They've shown the world, especially old-school Dems and even old-school Republicans who still have reverence for the Kennedy name and legacy, how utterly despicable they are by sh-tting all over RFK, Jr in order to cover for the DS/swamp, to further their narratives, and to blather on about irrelevant, emotionally-charged, race-baiting bs.
The same Debbie Wasserman Schultz who was forced to resign as the head of the DNC after it was revealed she rigged the primaries for Hillary?
No way. I’m shocked.
He was paid big $$$ to step aside and he was always going to step aside. He was brought into the race to activate the leftest of the lefties and get them vested into the race and then step aside and leave the lefties backing Killary.
With all due respect, fren...the wishy-washy, willing-to-switch-sides-at-a-moments-notice "MIDDLE" is why this country is in the fucking dire state that it is. Case in point -- fucking white liberal women. "Hey, no more mean tweets!" 🙄
I personally think the MIDDLE should be made to choose one side or the other, and not simply be given the coward's option of simply being "shipped off." What the fuck does THAT even mean?
Preach on! Fence sitters are the worst! Middle right = RINO, no conviction for anything, spineless, middle left = communist no need to explain further.
I love how they would ask him a question.. then he would start to answer it.. then they immediately yell over him and relinquish their time so he can’t answer. They kept doing this so they could read from their script to get sound bites like they always do.
Then as usual they avoid answering questions and try to play semantic games. Not to mention they pull all of the troll techniques by ignoring everything and trying to push their warped version of events.
Isn't It Ironic? They Can Support All This Anti- Government stuff As Long As It Supports Their Agenda: -If It Doesn't, Democrat or Republican - We'll Fight You (unless we personally are censored!)
He testified but was inexcusably shot down and
disrespected by Democrats. After the 45-minute break, no cable station was broadcasting the hearing anymore, so how’s that for censoring a hearing on censorship? What RFK Jr. did get to say was awesome! He did not use his prepared opening statement but addressed the lies and misinformation from the representative from the Virgin Islands, who did not bother to look at him while he responded to her accusations. Her behavior spoke volumes!
Democrats censoring another democrat at a censorship hearing. Can't make this stuff up. This will make RFK Jr. stronger.
I saw what you did there (‘RFK Jr.’) and it was a nice way to do it.
They've shown the world, especially old-school Dems and even old-school Republicans who still have reverence for the Kennedy name and legacy, how utterly despicable they are by sh-tting all over RFK, Jr in order to cover for the DS/swamp, to further their narratives, and to blather on about irrelevant, emotionally-charged, race-baiting bs.
Not a smart tactic on their part.
The same Debbie Wasserman Schultz who was forced to resign as the head of the DNC after it was revealed she rigged the primaries for Hillary? No way. I’m shocked.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz aka Ramen Noodle head
That is an insult to Ramen noodles!
Damn, now I don’t like Ramen Noodles?
Those who you are told are the tastiest
I thought it was established that she was a poodle.
Sorry y'all, lol, but you have to admit her hair looks like ramen.
In other words, she's a CUNT.
Hahaha. Im stealing that. TIPPY TOP KEK! 😂🤣😂🤣
But what animal would go near her?
Cankles has entered the chat: "Was someone looking for a 'drugged hippo'?"
They fundamentally do not understand that this man has zero fucks to give.
I didn't realize they are trying to Bernie him. But he ain't Bernie.
Excellent clip on this:
I don't agree with all the theories, but the point of his being a true believer and the attractiveness of it is pretty spot on.
Bernie willingly steps aside. He's a complete phoney.
He was paid big $$$ to step aside and he was always going to step aside. He was brought into the race to activate the leftest of the lefties and get them vested into the race and then step aside and leave the lefties backing Killary.
I'm willing to bet more Bernie supporters voted for Trump than either side cares to admit.
I doubt it.
Don't. I would have voted Bernie at the time and I ultimately ended up supporting Trump.
There are more of us in the MIDDLE than either left or right. Honestly I think the far left and far right should both be shipped off. Shrug
With all due respect, fren...the wishy-washy, willing-to-switch-sides-at-a-moments-notice "MIDDLE" is why this country is in the fucking dire state that it is. Case in point -- fucking white liberal women. "Hey, no more mean tweets!" 🙄
I personally think the MIDDLE should be made to choose one side or the other, and not simply be given the coward's option of simply being "shipped off." What the fuck does THAT even mean?
Preach on! Fence sitters are the worst! Middle right = RINO, no conviction for anything, spineless, middle left = communist no need to explain further.
There is no middle, there is no left, there is no right, and there is no spoon.
There's a reason he's basically a billionaire
And he doesn’t need a beach house.
Gyah she looks like a disgusting wet dishrag. What a loser, walking bag of ramen noodles. Can't wait to see her comeuppance
How is that wet noodle haired biznitch even allowed to hold any form of office after the Awan scandal?
Schultz will be bald as soon as next week lol
Better she than me!
Tortoise and the hare situation?
“Move to table the motion”…DWS big sigh of exasperation AWESOME TO SEE!!! I ~haaate~ (it)-her. Utter human FILTH.
I love how they would ask him a question.. then he would start to answer it.. then they immediately yell over him and relinquish their time so he can’t answer. They kept doing this so they could read from their script to get sound bites like they always do.
Then as usual they avoid answering questions and try to play semantic games. Not to mention they pull all of the troll techniques by ignoring everything and trying to push their warped version of events.
Wooooooo! Wooooooo!
The rules are only important to dems when they can weaponize them.
She’s wearing a snakeskin dress.
Now turn your head sideways and see the green brooch as the eye. It's eating her!
Isn't It Ironic? They Can Support All This Anti- Government stuff As Long As It Supports Their Agenda: -If It Doesn't, Democrat or Republican - We'll Fight You (unless we personally are censored!) ( Remy - Isn't It Ironic- Surveillance Edition)
why is wasserman shultz still free? i hate that woman! she is pure evil.
Washerman-Schultz sounds manly
So I couldn't hear at the end, did the vote pass? Did they allow him to testify?
He testified but was inexcusably shot down and disrespected by Democrats. After the 45-minute break, no cable station was broadcasting the hearing anymore, so how’s that for censoring a hearing on censorship? What RFK Jr. did get to say was awesome! He did not use his prepared opening statement but addressed the lies and misinformation from the representative from the Virgin Islands, who did not bother to look at him while he responded to her accusations. Her behavior spoke volumes!
10 ayes to 8 nays - they tabled the motion and that balding Jewish demon was shot down. So despicable.
Hideous, balding, pedophilic, Khazar demon
Yes, It's Live NOW!:
Suddenly Democrats want to "follow rules" 🤣🤣🤣