Not only that, but the teens that were separated from their friends in school— and can’t pass college entrance tests, even for tech schools are pretty angry. And, even better, parents got to see the bukksh*t propaganda that was being pushed onto their kids.
I met a guy a few months ago that told me about his job.
He went to a tech school for 1 year for airplane engine fan inspection.
He was 22 years old and worked under a supervisor for another year.
2 years early 20's and he is traveling all over the world and making over 100k a year as an airplane fan blade inspector, lol.
Granted, he did tell me that he is part of a team.
They do not send just 1 person to look at those blades, but damn.
Early 20's and making over 100k because he went to tech school.
Pretty amazing.
He said, "huge demand for technical specialists, why we make so much"
My final thought.
The world does not need a gender studies graduate from an Ivy league school, but it sure as hell needs someone that can look at the fan blades of a jet that just had birds fly through it and verify it is safe to fly.
I don't think there's a true set age group for each generation title. I don't fit in any of those. To me baby boomers are people born after both world wars. I was born in 67. Seems like we are missing a generation title for people raised in the 60-70s. I really don't care because I don't identify myself in this way. I say I'm a 70s kid & 80s teenager (love both decades).
You got it right. Gen x, “xenials”, milennials, gen gen z. Next one up is gen 2.0 cuz of the transcribing of mrna information into the human genome. Mark of the beast coming and all the “perks” that come with it. And all the eternal consequences.
One of the many, many things that boggled my mind, was the fact that Amazon Prime streamed the remake of "Utopia" about a crazy billionaire trying to save the planet through population reduction. He created a fake pandemic and tricked as many as he could into taking a "vaccine" with an end-result of 3 generations of massively reduced fertility.
I honestly couldn't believe they would allow this show to be streamed. Yes, it was a fictional story, but it just inspired me to open my eyes wider to all the lies of the fake pandemic we were in the middle of.
Well it is my kids age bracket. One is a gamer type, online interactions etc and admits they have Trump debates etc.
I don't know the full story but obviously a teen bagged out Trump, another kid and mine defended Trump so this original kid asked why.
And as stated DEBATES. Not screaming "I'm triggered" matches, actual critical thinking / questioning open debate.
Hmmm.... I feel like he is confirming what I said earlier. This young generation knows they are the last of the majority white race. They are also some of the nicest white men to ever walk the face of the planet. I think they have been pissed off. I think they are ready to be men. I think that's what Andrew is seeing. is hoping. 😁
I downvote in your general direction. However upon reading your other posts i see you’re just mad about all the injustices. Cheer up fren, God is always in control! He’s about to do something new. You can feel the change in the air tonight. And Commander Trump wears a smile on his face even now. So cheer up fren!
My kid is 15, last year his track team got reported to the principal because they were chanting FJB during a practice run lmao
you are doing a good job as a parent then
Yep. 5 star parent.
Love this
Well done to your parenting skills!
Can we get a link to see that by ourselves? I don’t doubt this, but I surely would enjoy to read the Youth redpilling themselves…🥳
yea, post some gen z chats
His twitter profile says CEO of gab. Can't confirm this.
he is...and hes gone off the rails sometimes
not this time thankfully. Bullseye. But Torba's post here points at 'come to Gab and see'. Marketing
Let's goooo..... 👏
Not only that, but the teens that were separated from their friends in school— and can’t pass college entrance tests, even for tech schools are pretty angry. And, even better, parents got to see the bukksh*t propaganda that was being pushed onto their kids.
We need to put an emphasis on tech schools.
I met a guy a few months ago that told me about his job.
He went to a tech school for 1 year for airplane engine fan inspection.
He was 22 years old and worked under a supervisor for another year.
2 years early 20's and he is traveling all over the world and making over 100k a year as an airplane fan blade inspector, lol.
Granted, he did tell me that he is part of a team.
They do not send just 1 person to look at those blades, but damn.
Early 20's and making over 100k because he went to tech school.
Pretty amazing.
He said, "huge demand for technical specialists, why we make so much"
My final thought.
The world does not need a gender studies graduate from an Ivy league school, but it sure as hell needs someone that can look at the fan blades of a jet that just had birds fly through it and verify it is safe to fly.
Totally agree with you on the tech schools. Very few need to actually get a 4 year degree.
I have to rein in my Gen Z employees. They are all over it.
I think reddit is full of bot farms spewing leftist talking points. Prove me wrong.
i dont dissagree, but i have to ask what this has to do with the post?
Reddit is full of Gen Z.
FWIW I’ve seen it referred to as Gen Zyklon on certain forums. So there’s that…
Also Zoomerwaffen
We need to have graphs for reference on the generation names. I know Baby boomers Generation X ? Millennial, or Generation Z next?
Next is Gen Q (I hope)
Unfortunately I've heard of the "next Gen" as being Gen A.
Guess the Alphabet ran out from the Alphabet folks taking up the letters.
I think it was supposed to be the end of homo sapiens and the start of the Borg.
Resistance is futile!
I like it!
I don't think there's a true set age group for each generation title. I don't fit in any of those. To me baby boomers are people born after both world wars. I was born in 67. Seems like we are missing a generation title for people raised in the 60-70s. I really don't care because I don't identify myself in this way. I say I'm a 70s kid & 80s teenager (love both decades).
We are Gen X. I was born in 65.
Thanks for the clarification.
^^^ Facts.
Born in '67, always been Gen X
I think we gen X - I'm born in 65 lol
Thanks for the clarification.
Yeah youre early Gen X about right at the cut off, I'm later Gen X at 77 the cutoff is like 80 or 83.
Also born in 67.
Love it when the youthtards call me "boomer".
You got it right. Gen x, “xenials”, milennials, gen gen z. Next one up is gen 2.0 cuz of the transcribing of mrna information into the human genome. Mark of the beast coming and all the “perks” that come with it. And all the eternal consequences.
Im guessing its dick pics. Lots of them
I kek'd?
Literally go to reddit forums and almost all of them are full of the same jokes along the lines of "I can only get so hard."
i've seen their TikTok videos.... not impressed.
Wanna know why Trump didn't ban TikTok. Because it was used to spread red pills to the zoomers.
Yes. I thought this from the beginning when he did nothing about it and it just took off like wildfire.
One of the many, many things that boggled my mind, was the fact that Amazon Prime streamed the remake of "Utopia" about a crazy billionaire trying to save the planet through population reduction. He created a fake pandemic and tricked as many as he could into taking a "vaccine" with an end-result of 3 generations of massively reduced fertility.
I honestly couldn't believe they would allow this show to be streamed. Yes, it was a fictional story, but it just inspired me to open my eyes wider to all the lies of the fake pandemic we were in the middle of.
The true test will be whether those "GenZ" kids still think the same way 15 years from now.
I have two 30-something daughters who are finally waking up. Sad they are vaxxed, but at least their eyes are opening.
Well it is my kids age bracket. One is a gamer type, online interactions etc and admits they have Trump debates etc. I don't know the full story but obviously a teen bagged out Trump, another kid and mine defended Trump so this original kid asked why. And as stated DEBATES. Not screaming "I'm triggered" matches, actual critical thinking / questioning open debate.
Hmmm.... I feel like he is confirming what I said earlier. This young generation knows they are the last of the majority white race. They are also some of the nicest white men to ever walk the face of the planet. I think they have been pissed off. I think they are ready to be men. I think that's what Andrew is seeing. is hoping. 😁
Nio examples! Low effort post
I downvote in your general direction. However upon reading your other posts i see you’re just mad about all the injustices. Cheer up fren, God is always in control! He’s about to do something new. You can feel the change in the air tonight. And Commander Trump wears a smile on his face even now. So cheer up fren!
I also want to see these gc. Lol