On a recent visit my Deep Blue Aunt (who i love dearly)asked me in conversation what i thought about a Michelle Obama presidential run. I said, "oh you mean Michael Lavonne Robinson?" The following conversation left her absolutely flabbergasted. She'd never even heard of this. She actually asked me for more info on it! Can you autists help me out with a trove of Manly Mike media/proof? Thanks guys, this could be her redpill moment!!! Wish me luck
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Awe, nice.
I discovered that my black 'not next door neighbor' is an Obama lover.
We had a great conversation until I made a joke about michelle being a man & Obama being gay.
Then she didn't like me anymore.
I thought Obama lovers also loved gays and trannies?!?
Nope, they are all the biggest bigots, racists, and xenophobes in America, they just scream that at the rest of us in their classic narcissistic projections
which button to push meme.
Truth hurts.
Congrats, you've ostracized would be Truth Seekers with the lowest hanging, lowest brow PsyOp Clowns have thrown at us. This effectively is what killed the Tea Party momentum. Obsession over dick pics.
That woman isn't seeking any truth. Rest assured.
I hate that kind of attitude. Everyone has potential to seek Truth, to cultivate a hunger for it. The masses have simply just been so bombarded with distractions and artificially-induced stressors to gain a taste for it.
Or she thinks you’re crazy. I’d show her a picture of that other couple and emphasize Michelle was never photographed while pregnant.
This is good works. They'll dig to prove wrong. No pics!
Not sure if it's even necessary to go the "Big Mike" route.
Why not show her the rock solid evidence that Michelle:
-Avoided black schools her entire educational career while demonizing the lack of segregation in chicago schools.
-Worked for the city as the hatchet man to screw black home owners out of their houses for a city building project.
-Worked for the Chicago medical system and her job charter was to make sure ambulances took poor blacks to shitty strip mall clinics instead of good hospitals.
-Lied about her "racist" high school guidance counselor who thought going to Princeton was "aiming too high" when it turns out the counselor was black herself.
Michelle/Michael Obama has a long history of being an utterly shitty human being regardless of her gender and it's all well documented. Why not go with the rock solid evidence rather than trying to convince your aunt of something that's harder to prove?
UHHHHHH...can you provide ANY of the above in a format that all can read...I ain't from Chicago BUT did get married there...and thank you!!!
bravo fern ...good one to send him.....we need to find the Joan Rivers clip too.......
I think it is also in there at the end
That one should be the lead-in to the rest of the videos.
Do not send that.
Cmon anons, do a simple search and you can find a few lies in that video.
That image that is shown is a photoshop of the picture Barack posted himself on instagram.
I can't believe I'm linking to a fact check website, but they are correct:
Now, all that said, yes Michelle Obama is a man.
Show her this. https://rumble.com/v11qtz3-joan-rivers-in-2014-we-all-know-michelle-obama-is-a-tranny.html
Joan Rivers suspicious death info needs to get sent too
I mean, if you're ok with sending your aunt pics of Mike's swinging dick dancing on Ellen, or coming out of some building with Barry, scratching his balls. The pics of the girls' REAL parents looking just exactly like them are some good red pills.
The pics of the girls with their real parents are just so clear and obvious.
Shower her the pictures of the vatican snake head building. It's great for red pilling.
There's also that "lip-reading" clip where she leans over to Barack and says, "All this for a damn flag."
Use the Socratic Method. Show her the clip of Barack referring to Michelle as Michael (he did it at least twice on video). Then ask her how any husband could mistake his wife's name. Then walk awake and let her stew on it. Don't bring it up until she does.
Ask her if anyone's seen a birth certificate for "Michelle"
or knows what happened to Obama's good good friend Michael LaVaughn Robinson.
Big Mike can answer any questions she might have...😘
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faezd00IkJ4 , https://www.bitchute.com/video/H2mgqbRM9I9h/
Start with her book… BECOMING MICHELLE….
Then get some snacks and candy and sit with her and watch THIS… https://www.youtube.com/live/kKB6ZtcMjy4?si=_HKHiHkifpQQpoo7
Congrats on your red pill… the more THEY know!
You got this.. There is so much there.. Many frens here will help.. Just tryst yourself.. And be there for her.. She will need you..
Google Big Mike and observe all the gymnastics naming everyone in the world except, the real big Mike...lol
Yeah Google... but figured Aunty Em is going to Google it, unless you've told her about alternatives.
Good story. Thanks for doing your part soldier. Infiltrate the blue because birds of a feather share habbenings and breakthroughs in their paradigm.
I don’t know where the link is, but showing her that great video montage of him dancing with Ellen and others and Joan Rivers comments would be great. Also stress that Joan Rivers was dead within two weeks of revealing that on tv.
The clip from the Ellen show is still on her official youtube and is probably one of the best things to show someone.
3 recent podcasts in a series about the Obummers that tend to support various "conspiracy theories" -