Everytime I think about the Clinton Foundation and their fake compassion for children, I go back to Haiti and Hillary's girl Laura Silsby trying to steal a bunch of Haitian 'orphans', and getting caught. Hillary and her connections got her off and the media passed it off to the sheeple as just a misunderstanding.
Those kids would have disappeared without a trace, and the Clinton Foundation would have gotten richer. They are modern day slavers, but most of their slaves end up dead.
I find it, mine, boggling that there’s a group of people trying to denigrate another group of people who were actually trying to do the right thing regarding human trafficking.
Ballard and Caviezel have put their lives on the line for this project, and it’s not even out yet. And yet I see here several posts, trying to denigrate these two Patriots, and people who clearly care for those who’ve been traffic, and then they stupid posts.
It’s infuriating. The movies going to come out on July 5. Why don’t we give it a chance, and see what it’s about, instead of trying to snuff it out before it’s even screened.
But no… We’re gonna shoot her own selves in the foot, because we think we’re smarter than a person who’s been running an organization that’s fighting human trafficking for over 10 year- not to mention a man who suffered physically mentally and emotionally playing Jesus Christ in the passion of the Christ. Then he was blackballed in Hollywood, and now he’s doing this important project.
Has anybody stopped to think for a minute? Perhaps this number has been hijacked by the white hats, because anybody who’s been calling it before, it’s now going to receive answers to legitimate human trafficking hotline! Now, instead of getting chips on have to find children, they’re getting tips on how to save them. If someone is trying to covertly call into the Clinton foundation number, and asking questions, they shouldn’t be, well that would be a great way to track them down wouldn’t it?
But no… Let’s throw shade on the one project that’s going to open up the eyes of many normies. The movie comes out the weekend of July 4. Sound of freedom. Buy tickets and go see it. After that if you have a gripe, then come post it. But I think it’s disingenuous, and a very negative outlook on trying to just wait people from going to see this movie.
One reading is sound of freedom don’t know Clinton foundation involve in human trafficking so they put that phone # there …
Another’s scenario is they know and part of them, then that’ll make them bad guys … or they know and not part of them but pretend not knowing and exposed them later… u can’t expect after movie end and nothing else in the near futures. As movie is just first step…
The Q drop was only the Clinton Foundation number. The Child Liberation Foundation part was added to show that the phone numbers were the same. I think it suggests that the Child Liberation Foundation is a front for more trafficking, like the CPS.
Looks like Child Liberation Foundation is asking for a lawsuit! Because the Sound of Freedom people are very aware of this Clinton number and ties to their trafficking.
National Human Trafficking is funded by HHS and run by Polaris. Polaris seems to be more focused on making policies to crush "qanon" and "conspiracies".
The coalescing of previously disparate violent far-right extremist actors that overran the Capitol
Building on January 6 portends a combustible future, where human trafficking is used as weapon
against democracy. As such, based on the evidence collected and analyzed in this report, it is clear
that conspiracy theories around trafficking should be treated as a critical threat to national security
and the success of civil society organizations. Additional concerted and data-driven approaches
remain necessary to combat this urgent threat. Thus, Polaris, The Soufan Group, and Limbik are
proposing several policy recommendations that Congress, the Biden-Harris administration, as well as
other stakeholders should consider exploring in 2021."
Why would a Sound of Freedom promotion include a phone number to the Clinton Foundation?? To report missing children?? That's the LAAAASSTT place I would want to call.
As I understand it, the Q Post said that the Clinton Foundation's phone number was the National Human Trafficking Hotline, not because that's really the Clinton Foundation's number, but because Q was insinuating that the foundation traffics humans.
So... Child Liberation Foundation is recycling the old Clinton Foundation number which became the National Human Trafficking hotline in between (as pointed out by Q).
Have I got this right? Kinda fits with that post from earlier today stating that the Sound of Freedom crew may not be as frenly as presented...
Interesting that it's always a number tied to the human trafficking somehow.
Just like the Clinton Foundation, Ballard’s OUR has Haitian officials who have claimed they were engaging in all manner of immoral and illegal practices inside their country.
But they’re the “good guys”, so we ignore the evidence, and pray that we haven’t been beguiled for years, despite the lack of any true justice.
Because I have. I had to go through extensive training and be vetted before they would even take me as a volunteer. OUR is a legitimate organization that is actually trying to fight human trafficking. Just saying!
What did you do with OUR? What was the vetting process? Did you ever meet with Sean Reyes, or any of the three LDS apostles who have purportedly invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the organization?
Were you there when Tim was saying he wouldn’t take a salary from the organization, or was this after he pumped his yearly salary from $300,000 to $550,000 a year?
I had to take a bunch of classes regarding Trafficking, how to spot, traffickers, and how to interact or not interact with people that I think are being trafficked
I attended meetings at a Home nearby, and went to fundraisers and different events to support the organization
They also have an aftercare location in Phoenix, Arizona.
No, of course I’ve never met Tim Ballard, I just know that behind the scenes at a local level people are doing what they can, and working towards the betterment of humankind.
I don’t need to go to the Internet, and listen to people like you tell me bad things about these people, when I’m just doing the best I can in my own community, reaching out, and helping were other people will not.
Regardless of whether Tim Ballard takes a salary or not is not an issue for me. He should take a salary, he works damn hard. And yes, I know the Mormons are involved in this ministry, because the people’s house I went to war Mormons. I don’t think it matters what denomination you are, when you’re trying to help people not be human traffic.
But you just keep sitting in your chair, replying to me with your vitriol.
And you deserve to be proud of the work you’re doing on the local level. Sincerely.
But to keep your eyes closed to whom your working FOR, and all the lies, broken promises, and grifting you’re enabling makes you no different than the sincere Clinton Foundation volunteers who argue with me the same way you are right now.
“Sitting in my chair”. That one made me laugh. Man, people around here crack me up sometimes.
One last question, and I’ll let you have the final word. With all that training you did, how many children have you personally kept or saved from being trafficked? With all my heart I hope the number is greater than zero.
The Clinton Foundation probably bought Pay it Forward tickets so they could claim affiliation. Alternatively Angel Studios isn't aware of Clinton Foundation abuse. Or Clinton Foundation is trying to discredit Sound of Freedom. These monsters are and have been fighting for their lives and Satan can't wait to claw apart their failure.
i wonder if the foundation was confiscated and subverted into an organization to actually do what it was said to be doing. maybe this is one of the ways that Q could show us what was going on behind the scenes without getting into it. Imagine all the info on human trafficking ops they'd have access to, and how many customers of the old system would still come calling if it was kept quiet.. very interesting.
I see triple 8s and 33s in that number… while interesting, that is a national phone number, and probably existed before that Q drop even. So it’s not a proof of anything
Hmm a billion dollar real estate fund management company. How is it tied to Clintons? Needs research... This rich dude sets of my Pedo alarm as a person who was victimized as a child.
*obtaining, to be clear
You did not kill yourself..................
Sounds common sense to me.
Everytime I think about the Clinton Foundation and their fake compassion for children, I go back to Haiti and Hillary's girl Laura Silsby trying to steal a bunch of Haitian 'orphans', and getting caught. Hillary and her connections got her off and the media passed it off to the sheeple as just a misunderstanding.
Those kids would have disappeared without a trace, and the Clinton Foundation would have gotten richer. They are modern day slavers, but most of their slaves end up dead.
I find it, mine, boggling that there’s a group of people trying to denigrate another group of people who were actually trying to do the right thing regarding human trafficking.
Ballard and Caviezel have put their lives on the line for this project, and it’s not even out yet. And yet I see here several posts, trying to denigrate these two Patriots, and people who clearly care for those who’ve been traffic, and then they stupid posts.
It’s infuriating. The movies going to come out on July 5. Why don’t we give it a chance, and see what it’s about, instead of trying to snuff it out before it’s even screened.
But no… We’re gonna shoot her own selves in the foot, because we think we’re smarter than a person who’s been running an organization that’s fighting human trafficking for over 10 year- not to mention a man who suffered physically mentally and emotionally playing Jesus Christ in the passion of the Christ. Then he was blackballed in Hollywood, and now he’s doing this important project.
Has anybody stopped to think for a minute? Perhaps this number has been hijacked by the white hats, because anybody who’s been calling it before, it’s now going to receive answers to legitimate human trafficking hotline! Now, instead of getting chips on have to find children, they’re getting tips on how to save them. If someone is trying to covertly call into the Clinton foundation number, and asking questions, they shouldn’t be, well that would be a great way to track them down wouldn’t it?
But no… Let’s throw shade on the one project that’s going to open up the eyes of many normies. The movie comes out the weekend of July 4. Sound of freedom. Buy tickets and go see it. After that if you have a gripe, then come post it. But I think it’s disingenuous, and a very negative outlook on trying to just wait people from going to see this movie.
Are we not awake yet?
Suck Xi's dick a thousand times and get called a faggot! Hmph. Kek
This!! 🙌🏼
Not sure I understand what's happening here...??? Implications? Spell it out for retards like me.
Am I reading Clinton foundation = trafficking help line = sound of freedom?
One reading is sound of freedom don’t know Clinton foundation involve in human trafficking so they put that phone # there …
Another’s scenario is they know and part of them, then that’ll make them bad guys … or they know and not part of them but pretend not knowing and exposed them later… u can’t expect after movie end and nothing else in the near futures. As movie is just first step…
Thanks. That makes perfect sense now. 👍
The Q drop was only the Clinton Foundation number. The Child Liberation Foundation part was added to show that the phone numbers were the same. I think it suggests that the Child Liberation Foundation is a front for more trafficking, like the CPS.
Slavers. Call them what they are! The language matters!
Looks like Child Liberation Foundation is asking for a lawsuit! Because the Sound of Freedom people are very aware of this Clinton number and ties to their trafficking.
National Human Trafficking is funded by HHS and run by Polaris. Polaris seems to be more focused on making policies to crush "qanon" and "conspiracies".
Here is a report they put out as they claim to be non-partisan. (Link is a pdf report) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://polarisproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Polaris-Report-Countering-QAnon.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjw96fH2un_AhXik2oFHZWFCFIQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2FZjvCB397sfRf8JRO81Ez
"CONCLUSION The coalescing of previously disparate violent far-right extremist actors that overran the Capitol Building on January 6 portends a combustible future, where human trafficking is used as weapon against democracy. As such, based on the evidence collected and analyzed in this report, it is clear that conspiracy theories around trafficking should be treated as a critical threat to national security and the success of civil society organizations. Additional concerted and data-driven approaches remain necessary to combat this urgent threat. Thus, Polaris, The Soufan Group, and Limbik are proposing several policy recommendations that Congress, the Biden-Harris administration, as well as other stakeholders should consider exploring in 2021."
Why did you post that tracker link? Use the direct link: https://polarisproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Polaris-Report-Countering-QAnon.pdf
Yeah, I saw billboards in Arizona, years ago and the Clinton Foundation answered them.
Dude wtf
Why would a Sound of Freedom promotion include a phone number to the Clinton Foundation?? To report missing children?? That's the LAAAASSTT place I would want to call.
That is very perplexing..
As I understand it, the Q Post said that the Clinton Foundation's phone number was the National Human Trafficking Hotline, not because that's really the Clinton Foundation's number, but because Q was insinuating that the foundation traffics humans.
Could be an attempt to poison the movie by the FBI/CIA.
Unless the number has been hijacked by WHs??
Came here to say this, but there’s a group of people trying to trash Ballard and Jim Caviezel.
Now that makes sense. Fuck those bastards. This is getting unreal, as if that was even possible.
Wellll..... What do we have here..? And 33's too.
So... Child Liberation Foundation is recycling the old Clinton Foundation number which became the National Human Trafficking hotline in between (as pointed out by Q).
Have I got this right? Kinda fits with that post from earlier today stating that the Sound of Freedom crew may not be as frenly as presented...
Interesting that it's always a number tied to the human trafficking somehow.
ThankQ for clarifying.
Which post are you talking about
Just like the Clinton Foundation, Ballard’s OUR has Haitian officials who have claimed they were engaging in all manner of immoral and illegal practices inside their country.
But they’re the “good guys”, so we ignore the evidence, and pray that we haven’t been beguiled for years, despite the lack of any true justice.
Justice delayed is Justice denied.
Can you link to this claim? I haven't heard anything about this, nor anti able to find anything.
Tim Ballard has been accused as being a QAnon supporter, and got flack for never disavowing the movement.
Also, Vox, Atlantic, Vice, etc all liberal news have attacked him as a great conspiracy theorist, and that child trafficking isn't an epidemic.
Seems to me that if he's being attacked by evil, not denouncing Q, then he's certainly fighting evil.
I posted a video last night. You should be able to find it in my post history. It shows the document from the Haitian official, amongst other things.
Have you ever volunteer for OUR?
I have not.
Why do you ask?
Because I have. I had to go through extensive training and be vetted before they would even take me as a volunteer. OUR is a legitimate organization that is actually trying to fight human trafficking. Just saying!
I’d love to hear more about your experience.
What did you do with OUR? What was the vetting process? Did you ever meet with Sean Reyes, or any of the three LDS apostles who have purportedly invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the organization?
Were you there when Tim was saying he wouldn’t take a salary from the organization, or was this after he pumped his yearly salary from $300,000 to $550,000 a year?
I had to fill out extensive paperwork.
I had to take a bunch of classes regarding Trafficking, how to spot, traffickers, and how to interact or not interact with people that I think are being trafficked
I attended meetings at a Home nearby, and went to fundraisers and different events to support the organization
They also have an aftercare location in Phoenix, Arizona.
No, of course I’ve never met Tim Ballard, I just know that behind the scenes at a local level people are doing what they can, and working towards the betterment of humankind.
I don’t need to go to the Internet, and listen to people like you tell me bad things about these people, when I’m just doing the best I can in my own community, reaching out, and helping were other people will not.
Regardless of whether Tim Ballard takes a salary or not is not an issue for me. He should take a salary, he works damn hard. And yes, I know the Mormons are involved in this ministry, because the people’s house I went to war Mormons. I don’t think it matters what denomination you are, when you’re trying to help people not be human traffic.
But you just keep sitting in your chair, replying to me with your vitriol.
You went to war with Mormons?
No vitriol. Honestly.
And you deserve to be proud of the work you’re doing on the local level. Sincerely.
But to keep your eyes closed to whom your working FOR, and all the lies, broken promises, and grifting you’re enabling makes you no different than the sincere Clinton Foundation volunteers who argue with me the same way you are right now.
“Sitting in my chair”. That one made me laugh. Man, people around here crack me up sometimes.
One last question, and I’ll let you have the final word. With all that training you did, how many children have you personally kept or saved from being trafficked? With all my heart I hope the number is greater than zero.
Enjoy those fundraisers.
Taunting them. Waiting for them to slip
The Clinton Foundation probably bought Pay it Forward tickets so they could claim affiliation. Alternatively Angel Studios isn't aware of Clinton Foundation abuse. Or Clinton Foundation is trying to discredit Sound of Freedom. These monsters are and have been fighting for their lives and Satan can't wait to claw apart their failure.
Sounds like the makings of a sting operation boys.
i wonder if the foundation was confiscated and subverted into an organization to actually do what it was said to be doing. maybe this is one of the ways that Q could show us what was going on behind the scenes without getting into it. Imagine all the info on human trafficking ops they'd have access to, and how many customers of the old system would still come calling if it was kept quiet.. very interesting.
I have no sauce, just my own imaginings.
Anyone bother to call? Maybe report Ashley Biden's predator.
I see triple 8s and 33s in that number… while interesting, that is a national phone number, and probably existed before that Q drop even. So it’s not a proof of anything
Hmm a billion dollar real estate fund management company. How is it tied to Clintons? Needs research... This rich dude sets of my Pedo alarm as a person who was victimized as a child.
17 comments as of 8:29