium, eliminated carbs. He lost 30 pounds and 2 pant sizes in 6 months. His A1C and potassium, GFR, improved dramatically to the point he was almost back to Stage 3 kidney function. I strongly advise you to encourage your sister to go on a diet now to help with wound healing PRIOR to surgery and to not waste your kidney. If she doesn’t alter her life style, a kidney donation will be wasted because her body will either reject it, she won’t heal, or the good kidney will face the damaging results of what she is eating. I pray she will be able to find the will to change, with God’s help, because every life has meaning. May God show her the path she must and needs to take and I pray you make the right decision for your family.
I agree with this. Will older sister be changing her diet and lifestyle etc? It's admirable that she is considering this, but kidney failure is typically a good predictor of mortality and I don't think she would gain a huge number of years. Diabetes, at least Type 2, came from years of choices regardless of genetic predisposition etc.
Her willingness, or not, should be the guide as to whether her sister sacrifices for her. Her sister has put her in a difficult position. If she really values her life she must take steps too.
Amen to this. The weight is the bottom line. Seems sister should prove she wants to live, with actual effort, not just be "saved" through someone else's risky sacrifice.
Every surgery has risks. At 75, this risk is very high. For me, I would've have given my sister anything she needed, but I have no children and am divorced. The sacrifice for me would have been small. Everyone has different circumstances. My sister wasn't 50 years old yet. If an organ would've saved her, it was an easy decision for me. It may not be so simple in your situation. Pray and discuss with your family and with her directly.
Holy Father, bless u/swimkin ‘s sister with a regain of health and enough Faith and serenity to overcome this ordeal, bless all her family with peace of mind and an increased perception of Your Love for them.🙏🏻💐
A friend donated a kidney to her sister many years ago. Then, at age 60, my friend developed kidney disease and died. The sister lives on. God works in mysterious ways.
I am already 70 so my life is mostly over. As my parents lived to 87 and 88 respectively I don't expect to live much beyond that but did have relatives that lived into their 90's.
First of I pray for your family and your situation...God has ALL the answers that you need. I would like to share some insight into kidney failure that I have experienced. We are all in the same age range. When my husband's doctor retired, he started going to my doctor...on the first visit he was told he was in stage four kidney failure, which was quite a surprise. He has not been jabbed and is not diabetic, but for many years drank wine at night and he takes medication for high blood pressure and other issues. I really believe a lot of kidney failure is due to is common that they are hard on the kidneys.
I established a supplement protocol for him that he takes and he has basically reversed his kidney is not even an issue anymore. He is active and I am trying to encourage him to intermittent fast...which the schedule I follow is to eat in a six or eight hour window and then to fast for 16 hours, drinking only water...allowing your body to heal and restore itself. I eat from about 9-5 (or less) with 2 meals. I have been doing this for several years and have lost weight. I do not follow a strict diet, but we use only coconut oil and butter with occasional olive oil for fats and try to keep carbs to a minimum...although we don't avoid them. I also use sugar. There are many different types of IM but you can reduce insulin resistance or diabetes and lower blood pressure eating like this. When you add exercise it improves all your body functions. If you want more info...I would be glad to share specifics...or check out Dr. Berg videos on all these issues...he is brilliant...
Also, please look into all the great herbs available to help strengthen the kidneys. There is so much information online about reversing kidney failure. Helping your sister improve would lessen your need to donate a can be done...there are many testimonies online.
Nonetheless I would not worry about going to a hospital...even though they have lost all credibility. My friend has been in and out of the hospital lately and I have been to many doctor visits with her and even though there were many horror stories, there is still a lot of good that is being done...and I hate hospitals...God will provide whatever it is that you need and he will give you whatever information you need to make wise choices.
I know you can't make choices for your sister, but obesity and all the related issues are killing older people and people don't realize they can make choices that affect their lives in a positive way. You may want to check out some of the protocols for fighting the spike proteins. We have benefited immensely from Vitamin D/K, zinc/quercetin and NAC...which we added when all the covid stuff happened and have continued taking. There really are some basic vitamins that EVERYONE should be taking no matter how old they are...I pray God's blessing on whatever happens...
What an informative, thoughtful, lovely post, tweety
Thank you for the encouraging remark...
Praying for Healing for your sister.
Would the hospital even let you donate if they find out you are not jabbed? Will you need blood during the operation? If so can you be sure it is from the unjabbed?
No fucking way should the unvaccinated donate kidneys to the Warned.
Besides that 75 is more years than a lot of good people have got, and you'll likely shorten the shit out of your lifespan with unnecessary surgery.
No guarantee you even wake up from anesthesia.
And if her kidney failed other organs are likely to follow at that age.
A good friend of mine's brother donated. She had Wilson's disease. She is fine now and so is he. They were younger though at the time, probably late fifties.
Prayers for you and your sister.
My thrice-jabbed idiot father is now suddenly and "unexpectedly" developing kidney problems.
I told him last weekend pre-emptively that I won't give him a kidney because he was jabbed against my advice, because he refuses to take care of his health and because he can't even be bothered to drink a couple glasses of water every day in alignment with his doctor's orders.
Unsurprisingly, my family thinks I'm an asshole.
It's a strange thing when people feel ENTITLED to the vital organs of another living person.
If you can't bring yourself to make this decision, I firmly believe, it is because you are lacking certain information that would make your decision clear. In other words .. don't force a decision. If you have many apprehensions you might consider them your intuition, which is God-given guidance. But I know how difficult this "grey area" is. I know what it means to be 75 and wanting a new lease on life. And survival instinct is very selfish of course. So it has to be you who assesses the other aspects of this. I guess if it were my situation I would pray hard that the right answer would be shown to me clear as a bell and quickly. Your prayer as you go to sleep, that you awaken with guidance that is undeniable. In my family one cousin gave a kidney to another cousin and saved her life. They both healed beautifully. They were both in their 50's and otherwise healthy. So it was the right decision for them. Neither of them had been living their life in a previously self-destructive manner that gave them a serious co-morbidity. (Neither obese nor diabetic). I imagine the younger ages of both helped with the decision-making, too. By getting triple jabbed your sister sealed her fate, really. That and obesity and diabetes? I don't think this is your battle and your husband would not think so either.
Chances are that her immune system is compromised from the 3 jabs. Also, her red blood cells may be irregular now, leading to blood clotting and worsened oxygen delivery. It is even possible that her kidney failure is related to the mRNA (in her renal blood vessels) producing spike proteins still. I would want to see testing of these conditions before I lost a kidney.
I am so sorry for this trauma in your family. You are so loyal to consider donating your kidney to your sister. But, I hate to see you donate if no good outcome is possible.
Prayers for both your sister and you. Agree with Mary911's assessment.
Lord, please give this family the wisdom to the navigate the difficult choices ahead. Amen.
You and she will be in my prayers.
Praying for your sisters health and your whole families health🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Praying for God's answer! 🙏🙌
Prayers on the way fren.
I'll certainly pray for your poor sis. You sound like a very kind and loving person, btw.
If you don't mind, I'll weigh in on the kidney donation. It's okay if you don't want to hear it... Feel free to scroll by❤️
Now... if we were talking a 30 yr old sibling whose health wasn't damaged by poor lifestyle choices... That would make sense.
A 75 yr old who is sick largely by her own actions... Not so much. You might be endangering your own health and wind up merely buying her less than 6 months.
You do need your kidneys.
Prayers sent for your sister, honestly I don’t know if they would approve of your donation due to pre diabetes. As someone with diabetes since I was little I feel like this will be my fate as well, it’s all just a matter of time… take care of you first! Get your sugar under control and start eliminating foods that hinder your bodies ability to heal. Sometimes a keto diet can reverse the pre diabetes tremendously. Praying for you and your sister.
I haven't done it. ((Big hugs)). I pray God will guide you through this.