I had to read it twice to believe it. I am so used to "we can talk about that in executive session I am not at liberty to discuss those things publicly." Makes me see red every time, being one of the little people and all.
I disagree. In their TDS, they are so sure that Trump will be found guilty, they want the people to see it, not understanding that the proof of a stolen election is what will be presented.
Yes. No way that guy flipped. They think they'll be proving Trump's guilt. And why not? The MSM and every normie out there swallows every lie there is. Why not this one, too?
Remember when Trump said in a rally speech; 'Biden's brain is shot, he's shot.' We all speculated that Biden had his military tribunal and was put to death. Could Schiff get the same?
So… Klaatu is coming to town? Another bioweapon? Huge “natural” disaster? Global war (Taiwan-China, Russia-Russia-Russia)? Potatus getting ousted? It’s got to be some significant distraction because the last thing democrats want is an open and fair televised trial. They’re posturing.
I think they'll stick with the random indictment generator for the next month or two. They are likely saving the big ones for something else ... Like a COVID contagious alien built from solar flares and Russians that blacks out communications during Trumps defense. You know, the mother of all false flags as a hail mary play for the DS :-).
Mary has them on ignore though and, spoiler alert, Trump wins (to put a spin on that stupid liberal meme from 2016). Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.
He and his fellow swamp creatures have got something up their sleeve....but they're so blinded by the light they don't realize that this is the year of the boomerang. Be careful what you wish for all you traitors.
He's beat that "transparency" drum before. Here Adam is in May 2022 regarding ufo's. "But one thing is sure – the American people deserve full transparency.", and he chaired meetings about it.
This theme of his does not fit well with the three letter agencies. There ain't no way he flipped, so this must be infighting. Which is good news for humanity.
He hasn't turned. What jea saying is that the only way to get MAGA Nation to believe that [they] are on the right side of this is to have The People see it.
Do you hear that? Sounds like a few hundred boomerangs are making their turn.
Oh I don't believe his intentions are that pure one bit. **He is doing a hail mary for a twisted media circus to sway the hordes of Americans converting to Trump voters. **
It already started, the MSM this am was reporting EVERYWHERE how Prsident Trump "couldn't" look once to the eyes of Smith.
Don't give this monstrosity the benefit of thinking he's pushing for this for any other reason tht to continue a massive charade.**
From the one who read a TOTALLY MADE UP response, claiming it was Trump;s words to Zelensky. "Trump claims Schiff’s opening remarks at a recent House intelligence committee hearing on the whistleblower complaint against him were “illegally made up.” Schiff said his retelling of Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was partly “in parody.”-September 2019
Oh come on stop the BS. They are not going to show election theft that will be blocked out the public will only see what the prosecuter is saying and they dont need to show the public what evidence they have because the public is already brain dead.
I was thinking the same. There is absolutely no way broadcasting it live would be good for the Dems. I would LOVE to see it. I think it will wake tons of people up. Maybe he's got some Epstein tapes hanging over his head.
Just all the stuff that Lindell discovered with his investigations is enough to overturn the election. If that is presented it’s game over. Numbers and data don’t lie. Remember the big bump at 2 in the morning? I believe that happened in multiple states an impossibility!
I think that the Obama appointed, corrupt, Trump hating judge will disallow any and all evidence that questions the result of the election or proves election fraud. That stated - that will make it expedited to the SCOTUS on appeal where I expect a brutal bitch-slap to the illegitimate regime and their (pardon the pun) Trumped up charges.
I think that the Obama appointed, corrupt, Trump hating judge will disallow any and all evidence that questions the result of the election or proves election fraud.
Yes. That's why traitors like Schiff want it televised. Because the judge is One of Them and will do everything in her power to make Trump look as bad as possible.
And enter stage right; Brunson Bros vs. Alma Adams pending lawsuits! They will keep appealing until a judge grants them court standing & hopefully justice!
It hurts, doesn't it?
You can't believe what fell.
All your dreams... dashed....
I bet it all.
You're right, Teddy. The ace didn't help me.
I flopped a nut straight.Take him down, Teddy. - Nyet! Nyet! No more!
No! Not tonight!
This son of bitch, all night he check, check, check.
He trapped me!
There were multiple posts on here yesterday talking about the 4th charge (Conspiracy Against Rights) in the indictment being able to have the death penalty. The gist of it is that charge can carry the death penalty if someone dies as a result of the lies. People think they will use Ashlie Babbit's death for this. See the story and quotes below.
If Adam is trying to make this public I think it is because he wants everyone to see it if it becomes a death penalty trial.
If death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Breitbart points out that there has indeed been a death that has resulted from all this: “One person — Ashli Babbitt, a rioter shot by a law enforcement officer — died as a result of the Capitol riot on January 6, which Smith said Tuesday was the result of Trump’s claims about the election.” What’s more, “Democrats have blamed Trump for the unrelated deaths of several protesters and Capitol Police officers."
Now I’m thinking Shifty has been turned. Public reevaluation of discovery is what will red pill millions. Almost like there’s a plan…
I had to read it twice to believe it. I am so used to "we can talk about that in executive session I am not at liberty to discuss those things publicly." Makes me see red every time, being one of the little people and all.
He's totally been flipped.
I disagree. In their TDS, they are so sure that Trump will be found guilty, they want the people to see it, not understanding that the proof of a stolen election is what will be presented.
Yes. No way that guy flipped. They think they'll be proving Trump's guilt. And why not? The MSM and every normie out there swallows every lie there is. Why not this one, too?
These people are stupid.
Remember when Trump said in a rally speech; 'Biden's brain is shot, he's shot.' We all speculated that Biden had his military tribunal and was put to death. Could Schiff get the same?
They told him they’ll shoot him quick instead of publicly hang him.
I wish I could up-vote that 100 times or more!!!
More likely the work of Judas goats imo. Or maybe the theories that they were all arrested after 1/6 are true...
was about to say the same!
I don't trust him he knows what they are going to do to make Trump look bad.
They have a plan to win.
So… Klaatu is coming to town? Another bioweapon? Huge “natural” disaster? Global war (Taiwan-China, Russia-Russia-Russia)? Potatus getting ousted? It’s got to be some significant distraction because the last thing democrats want is an open and fair televised trial. They’re posturing.
I think they'll stick with the random indictment generator for the next month or two. They are likely saving the big ones for something else ... Like a COVID contagious alien built from solar flares and Russians that blacks out communications during Trumps defense. You know, the mother of all false flags as a hail mary play for the DS :-).
Mary has them on ignore though and, spoiler alert, Trump wins (to put a spin on that stupid liberal meme from 2016). Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing.
Phrase of the day- “a COVID contagious alien built from solar flares”
He and his fellow swamp creatures have got something up their sleeve....but they're so blinded by the light they don't realize that this is the year of the boomerang. Be careful what you wish for all you traitors.
This is what I think he hasn't turned and never will.
Sounds like they have a kangaroo court and hung jury and will jail him. No Matter what he brings to the table.
The real question is "will you, and your colleagues accept the outcome" of a fair trial?
White Hats in control…🤔
Came here to say that...they are playing a role in POTUS' movie reading the script they are given.
He's beat that "transparency" drum before. Here Adam is in May 2022 regarding ufo's. "But one thing is sure – the American people deserve full transparency.", and he chaired meetings about it.
This theme of his does not fit well with the three letter agencies. There ain't no way he flipped, so this must be infighting. Which is good news for humanity.
I accept your terms.
He hasn't turned. What jea saying is that the only way to get MAGA Nation to believe that [they] are on the right side of this is to have The People see it.
Do you hear that? Sounds like a few hundred boomerangs are making their turn.
Oh I don't believe his intentions are that pure one bit. **He is doing a hail mary for a twisted media circus to sway the hordes of Americans converting to Trump voters. **
It already started, the MSM this am was reporting EVERYWHERE how Prsident Trump "couldn't" look once to the eyes of Smith. ** Don't give this monstrosity the benefit of thinking he's pushing for this for any other reason tht to continue a massive charade.**
Think Adam has been turned? Think again. The court is in DC and it is rigged.
And THAT is why the traitors want it televised.
From the one who read a TOTALLY MADE UP response, claiming it was Trump;s words to Zelensky. "Trump claims Schiff’s opening remarks at a recent House intelligence committee hearing on the whistleblower complaint against him were “illegally made up.” Schiff said his retelling of Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was partly “in parody.”-September 2019 https://www.factcheck.org/2019/10/schiffs-parody-and-trumps-response/
Oh come on stop the BS. They are not going to show election theft that will be blocked out the public will only see what the prosecuter is saying and they dont need to show the public what evidence they have because the public is already brain dead.
Maybe he flipped because he knows he will be executed or else.
Hey Adam...you lecturing us about Truth and Transparency is like a PEDOPHILE lecturing us on child safety...right liddle Adam...you sick fn pervert!
If he is saying this they definitely have something up their sleeve.
They have no idea that they just opened Pandora's box 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Not sure where this is going
I was thinking the same. There is absolutely no way broadcasting it live would be good for the Dems. I would LOVE to see it. I think it will wake tons of people up. Maybe he's got some Epstein tapes hanging over his head.
Just all the stuff that Lindell discovered with his investigations is enough to overturn the election. If that is presented it’s game over. Numbers and data don’t lie. Remember the big bump at 2 in the morning? I believe that happened in multiple states an impossibility!
Not dooming, but...
I think that the Obama appointed, corrupt, Trump hating judge will disallow any and all evidence that questions the result of the election or proves election fraud. That stated - that will make it expedited to the SCOTUS on appeal where I expect a brutal bitch-slap to the illegitimate regime and their (pardon the pun) Trumped up charges.
Yes. That's why traitors like Schiff want it televised. Because the judge is One of Them and will do everything in her power to make Trump look as bad as possible.
How long before they change their minds on that? 10 seconds after Trumpy releases the witnesses he will be calling
White hats have taken control of his account.
And enter stage right; Brunson Bros vs. Alma Adams pending lawsuits! They will keep appealing until a judge grants them court standing & hopefully justice!
Ooooh, this is getting good!
Wow! I wonder who typed that for him?
Kek what white hat is running shitty’s x account? Platform name changes from twitter to x and suddenly shitty changes his tone. Just curious.
Like the movie rounders, Check.
I bet it all.
There were multiple posts on here yesterday talking about the 4th charge (Conspiracy Against Rights) in the indictment being able to have the death penalty. The gist of it is that charge can carry the death penalty if someone dies as a result of the lies. People think they will use Ashlie Babbit's death for this. See the story and quotes below.
If Adam is trying to make this public I think it is because he wants everyone to see it if it becomes a death penalty trial.