We really need to back Boebert up here. We can't criticize our own, especially when we have so few friends these days. And was what she did that bad? If the left can let children see drag shows, I don't see why a heterosexual couple with a little too much PDA is such a big issue. Also, banning smoking indoors was a massive over reach of federal authority, it should have been left up to the states, so I don't think vaping is really a big deal either. Sometimes you have to protest the laws that are unjust.
I hear what you're saying, but she has no power. She's just "conservative AOC" send loves the same antics. She was symbolic at first.... An ordinary business owner pushing back on Beto who championed traditional values and family. Then she abandoned her husband, children, and values to act like the HS whore she was rumored to be. It's a bad look and we don't need it. While PDA might not be bad, having restraint in public as a representative is important. She can be as freaky as she wants with her husband behind closed doors, but she dumped him to become a 304. Her only value was her symbolism. She lost that and needs to go.
She’s in CO - wasn’t Beto Texas? I am with you though this isn’t really conservative of her, but end of the day when put into context with the VA rep live-streaming sex acts it’s a little hypocritical for one side to defend the couple literally saying for her husband to pee him her mouth for tips while on camera while railing against pda in a dark theater
Beto was doing some cross country anti gun tour and boebert showed up with her holstered pistol to fill his ear. Its what launched her career. If I remember right, it was right after parkland. But yes, exactly, she ended her career by acting out of line.
“Our own”? 🤔 Based on what? Who are these people in DC anyway? Why should we trust any of them? What have they done for us — for the country? Particularly, “our own”
Be honest, replace Boebert in this story with a squad member, or any democrat politician; would you be this generous?
Of course I wouldn't excuse this if she was a Democrat, but we know they are evil and simply beyond redemption. She's one of our own because she backed Q and president Trump. I can't believe so many supposed patriots are so willing to abandon those who have supported us simply for some minor mistakes. I mean, really, who of us hasn't been persecuted for our support of the truth and thrown out of places like theaters and what not.
Thank you for calling this goofy bitch out. So many on the right are trying to sweep it under the rug, call it fake, a set-up, etc. This shit needs to be called out regardless of who you are or what side you are on. Trash is trash, period.
She got married really young to her high school crush. Had her first son while still in high school, and had 3 more in the next 7 years. She was thrust into adulthood too early, due to the early marriage and pregnancies, missing a key part of youthful development (ages 18 - 25) where you figure yourself out and grow up. Now that she is separated/divorced from first husband, she is experiencing a freedom she hasn't had since she was a young teen. Thus the arrested development behavior.
I've seen this happen to several people I knew.
After early marriages and terrible divorces, they went on drunken binges, smoked, did drugs and slept their way all over town (in a complete departure from their previous self) behaving atrociously for a period of time before they 'fell into co-dependency again' and remarried and became their previous dependable, monogamous person like before.
Thanks for the link for sauce. As a public figure, you would be under scrutiny 24/7, as she should know. Not defending, but we are all human. Being horny isn't a crime. In public is tacky as someone mentioned. As a public figure, it's worse. To her credit she did immediately admit to it and say she screwed up (the best bosses do in the private sector btw). Beyond that, once we are able to take back our country, we'll have incidents such as this happen, and we'll have to look to the codes of conduct, as we should now. Persinally, while tacky, this is a small thing (which she said!), and we should look at her record as a public servant. Case by case basis and all that. Just IMHO.
The Gateway Pundit article covers it thoroughly with multiple videos.
This is what I observed:
LB was clearly quite inebriated and/or high that night and the videos show she did in fact use her vape pen inside the theater before the show started, which is entirely inappropriate.
She became very animated in her seat (dancing, singing and raising her arm in the air) like she was at a rock concert. Videos show that no one else was behaving that way.
She also was wearing a skin tight dress that allowed her newly enhanced double D's to spill out the top in a most egregious display. Male companion copped a feel here and there and she rubbed his thigh and more it seems.
Someone complained apparently, and two ushers showed up and croutched down in the aisle across and slightly behind them to observe their behavior. LB then whipped out her phone and started taking multiple flash images which is not allowed. Then the 2 ushers/security swooped in and escorted them out.
A Point of Concern beyond her free-spirited and juvenile behavior is the amount of surveillance cameras they had trained on her from inside the theater, down the walkway out, out the door, to another camera, to another camera following her as she walked outside with her companion nearly all the way to the parking garage. 1984 is here!
She was doing foreplay with her date, and let's not be hypocrites, it was gross behavior in a public theater , and yes, there were children there. Just because she is a Republican does not earn her a lot of defense, or blaming the left for distributing this far and wide, if it had been AOC, everyone would believe it and make it headlines. A theater person back stage claims she was in the front, and was obnoxiously drunk. Acting like a slut, and so was he, there are claims the he owns a bar that had a drag queen night, and she's just a ho. She was in a dress with most of her boobs exposed, and he was on them like white on rice, and she was rubbing his penis. I really do not care to judge, but this is too much not to. Low IQ with no morals and no sense of who she is, I guess she said to the security people "do you know who I am". Well, she should have remembered who she is and where she was. She is a grandma because her 17 year old got some 16 year old pregnant, nice. I don't care what consenting adults do with each other, I dont even want to know, but this is not that, and it went far beyond public displays of affection. Nasty.
So Boebert AND Noem are both having affairs? And the news just so happens to find out about each the same week? Odd. Expect MTG and Kari Lake to have affairs next.
If ANY bidenbro wants to talk about this I'm going to ask them if that means it's now time to talk about Biden's inappropriate showers with his daughter.
Well the progressives have no reason to complain, really? Don't they celebrate any sexual expression, any time, for any reason, or none?
This is just FakeNews, holding ppl they do not like, to standards they would otherwise celebrate. Give Us All a Break.
I am not defending her or researching this incident, I could "care less" b/c if the lefties are in a nut roll about it . . . I am not gong to put fuel on their fire.
I have no stake in her. I am TRUMP 45 all the way! But if they want to take her out so badly, it might be for a reason . . . just saying.
Because she denied her actions that led to her getting kicked out of the theater. It is a Beetlejuice play with children present. This bitch is trash all the way around.
She’s a woman who wants to be in government and act like someone who has a dick. Not many conservative men i know want to be a beta to their woman’s alpha. My best guess.
they must be getting desperate for distractions . Kristy Noem and whats his name then this and shes dating a democrat.....this political cycle is going to put mad magazine to shame......
I think things like this are part of the plan and I wholly expect more of it.
The left will start virtue signaling on the sexual degenracy of some of these conservatives big time. Then when the horrible stuff comes out they wont be able to rationalize an argument of sexual freedom and acceptance because they set the bar.
She could be being abused. I knew a girl whose boyfriend made her do public stuff which she felt she couldn't say no to. Considering he seems like a degenerate lefty it wouldn't surprise me. Not sure why she would date him to begin with though.
Conservative or liberal, it doesn’t matter. This is tacky behavior
I find it awfully curious that the security camera had such a perfect angle on her
And I believe this dude she’s having an affair with is a democrat. Is he using her to set her up?
She’s a fool for trusting him, especially given how much the left hates her
This is a crop from a pretty wide shot of the theater.
We really need to back Boebert up here. We can't criticize our own, especially when we have so few friends these days. And was what she did that bad? If the left can let children see drag shows, I don't see why a heterosexual couple with a little too much PDA is such a big issue. Also, banning smoking indoors was a massive over reach of federal authority, it should have been left up to the states, so I don't think vaping is really a big deal either. Sometimes you have to protest the laws that are unjust.
I hear what you're saying, but she has no power. She's just "conservative AOC" send loves the same antics. She was symbolic at first.... An ordinary business owner pushing back on Beto who championed traditional values and family. Then she abandoned her husband, children, and values to act like the HS whore she was rumored to be. It's a bad look and we don't need it. While PDA might not be bad, having restraint in public as a representative is important. She can be as freaky as she wants with her husband behind closed doors, but she dumped him to become a 304. Her only value was her symbolism. She lost that and needs to go.
She’s in CO - wasn’t Beto Texas? I am with you though this isn’t really conservative of her, but end of the day when put into context with the VA rep live-streaming sex acts it’s a little hypocritical for one side to defend the couple literally saying for her husband to pee him her mouth for tips while on camera while railing against pda in a dark theater
Beto was doing some cross country anti gun tour and boebert showed up with her holstered pistol to fill his ear. Its what launched her career. If I remember right, it was right after parkland. But yes, exactly, she ended her career by acting out of line.
“Our own”? 🤔 Based on what? Who are these people in DC anyway? Why should we trust any of them? What have they done for us — for the country? Particularly, “our own”
Be honest, replace Boebert in this story with a squad member, or any democrat politician; would you be this generous?
Of course I wouldn't excuse this if she was a Democrat, but we know they are evil and simply beyond redemption. She's one of our own because she backed Q and president Trump. I can't believe so many supposed patriots are so willing to abandon those who have supported us simply for some minor mistakes. I mean, really, who of us hasn't been persecuted for our support of the truth and thrown out of places like theaters and what not.
“Our own”??? Not everyone here is a republican. You still trust politicians? Then don’t dare call other people sheep
Yes, she got kicked out acting like a fucking moron. Vaping and the dude she was with was feeling her tits a ton.
Thank you for calling this goofy bitch out. So many on the right are trying to sweep it under the rug, call it fake, a set-up, etc. This shit needs to be called out regardless of who you are or what side you are on. Trash is trash, period.
She has grandkids at this point
Yeah. She's 36 and currently in divorce procedings with a guy she married after he exposed himself to her and other minors at the time.
She got married really young to her high school crush. Had her first son while still in high school, and had 3 more in the next 7 years. She was thrust into adulthood too early, due to the early marriage and pregnancies, missing a key part of youthful development (ages 18 - 25) where you figure yourself out and grow up. Now that she is separated/divorced from first husband, she is experiencing a freedom she hasn't had since she was a young teen. Thus the arrested development behavior.
I've seen this happen to several people I knew.
After early marriages and terrible divorces, they went on drunken binges, smoked, did drugs and slept their way all over town (in a complete departure from their previous self) behaving atrociously for a period of time before they 'fell into co-dependency again' and remarried and became their previous dependable, monogamous person like before.
Thanks for the link for sauce. As a public figure, you would be under scrutiny 24/7, as she should know. Not defending, but we are all human. Being horny isn't a crime. In public is tacky as someone mentioned. As a public figure, it's worse. To her credit she did immediately admit to it and say she screwed up (the best bosses do in the private sector btw). Beyond that, once we are able to take back our country, we'll have incidents such as this happen, and we'll have to look to the codes of conduct, as we should now. Persinally, while tacky, this is a small thing (which she said!), and we should look at her record as a public servant. Case by case basis and all that. Just IMHO.
I see what you are saying. But, this makes me distrust her judgement. also the fact the dude is a dem makes it strange.
Didnt like her vaping in a theater either, kinda like an I am better than all you people moment.
maybe a one time mistake maybe she is getting sucked into the depravity in DC maybe she was never one of us
Time will tell, but eyes on.
Ahhh I missed that. Got suace por favor?
The Gateway Pundit article covers it thoroughly with multiple videos.
This is what I observed:
LB was clearly quite inebriated and/or high that night and the videos show she did in fact use her vape pen inside the theater before the show started, which is entirely inappropriate.
She became very animated in her seat (dancing, singing and raising her arm in the air) like she was at a rock concert. Videos show that no one else was behaving that way.
She also was wearing a skin tight dress that allowed her newly enhanced double D's to spill out the top in a most egregious display. Male companion copped a feel here and there and she rubbed his thigh and more it seems.
Someone complained apparently, and two ushers showed up and croutched down in the aisle across and slightly behind them to observe their behavior. LB then whipped out her phone and started taking multiple flash images which is not allowed. Then the 2 ushers/security swooped in and escorted them out.
A Point of Concern beyond her free-spirited and juvenile behavior is the amount of surveillance cameras they had trained on her from inside the theater, down the walkway out, out the door, to another camera, to another camera following her as she walked outside with her companion nearly all the way to the parking garage. 1984 is here!
She was doing foreplay with her date, and let's not be hypocrites, it was gross behavior in a public theater , and yes, there were children there. Just because she is a Republican does not earn her a lot of defense, or blaming the left for distributing this far and wide, if it had been AOC, everyone would believe it and make it headlines. A theater person back stage claims she was in the front, and was obnoxiously drunk. Acting like a slut, and so was he, there are claims the he owns a bar that had a drag queen night, and she's just a ho. She was in a dress with most of her boobs exposed, and he was on them like white on rice, and she was rubbing his penis. I really do not care to judge, but this is too much not to. Low IQ with no morals and no sense of who she is, I guess she said to the security people "do you know who I am". Well, she should have remembered who she is and where she was. She is a grandma because her 17 year old got some 16 year old pregnant, nice. I don't care what consenting adults do with each other, I dont even want to know, but this is not that, and it went far beyond public displays of affection. Nasty.
So Boebert AND Noem are both having affairs? And the news just so happens to find out about each the same week? Odd. Expect MTG and Kari Lake to have affairs next.
They always go with the sex smears during election season
Ok, how come nobody is talking about how someone just happened to be at the play with a low light DSLR camera? It’s like a night vision Pic.
Prob security cam
It's a security camera at the theater.
Maybe you don't like the other soldiers in the foxhole next to you. It's still a war.
i think she is divorced. weird that she is dating this dem though and behaving like a leftist slut.
Wow it's almost as if she's been an obvious Dan Crenshaw type from the start...
Yeah, always posing for photographs with her gun. Look at me I’m one of you type shit.
Like most in DC, I dont trust her or just about anyone else for that matter.
I think less of her as a serious person now, but she could still be useful to the movement. We will see what happens.
If ANY bidenbro wants to talk about this I'm going to ask them if that means it's now time to talk about Biden's inappropriate showers with his daughter.
we have actual porn of a democrat.
why do I care about 2 people getting stalked and all they produced was foreplay.
we have videos of Hunter fucking his niece.
we have pictures of a failed democrat run for Florida governor after a orgy vomitting on himself.
we have the head of the supreme Court with provable evidence he committed human trafficking.
we have video after video of Joe Biden sniffing and groping children.
we have a convicted human trafficker at weddings of Chelsey Clinton.
and then this is getting pushed.
Nuremberg 2.0, hang these "journalists"
Some guys have all the luck.
Attention whore.
Who knew they had this kind of surveillance inside theaters? This is Big Brother-type surveillance. How is this O.K.?
Maybe a hypocrisy set up for the slut dem fucking on the internet for tips? Amazing how there's nothing but crickets in the media about that whore?
Not molesting a child. Consenting adults. Tacky, but whatever.
Can we get Epstein’s list published please?
Well the progressives have no reason to complain, really? Don't they celebrate any sexual expression, any time, for any reason, or none?
This is just FakeNews, holding ppl they do not like, to standards they would otherwise celebrate. Give Us All a Break.
I am not defending her or researching this incident, I could "care less" b/c if the lefties are in a nut roll about it . . . I am not gong to put fuel on their fire.
I have no stake in her. I am TRUMP 45 all the way! But if they want to take her out so badly, it might be for a reason . . . just saying.
Well WHOEVER it is, she's a randy thing, isn't she?!
Was it dark in the theatre?
Perhaps she didn't think anyone could see.
Good point and that camera angle is sus,unless they have seating up their.
Might just be a security camera.
It said it was a security camera, but why is the footage getting out?
Because she denied her actions that led to her getting kicked out of the theater. It is a Beetlejuice play with children present. This bitch is trash all the way around.
In the dark….unseemly, and stupid…..but she should not resign over this….
No, what she needs to do is apologize including the security staff that she flipped off as they escorted her out. Trashy bitch.
She’s a woman who wants to be in government and act like someone who has a dick. Not many conservative men i know want to be a beta to their woman’s alpha. My best guess.
Democrats are made because this didn’t occur in a public library.
Plus, they're different genders. Unconscionable.
must say pretty tacky...something a democrat would do but come on man you dont need to act like a damn teenager in heat...get a room...jeeeze
The night vision cams really show how phones are scanning your face.....constantly
There may be video...
I'm not happy that the dude she is dating is a democrat... tf is she thinking?
they must be getting desperate for distractions . Kristy Noem and whats his name then this and shes dating a democrat.....this political cycle is going to put mad magazine to shame......
Might be a circle jerk........at least it's not ghay
There is an African proverb.... Never trust a woman who has slept with your enemy. If he's a Democrat, she needs to go.
I think things like this are part of the plan and I wholly expect more of it.
The left will start virtue signaling on the sexual degenracy of some of these conservatives big time. Then when the horrible stuff comes out they wont be able to rationalize an argument of sexual freedom and acceptance because they set the bar.
Looks like she was going for popcorn and enjoying the show
Oh I saw this video..... https://rumble.com/v3i09oq-lauren-boebert-oh-my-.html
This movie......is getting predictable
She could be being abused. I knew a girl whose boyfriend made her do public stuff which she felt she couldn't say no to. Considering he seems like a degenerate lefty it wouldn't surprise me. Not sure why she would date him to begin with though.
Yanks for the mammaries.