I've always believed that Pence has been playing a role in the Q plan.
I believe Q intended for the 2020 election steal to occur. It was all a grand sting operation. In the aftermath of the steal the Democrats were desperately attempting to start a Civil War in order to give them the optics for an extended police state lock down of the entire country. Mike Pence was instrumental in deescalating that Civil War and allowing for the people to be shown the full extent of the Democrat treason and tyranny.
Whether Mike Pence is a White Hat or not is still debatable. If he is not a White Hat, then he certainly was acting on their orders in 2020.
Thinking ahead, this judge will influence a Trump loss and Pres Trump will have to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. In order to showcase how corrupt EVERYTHING is, the Supreme Court will also rule against him even though the tsunami of evidence will knock everyone (94%) over.
By this time next year (premium election season), things will be so bad everyone will be begging for Trump to return and hence the Military puts boots-on-the-ground domestically.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm thinking there is no fast-track to this process.
Nobody ever said that taking down a 6000 year old death cult would be easy. The Deep State and their Cabalist overlords are not going to give up without taking America to the literal precipice moment and our near death experience. This is a very dangerous operation, and the Q team are being very careful in their controlled demolition of the Deep State.
You make a good point in that Americans most definitely need to be shown that their entire government no longer answers to them. Americans must reach that precipice moment when they are willing to take a stand against the Deep State and do as Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
Not in the Constitution, but in the Declaration of Independence. But we do live by it, since it is one of the foundation documents of the Constitution. Later on in the Declaration, is says it is not only our right, but our duty to throw off a tyrannical government.
May be like Haman the Agagite in the Book of Esther. Was he man of the God of Israel? Nope. But he did play an important role in the history of Gods people, on that allowed the Israelites to become prominent in the Empire of Persia, and also glorify God.
Sometimes God installs traitors or enemies, like Haman or even Judas, to expose evil and to bring glory to His Name.
Sounds cheesy and religious, but think of how else humans, even ones that were guided by advanced AI, could navigate an impossible amount of possibilities that they've calculated since the last decade. I think God is guiding them, and Q even acknowledged this in some of their posts when they also for prayer.
I've started to think this way too. The last few years since Biden has been in office the MSM, Pharma, Trans-Agenda, FBI, DOJ, DOE, FDA and CDC have all been exposed. These deep state assets would still be there fighting every step of the way against Trump's second term.
I dont like Pence. Never have. He is a mannequin. But I am still not ready to make a call on him. I wont ever trust him. I wont ever vote for him. Not even as a dog catcher. But there is still enough doubt on whether he was acting as a sacrificial lamb for the WHs. As bait for a trap. You can say 'but he got a coin'. Doesnt matter. To be an effective trap the bad guys must believe that the traitor in their midst is truly on their side.
So while I loathe the man I am not ready to say he is the traitor he appears to be. Chris Millers words ring in my head.
I suspect the full story won't be told until about 25 years from now. While it is entirely POSSIBLE that 30 Pence is working with Trump on the ultimate Long Con on the RINOs and liberals, I wouldn't be betting money that way. The Left has shown they are happy to open LOTS of doors to RINOs that side against Trump, and it would be abjectly HILARIOUS if 30 Pence was playing his role of Judas to perfection so that they let him in on their total strategy.
I'm tending to think in that direction. Pence playing the roll he needs to, siding with the RINOs. Gaining their trust as the anti-Trump. Until the right time.
Pence's star is setting soon, so it's possible the right time is soon. Maybe two weeks.
Perhaps that is what Chris Miller was referring to. That's the only way I can connect the dots.
It makes no sense that he would be deep state. Either Trump is the GPOAT or he is dumb as a rock. He ran to take on the deep state, but didn't know the man who he picked to take over if need be was deep state? Come on man! Also, what possible reason would Chris Miller have to stop in the middle of prepared remarks to thank Pence for his efforts in "the most complex military operation in history" I'm pretty sure taking down the deep state IS that complex military operation.
I always feel so bad for people like Pence and Sessions, who get so much hate directed at them, but are some of the most important patriots we may have.
Pence was the one who wanted to send the fraudulent election back to the states because he was the head of the operation smoking all the fraud out. The night before the election he announced that Election Day was swamp draining day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWHATS6p6Ck
Come certification day and Pence was ready to strike it down - Trump told him nah it would take more courage to do nothing and allow the fraudulent election to be certified instead Mike, this would have been a massive confliction for someone like Pence.
States want to revote. The states got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.
And I actually, I just spoke to Mike. I said: "Mike, that doesn't take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage." And then we're stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot and we have to live with that for four more years.
Trump told everyone right there that he made his decision to wave through Biden as President and the next 4 years were going to be tough, Trump always weaves a subtle easter egg into his major speeches.
Thanks for the link, and especially Trumps remarks on Jan 6. He says right there to not send back to the states. I really think too many people, even on our side, don't understand how evil the deep state is, and the goal is to expose this. By stopping the steal, they expose nothing.
If it is as we believe it is, then they are Patriots spelled with a capital P. To knowingly bring on the hatred of those you are fighting for one must have nerves of steel.
I am still not sure but lean towards Pence being a good guy or at least working with the good guys. But in theory Miller could have been trolling the deep state with his compliments to Pence. Making them think he was a double agent or something. Like in the cop shows when they convince one crook that the other has flipped.
You've made some good points. Also consider this: Asked About Failing Cities by Tucker Carlson, Pence Says ‘Not My Concern’! So let me see if I got this straight - Pence is running for President; is interviewed by Tucker Carlson; yet states that failing US cities are "Not My Concern"? I have a hard time believing he's that stupid. Great way to impress the American Voter. Great way to end his presidential campaign. BTW I'm definitely no Pence fan. But all this doesn't add up!
Also, good points. I think there are people that Trump sends mean tweets to, but they are really not that mean. I think, just like the WWE, they create support for one fighter, by using an evil fighter. The difference is that in WWE, everyone knows its fake. I am not totally sure on why Pence has to continue this role, but I trust the plan.
That's possibly why Trump/Q team chose Pence to be VP.... knowing all along he'd play that very role (for the DS) on certifying the election, ultimately playing right into WH plan to present their case of election fraud legally and on a mass scale (until false flag galore & MSM pretend it's not habbening)
I can’t help but remember the time that Chris Miller was, quite emotionally, heaping praise on Pence for working on the most complex military mission since D-Day. Or something to that effect.
This has always kept me conflicted on Mike Pence.
This is it boys. Not only will Trump beat all these charges which also sets precedents to be used against the Deep State, but in the process he will prove he won 2020.
Expect the Deep State to do anything in their power to obstruct equal justice under the law.
The real question is how far are the White Hats going to allow this charade to go on before pulling back the curtains and dealing the death blow to the Deep State. Everything we are witnessing play out is about securing absolute proof and evidence of Deep State treason, and allowing enough time for the population of America to reach critical Awakening status prior to the main event.
Pence knew, he even said it beforehand... his responsibility was to go to Congress on Jan 6th and make sure the evidence was presented. Then he lied and adopted 'Trump asked me to overthrow the election'-style talking points.... and helped Pelosi in her fake insurrection plan so that at 1.30pm Congress postponed, then took the planned hearing of the evidence off the docket, later meeting in secret late at night to lie and condemn Trump and the American people- evidence, what evidence, none was presented.
2015: “Trump will never win, dummies. He is polling at 1%. You are all so stupid!”
2016: “Fine, Trump won, but Epstein will never be arrested. You guys are dreaming! He’s too powerful!”
2017: “I don’t care how many Supreme Court nominees Trump gets, Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. You guys are delusional. It’s the fucking law of the land, you fucking morons!”
2018: “Fine, Epstein was arrested but Maxwell was the one we achktually wanted, and she’s going to skate, you buffoons.”
2019: “Covid is here forever guys. You’re all kidding yourselves if you think you will be able to resist the WHO through memes and non-compliance. Losers.”
2020: “Trump will never win in 2024. Stop smoking the hopium, idiots. Just quit even voting like me. Nothing ever happens and all my doomium predictions turn out true!”
2021: “You think you’re going to be able to avoid the vaccine, lol. As if! They will chase you down and jab you eventually. Man you guys are pathetic!”
2022: “You dimwits are voting in the midterms? What, you think you’re going to take back the House. OK dipshits, be dumb then. I’m gonna play it smart and stay home and complain and be right about everything as I always am!”
2023: “Trump’s going to jail, losers! You really think he’s going to prove Election Fraud to the courts. Please!”
Pence was not picked as VP by Trump. He was put in there by the deep state to spy on Trump and to disrupt his success. Pence is a traitor. I think his walking around as a saint is front. He is one you stay away from.
If the DC judge allows the defense's evidence and doesn't allow the prosecution to hide exculpatory evidence, Trump can also prove the dems orchestrated Jan 6th themselves.
I am concerned the judge will disallow any evidence that points to the dems, tho.
You mistake the purpose of this vector of attack. The purpose may not be to vindicate President Trump in a court of law, but to introduce irrefutable evidence so that the people of America can see with their own eyes all that has transpired. The only court that matters at this stage of The Great Awakening is the court of public opinion. The battlefield of this psy-war is in the minds of the voters.
It isn't just the POWER to refuse to knowingly certify fraud. Pence had the DUTY to refuse to certify known fraud, which he ABSOLUTELY KNEW WITHOUT QUESTION took place. He is a traitor who should either be imprisoned for life, or executed. I could see giving him life, because his actions did remove him from being first in line for the presidency and ensure he will never be president, meaning he knowingly gave up enormous power through his actions. Had he done the right thing, it's very possible he would have been the frontrunner and won the presidency in 2028.
Letting him rot away his remaining decades in prison wouldn't hurt my feelings.
how embarrassing for Pence that Trump tells the world that Pence had power he didn't understand. shouldn't they all know exactly what they are allowed and not allowed to do. after all he's the VP of the United States for heaven sakes. all excuses for the losers. can all claim they didn't know.
President Trump was not telling Mike Pence this. He was telling the WHOLE WORLD.
Great actors are required for a great movie. This movie is not for us. Its for the normies who are still deep in their sleep. The normie masses had to be given a harsh lesson in civics. That lesson is not over.
Nothing Mike Pence could have done would have stopped the Democrats from their ultimate mission of bringing destruction to America. They would have used any action from Pence as a means to orchestrate an even greater J6 hoax. Who knows how many more casualties there would have been under such circumstances.
Like it or not, we are traveling down the path of least casualties in this war for the soul of America. Nobody ever said this was going to be easy.
Qanaunt...great reply to what is EXACTLY OCCURRING now in the ALL the rooms of the cabal...They have NO WHERE to run because President Trump caught ALL OF THEIR COMMS...It is like catching a knight in Check-Mate...
The fun is just beginning...I am holding off on Pence until such a time that he proves himself more...NOT just mealy mouthing platitudes like yesterday!!!
Pence is a POS. His part was only to be a compromised RINO.
Did no one see his most recent xeet that said Trump was Unconstitutional and now he is entering Trumps hand written notes to him as evidence?
Pence is a POS. His part was only to be a compromised RINO.
Did no one see his most recent xeet that said Trump was Unconstitutional and now he is entering Trumps hand written notes to him as evidence?
The flies know
Did the evidence help Kari Lake in her election lawsuits? Did the evidence help us in any of the other lawsuits over the 2020 elections? Why will this be any different?
And what does this say about Pence? Was he playing a role?
I've always believed that Pence has been playing a role in the Q plan.
I believe Q intended for the 2020 election steal to occur. It was all a grand sting operation. In the aftermath of the steal the Democrats were desperately attempting to start a Civil War in order to give them the optics for an extended police state lock down of the entire country. Mike Pence was instrumental in deescalating that Civil War and allowing for the people to be shown the full extent of the Democrat treason and tyranny.
Whether Mike Pence is a White Hat or not is still debatable. If he is not a White Hat, then he certainly was acting on their orders in 2020.
Thinking ahead, this judge will influence a Trump loss and Pres Trump will have to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. In order to showcase how corrupt EVERYTHING is, the Supreme Court will also rule against him even though the tsunami of evidence will knock everyone (94%) over.
By this time next year (premium election season), things will be so bad everyone will be begging for Trump to return and hence the Military puts boots-on-the-ground domestically.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm thinking there is no fast-track to this process.
I think you are absolutely correct.
Nobody ever said that taking down a 6000 year old death cult would be easy. The Deep State and their Cabalist overlords are not going to give up without taking America to the literal precipice moment and our near death experience. This is a very dangerous operation, and the Q team are being very careful in their controlled demolition of the Deep State.
You make a good point in that Americans most definitely need to be shown that their entire government no longer answers to them. Americans must reach that precipice moment when they are willing to take a stand against the Deep State and do as Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:
Not in the Constitution, but in the Declaration of Independence. But we do live by it, since it is one of the foundation documents of the Constitution. Later on in the Declaration, is says it is not only our right, but our duty to throw off a tyrannical government.
Correct! I meant to amend that typo.
It is still our birthright to change or abolish this government. This is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
This is the best assessment of the plan and its timing that I've seen, so far.
Military will not do boots on the ground. They will do intelligence and courts martial.
'Pence playing a role in the Q plan' is not the same thing as 'Pence is a white hat'. I think a lot of people don't realize that.
May be like Haman the Agagite in the Book of Esther. Was he man of the God of Israel? Nope. But he did play an important role in the history of Gods people, on that allowed the Israelites to become prominent in the Empire of Persia, and also glorify God.
Sometimes God installs traitors or enemies, like Haman or even Judas, to expose evil and to bring glory to His Name.
Sounds cheesy and religious, but think of how else humans, even ones that were guided by advanced AI, could navigate an impossible amount of possibilities that they've calculated since the last decade. I think God is guiding them, and Q even acknowledged this in some of their posts when they also for prayer.
I've started to think this way too. The last few years since Biden has been in office the MSM, Pharma, Trans-Agenda, FBI, DOJ, DOE, FDA and CDC have all been exposed. These deep state assets would still be there fighting every step of the way against Trump's second term.
The fly doesn't lie.
"For if you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies on you, your officials..."
Exodus 8:21
Then why is this turd running?
I dont like Pence. Never have. He is a mannequin. But I am still not ready to make a call on him. I wont ever trust him. I wont ever vote for him. Not even as a dog catcher. But there is still enough doubt on whether he was acting as a sacrificial lamb for the WHs. As bait for a trap. You can say 'but he got a coin'. Doesnt matter. To be an effective trap the bad guys must believe that the traitor in their midst is truly on their side.
So while I loathe the man I am not ready to say he is the traitor he appears to be. Chris Millers words ring in my head.
I suspect the full story won't be told until about 25 years from now. While it is entirely POSSIBLE that 30 Pence is working with Trump on the ultimate Long Con on the RINOs and liberals, I wouldn't be betting money that way. The Left has shown they are happy to open LOTS of doors to RINOs that side against Trump, and it would be abjectly HILARIOUS if 30 Pence was playing his role of Judas to perfection so that they let him in on their total strategy.
I'm tending to think in that direction. Pence playing the roll he needs to, siding with the RINOs. Gaining their trust as the anti-Trump. Until the right time.
Pence's star is setting soon, so it's possible the right time is soon. Maybe two weeks.
Perhaps that is what Chris Miller was referring to. That's the only way I can connect the dots.
Probably not; I'm thinking he's just a DS scumbag. Time will tell.
It makes no sense that he would be deep state. Either Trump is the GPOAT or he is dumb as a rock. He ran to take on the deep state, but didn't know the man who he picked to take over if need be was deep state? Come on man! Also, what possible reason would Chris Miller have to stop in the middle of prepared remarks to thank Pence for his efforts in "the most complex military operation in history" I'm pretty sure taking down the deep state IS that complex military operation.
I always feel so bad for people like Pence and Sessions, who get so much hate directed at them, but are some of the most important patriots we may have.
Right on target.
Pence was the one who wanted to send the fraudulent election back to the states because he was the head of the operation smoking all the fraud out. The night before the election he announced that Election Day was swamp draining day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWHATS6p6Ck
Come certification day and Pence was ready to strike it down - Trump told him nah it would take more courage to do nothing and allow the fraudulent election to be certified instead Mike, this would have been a massive confliction for someone like Pence.
It is right there in the transcript.
States want to revote. The states got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.
And I actually, I just spoke to Mike. I said: "Mike, that doesn't take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage." And then we're stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot and we have to live with that for four more years.
Trump told everyone right there that he made his decision to wave through Biden as President and the next 4 years were going to be tough, Trump always weaves a subtle easter egg into his major speeches.
Thanks for the link, and especially Trumps remarks on Jan 6. He says right there to not send back to the states. I really think too many people, even on our side, don't understand how evil the deep state is, and the goal is to expose this. By stopping the steal, they expose nothing.
If it is as we believe it is, then they are Patriots spelled with a capital P. To knowingly bring on the hatred of those you are fighting for one must have nerves of steel.
I am still not sure but lean towards Pence being a good guy or at least working with the good guys. But in theory Miller could have been trolling the deep state with his compliments to Pence. Making them think he was a double agent or something. Like in the cop shows when they convince one crook that the other has flipped.
You've made some good points. Also consider this: Asked About Failing Cities by Tucker Carlson, Pence Says ‘Not My Concern’! So let me see if I got this straight - Pence is running for President; is interviewed by Tucker Carlson; yet states that failing US cities are "Not My Concern"? I have a hard time believing he's that stupid. Great way to impress the American Voter. Great way to end his presidential campaign. BTW I'm definitely no Pence fan. But all this doesn't add up!
Also, good points. I think there are people that Trump sends mean tweets to, but they are really not that mean. I think, just like the WWE, they create support for one fighter, by using an evil fighter. The difference is that in WWE, everyone knows its fake. I am not totally sure on why Pence has to continue this role, but I trust the plan.
That's possibly why Trump/Q team chose Pence to be VP.... knowing all along he'd play that very role (for the DS) on certifying the election, ultimately playing right into WH plan to present their case of election fraud legally and on a mass scale (until false flag galore & MSM pretend it's not habbening)
I can’t help but remember the time that Chris Miller was, quite emotionally, heaping praise on Pence for working on the most complex military mission since D-Day. Or something to that effect. This has always kept me conflicted on Mike Pence.
Trump arraignment tomorrow. 5 year delta tomorrow is pretty cool.
Thank you OP. I agree. I've been blogging it all day! How do you legally introduce evidence? 🍿
This is it boys. Not only will Trump beat all these charges which also sets precedents to be used against the Deep State, but in the process he will prove he won 2020.
Will the judge try to bar this evidence or seal it?
Expect the Deep State to do anything in their power to obstruct equal justice under the law.
The real question is how far are the White Hats going to allow this charade to go on before pulling back the curtains and dealing the death blow to the Deep State. Everything we are witnessing play out is about securing absolute proof and evidence of Deep State treason, and allowing enough time for the population of America to reach critical Awakening status prior to the main event.
U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, a former assistant public defender who was nominated to the bench by President Barack Obama, will oversee the case
Pence knew, he even said it beforehand... his responsibility was to go to Congress on Jan 6th and make sure the evidence was presented. Then he lied and adopted 'Trump asked me to overthrow the election'-style talking points.... and helped Pelosi in her fake insurrection plan so that at 1.30pm Congress postponed, then took the planned hearing of the evidence off the docket, later meeting in secret late at night to lie and condemn Trump and the American people- evidence, what evidence, none was presented.
fucking legend
Thank you Mike, I guess. Now f off.😂
I'm just going to prepare to be disappointed again.
2015: “Trump will never win, dummies. He is polling at 1%. You are all so stupid!”
2016: “Fine, Trump won, but Epstein will never be arrested. You guys are dreaming! He’s too powerful!”
2017: “I don’t care how many Supreme Court nominees Trump gets, Roe v. Wade will never be overturned. You guys are delusional. It’s the fucking law of the land, you fucking morons!”
2018: “Fine, Epstein was arrested but Maxwell was the one we achktually wanted, and she’s going to skate, you buffoons.”
2019: “Covid is here forever guys. You’re all kidding yourselves if you think you will be able to resist the WHO through memes and non-compliance. Losers.”
2020: “Trump will never win in 2024. Stop smoking the hopium, idiots. Just quit even voting like me. Nothing ever happens and all my doomium predictions turn out true!”
2021: “You think you’re going to be able to avoid the vaccine, lol. As if! They will chase you down and jab you eventually. Man you guys are pathetic!”
2022: “You dimwits are voting in the midterms? What, you think you’re going to take back the House. OK dipshits, be dumb then. I’m gonna play it smart and stay home and complain and be right about everything as I always am!”
2023: “Trump’s going to jail, losers! You really think he’s going to prove Election Fraud to the courts. Please!”
...fffffffffffffrom the MASTER !!! 🇺🇸 🍊💪🍊 🇺🇸
Pence was not picked as VP by Trump. He was put in there by the deep state to spy on Trump and to disrupt his success. Pence is a traitor. I think his walking around as a saint is front. He is one you stay away from.
He caught them all.
Pence got an envelope too. https://files.catbox.moe/yu5w7y.jpg
Trust the plan
Q drop 1802
If the DC judge allows the defense's evidence and doesn't allow the prosecution to hide exculpatory evidence, Trump can also prove the dems orchestrated Jan 6th themselves.
I am concerned the judge will disallow any evidence that points to the dems, tho.
Finally! I can't wait for the tens of thousands (or more) of illegal ballots to be proven FIINALLY! Why did it have to get to this point???
That would only work in an alternate reality where the courts are NOT rigged against Trump.
You mistake the purpose of this vector of attack. The purpose may not be to vindicate President Trump in a court of law, but to introduce irrefutable evidence so that the people of America can see with their own eyes all that has transpired. The only court that matters at this stage of The Great Awakening is the court of public opinion. The battlefield of this psy-war is in the minds of the voters.
If the mountains of evidence didn't wake people up in the last 3 years, what makes you think it'll happen tomorrow or next week?
You're just assuming that THIS time everything will click into place and cause a glorious mass awakening.
Are they really that stupid though? I’m curious as to how this plays out.
And that was the moment Jack Smith realized he fucked up.
I think this is why Trump is so loudly announcing it. If the judge tries to squash it, it only looks like they are trying to hide something.
Is it power granted in the constitution? Don't we need an amendment to cancel anything constitutional?
It isn't just the POWER to refuse to knowingly certify fraud. Pence had the DUTY to refuse to certify known fraud, which he ABSOLUTELY KNEW WITHOUT QUESTION took place. He is a traitor who should either be imprisoned for life, or executed. I could see giving him life, because his actions did remove him from being first in line for the presidency and ensure he will never be president, meaning he knowingly gave up enormous power through his actions. Had he done the right thing, it's very possible he would have been the frontrunner and won the presidency in 2028.
Letting him rot away his remaining decades in prison wouldn't hurt my feelings.
The most positive thing would be that Pence regretted being used by the DS. He then flipped and enabled the Steal.
None of the current events would have ever happened. There would be no awareness at all of the duplicity that exists if Trump had won.
I'm giving Pence the benefit of the doubt. Yes, he and his wife received an envelope. God loves the contrite sinner.
Am I too hopeful? Probably. He is most likely the pussy DS puppet that he resembles.
how embarrassing for Pence that Trump tells the world that Pence had power he didn't understand. shouldn't they all know exactly what they are allowed and not allowed to do. after all he's the VP of the United States for heaven sakes. all excuses for the losers. can all claim they didn't know.
Expand your thinking.
President Trump was not telling Mike Pence this. He was telling the WHOLE WORLD.
Great actors are required for a great movie. This movie is not for us. Its for the normies who are still deep in their sleep. The normie masses had to be given a harsh lesson in civics. That lesson is not over.
Nothing Mike Pence could have done would have stopped the Democrats from their ultimate mission of bringing destruction to America. They would have used any action from Pence as a means to orchestrate an even greater J6 hoax. Who knows how many more casualties there would have been under such circumstances.
Like it or not, we are traveling down the path of least casualties in this war for the soul of America. Nobody ever said this was going to be easy.
Qanaunt...great reply to what is EXACTLY OCCURRING now in the ALL the rooms of the cabal...They have NO WHERE to run because President Trump caught ALL OF THEIR COMMS...It is like catching a knight in Check-Mate...
The fun is just beginning...I am holding off on Pence until such a time that he proves himself more...NOT just mealy mouthing platitudes like yesterday!!!
Pence is a POS. His part was only to be a compromised RINO. Did no one see his most recent xeet that said Trump was Unconstitutional and now he is entering Trumps hand written notes to him as evidence?
Pence is a POS. His part was only to be a compromised RINO. Did no one see his most recent xeet that said Trump was Unconstitutional and now he is entering Trumps hand written notes to him as evidence? The flies know
Did the evidence help Kari Lake in her election lawsuits? Did the evidence help us in any of the other lawsuits over the 2020 elections? Why will this be any different?