I have been dishing out redpills subtly and I always tell her I don’t expect you to believe me I am just telling you what I believe is happening. Anyways she uses tik tok. I told her about direct energy weapons and eco terrorism pertaining wildfires. She somewhat thought I was batshit insane telling her about this. She then found content on tik tok talking about the same stuff. Her mind was blown. She asked me about the wild fires and I showed her how the average temperature and precipitation in the Western US since when I was in middle school and high school is relatively the same and why I have told her I believe only a small amount of these fires are organic.
She needed to know why so I broke out the wine and gave an explain it like I am 5 great reset and 15 minute city agenda break down for her. We’re both tired as we stayed up talking until 1am on a work night.
Today she texted me today that she thought I was some what crazy but now she realizes that I was just trying to tell her the truth. She listened to the RFK JR episode of JRE on vaccines today at work after I told her to give it a chance. That also went very well. She is overwhelmed but her thirst for truth is there and she wants to keep digging. We’ve all been there when we first woke up. I told her after the wedding on Sunday I can break it all down for her starting with the Fed, fractional reserve banking and fiat currency which is the root of it all.
This wouldn’t have been possible with out this community. I have pulled most of my redpills from here even though I have been awake for 12 years. This site is the best collection of truth the world has even scene.
I am so happy. We’re gonna try for a child after the honeymoon and I’ll be able to give that child the gift of freedom. No vaccines, no government schools, no msm programming and a fat stack of guns and silver. I am so pumped because that’s all I ever wanted to give my child. And my soon to be wife has gone from normie to awake.
This website fucking rocks.
Exactly! Hmm, now how do I get your Tik Toks to my wife? Kek!
Outstanding u/pnwhomebrewer/ !!!
Congrats on the conversion! Congrats on the engagement! Your marriage will be sooooooo much better off w/ you 2 on the same page on all this stuff. Couldn't be happier for you both!
Sidenote: Isn't it sad that many spouses/partners rely more on social media than someone who actually loves them?!?! I'm still mildly in the same boat w/ my wife of 20+ years. Social Media is still a more trusted news source than me. Baffling at times.
Yeah it’s this weird thing that some people do. I somewhat get it though. You just want to hear it outside of a family member or close friend to remove some bias I guess.
When younger family members drop some MSM counter argument, I sometimes ask them where they heard that. They'll say some name, then I'll ask "Why do you believe them?"
They have no idea how to respond.
This is what I've started doing with my daughter who gets her info from TikTok sadly. She'll tell me something she learned on there. I'll follow up with how does that person know x,y,z? Why do you believe it? Have you actually looked into it for yourself instead of relying on the stranger on TikTok?
She will sulk off after that series of questioning but I'm hoping it at least makes her stop and think for a minute.
One of the benefits of a religious upbringing is knowing from the time you're a child that mainstream media hates you and they lie.
My wife constantly checks my statements on instagram. Even ones that are verified I am given little credence towards bringing it to her attention.
Even Jesus couldn’t preach in his hometown.
Once you wake up, there is no going back to sleep. Congratulations, now do your civic duty and make based babies! I jest, but I do not....
Takes LOTS of practice but you get some based babies... :-)
Lmao brother
Live birth rates matter.
She woke up right before yalls wedding? Wow... God is looking out for you, anon.
Wish you happiness and to have at least 5 children :)
True ! And knowledgeable and to spread our experience to never allow this kind of almost conquer of the world by forces of evil !
I am green with envy, but I am also happy for you.
The fact that it was tik tok that did it gives me hope. :)
I think it had to be this way. The ball is rolling down hill. Nothing can stop an avalanche.
I don’t use tik tok but it is surprisingly not heavily censored. I can’t quote this but I was listening to an X22 episode where he said because of Trump’s executive order tik tok in the US was more free speech essentially. Again I don’t remember what Dave said exactly but it was something like that.
On the other hand TikTok is where much of the troony shit targeted at kids is coming from.
You Sir are a good man. The Truth is like a Lion. You set it free and it will defend itself.
We are all called to plant seeds. Seeds are ideas that we can plant in other people. We are not called to water the seeds. It can be frustrating when it doesn’t grow, but that’s not our job. Job well done! Happy for you friend
For the forest fires, there was a article not too long ago that I think it was India who arrested over 200 arsonists in one week!
160 in Greece. The little marxist beasts are everywhere.
Congratulations. She thought you were crazy but she still wants to marry you! She's a keeper!
I will say after waking up, I went through a hard depression for a month. Realizing how much I was lied to. How everything is so fake, how I was programmed trying to stay in fashion, debt, etc. I got smart early but it still was a hard truth to let it all sink in. I can't see things in the same way. I can't make myself enjoy what everyone else enjoys materialistic wise. But I am much better off being awake than asleep. I just wish more people would wake up.
Just saying don't be surprised if she goes into a bit of depression. Help guide her along. A family is a great thing. Another lie I was fed. Career > family.
I am so happy for you. Two people on the same team is the way to go and makes things much more enjoyable when discussing these topics. :]
I went into a black pilled sex drugs and rock n roll phase after I woke up. She is in good hands as I have been into all terrible stages of the 5 phases of grief.
I will be there for her. You and I had it much worse.
I think this is normal. It’s a roller coaster too as you realize have been lied to about nearly everything since your birth. The vision of the future that is coming is what pulls me through.
Excited for you both! We can never give up trying to awaken people, especially family and friends.
God just gave you the best wedding gift! Enjoy your wedding day and honeymoon...it goes by quickly! 💍💒🎂🌹🎁🌕💕
God bless you both and your marriage! Thanks for letting us know!
Nice win fren.
Love love love hearing that, still waiting for my daughter and niece to wake up.
So jealous, I’m married to agent Smith. She’s coming around very slowly, just hasn’t had that eureka moment of clarity yet. Seriously happy for you. Best wishes for all of you still in a relationship with a sedated partner.
Lol. Agent Smith has to be an exaggeration...lmao.
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!
Recently I have experienced many people in my orbit awakening to different things.Been dropping truth bombs around for years, now people are actually asking about details to things that have been happening.
I can't help but wonder how many relationships have been destroyed over the last three years due to one person being wide awake and the other in a coma.
I'm really happy to hear the two of you are merging on the same page for your relationship's sake.
I'd say a longer span of time than that. My dad was a Marine and Navy Special Ops. He had a failed marriage because his ex wife refused to wake up back in Black Hawk Down days. Even though he was there. She bought into all the 9/11 propaganda and that actually was the beginning of the end of their marriage, because she was heavily blue pilled and her values were different because of that.
And you are PILLED…… can I get an Amen! Congratulations!
show her the satellite footage of all the eastern Canadian fires starting at the same time .... on a clear day! that's one giant red pill!
Good job, fren. Relish the (somewhat) victory. My wife thinks I'm batshit crazy at times too - then she occasionally drops red pills on me so it's kind of weird. She's based AF and pretty much believes everything Q posted without even really knowing anything about Q. I can live with that.
I have never mentioned Q to her lol. Not even gonna try for a long time…haha
This sounds nice if true but I'm a little suspicious about the proximity of the wedding and the fact that you're just going to breeze through the wedding right on to some conspiracy theory talk. That part came off like "well after we get this silly casual wedding out of the way, let's talk about the deep state!" I feel like a person planning a wedding would be more caught up in the actual wedding than "spreading the truth".
I am a very organized person. I had the venue, catering, DJ and photographer booked far in advance. I planned my own bachelor party. I am a planner to the core. The wedding planning was finalized two weeks ago.
The wedding is not silly it is a beautiful thing. I am pushing awakening away for the wedding not the opposite. She is from the east coast originally so I am meeting a lot of her extended family this week. After the wedding we plan on relaxing a bit and discussing potentially leaving Washington State or at minimum moving to Eastern WA.
That’s awesome and GOD intervenes and influences. And believe it or not, there is actually still some red pilling out on tik tok. I don’t use it because I won’t give my info for free but I have others that send me clips via social media that are totally based.
Woohoo! Congrats!
I am so very, very glad for you both. You, for having patience and fortitude, and to now have a partner who is Awake, and for her, to have someone to help her through the Cognitive Dissonance that accompanies Awakening.
May you both be Blessed with many children to continue the fight. May you all live in Freedom, Health and Joy!
Be warned, as she goes through the awakening process, there will come brief periods of time when she will curse you for waking her up as she learns to research herself and starts to draw the connections on her own without your guidance.
I woke up when I was 17 years old fren. I was black pilled as shit. If I had someone like you or I it would have been a lot easier. I plan on being that person for her.
When I met my wife 18 years ago she was COO of a very well known super lib org. She still is with another one and has to pretend she is a lib, but can cite Q now.
Congratulations!! Your marriage is off to a good start with you both being on the same page! I applaud you for not “forcing” the information but allowing her to discover it for herself. Sounds ridiculous to not “believe” all your partner is telling you BUT people need to discover things in their own time and way. The important thing is that they are “looking”! My spouse looks at me like I was crazy in the beginning but then I realized it was how I was presenting. Anyhow, I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness and lots of Patriot babies!!
For me, one of the most painful parts of me attempting to red pill and awaken loved ones has been that they seem to trust media and social media almost anyone more than me. They should know that I would never tell them something but for their own good. Surely the can see I’m passionate about it. But I have learned who my real friends are and just tend to sit back and enjoy the show now.
I bring my wife coffee all the time. Still not awake.