Another RINO bites the dust.
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I only have ONE Person I will vote for: Trump
He’s smarmy AF…!
S a m e .
I wasn't against Vivek because it sounded like he was saying all the right things, but I have been staunch: if these people want to make themselves heard for 2028, fine. But get out of the way for 2024.
Supporting mask mandates or stabbing Trump in the back (DeesNuts/30 Pence style) or vaxx mandates are a sure fire way to get on my shit list.
The current lineup apart from Trump isn't fit for '28 or any other election cycle.
Well, definitely not now.
DeSantis had potential and squandered it.
Military, are you listening? Trump or bust, literally.
There are so MANY brilliant minds ON THIS FORUM I would so much more happily vote for over any of these swamp creatures!
Omg , a Republican friend was gushing all about this guy 6 months ago , she sent me like a 30 minute video which I wouldn’t watch , I listened to one of his 3 minute blurbs to find out who the hell he was and knew right away thst he is a lighter color of Obama,, the guy came out of no where … I told my Trump loving friend ( who is buying into the , trump says mean stuff , she’s a Fox all day watcher ) you already know what DJT can do , why would you listen to anyone else ! Mormon, and as a lot of them , they are being pulled away from DJT . Doesn’t matter God is behind our President and you can’t beat HIM
Office Space:
"Bob" Porter : We're gonna be getting rid of these people here... First, Mr. Samir Naga... Naga... Naga work here anymore, anyway.
Same with Tim Scott...
He outed himself the other day during Tucker's interview.
Some of the candidates are nothing more than suggestive programmers, they’re running to condition/brainwash the masses into accepting various forms of deception so EVIL can maintain a wide array of options for itself.
Notice, Vivek talks plenty about being a “Citizen”, but he always neglects to mention how he utterly fails to qualify for the presidential race, that he was not born to two American parents, that he is not a Natural Born Citizen, that his parents were not naturalized before he was born but after.
Vivek’s lack of legitimacy is more obvious than Obama’s, and Obama’s lack of legitimacy seemed pretty obvious.
Are you sure that he can’t be president? Born on American soil makes you an American citizen unless your parents want to claim country of origin I thought.
As a side note, “could” and “should” are two different categories. As Obama and Biden have shown us, anyone “could” break laws and become President or Vice President, but they should not have done so.
Here were the authors’ intentions behind the 14th Amendment::
John Bingham | A Matter of Allegiance
"To naturalize a person is to admit him to citizenship. Who are natural-born citizens but those born within the Republic? Those born within the Republic, whether black or white, are citizens by birth -- natural-born citizens. There is no such thing as white in your Constitution. Citizenship, therefore, does not depend upon complexion any more than it depends upon the rights of election or of office. All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians." [Congressional Globe, House of Representatives, 37th Congress, 2nd Session]
“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” [Congressional Globe, House of Representatives, 39th Congress, 1st Session]
We don't want a President who is good at telling us things we like.
We need an experienced leader who knows how to fight the deep state.
What is his stance on the vaccine? I ask because it would help see who he truly is as a politician.
On masks, recall that President Trump never really supported masks and we only really saw him masked up while at Walter Reed and briefly right after discharge.
Vivek: 1) doesn’t follow the science-masks do not protect against the Covid virus, 2) accepted funds from the Soros Foundation for education, 3) owns a pharmacy and has deals with Pfizer=NO PRESIDENCY FOR YOU, Vivek.
I guess he should be called Ramaswampy now.
This guy's only purpose is to make DeSantis drop to 3rd. He's never going to get nominated.
It wasn't a noble lie.. it was just a lie. And trust wasn't eroded, it was destroyed. And anyone who attempts to minimize this also has destroyed their own trust.
I'm done with career politicians. If you didn't spend most of your life working, you are a WORTHLESS person.
Vivek is a phony ass gimp.
And he's not eligible to be president
The DS is hoping that one of these clowns gets us all tingly, and we abandon The Boss. Not gonna happen.
Vivek is saying good stuff, but Code Monkey Z did a deep dive on him and there are several red flags.
Apparently ramasmarmy never read the box the masks come in.
DS knows how to pick their RINOs.
lol. Sleazy clown.
Noble lie my ass.
Seem like someone is grooming Vivek for a VP spot to me. Trump want fall for it though.
Please God no !