The air is filled with the stench of weed all day long. The streets are fill with non civilians. That city is on the edge man. If you live there, get the hell out yesterday.
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That's where all the East Coast cities are headed. Non stop pot smoke, massive illegal immigrant population, increase in violent crime, decrease in analytical thought and education, lack of employable people (lacking knowledge skills or abilities), etc. Same story, hundreds of cities along I-95. Smelling weed at 6am as cars are on the highway with people driving 80 miles an hour knowing everyone around you is impaired and if you die just trying to get from point A to point B no one will give a shit because they don't value life anymore. Civilization is falling.
"bro" - You ain't lying. All along I-95...
Im out in the field stuck in slow moving bumper to bumper in January and had to roll the damned windows down so I didn't get a contact high.
It's absolutely unreal! Sad but true!
What is a "non civilian"? Like the streets are filled with military smoking all the dank weed or what?
I think OP means noncitizens.
Dang, I liked my version better.
Me too
No wonder our country is in trouble. 😂🤣😂
Aliens of the illegal type.
The alien disclosure the past months or so by the US Govt and Mexico must be deep state comms for using the illegal aliens sleepers that came through the border to initiate terror attacks.
Crap, nothing would shock me at this point. My 2023 crazy shit bingo card was full 3 months ago.
7/26/23 Three military vets disclose UFOs.
8/8/23 Maui fires.
9/13/23 Meixco alien corpses.
Never been there. Used to want to visit. Not anymore.
Me too, and it's pretty sad for me.
All of my heroes came from there. Doc Savage, Spiderman, Batman, Donald Trump, etc.
Maybe the fantasy of NYC was always better than the reality, I don't know.
I hear ya...there's probably something to that. I live in the Midwest but I grew up in Los Angeles...people who haven't been there seem to have a bipolar view of it....on one hand they think movie stars are on every street corner...on the other, their view is of trash, gangs, and hopelessness. Reality is somewhere in between. I imagine NYC is similar....somewhere in between. There are good people and fabulous scenes everywhere. One has only to look in the gaps.
Don't look in the gaps in NYC. The rats will fit in any gap.
It was a good thing. Growing up in NYC at least back in the day, meant that your character was shaped by certain dynamics that would force you to be scrappy, insistent, and proportionately confrontational. Those are all strengths when it comes to just getting things done in life.
The last time I was there was just a few days before 9/11. I had a bunch of customers in the WTC buildings including both towers and #7. I was working on a pen test on the 80th floor for a recurring investment bank customer that time, and staying in the Marriott World Trade. We finished our assessment and returned home to work on the report and exec briefing. The buildings were gone before we finished the report. So was the hotel. I've never been back.
I've always wanted to go there, never did. Now the dummies have ruined it.
I was there with a few family members for the first time back in fall of 2017. When booking our travels we received travel advisories about pick pockets, with advice to wear a cross-body wallet or purse under your jacket to foil the roving bands of snatch and grabbers.
We stayed across from Central Park and when we did a little walking around, the giant piles of stinking garbage stacked in black plastic garbage bags were 6ft tall in front of every hotel and every storefront. Every sidewalks was full of stinking garbage, loiterers, and panhandlers.
Everywhere we walked in arguably the nicest parts of NYC, the garbage stink was so heavy in the air that it felt like it got all over us. We took showers every morning and then again every night.
Times square was frenetic and we were constantly harassed by panhandlers who pestered us for money. The food was ultra expensive and it was so crowded you had to wait hours to be served and couldn't even look around and see the place.
We used UBER while there, but the traffic was so congested it was often faster to walk. When we did, the creatures walking the streets were like something out of the Star Wars bar scene. So many weird, strange people with crazy hair and clothes and so many flamboyant gays and trans people.
It was a real disappointment.
I feel fortunate to have visited several times before all of this madness. I had a very enjoyable experience with none of this. I hope they can restore it.
Same here. Although I did enjoy this description🐸"the creatures walking the streets were like something out of the Star Wars bar scene"
Indeed a sad place now after almost all my fave restaurants are gone
I used to go to a very small Turkish restaurant every time I went up there on business (pre-9/11). I was stationed in Turkey for 1.5 years in the USAF and loved Turkish food, so when I found this place I assumed they would have iskender kebap. They did not. I asked to see the manager and when he came over I greeted him in Turkish. I told him I lived in Ankara for over a year and wanted iskender, and that it was my favorite food. He grinned ear to ear and said he would personally make it for me. After that, every time I was in NYC I would go there. He would see me and start preparing my iskender. He couldn't miss me either. The restaurant only had like 6 tables.
That was all I looked forward to in NYC.
Oh -
I wouldnt keep my eyes open if I were to find myself in NYC by some misfortune, lol
The first time I smoked weed I said to myself, "what else is the government lying about?" And began waking up. I'm sure there's others too.
Everywhere smells like weed now. I live in the woods but have to drive through a few towns on the way to work. Once you get to town the weed is in the air. Or coming out of the car in front of me.
Every western city is falling or has been lost.
All of where I live smells like pot. So gross. Imagine actually supporting it and making excuses like "no one would drive while under the influence of pot, you guys are just harshing our vibe".
Like, I'm sorry. I wouldn't want to make someone smell my odors, don't make me smell that skunky shit everywhere I go.
Edibles are better anyway. You're damaging the soft tissue of your esophagus, as all smoke -- including pot -- does.
Have you noticed NYC Mayor cries that he needs funding but says nothing about closing the border, deporting illegals.
Saw documentaries on Philly with tranq victims, needles everywhere, gunfire in the area. People living in the streets not fancy hotels. Thats where NYC is headed. Weed is nothing compared to that sh...t.
Yea, Tranq eats the victims flesh.
YUP! Needles everywhere
Junkies everywhere
Violent and aggressive hobos everywhere
Non citizens everywhere
Smoke shop smoke shop smoke shop vape shop smoke shop smoke shops smoke shops vape shop
All of its fake weed. The weed smells terrible.
Heck I’m a smoker but cmon they are smoking some GARBAGE on every corner!
The whole “white line” culture the gram has created turns every driving trip into a bad fast and furious movie
people passed out sleeping or OD on every block.
Meanwhile all the illegals posted up in nice hotels getting their government check.
COVID was the kill shot. It destroyed major business and basic fundamentals of society in every city and town across the globe.
The summer of BLM love was the finishing touch.
Stay frosty guys it will get worse before it gets better.
Thanks patriot, stay strong.
Surrendering your east and west coasts to these globalist wing-nuts isnt going to make America great again.
Wash rinse repeat with any shithole big city.
Weed is necessary to help people relax in an environment like that. Cannabis terpenes are sublime.
Smoking is a worse high and terrible for you, as well as being offensive to others.
Do yourself and everyone around you a favor and switch to edibles. Cleaner high, no esophageal damage, no odors.
Edibles have a different high which I am well acquainted with. Never heard anyone claim it's "cleaner."
The big meta study of all the data showed no increased lung disease. I haven't heard about "esophageal damage" from weed.
Many, many people appreciate the wonderful smells and tastes of cannabis terpenes in smoked form. Why should I care if you are offended by some burning herb? That's your problem.
Actually, it's not. I have a friend who is violently allergic to weed smoke. Instant migraines.
Your attitude is actually the problem. "I don't give 2 shits about anyone else as long as I can smoke my weed".
This loyalty to weed, and disregard for others in pursuit of it, is just about the stupidest thing ever.
That's pretty rare. You think the world should stop smoking herb because of your friend? Dumb.
All smoke irritates your esophagus and causes damage. Weed is not some magical plant with magical smoke that has different properties than literally EVERY OTHER SMOKE ON THE PLANET.
"Big meta studies" came to the conclusion that pot is not carcinogenic compared to all of the gross additives in cigarettes and cigars, but smoke is still smoke which irritates and eventually damages your esophagus. Undereducated pot loyalists think that cancer is the only thing smoke causes and this is fucking adorable.
Okay, so you're inconsiderate and retarded. Next time some fat ass has the body odor that could knock you on your ass, remember that they shouldn't be considerate of you so don't criticize them.
Do you think something can be carcinogenic if it doesn't cause cancer? It's not carcinogenic compared to anything at all. If anything there is a negative correlation with cancer and smoking herb. You can make all the shit up you want but all it does is make you look angry and dumb.
What's the toll these days just to get in like $22 or something?
Count the $$$ from just a insane!!!!
Boomers as far as the eye can see in this thread
We are all patriots here. Wellcome.