It Begins: Australia’s Fifth-Largest Bank Announces Digital-Only Transactions – Will Phase Out Cash, Cheque, and Phone Payments in All 80 Branches Starting Next Year
Everyone close their accounts immediately. If the next bank tries it. Take your money out and keep it out until there is a correction.
This. I would move to the smallest bank I could find.
Never give up your guns.
It didn't take long for Australia to decend into a dystopian nightmare once they surrendered them.
My heart goes out to our brothers and sisters down under. It's not over yet...
That's so true.
I personally handed over 63 long rifles, a sawn-off shotgun, a 20 mm Oerlikon canon, a musket, a pointy stick and potato gun and look where it got me.
You are highly astute to note this and say this on a thread about Australia.
It is a concept we have never once encountered and it needs to be repeated in every thread about Australia on GA because reasons.
Nothing like a bit of sarcastic levity to drive the point home. "cliche". yeah, you right about dat.
Look, getting the guns was like step 19 in a 40 step plan that even if we had those guns, the other 39 steps would still drown us.
I think yanks (that's Aussie for "americans") just go to this because not surrending those weapons WAS part and parcel of the rebellion against the brits. Understandable. And all things considered, Australia would be a lot better off with those gun laws never having been put in place. But it is really such a small factor, in the scheme of things, over here.
Well said.
You would think every Australian had a hand-gun holder in the shower, a M1 carbine under the bed, a 357 under the pillow and a Barrett .50 cal in the car and then just gave them all back in one day in the 90's and everything else happened in a vacuum and solely because of that one act.
It's as if that is the only detail these people know of Australia and their brain stem just starts mouthing the phrase as soon as they hear the name of the continent.
I repeat: kekekeeke
There is a false logic in what you have written here.
As if 'giving up wide-ranging gun ownership rights' led directly to the current situation.
It didn't. Rather, it is a case of it being one factor in a large number of co-incidental factors.
This fact is a bit of a thorn for me whenever US pedes post statements like this, as if the 1999 collection of guns and passing of restricting gun laws is a MAIN factor in the devolvement of Australia along its current lines.
Far more damaging have been the infiltration and occupation of institutions of the globalist - Marxist dichotomy.
It's been 24 years since those laws were passed (on the foundation of a very successful false flag operation) but the groundwork for that was laid for many years (decades) before this.
The idea that "give up your gun rights" is the key factor allowing the emergence of the Cabal state here is very simplistic, and doesn't represent the reality.
It's a factor, or rather, a simple node along a course of 30+ nodes, but not the primary one at all.
I appreciate, however, the solidarity you've expressed, and the empowering "It's not over yet".
The solidarity of our worldwide pedes with Ausanons is really, really important to us (imo). But as part of that solidarity, please take some time to not reduce things too simplistically, or interpret the Australian situation completely through the United States lens. There is MUCH more to it.
(ps. updooted)
nEvEr GlvE uP yOuR gUns !!!! ("They took our jobs" voice from Southpark)
"Captain obviously too late" chiming in like clockwork in a thread about Aus in one of the single biggest cliches possible on GA.
How many thousand times have I seen this?
Too many. I should never have handed that shoulder fired, Portable air defense weapon back. Woe is me.
That point was more for Americans than Aussies...They kinda already shit the bed on that one.
There comes a point when it just too late for talk.
Its too late for protests, strong worded letters and diplomatic solutions.
Case in point - a parking ticket. If you don't pay, they'll do everything civil before showing up at your house and under the threat of violence, kidnap you and then make you pay.
It is ONLY the threat of violence that compels you into compliance
There's nothing else like it... it's simply uncanny - incidentally, it just as effective on those who would use violence against you.
So yeah... it's all cliche I guess...but there comes a time when people just need to be punched in the mouth and thrown a beatin' for doing what they did so order can be rightfully restored.
Can't say I agree with all of your views expressed here.
Curiously, regarding parking tickets, I have 'defeated' two parking tickets in the last 12 months, without resorting to violence or even to a judicial hearing, but by actually not complying with their system.
I guess some folks like to think that 'threat of violence' is the only thing that compels THEM into compliance. But they aren't everybody. Many comply because they actually think its the right thing to do. Violence doesn't come into the question.
The other day, I was in an incident where I damaged a person's car late at night, when no one was around. I could have left the scene and no person other than myself would be the wiser. I chose not to.
Likewise, many comply with [x] because they actually think it is the right thing to do. Others, yes, one can assume, only do so because they will be threatened with violence otherwise.
Human beings are complex. In any case, your analogy (I'm hoping) about punching people in the mouth and throwing them for a beating, well, not really my cup of tea.
Yep... I get what you're saying.
My point was, without the threat of violence - nobody would comply with anything. It's their threat of violence (stick) that compels obedience. That's the bottom line.
Strongly worded letters or words don't repel physical force. Unfortunately, that's reality across all species on this planet.
I think I'd modify that to "without threat of violence, nobody would comply with obvious evil".
I think we're roughly on the same page. You sound kinda Bastiat-ish to me. :D
Aussie Anons banking with Macquarie Bank, might be time to jump ship. If they're given the Bud Light treatment the global rollout of this digital currency plan can be stalled.
Who wants to stall it? It is the start of the 3rd act of the movie and the only thing a smooth-brain normie is capable of noticing. Bring it !
Edit:- Great post !
Great point. Poor choice of words on my part. "Stall" as in never to restart again ;). Engine is cooked. Take digital currency to the wrecking yard
Macquarie might be the fifth biggest bank here, but they are not one of the BIG FOUR.
It's not hard to theorize that this big but not too big bank is being used to open the way and make the descent into cashlessness smoother.
This gives the ruling power to freeze all your money until you comply. You will not be able to buy or sell when “HE” comes to power and this is just the beginning. Only the sheeple will think this okay.
I gotta think a move this bold will wake up a LOT of sheeple. When you hit someone with rainbows flags or some other B.S., the sheeple can just ignore it if its not to their liking. But this is MONEY we're talking about. This hits the sheeple in the wallet. And what of the older generation who may not do anything digitally??? This has got to be the most massive wake up call EVER for the sheeple.
Agree. Sadly, there are still a lot of people asleep. Only a massive and unexpected jolt to their wallet will wake them from their slumber.
How perfect is it that to fall asleep, ya count SHEEP
Once again, New Zealand is ahead of the curve. Banks have not been accepting cheques since mid 2021. There was no fuss here when that happened. Cash is still being used uninterrupted but very few people actually use it. More & more often I get strange comments when I pull cash out of my wallet to pay. We are ripe as a country for the controllers to end cash. One problem they face is that there is a sizeable portion of the cash in circulation that is unaccounted for. I wonder where that cash could possibly be?
Probably safely stuffed under someones mattress kek
I'd be moving my accounts elsewhere.
I would be moving out of Australia for the foreseeable future. The writing is on the wall for some really tragic human rights violations that will look an awful lot like the holocaust.
And move where? To bidong pedo land
The only place I know that will be the very last place standing is the south east United States. Folks around here are pretty particular about not putting up with tyranny. The folks around here are not afraid to rebel.
And how would they be staying in the US legally, if they chose to ditch Australia and move here, because an investment bank chose to do away with dealing with checks and cash?
What makes you think some random person from Australia will be more worthy of immigrating to the US than, say, some random person from Mexico?
Seriously? People don't even have to hide when they come here illegally. Getting to America is easy from Australia. It is as simple as booking a flight. You just don't take the return trip. With tens of millions of illegal aliens, they aren't even showing up on the radar from the UK, Canada and Australia.
So you're ok with people coming to the US and staying here illegally?
Or is it only certain people you don't want to be in the US illegally?
No, I am saying they are coming and they are here and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. If freedom loving people come here to escape tyranny, then at least it is something I can define and get behind. The United States was literally founded on people trying to escape tyrants and embrace freedom. (The massacre of indigenous people being a discussion for another time) and yes, there are certain people that I do not want to come here, illegally or otherwise and no, it has nothing to do with ethnicity nor religion. As a mixed breed child of an asian immigrant, I do not have a preference for ethnicity nor religion, but do have a preference for moral, ethical and hardworking people. That all being said, I find the Aussie accent cute and funny.
Just to provide some context:
There are only 4 "Big Banks" in Australia and Macquarie isn't one of them.
As someone else already commented, it's a small investment bank, not a consumer bank. So the public won't be affected much by this.
Good to know. Thx for the add'l context. So if its just an investment bank, does that mean your investment money converts to digital and if so, couldn't your investment be tied up by any digital restrictions they may choose to apply (examples: stocks, retirement plans, savings accounts, etc)?
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing when we're talking about "digital".
Are you thinking along the lines of "crypto" when you're talking about "digital"?
Because from what I understand, the only difference will be that they no longer take cash deposits and they no longer give customers cash. And they will no longer accept or give anyone checks.
Other than that, nothing really changes.
Guess what I'm trying to say is, if its 100% digital, how can you physically possess it if you needed to for some reason? Whatever investment it is, if you wanted to "cash out" and collect to give something physical of value to a family member how would you?
Note, I'm not at all arguing you with here, I'm just genuinely curious. If its all digital and not at all physical, can they (or have they) declared that you can only spend or exchange or whatever so much? Just so many questions and potential land mines that can be imposed on this it would seem. And they can look up your personal net worth bc they have the data digitally, whereas if you had physical assets stored in a personal vault or safety deposit box or whatever, you maintain a certain level of ambiguity.
You could use your bank card to buy whatever it is of physical value, provided the place you wanted to buy it from accepted non-cash payments.
I think you're overthinking this a bit. It's no different than how you use banks when you use your debit card. You're simply not using checks or cash.
And if you absolutely needed to use cash, I suppose you could just transfer your money from this bank to another bank where you have an account that does give you cash, or use any ATM that accepts that bank's card. You'll just have to pay a transaction fee.
And I really don't understand your comments about items in safe deposit boxes. Do you think Macquarie is going to be confiscating items from safety deposit boxes you have and just add their value to your account with them? I'm not sure Macquarie even offers their customers safety deposit boxes. They're not commercial banks, from what I understand.
Why would they put a limit on what you can spend?
You do realize that almost 99% of the banking in the US (and likely all of Western society) is digital banking already, right? Very little banking is done with physical checks and cash.
That's really the only thing changing here. Physical checks and cash. They're not messing about with safe deposit boxes.
You can go straight to the source to look for whatever changes they're going to make in regards to fees or limits or such. I really don't have the time to research it for you. I'm not being rude, just truthful.
Appreciate your take on this topic and I'm not arguing any points or interpreting your comments as rude in any way. Helpful if anything. I'm just trying to wrap my brain around this as cash and checks still very much exists in my world for payments to and fro. I've been locked out of too many things digital to fully trust it. I'll continue to research this independently for sure. Thx again for your insight!
No problem. It's smart to wonder what else they'll be doing.
Macquarie is not really in the Consumer Bank business. They are an investment bank. It will have little effect to consumers.
You can only pay by card at my local Pizza Hut and pub also here in UK. Ordering via QR code and just having people bring over a plate of food without even talking to you or making pleasantries makes the dining experience feel so hollow and corporate.
And they even still want a friggin tip after not even doing half of what they used to!!
When they only take CBDC for mortgages, we are in trouble.
It ends if enough people close their accounts and at least move to local options.
There is pretty much nothing that scares me more about Australian than the push towards a cashless society going into overdrive.
5th largest bank, they aren't very confident that this will work. The strategy is to test the market, if it fails the bank will close and it's not a huge loss, if it works then the rest will do it.
Pronounced "mockery". How appropriate.
Is it really??? Oh man, that makes this story even better! Digital Currency is exactly that: a mockery
Currently in commbank, looking to move to a credit union perhaps. Commbank already making it harder or taking longer to transfer money into known crypto exchanges but easy to get crypto exchanges into the account... so lame
I've read that 90% of Americans already use digital payments. They also receive their paycheck and pay bills via electronic transfer and store their savings and investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, & crypto in digital accounts. We're not too far from a cashless society and most wouldn't mind because it's convenient.
Agreed, but when they remove the option to make cash transactions, they further restrict your ability to purchase things without their knowledge and ultimately their acceptance. You will only be able to buy what they allow you to. It will start with ammo and guns ... but it will ultimately end up being food and other necessities you need to survive. You will do whatever they want you to do once they control your food.
That is where this is heading.